Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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They said she had Lou Gehrigs disease...
That's a shame. Lou Gehrigs disease is a cruel way to die. My Dad died from that in 1995. Everything she's going through is enough to deal with in itself without that.
Someone from Chester is posting on the news board that Connie Coleman has Thyroid Cancer.
Greetings WaterlooInspector,

WOW... I recognize that you were generalizing, but just have to hop in and say that I have participated in small town churches - "spirit filled" type, Bible believing (one for 8 years, one for about 5). The church bodies, the people in them, were mostly hugely loving, never perfect (no one is perfect - churches, cities, everything is filled with imperfect people.) The pastors were warm, caring, giving and open to discussion, even to debate if one felt they had a "bone to pick" type of discussion to pursue (i.e. "Pastor, I kinda have an issue about something you said, can we discuss?) In no way, in either of these churches was there a "cult" type leading by the pastor or a "shunning" type of behavior (although if there were huge problems, there are things we have to deal with as family -- i.e. if my son were an addict and reaking havoc, I might tell him "Son, you can't come here until you get sorted" and the similar thing can happen in a church body/family with a member). The pastors wives were wonderful, they were real people, they were not perfect, even as their husbands and members of the body were not perfect -- but the hearts of all the people, for the most part, were open and lovely, and willing to move to the goal (from pastor to member). Remembering, people join churches often because they feel a conviction that there is a better way and they need to get on it -- they all recognize that they are imperfect. People can start from some very bad places when they first come on board, and along the way, temptation and "the flesh" can really get in the way of every and anyone -- walking the walk is a challenge.

Mind you, we are on the left coast, so things may be far different in "our parts" than elsewhere, but oh my goodness, if the pastor had even tried to play demigod -- there would have been a huge problem in either of these churches. People would have said, "Pastor, we need to discuss...", or they would have lovingly gone to board members to discuss (and with the pastor), and/or if they felt the problem was really big, they would have called in the church leadership that was over the particular church (i.e. the pastors had pastors.)

Needless to say, I have not experienced what you mention -- good thing, I wouldn't have tolerated it, nor would my husband. On the other hand, we are not in a church body to try to push our pastor around, nor are we there for him to push us around, we are all there working for one purpose -- looking for truth, walking in its way.

You wrote:
>>I am going to go a bit further here. What is the view of Grace Church toward women in general?<<

This was something I listened for in the several online voice messages by RC. He seemed to honor his wife as someone who was "help mate" and respected (i.e. she had qualities that were valuable, she was someone he could learn from). In fact, he even "lifted her up" so to speak, for something she did which I also thought was commendable. I did not think he diminished her, on the contrary, and I didn't think he "exalted her" in any other way but that which I thought was "right and healthy" and although I felt that there was some err in his messages, I didn't hear a disrespect of his wife or women. Of course, I only listened to 2 sermons.

Just some thoughts along the lines of the discussion. I cannot even imagine what you said here:

>>They are probably very fearful of what could happen in retribution.....and I do not mean just shunning.<<

Can you tell me what you mean above? I have never experienced anything like this. Do you have some actual experiences that you can share?


Trying to catch up here....

This is my own thoughts and opinions concerning "retribution"....Guards at the church silence from GC members. We live in Southern Illinois. Small town justice sometimes includes vigilante groups who make and abide by their own laws. You would think this would be a thing of the past, but after growing up in this part of the country and specifically the Ozarks, this type of justice still prevails.
Someone from Chester is posting on the news board that Connie Coleman has Thyroid Cancer.

I had also heard somewhere that she had cancer, but didn't know if it was fact. She had bandages on her arm and a leg - I'm not sure how that would connect to either thyroid cancer or Lou Gehrig's disease. Any dr's or nurses on here?
I know two of us who plan to attend! :)

I thought you might be attending - glad to hear you are! It should be interesting if toxicology has info. Maybe there will be some final "nails in CC's coffin" and it will lead to him pleading out!
I had also heard somewhere that she had cancer, but didn't know if it was fact. She had bandages on her arm and a leg - I'm not sure how that would connect to either thyroid cancer or Lou Gehrig's disease. Any dr's or nurses on here?
Lou Gehrig's or ALS affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord, which causes a person's muscles to weaken and atrophy. I don't know if she was wearing bandages or if it could have been support wraps, which would be a possiblity to provide extra support to weakened limbs. So, I can't say with any certainty.

