Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Well i know a there are a lot of post on today's autopsy findings. I just wanted to add that when they spoke to CC attorney after they found all 3 rulings a homicide that CC was doing "fine" and holding up well. Also stated that CC was having a hard time dealing with the "charges brought against him and his family". Channel 4 asked CC's attorney if CC was in the finiancial struggle how does this play a factor in the case now? His answer was " that may not be the issue". Sooo does that mean there is money to back him through this hole case till the end??? hmmmmmm very good question. He also stated that he expects this case to drag well into next year. He also stated that the publicity has been a impact on the defense for CC but CC and his attorney are very optomistic about it. The news reporters also asked if him if he was able to see for himself these spray painted walls and all the evidence. The attorney stated "yes" and was asked how he would describe them. He stated "disturbing, very disturbing. Cheif Joe Edwards also stated when in findings of SC,GC,and Garret that on one of the boys was a sheet over them with vulgar and disturbing spray paint across it.

again i know a lot of post are allready up regarding this, but i told you i would put up what was heard today in the courtroom. So i am sorry for repeating anything that is allready posted.

The atty said finances would not be "the" issue? Wow! I wonder what will be "the" issue????? The evidence? This is supposedly a highly respected defense attorney? If he actually said this, he made 2 crucial mistakes with his comments today. What an idiot!

I think most everyone here expected them to set up for a change of venue - not that I believe that will help them one bit. IMO, the evidence will speak for itself whether the trial takes place in IL or on the moon.

I can't wait! If CC is, in fact, "fine," I look forward to the day he is sentenced to DEATH. Doubt he'll be "fine" then!
Greetings All,

CountryGirl thanks for reporting, also please give your good momma a hug for me.

Peoples...all of my web sleuthing buds, I want to thank you all more than you can know for keeping your thoughts and prayers on my husband and myself today. The day was hugely stressful for more reasons than I can explain in a few words, but my husband made it out of his procedure alive and well, and he is in our bed beginning the first night of his recovery. Thank God and thank you all for your kindness, every one of you and I cuddle each of your names in my heart -- I wrote them all down so that I could look at them several times -- you were so thoughtful and caring. So frightening to go through things like this. So important to love our loved ones every minute that we can, as we never know what the next minute will bring. I was so full of tears and concern and sorrow today -- you all comforted me, your prayers and thoughts for my husband were very valued.

As for Chris Coleman, WHAT??? one of the articles stated his trial for next year?

>>Chris Coleman is charged with three counts of first degree murder. He is currently jailed in Monroe County awaiting trial, which is expected some time next year.<<

He is evidently resting on easy street in that particular jail (food, entertainment, the "lighter side" of incarceration) -- I suppose the longer he can live there, the better for him, but this does NOT bring justice for Sheri, Gavin and Garrett! It can obviously not bring that which might bring even a skosh of beginning closure for Sheri's family (there will never really be any, but at least a slight edge could be taken off knowing CC is locked away in "what prison should be" or "death penalty should be.")

When did we first hear that trial was expected next year, I thought the trial would begin in August?

In the meanwhile, I'm feeling kinda lost... Is all that we learned today "strangulation, no drugs?" How long did the inquest go on? Is that all that occurred? So few words, so little new information?
Seems so financially strapped is that an issue? asked by news reporter. Margulis laughed and said how do you make that determination? That might not be the case. The reporter said that might interest Jack Carey, margulias said that is a hole different issue. and then he laughed.

They are still trying to figure out if they want to go for a change of venue.

Margulis stated that the trial has to take place inside of Illinois.

He is also optimistic about getting a waiver to represent CC in a death penalty case.

Reporter asked about the publicity surrounding the case and a lot of the documents coming out,doesnt it impact the criminal case and Margulis said " We could do without it"

i guess these are the exciting highlights for todays courts.. :)
Wrinkles, So glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend. I'm going to go give mine a kiss right now!!!! (He's sound asleep - where I should be :))

Good night all.
CountryGirl, thank you for attending the coroner's inquest today with your mom.

Unfortunately, the news articles were very sparse with the information that they posted regarding the inquest. They only thing that they really stated was that all three victims were strangled by ligature and that the toxicology reports showed that there were no drugs present in their bodies at the time of death. Nothing else.

Would you mind sharing what you recall from the testimony that was given so that we can have a better picture of what was discussed? It would really mean a lot, and would be so helpful to those of us who were unable to attend the inquest.

Thanks again for being our "feet on the ground." Maybe we should dub you and your mom "WS's very own roving reporters!"
Greetings All,

CountryGirl thanks for reporting, also please give your good momma a hug for me.

