Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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My reason for wondering about CC's family knowing is because of CC's brother's actions in divorcing his first wife and taking everything. Wondered if they were trying to make sure CC would end up with everything like his bro did. (I'm not saying they were aware of a planned murder - just his affair or his marriage problems.) And I remember Sheri's family saying they were unaware of marital problems - I didn't realize she had told her friends about them. IIRC, in the beginning, the friends said CC/SC seemed like a happy couple/family - now I'm hearing that they knew there were problems.

I wonder if his parents were aware of the "threats" and what their advice to CC was, if they knew?

I wish SC had taken her boys and left - - - -
In his mind, he actually thought his "alibi" of being at the gym would work. After all, LE had the previous notes from the "real killer". He thought they would clear him immediately because he threw them off so skillfully. :doh:

He started planning the murders before December. He had no intention of going through a divorce. If divorce was mentioned by CC and Sheri, it was probably brought up during a fight at some point. I do find it difficult to believe that Sheri didn't suspect something was going on behind her back.

For the record, I do not think he believed the loss of his $100,000 a year job plus perks was a stupid reason to commit murder instead of going for the divorce. Where could CC possibly make that kind of money again? There aren't enough JMM's out there for him to steal away such a position on their staffs. He doesn't really have much of a resume to go into other things besides security. Was he going to let his new wife support him on tips from the next gentleman's club?

I'm sure he did think he had all his bases covered but he still had to know that he would be looked at first. There are other jobs where he could have made that kind of money. He may just have had to work harder for it. In his threatening letters he didn't sound real happy with Joyce Myers. I don't believe he could have stayed working for her had he married Tara. Unless she went along and lived the "church" life. She may not have been willing to do that. I said I thought the job loss idea was stupid because I think he was stupid to come up with the idea of murder to keep his job. I just don't believe that fit into the morality clause either. I know he thought he could get away with it...they all do. But with him being in security, he made some stupid mistakes. JMO
I wonder if the divorce rule, ahemmmm, Morality Clause only applied if HE initiated the divorce. He wanted HER to do it to save his cushy job. I still think that she told him she was going to "out" him that night. . .
But didn't he tell her he wanted the divorce? It seems to me either he hadn't thought about the morality clause or it didn't apply if he were the one instigating the divorce. Now I'm really confused! I too wonder though if something triggered the murders that particular night and could be part of what some of his spray painted messages meant. MOO
I'm sure he did think he had all his bases covered but he still had to know that he would be looked at first. There are other jobs where he could have made that kind of money. He may just have had to work harder for it. In his threatening letters he didn't sound real happy with Joyce Myers. I don't believe he could have stayed working for her had he married Tara. Unless she went along and lived the "church" life. She may not have been willing to do that. I said I thought the job loss idea was stupid because I think he was stupid to come up with the idea of murder to keep his job. I just don't believe that fit into the morality clause either. I know he thought he could get away with it...they all do. But with him being in security, he made some stupid mistakes. JMO
I don't think he was really that worried about the job with JMM. Essentially once his family was murdered, it was going to be her ministry that was to blame, according to the threats he wrote. I think he was fed up with the whole lifestyle, including JMM, and wanted out ~ to be free of everything that tied him down. MOO
I don't think he was really that worried about the job with JMM. Essentially once his family was murdered, it was going to be her ministry that was to blame, according to the threats he wrote. I think he was fed up with the whole lifestyle, including JMM, and wanted out ~ to be free of everything that tied him down. MOO

Oh yes, it certainly seems as though he resented JMM and his wife, BIG TIME.
Oh yes, it certainly seems as though he resented JMM and his wife, BIG TIME.
With his father being a pastor and him working for JMM ~ and closely with JM herself ~ it could very well be he developed a resentment for Christian teaching and lifestyle . What was contained in the threatening e-mail and spray painted in the house seem like this is a possibility. MOO
The Belleville News Democrat mentioned the youtube videos we all saw online. There was one I hadn't hear of.

I found it. There is nothing sinister about it, but I was intrigued, so I looked for it. Interesting to see another look at Coleman on the job.

[ame=""]YouTube - Joyce Meyer Tour 2009[/ame]
With his father being a pastor and him working for JMM ~ and closely with JM herself ~ it could very well be he developed a resentment for Christian teaching and lifestyle . What was contained in the threatening e-mail and spray painted in the house seem like this is a possibility. MOO

I don't know that he really resented "christian teaching and the lifesyle" as much as he decided to go down a different path. A path that went against everything he was taught and probably believed. When he went down this path, he then felt guilty. Thus the resentment. IMO
I notice that the police report says that Sheri and Gavin were found in their beds, but Garrett was found "lying in the rear upstairs bedroom."

