Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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If Chris did have other women, it doesn't negate the fact he planned on marrying Tara Lintz in January 2010 according to the documents from LE. He discussed these plans with her and was planning a trip with her this summer. He gave Tara a date of when the act of ridding himself of his family would be complete.

I have no doubt we will find out Tara was his motive. LE knows it. The SA's Office knows it. It is why they are going to use her as a star witness in this case, imo. She has no choice but to side with LE and spill her guts.

Question: if Sheri was going on a mission trip this summer and CC was planning a trip with TL this summer...who was going to take care of the boys?
Question: if Sheri was going on a mission trip this summer and CC was planning a trip with TL this summer...who was going to take care of the boys?
It was rumored she was planning on taking the boys on one of those mission trips, but I don't know if this was true. The boys could have stayed with a number of relatives or friends, but the logical place would be for them to stay with their father. Maybe he planned on getting his parents to watch them while Sheri was gone or something so he could be with Miss Motive.
FWIW, I get affairs. I know the cost (literally), the people that can be part of, and being the last one to know. Then working through the ultimate of betrayel and the ache that only time can heal. Therapy seems to help, as well. :) I give no person a pass for an affair. *No one*! I think what is being missed is that CC is a pathological liar that took advantage of Sheri, finances, and whatever he could for is second life. TL had nothing to do with what he nurtured in his own mind and the rationalization of it. The guy had it down until his freaking lies caught up with him. In my humble opinion, CC would never have married TL. TL was just another female stroke for his ego. Any woman would have done it for him. TL was just the "flavor" of the moment.

It does disturb me, even as a person who "gets it" regarding spouses and others they take up with, that TL is out there as if she was responsible for CC's choices and the murders of a family. Chris Coleman should never, ever have another to divert from the case *HE* made himself.

As far as I am concerned, at this moment, MCS has been in contact with TL and she is possibly honoring a request to stay out of the media so not to taint this murder case. Until I read, hear differently this woman is a potential plus to trial. That is all that matters to me.

Blessings and heartfelt prayers to Sheri, Garett, and Gavin's family.

I personally don't think it matters if that picture is photo-shopped or if she really looks like that.

The question is, "IF she's really all that, why did she have to shop out of state for husband material or take left-overs from her friend?":confused:

Guess it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Sheri and the boys are still dead. :(


BBM :clap::clap::clap:
Hm. If Sheri wasn't planning on taking the boys, I wonder if CC was using the death threats to keep her home with the boys so he could somehow weasel his way into the trip with TL?
Their "emotional" affair started long before the physical one, imo. I bet we will find they had plenty of phone sex and sexting before it culminated into a physical relationship. These two didn't just hop into bed, imo. It was a planned thing with Chris being so far away. They weren't just at some bar and they got carried away into a one night stand.

I agree SS ... Just because TL TOLD police the physical affair started in November, does not indicate that is the truth, I mean consider the source. She is going to try and present herself in the best light possible. If she has a shred of decency in her, she probably had a big "OS" moment when all this came out. In my mind she has mucho culpability!
FWIW, I get affairs. I know the cost (literally), the people that can be part of, and being the last one to know. Then working through the ultimate of betrayel and the ache that only time can heal. Therapy seems to help, as well. :) I give no person a pass for an affair. *No one*! I think what is being missed is that CC is a pathological liar that took advantage of Sheri, finances, and whatever he could for is second life. TL had nothing to do with what he nurtured in his own mind and the rationalization of it. The guy had it down until his freaking lies caught up with him. In my humble opinion, CC would never have married TL. TL was just another female stroke for his ego. Any woman would have done it for him. TL was just the "flavor" of the moment.
It does disturb me, even as a person who "gets it" regarding spouses and others they take up with, that TL is out there as if she was responsible for CC's choices and the murders of a family. Chris Coleman should never, ever have another to divert from the case *HE* made himself.

As far as I am concerned, at this moment, MCS has been in contact with TL and she is possibly honoring a request to stay out of the media so not to taint this murder case. Until I read, hear differently this woman is a potential plus to trial. That is all that matters to me.

Blessings and heartfelt prayers to Sheri, Garett, and Gavin's family.


Agreed. My brother (who has since cleaned up his life) was the ultimate player in his younger days. He went through women at a shocking pace. The point to sharing this info is that, at some point, he was "engaged" to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Why? Because it bought him time to figure out what he was going to do with the one or two OTHER women he was also juggling. :eek:
I personally don't think it matters if that picture is photo-shopped or if she really looks like that.

The question is, "IF she's really all that, why did she have to shop out of state for husband material or take left-overs from her friend?":confused:

Guess it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Sheri and the boys are still dead. :(


Good question Fran, why did TL choose CC? I wish we knew what the relationship between SC & TL was like. Has anyone ever had or witnessed another friend have a really bad "friendship"? SC struck me as a very giving, warm person in how she is described by others. Someone who is always there for a friend and doesn't forsake them because they always make bad choices or live a different lifstyle. Maybe TL was jealous of SC way back in high school. SC went on to have a military career, traveled to many countries through her church, then settled down and had two beautiful children. TL well, she had a failed marriage, a purple couch, some rhino horns and a job at a dog track ...
Poster PD comment: .. seems Sheri knew...........

lovinlife09 May 13, 2009 2:22PM CST
I just found out today, my friend's cousin was going to move in with Sheri because she found out CC was having an affair. Guess he didn't want to deal with a messy divorce. What a .

question to "lovinlife09"
ghandi's curry May 13, 2009 2:24PM CST
lovinlife- wow, did she know whom the affair was with?

lovinlife09 May 13, 2009 2:25PM CST
I'm not sure.