Peoples...all of my web sleuthing buds, I want to thank you all more than you can know for keeping your thoughts and prayers on my husband and myself today. The day was hugely stressful for more reasons than I can explain in a few words, but my husband made it out of his procedure alive and well, and he is in our bed beginning the first night of his recovery. Thank God and thank you all for your kindness, every one of you and I cuddle each of your names in my heart -- I wrote them all down so that I could look at them several times -- you were so thoughtful and caring. So frightening to go through things like this. So important to love our loved ones every minute that we can, as we never know what the next minute will bring. I was so full of tears and concern and sorrow today -- you all comforted me, your prayers and thoughts for my husband were very valued.

Wrinkles, thanks for some good news today! I pray his recovery goes well.
CountryGirl, thank you for attending the coroner's inquest today with your mom.

Unfortunately, the news articles were very sparse with the information that they posted regarding the inquest. They only thing that they really stated was that all three victims were strangled by ligature and that the toxicology reports showed that there were no drugs present in their bodies at the time of death. Nothing else.

Would you mind sharing what you recall from the testimony that was given so that we can have a better picture of what was discussed? It would really mean a lot, and would be so helpful to those of us who were unable to attend the inquest.

Thanks again for being our "feet on the ground." Maybe we should dub you and your mom "WS's very own roving reporters!"

Well there was a lot of testimony that was covered in the prelim testimony, so the only addition was the toxicology reports showing no drugs or alcohol in any of the 3 victims. The only other things would be the interviews with the news reporters after the testimony was finished with Cheif Joe Edwards and Art Margulis. Which i have put the links for these in above posts.There really was not much else.

well I didnt' know it but i did make the paper when they snapped a pic during one of the interviews and my mom seen them getting the camera ready to snap and she jumped and flipped to the ceiling and was clinging on the ceiling holding on for dear life saying "oh no you arent' getting me in that pic" and you can see the holes in the ceiling when you walk into the courthouse. it took the maintence man to get her down after all that.. ROFLMAO

<edited to pull out my emotional junk>

I am disturbed by Marguilis' reaction (facial) to at least one question in this video.

I was watching Marguilis, not particularly discomforted by him, i.e. he seemed like a man doing an interview about a job he was doing, until he was asked, "Do you know anything more about defense strategy at this time." He replied, "No, no we don't," and then he gets this very disturbing background, or somewhat masked, type of smile on his face (around 3:13-15 in the video). Perhaps it is his "press smile" -- but it had me wondering...what is this?

He is later asked about the publicity surrounding the civil case, "a lot of those documents coming out, does that impact the criminal case at all?" He says, "We could do without it." I think so.

He is asked about his client being "so financially strapped." He says something like, "How have you reached that determination, that may not be the case." Interesting.

He is asked about the crime scene photos, has he had a chance to look at them and "what was your reaction," he says something like, "They're disturbing, clearly disturbing, as you might imagine." Oh yes...I can imagine but you saw these photos -- you know how disturbing they really are.

Yes, and Mr. Marguilis, when you go to bed at night and see Sheri's naked body in your mind, and the ligature marks, and the livor mortis, and when you see those little boys in your mind...Mr. Marguilis, ask yourself, "Do I really want anything to do with trying to defend this man who would do such a thing?" You know he did it -- do you want one of the last works in your life, one of the last that you will take before your maker, to be that of defending Chris Coleman? Do you? I cannot imagine going before my God with this type of blood on my hands, blood from the hands of partnering to assist a murderer such as this. Someone may have to do this job, but I would not want to "take it" -- I could explain to my God, why I was forced to take it. But has any group of people ever said, "I will not...I will not defend anyone who has done this." AND, why not...
Wrinkles, best wishes to you and your DH. Being in your own bed with the one you love has got to be very healing! Press those chakras together and share your chi.
Marguilis makes me like Jose Baez. At least Baez agrees that Caylee's death was a tragedy and even shed tears when they found her remains!

What kind of person acts like this? (No, don't answer that question!)
Wrinkles - I'm so glad DH pulled through okay today and hope he continues improving each and every day. Remember while you are taking care of him to take care of yourself, too.

<edited to pull out my emotional junk>

I am disturbed by Marguilis' reaction (facial) to at least one question in this video.

I was watching Marguilis, not particularly discomforted by him, i.e. he seemed like a man doing an interview about a job he was doing, until he was asked, "Do you know anything more about defense strategy at this time." He replied, "No, no we don't," and then he gets this very disturbing background, or somewhat masked, type of smile on his face (around 3:13-15 in the video). Perhaps it is his "press smile" -- but it had me wondering...what is this?

