Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Perhaps the lender has, but this quickly doesn't makes sense. If the mortagage was up to date, as in May before deaths, they still would not pursue this so quickly. I am of the the thought that after refinancing, CC stopped payments to lender not long after. SC may not have been aware of lack of payments until mail/phone calls began. Still, where did the monies go?

FWIW, got knowledge on this foreclosure part. Well, at least in these parts of the world. :)
The article inferring just the May and June payments were missed would have to be incorrect then. I was basing my answer on it only being the two months stated. What you are saying makes a lot more sense though! The timeline from last fall/winter to now would be more accurate under most conditions. MOO
The article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch says that only May and June have been missed. Then on Fox2 News, Jack Carey, the civil attorney said the same thing. I have NO idea how these things work, but apparently only two payments have been missed.

Two missed payments do not mean foreclosure procedures. Warning mailing and phone calls, yes. But, it is not a quick thing that lenders do. Unless the lender chose to pursue since CC has been accused of murder for their monies, which is very hard to believe they would do that so quickly, none of this makes sense. I'm going to have to check out, as a reminder sincer it's been many a thread posted back, who the lender was. Wasn't CC's brother affiliated with the lender??? I think so. Tomorrow I'll review. Too late here now. Well, for me anyway. :)
The article inferring just the May and June payments were missed would have to be incorrect then. I was basing my answer on it only being the two months stated. What you are saying makes a lot more sense though! The timeline from last fall/winter to now would be more accurate under most conditions. MOO

That's where I'm coming from, Panthera. Something is just not right here if the lender decided to foreclose this fast. Not two months of missed payments. This is mid June. I'm wondering if he ever made any payment after refinancing. Take monies and run???? I do not think SC was aware of a thing. Not a thing until phone calls/letters began.
I know Florida could very well be different - but I know someone who lost their job and stopped making payments back in August of 2008, the mortgage company STILL hasn't filed papers with the courts, nor has the owner received any official papers. My sister, who works for the property appraiser in this county, says that it takes 6 mos to a year for legal foreclosure to occur. (at least in Florida)
I know Florida could very well be different - but I know someone who lost their job and stopped making payments back in August of 2008, the mortgage company STILL hasn't filed papers with the courts, nor has the owner received any official papers. My sister, who works for the property appraiser in this county, says that it takes 6 mos to a year for legal foreclosure to occur. (at least in Florida)

Believe me, I *know* it's not that fast. Hence, my questions regarding this. It's odd to say the least.
Two missed payments do not mean foreclosure procedures. Warning mailing and phone calls, yes. But, it is not a quick thing that lenders do. Unless the lender chose to pursue since CC has been accused of murder for their monies, which is very hard to believe they would do that so quickly, none of this makes sense. I'm going to have to check out, as a reminder sincer it's been many a thread posted back, who the lender was. Wasn't CC's brother affiliated with the lender??? I think so. Tomorrow I'll review. Too late here now. Well, for me anyway. :)

I know, I had all of these same questions. Nic Pistor came on the STL board and said that it was NEAR foreclosure and that only two payments have been missed. Additionally it was stated (in the article, I think) that there was no record in Monroe County of foreclosure proceedings.

Nic Pistor stated that the Civil attorney, Jack Carey told him that a letter had been sent threatening foreclosure. Carey stated in a Fox2 online article that he learned of the foreclosure warning letter through Art Margulis.

It's all very confusing to me, but that is what has been reported here locally.
That's where I'm coming from, Panthera. Something is just not right here if the lender decided to foreclose this fast. Not two months of missed payments. This is mid June. I'm wondering if he ever made any payment after refinancing. Take monies and run???? I do not think SC was aware of a thing. Not a thing until phone calls/letters began.
Actually, since it's only mid-June, it makes even less sense! For example, our payments are due the 1st of each month, but there is no late fee unless the payment is made after the 15th. So actually, according to the article, it would just be the May payment. I agree with you, something's definitely not right with this picture, and I think it could be the reporting. :waitasec: MOO
I received a foreclosure "warning" letter once when I was two months behind in my payments. THAT makes sense - but it's a long ways from legal foreclosure.
That's where I'm coming from, Panthera. Something is just not right here if the lender decided to foreclose this fast. Not two months of missed payments. This is mid June. I'm wondering if he ever made any payment after refinancing. Take monies and run???? I do not think SC was aware of a thing. Not a thing until phone calls/letters began.

