Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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I think I hear what you are saying. I don't think there is ANY excuse for what CC did - no matter WHAT was going on or WHO was pressuring him. But I do think there is a lot of evidence that MM was pressuring him. If Sheri found out about the affair and that caused fighting, and CC felt he was stuck in a corner, rage was probably the cause of the mass murder. Rage is NOT an EXCUSE to let CC off, it's just a REASON. MM is not an EXCUSE for CC's actions, it's just a REASON. Excuses and reasons are completely different ways of describing the circumstances that led up to this horrific crime.

I agree with aspects of each side of the coin on this. I agree that TL was a motive at this time but I also think that chris would have found another motive at some other time and probably already had one. He had it in him to murder his whole family and his beautiful little boys. For what? My opinion is that he just didn't want to be married or be saddled with kids. He had an affair with this woman (perhaps others as well), and she, as well as his job, provided the catalyst. He wanted to keep his job and his status as a good "Christian", while still fooling around and living a free life.
Fran noted that he got Sheri off the deed before he began a relationship with TL. That's super interesting to me. I really think this guy was probably fooling around before TL and was thinking of how to get rid of his family
for awhile.
As for TL, it is apparent that she knew full well that chris was still married to and had a family with Sheri. I don't understand wanting a relationship with any friend's ex if she DIDN'T' know. Very weird. But, I don't see how she didn't know. Sure, most cheating husbands don't kill, so I can't blame her directly, at this point, for the murders. Nevertheless, perhaps this provides a lesson that participating in immoral conduct can have consequences worse than ever imagined. This woman can never escape the knowledge that her actions contributed to the deaths of three innocents.
I didn't know we could call people a "B***ch". There were plenty during the Anthony case, and the Cummings case I would have liked to use that term on, but I believe we were told that was a no no. Is there something different about this case? If so, tell me, maybe I can vent my spleen on a few I don't like.

My opinion only

Edited to Add: When I hear name calling and this much visciousness I wonder if I'm on WS and it really makes me cringe.
The difference is those people are "victims". This woman is still a possible accomplice and a probable motive for murder. She is no victim in this case. Sheri is a murder victim and was also victimized by Tara Lintz, imo. She placed herself in this position and I think she deserves no special treatment.

I am not going to speak nicely about a who murdered his wife and children or the woman who planned to marry him after he murdered them!! It makes me darn angry!! All of it!!
I agree with aspects of each side of the coin on this. I agree that TL was a motive at this time but I also think that chris would have found another motive at some other time and probably already had one. He had it in him to murder his whole family and his beautiful little boys. For what? My opinion is that he just didn't want to be married or be saddled with kids. He had an affair with this woman (perhaps others as well), and she, as well as his job, provided the catalyst. He wanted to keep his job and his status as a good "Christian", while still fooling around and living a free life. Fran noted that he got Sheri off the deed before he began a relationship with TL. That's super interesting to me. I really think this guy was probably fooling around before TL and was thinking of how to get rid of his family
for awhile.
As for TL, it is apparent that she knew full well that chris was still married to and had a family with Sheri. I don't understand wanting a relationship with any friend's ex if she DIDN'T' know. Very weird. But, I don't see how she didn't know. Sure, most cheating husbands don't kill, so I can't blame her directly, at this point, for the murders. Nevertheless, perhaps this provides a lesson that participating in immoral conduct can have consequences worse than ever imagined. This woman can never escape the knowledge that her actions contributed to the deaths of three innocents.

Excellent post, especially the part I bolded. There are lots of "Good Christians" walking around 'till they get caught.

My opinion only
Exactly my point. She wanted the life Sheri and the boys were living. She got to experience this when she traveled wtih Chris and wanted it all. She is just as selfish as Chris.

SS, truly, this cannot be made, such an assumption. To make such a jump that TL had considered this simply is not fair on any level.

The difference is those people are "victims". This woman is still a possible accomplice and a probable motive for murder. She is no victim in this case. Sheri is a murder victim and was also victimized by Tara Lintz, imo. She placed herself in this position and I think she deserves no special treatment.