Wrinkles, I see what you mean, but it is a loaded question. The guy is the lead on the defense team and they're asking him about what the defense may be?? This guy is clearly no rookie and he's sure as he.... not gonna tip his hand -- especially not this early in the game.
Chris Coleman's defense lawyer isn't going to make anyone happy defending this man except CC and his supporters, but as in every case...a person is required to have one. If it isn't that guy...there would have to be someone else willing to take it on. It is how he proceeds which will be interesting.
Saturday, Jul. 11, 2009

Coroner's jury in Coleman's deaths: Five minutes to decide they were murders

It took a Monore County coroner's jury about five minutes Friday to determine that the deaths of Sheri Coleman and her two sons were homicides by ligature strangulation.

Christopher Coleman, Sheri Coleman's husband and the boys' father, is charged with all three murders.

"The details of the case are disturbing, clearly," said Coleman's lawyer, Art Margulis, who attended the coroner's inquest. "As anyone would imagine, they are disturbing."

After the short hearing, Margulis said he is considering asking that the case be moved out of the metro-east because of publicity surrounding it and a wrongful death civil lawsuit filed by Sheri Coleman's family.

"Well, we could do without (the publicity) because it does impact the criminal case," Margulis said.

Columbia Police Chief Joe Edwards was the only witness during the 10-minute hearing called by Monroe County Coroner Julie Gummersheimer to determine the cause and manner of death for Sheri Coleman, 31, Garett Coleman, 11 and Gavin Coleman, 9.

Edwards told the six jurors and one alternate that Detective Justin Barlow received a call on his cell phone at 6:50 a.m. May 5 from his neighbor Christopher Coleman asking him to check on Coleman's wife and children. Coleman said he was calling from Gold's Gym in south St. Louis County, and that he was concerned because his family wasn't answering the phone. Months earlier, Barlow had investigated Coleman's complaint involving letters threatening his family.

After receiving Coleman's call, Barlow got up, got dressed, then called Columbia police dispatcher for an additional officer. Sgt. Jason Donjon arrived and went to the back of the house, located at 2845 Robert Drive, and discovered an open basement window. Barlow and Donjon entered the home through the window, Edwards testified.

The two went up the basement steps and discovered a spray-painted message on the kitchen wall that Edwards described as "obscene and vulgar."

Christopher Coleman, who at the time was a bodyguard for televangelist Joyce Meyer, arrived at the home at the same time as Patrolman Steve Patton, who also responded to Barlow's request for assistance. They told Coleman was told to wait outside.

Barlow discovered Garett Coleman's body in his bed, Edwards said. He checked and could not find a pulse. He noticed a ligature mark on the boy's neck and that the body was "cold and stiff," Edwards said.

Donjon found Sheri's body, which was "locked and rigid," Edwards said. There were also ligature marks on her neck.

Patton found Gavin's body in his bed. He also had ligature marks on his neck, but Patton didn't touch the body because he believed there was "evidence on the body," Edwards said.

"A disturbing message was sprayed on the sheet that covered him," Edwards said.

The officers told Coleman about his family's deaths and they put him into an ambulance, then radioed Edwards, who came to the house.

Forensic pathologist Raj Nanduri conducted the autopsies. Toxicology reports showed no drugs or alcohol in their blood, Gummersheimer said.

Two weeks later, police charged Coleman with the murders. He is being held without bond in the Monroe County Jail.

more at
Hokey Dokey mes amies...

Good to see you all. Now then, who would like to assist with my question?

In a June 10, 2009 article entitled "Startling revelations from Coleman preliminary hearing" we read:

>>After today's hearing, the judge determined that there is enough probable cause to hold Chris Coleman on the murder charges. His next court date has been scheduled for August 26, 2009.<<

In a July 11, 2009 article we read:

>>"We anticipate this case will go to trial next year," Margulis told reporters.<<

So... What is the purpose of the August 26th court date and why is it that Marguilis is stating the anticipation for the case to go to trial next year?

How long does it take to get certification? (the following is from this article:)
>>Both men have tried numerous murder cases, as well as death penalty cases before the 1997 reforms, and are trying to expedite their certification.<<

Do they expect that it will take 5 months to get jurors? Do they expect to hang up a trial date that long due to wrestling about changing the location of the trial? What am I missing -- why would a trial date be so far away?
Anyone have a clue?

PS. Hubby recuperating slowly but surely, again thanks for your thoughts and prayers. The procedure and its trappings (anesthetics, shocks to the heart, poking around in his chest muscles) kinda knocked the wind out of his sails for a few days. Even so, he's cute as ever :) and nice to have around!
I appreciate the "thanks" from so many of my fellow sleuthers for the article I posted on Saturday. :blowkiss:

What I noticed especially about it (and bolded) were the condition of the bodies, described as "cold and stiff" and "locked and rigid" ~ which completely destroys CC's timeline that the murders occurred while he was at the gym. Inside a house, in bed, there is no way the bodies would've attained that status in such a short time. I wonder how the defense is going to argue these findings? MOO
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