Are we sure the attorneys weren't talking about the foreclosure PROCESS - and not the actual foreclosure. The process is quite lengthy as is the actual foreclosure. Plus, right now, it is not as easy to foreclose on a property. On the other hand - there is no one on the note who is able to make payments - SC obviously, and I doubt CC is making a lot of cash in jail. :rolleyes: So I don't know.

I think you were right about the lender having some connection to CC's bro. Can't remember the name of the company right now.
I actually lost a home many years ago to foreclosure in NV. I don't recall the details specifically (blocking them out!), but it did take a while before we actually had to leave. I suppose it varies from state to state and from lender to lender. Still, I think 2 months is a bit soon - particularly under current economic conditions.

Taking into consideration the re-fi and quit claim deed, I feel there is going to be more to this. I suppose we shall see! We already know about the mistress, now they need to follow the money....IMO, these things are really never "original."
Are we sure the attorneys weren't talking about the foreclosure PROCESS - and not the actual foreclosure. The process is quite lengthy as is the actual foreclosure. Plus, right now, it is not as easy to foreclose on a property. On the other hand - there is no one on the note who is able to make payments - SC obviously, and I doubt CC is making a lot of cash in jail. :rolleyes: So I don't know.

I think you were right about the lender having some connection to CC's bro. Can't remember the name of the company right now.

I think you are right. From what I am getting, only a letter has been sent. And from what I understand, that letter was discovered by the civil attorney FROM the criminal attorney during the discovery process looking into CC financial affairs. The following is copied from the Post Dispatch article:

"William Margulis, one of Coleman's attorneys, said Monday that his client got a letter threatening foreclosure if he did not make arrangements. He did not indicate what would happen from here."

And from another article:
"I've been told a notice of foreclosure has been served on Christopher Coleman and that at least one car loan is in default," said Jack Carey, the attorney representing Sheri Coleman's family.
I think you are right. From what I am getting, only a letter has been sent. And from what I understand, that letter was discovered by the civil attorney FROM the criminal attorney during the discovery process looking into CC financial affairs. The following is copied from the Post Dispatch article:

"William Margulis, one of Coleman's attorneys, said Monday that his client got a letter threatening foreclosure if he did not make arrangements. He did not indicate what would happen from here."

And from another article:
"I've been told a notice of foreclosure has been served on Christopher Coleman and that at least one car loan is in default," said Jack Carey, the attorney representing Sheri Coleman's family.
(bolding mine)

Now the car loan I can see action being taken immediately, but I agree regarding the house that it would actually take months before it is seized. Another thing about this particular property is it is not going to be an automatic resale, foreclosure or not. MOO
Here's a little bit of news...:)

"In Illinois, defendants have an automatic right to a new judge if they argue their current judge is so prejudiced against the defendant that it will hinder a fair trial. The move for a new judge is common in Illinois."

You are allowed to do it one time and it has to be at the beginning of the trial. you can't wait until you are losing and then get a new judge and trial.

The State will picks the second judge. It is often one from out of town and he is likely to be pissed about having to travel.
DING DING DING LindaDanette and Who Knew get to do the happy dance with the crown :)

Just after I asked that question, I found the answer (finally -- wouldn't you know I would find it immediately after posting the question?)