I see what you are saying, not sure I agree, but what purpose does it serve to call people names? I know a lot of people are identifying with the victim inasmuch as having been cheated on, BUT I can't see making assumptions about this woman until all the facts are in. Yes, they had an affair. No, that wasn't nice, especially since she was Sheri's friend. However, I find it very distrubing that anyone is stooping to name calling when a higher standard is what WS is supposed to be about? I hear it time and again that it's better here because there is no name calling, etc., and yet on this thread it seems to be okay. I don't know, it just bothers me in this case because we do not have all the facts. In other cases, though, I'd have made you guys look like Saints. I used to be a trucker.

Don't mean to preach or be contentious, I just don't feel right about this.
If only Chris had opted for a divorce instead of murder, Sheri and her wonderful sons could have been in store for a much happier life after they got over the emotional trauma he had caused for all of them.

ETA: Has anyone seen any new news the past couple of days? I keep looking and am not really finding anything at all. I am surprised with all the angles out there to pursue for stories. Where are the reporters who are supposed to be on top of this case?!

I haven't seen anything new in the last couple of days on TV and I'm local.
SS, truly, this cannot be made, such an assumption. To make such a jump that TL had considered this simply is not fair on any level.

How is this a jump?! She had to consider all of this. She was planning on a future with this man by marrying him in January of 2010.
How is this a jump?! She had to consider all of this. She was planning on a future with this man by marrying him in January of 2010.

And, not one person knows what the he!! CC told her. This "man" perfected lying as if it was an art. CC planned and carried out a murder of his wife and two wee sons. Could I go into the "art" of lying S.O.B's and that it was done simply for their own wants, needs, and feeling of entitlement? Absolutely. Have I been aware of other women as part of their extracurricular activities? Absolutely. However, bottom line is that these men I have had in my lfe decided for *them*. The other women were just part of an ugly and painful plan. They did not choose to destroy a family, the husbands did. Part of destruction of family, yes they were. But, these men are ultimately responsible for the final outcome.

Neither have I. It keeps amazing me that nothing new is happening.

I've posted 2 new links this afternoon. One poster is so "passionate" about her opinion that that seems the only topic of discussion! Others should be given their space to have differing opinions and not be brow-beaten, dismissed or condescended to.
Analytical, do you have another link? This one won't open unless I sign up. Geesh...major paper here does the same thing. Dorks.

Try it again--it didn't ask me to sign up. Try on sites like that if you haven't already.

Anyway, it just said his mom, dad, brother, SIL and an associate pastor at GC have visited him.
Good evening! :seeya:

Nancy Grace is talking about the case again tonight.
It doesn't mean it is true, but sounds possible. I still think if Sheri did find out about the affair then she would have told her mother and those closest to her. She would have been devasted and I can't see her being able to hide it from anyone.

We went round and round and round about this SAME thing in the Laci Peterson case. At the end of the day, SP DID cheat on Laci at the beginning of their marriage. Laci DID find out. Laci did NOT tell her mom. Sharon was SURPRISED when she found out and shocked that Laci KNEW and hadn't told her.

I don't know ONE person that hasn't kept a thing or two from their parents. Even something as devastating as a cheating spouse.

Hello Panthera,

Again you are looking sleek and black and beautiful this eve... :blowkiss:

Ummm can you update us if there is anything interesting on NG? Hubby is watching his news and that conflicts with NG.
Hello Panthera,

Again you are looking sleek and black and beautiful this eve... :blowkiss:

Ummm can you update us if there is anything interesting on NG? Hubby is watching his news and that conflicts with NG.

You're not missing anything yet (on the Coleman case). The story now is on an abducted 5-year old - snatched from a playground. Mother was dating a registered sex offender and allowing him around the child.
Hello Panthera,

Again you are looking sleek and black and beautiful this eve... :blowkiss:

Ummm can you update us if there is anything interesting on NG? Hubby is watching his news and that conflicts with NG.
Hi Wrinkles and thank you for the compliment! Nancy is talking about another case right now and I guess she'll get back to this one sometime. In her preview she mentioned mostly things we already know, of course.
I know I'm watching NG because "Sheba in Illinois" has called in to talk to Nancy and tell her what a wonderful person NG is. Does she call EVERY night???
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