It seems, from the above, that Sheri knew of an affair, but it can't be deduced from the above that Sheri knew who it was with. Perhaps she did... perhaps this poster just didn't know.
Agreed. My brother (who has since cleaned up his life) was the ultimate player in his younger days. He went through women at a shocking pace. The point to sharing this info is that, at some point, he was "engaged" to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Why? Because it bought him time to figure out what he was going to do with the one or two OTHER women he was also juggling. :eek:

Good point, I believe CC was also "juggling"
I agree SS ... Just because TL TOLD police the physical affair started in November, does not indicate that is the truth, I mean consider the source. She is going to try and present herself in the best light possible. If she has a shred of decency in her, she probably had a big "OS" moment when all this came out. In my mind she has mucho culpability!

In my mind unless, or until, LE can prove TL had a hand in the planning of the murders, or knowledge thereof, she is not culpable in any way. She may have been a catalyst for CC doing away with his entire family, but she bears no responsibility whatever for the crime of MURDER, CC did that all by himself, unless it can be proven she knew beforehand.

That said, I didn't know it was allowed to call people who have not been charged with a crime names on these boards. Have the rules changed?

My opinion only
In my mind unless, or until, LE can prove TL had a hand in the planning of the murders, or knowledge thereof, she is not culpable in any way. She may have been a catalyst for CC doing away with his entire family, but she bears no responsibility whatever for the crime of MURDER, CC did that all by himself, unless it can be proven she knew beforehand.

That said, I didn't know it was allowed to call people who have not been charged with a crime names on these boards. Have the rules changed?

My opinion only
I haven't called her anything that she has not proven herself to be. ;) It was confirmed she was sleeping with and planning on marrying her best friend's husband. While maybe it doesn't make her a criminal, it does make her a possible/probable motive and I dubbed her Miss Motive to avoid people her real name which I thought was worse.
Another poster comment from that same link:

"FOLLY414 May 14, 2009 12:37AM CST
Sheri's local girlfriends told the MCS about the girl in Florida. They knew about her. p. 332

That doesn't necessarily mean they knew about the affair. For example:

Officer: Do you know anyone else that Sherri may have confided in that we should talk to?

Friend: She has a close friend from high school that lives in Florida, her name is Tara Linz.

This may be the way the father in law provided Tara's name as well. I can't think that he said "hey I know my DIL and grandkids are dead and all evidence points to my boy, but you should really talk to his mistress in Florida".
Good question Fran, why did TL choose CC? I wish we knew what the relationship between SC & TL was like. Has anyone ever had or witnessed another friend have a really bad "friendship"? SC struck me as a very giving, warm person in how she is described by others. Someone who is always there for a friend and doesn't forsake them because they always make bad choices or live a different lifstyle. Maybe TL was jealous of SC way back in high school. SC went on to have a military career, traveled to many countries through her church, then settled down and had two beautiful children. TL well, she had a failed marriage, a purple couch, some rhino horns and a job at a dog track ...
Exactly my point. She wanted the life Sheri and the boys were living. She got to experience this when she traveled wtih Chris and wanted it all. She is just as selfish as Chris.
I haven't called her anything that she has not proven herself to be. ;) It was confirmed she was sleeping with and planning on marrying her best friend's husband. While maybe it doesn't make her a criminal, it does make her a possible/probable motive and I dubbed her Miss Motive to avoid people her real name which I thought was worse.

I didn't know we could call people a "B***ch". There were plenty during the Anthony case, and the Cummings case I would have liked to use that term on, but I believe we were told that was a no no. Is there something different about this case? If so, tell me, maybe I can vent my spleen on a few I don't like.

My opinion only

Edited to Add: When I hear name calling and this much visciousness I wonder if I'm on WS and it really makes me cringe.
In my mind unless, or until, LE can prove TL had a hand in the planning of the murders, or knowledge thereof, she is not culpable in any way. She may have been a catalyst for CC doing away with his entire family, but she bears no responsibility whatever for the crime of MURDER, CC did that all by himself, unless it can be proven she knew beforehand.

That said, I didn't know it was allowed to call people who have not been charged with a crime names on these boards. Have the rules changed?

My opinion only

Speaking for myself, the only name I call TL is MS Motive - though I can see why others have called her out in less flattering terms. While she has not been charged with murder, she has definitely been found guilty of screwing over her friend by screwing her husband. That is sufficient reason to rake her over the coals in my book.

I am waiting to find out just how perverse the relationship was between these two - I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she and CC "joked" about him murdering his wife . . . but of course, she never thought he would actually do it. :devil:

I bet it made for good sexting "foreplay" - and that is what a rousing young woman who is stealing her wife's husband is all about, isn't it? Oh well, I'm sure LE knows all about it.

I found this interesting reference to skulls:

reverse bad luck
hard-core gamblers have also adopted the ‘reverse bad luck’
of the skull for iconograhic purposes. in this context
the skull, along with dice rolling sevens and black cats,
symbolizes luck in adversity.
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