Aren't you glad I answered? Sorry I wasn't any help........
Lou Gehrig's or ALS affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord, which causes a person's muscles to weaken and atrophy. I don't know if she was wearing bandages or if it could have been support wraps, which would be a possiblity to provide extra support to weakened limbs. So, I can't say with any certainty.

Aren't you glad I answered? Sorry I wasn't any help........

That could be - hadn't thought of that... See - you were helpful. :)
That's a shame. Lou Gehrigs disease is a cruel way to die. My Dad died from that in 1995. Everything she's going through is enough to deal with in itself without that.

Knowing how sick his mother was, and going through with his plan, Imo she is another victim who because of all the added stress etc, the disease will be hitting her even harder now. What a loving and caring son! :furious:

On a side note, I wonder how he spent Fathers Day?

I thought you might be attending - glad to hear you are! It should be interesting if toxicology has info. Maybe there will be some final "nails in CC's coffin" and it will lead to him pleading out!

Aha! Another hopeful wisher! There has to be some reason for them wanting to have an inquest. I'm glad to know that two of our fellow posters will be our eyes and ears. We're so lucky to have them here with us!

Thank you to all of our locals for providing us with the little tidbits we would certainly be without if it weren't for you!!!

I haven't followed the case for about a month now -- but it seems like Chris made so many mistakes that you lose track.

Seems like their only defense will be to attack the prosecution's expert that states the time of death was between 11A-3P.

Chris probably should have done some research on Rigor mortis and lividity while he was sending himself fake emails.
Knowing how sick his mother was, and going through with his plan, Imo she is another victim who because of all the added stress etc, the disease will be hitting her even harder now. What a loving and caring son! :furious:

On a side note, I wonder how he spent Fathers Day?

Wow, I hadn't thought of that. It's so hard for me to imagine someone without a conscience that I couldn't even venture a guess. I would like to think that he was completely engulfed in guilt and cried a million tears for the two sons whose lives he stole, but there I go again....... ever hopeful.

I haven't followed the case for about a month now -- but it seems like Chris made so many mistakes that you lose track.

Seems like their only defense will be to attack the prosecution's expert that states the time of death was between 11A-3P.

Chris probably should have done some research on Rigor mortis and lividity while he was sending himself fake emails.
Yeah, one would think he's done a lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda's........

I haven't followed the case for about a month now -- but it seems like Chris made so many mistakes that you lose track.

Seems like their only defense will be to attack the prosecution's expert that states the time of death was between 11A-3P.

Chris probably should have done some research on Rigor mortis and lividity while he was sending himself fake emails.

IMO he better go for temporary insanity... for like the past two years.
IMO he better go for temporary insanity... for like the past two years.

I'm still thinking the best defence will be multiple personality disorder. The "real" CC had knowledge what his other personalities were doing over the past several months.
I'm still thinking the best defence will be multiple personality disorder. The "real" CC had knowledge what his other personalities were doing over the past several months.

It can't be multiple personalities - from what I can see he has NO personality at all!!! :crazy: (Just joking)

I won't be surprised by anything the defense decides to try. They have nothing to work with so they're kinda up the creek without a paddle...
I'm still thinking the best defence will be multiple personality disorder. The "real" CC had knowledge what his other personalities were doing over the past several months.

Do you mean 'no' knowledge?
Something has got to be in the works, IMO any jury you could find will send him down the river. I still want to know what made him do it this way, he obviously had a plan in motion... but the plan seems to have gone awry because of having to begin before he was entirely ready.

John Baricevic, the chief judge of the 20th Judicial Circuit, said today he has appointed himself to handle the case. Defense attorneys for Chris Coleman successfully disqualified two other judges in the circuit last week citing bias against the defendant.

Baricevic isn't certified to preside over a death penalty case. If prosecutors decide to seek the death penalty against Coleman, Baricevic said he would recuse himself and appoint someone else.
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