So let us all do the happy dance in honor of Grover who has been so much fun for so long -- and for the pleasure Grover gave to Sheri as a child.
Greetings Acurrier,

Welcome to WS. You are so right, facts are important -- although most of us here feel that theories, to be sorted through, are too. There are many facts attesting to Sheri's goodness, many have come from her friends and family. These can be read in her guestbook.

The following was written by Sheri's uncle Tom in her guest book:

May 12, 2009
Yours was the first diaper I ever changed
I bought you a new Grover as yours was sewed to many times
You and Summyr created the "Garbage Cafe" for a family breakfast
You made me so proud going into the Airforce
You told me how excited you were about India
Such a beautiful girl turned into a beautiful woman and mother
GOD-I WILL MISS YOU and those boys
all my love,
Uncle Tom
Tom Weiss,
Fort Myers, Florida

Sheri's father wrote a lovely item too, but I can't find it immediately -- maybe one of the other WS'rs will help me dig it up. Perhaps we can find what her brother Mario wrote about her too. On the other hand, reading through that guestbook is eye opening. Sheri's friends and people who were in her presence wrote many wonderful things about her.

From one acquaintance that worked with her for several years:
>>Although I was not a close friend, I was an acquaintance with Sheri (we worked together for a few years, as well as attended the same church.) She was a GREAT person! Her kindness was refreshing–it was honest and gentle, and was something she shared with everyone.

... In speaking that day, I learned she was bright too, and I was so impressed by her. At church, I could tell she and her family were happy. The boys were ADORABLE and she seemed to be a great mom, loving and doting on them. They were always smiling and laughing.

I am thankful to have known Sheri. I will remember her with admiration and respect. ...<<

In this article, quote from her personal pastor referring to Sheri and the children:
>>The Coleman family attended the Destiny Church, which will be having special services this weekend in their honor. They said Sheri Coleman worked at the church and then volunteered as their mission's trip coordinator. She had gone to Cambodia last year and was heading to India in August.

Church leaders say Sheri, Garett and Gavin will be sorely missed.

"They're the kind of people that walk into a room and they affect the environment," Stern said. "When people are down they kind of walk in and everybody their spirit kind of raises up to another level and that's just a hard thing to lose."<<

One of Sheri's friends mentioned Sheri running to put bandaids on the little ones she met with when on her missions. Sheri took Red Cross training (the SW mentions items taken that included her training manual and mask, I believe.) My guess is that she did that to help others rather than to resuscitate or help herself :)

While we may not be able to state beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sheri would ever consider blackmail, I think that based on the evidence, it might be fairly safe to say that she was too nice of a person to do so. As per facts, there is no fact pointing in any blackmail direction. Even if there were, it certainly seems that blackmail would not be a motive to kill a mother and her two little children.

Its always interesting to find out how our new posters feel. We welcome friendly discussion. How do you feel about the facts that have pointed towards Chris' guilt so far? Do you have any facts that you think might lead away from it?

Again...welcome to WS!


You have a very pretty hat!!!
Hello VCDaedalus and everyone,

Per the following (snipped)

...In re the request for judge change, it would be interesting to list all the ways the defense can stall and divert.

I think that one of the most important things that the defense can do that would be valuable to CC is to stall and divert. As long as he sits where he is, he is not sitting where he will ultimately sit -- in a nasty prison (or facing death by injection or whatever).

I'm curious about whether a defense attorney would ever actually say to a client, "Buddy...we're worth our weight in gold you know, we are keeping your hiney in a little nicer cell than you will ever have after we get done in this process." i.e. would they ever be honest with a client about whether they really figure they can accomplish getting them "freed" or "less time" or "less death" (JK on that last one :)
Wrinkles & et al, My ex and I just talked about our old house today. He hasn't made a payment since January and the Notice of Default was filed the beginning of June. The house cannot be sold until October. So, that's more than three months for the Notice of Default - which is the first real step toward foreclosure.

(BTW, he called to tell me he's working with the bank to refinance and I may be able to get my name off the whole thing! :praying:)
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