I assume that there was a bedroom for each boy. Garrett, apparently, was not in his bed. He may have struggled off, but the police report doesn't mention any sign of pulled-over bedclothes. He may have been left on the floor.

And even though the victims were checked for a pulse at least twice, once by a police officer and then by a paramedic, there is no mention of anything around the victims' necks.
I notice that the police report says that Sheri and Gavin were found in their beds, but Garrett was found "lying in the rear upstairs bedroom."

I assume that there was a bedroom for each boy. Garrett, apparently, was not in his bed. He may have struggled off, but the police report doesn't mention any sign of pulled-over bedclothes. He may have been left on the floor.

And even though the victims were checked for a pulse at least twice, once by a police officer and then by a paramedic, there is no mention of anything around the victims' necks.

This is from the reporters notes at the Prelim. There were ligature marks.

"Garret's lips were blue - skin gray - ligature markings around his neck - his body was cold. The officer believed he was dead for quite some time. The officer also noted spray paint on the bed.

"Another Sgt. checked the bathroom and saw Sheri in the next room. He called out. She was face down. He checked for a pulse. He turned her over and said her entire body was locked, rigid and discolored. Her blood had settled to the front of her body. She was dead for quite some time."

"Another officer saw Gavin - face purple - skin yellow - spray paint on the sheets on top of the bed. The officer also saw evidence on Gavin - so he didn't touch him. He noticed ligature marks."

I don't know that he really resented "christian teaching and the lifesyle" as much as he decided to go down a different path. A path that went against everything he was taught and probably believed. When he went down this path, he then felt guilty. Thus the resentment. IMO
That's what I was trying to say but you chose words that described it a little better. :)
Judge rules against Joyce Meyer Ministries in Coleman wrongful death suit


WATERLOO - Joyce Meyer Ministries can't turn over Chris Coleman's employment file and other information for a wrongful death civil case in secret, a judge ruled on Monday.

The decision came just after Michael King, the international televangelist's lawyer, asked to bar reporters from the courtroom in Waterloo.

"We are a society where courts are open,'' Judge Andrew Gleeson declared after hearing King's argument.

The ministry, which is a respondent in discovery in the suit filed by Sheri Coleman's family against Chris Coleman, has three days to decide if it'll appeal the ruling. Coleman, who was the ministry's security chief, is charged with strangling his wife, Sheri, and their two young sons.

King, a lawyer from an Oklahoma firm known for representing ministries, said he fears the release of the ministry's employee handbook and Coleman's employment file could compromise the privacy of Coleman and other people who still work there.

The confidentiality "is to protect my client from other litigation,'' King said, saying the employment documents are confidential under Missouri law. Also, he said the disclosure of Meyer's flight manifests is a "security concern" because Joyce Meyer is a "national figure."

A Post-Dispatch series in 2003 revealed Meyer owned a $10 million private jet.

"It's not to be a fishing expedition," King said of the process.

The ministry, based in Fenton, is known throughout the world. In 2006, it reported $124 million in revenue and other support. Among the services provided in 2006, according to the report: 11.5 million meals served, 41 orphanages "fully supported" and 174,538 gift bags delivered to prisoners.

Coleman resigned from the security job after the Post-Dispatch revealed his affair with Tara Lintz, a friend of Sheri Coleman's, a week after the murders. Police sources told the Post-Dispatch that Coleman met Lintz in Hawaii and Arizona while he was working for the ministry. On Monday, lawyers for Sheri Coleman alleged there is evidence that Coleman would fly on Meyer's private jet and meet with Lintz.

Police say Coleman began sending death threats to Meyer and himself shortly after consummating his relationship with Lintz.

"This case began with threats to Joyce Meyer,'' said Enrico J. Mirabelli, a lawyer and relative of Sheri Coleman's family. "How did they handle'' the threats?

Mirabelli said he's investigating whether the ministry was negligent in its employment of Coleman.

King said "there's absolutely no connection'' between the ministry and what Coleman's accused of doing.

"We have nothing to hide,'' King said.

But King's assurance didn't calm Mirabelli.

"It's interesting,'' Mirabelli said after the hearing. "First they say they want everything confidential, and reporters barred from the hearing, and now they say there's nothing to hide.''
I may have missed this earlier - but I don't remember seeing a confirmation about an insurance policy:

Sheri Coleman's family attorneys say Chris Coleman took out a large life insurance policy on his wife. We might find out if he tried to cash that out after the murders.,0,2908910.story

It takes deep faith in Jesus to not let the bitterness I feel for this take root!

Does anyone STILL believe he's innocent?
From the same article:

Attorneys for Sheri Coleman's family can pick up the documents Thursday July 23rd at 2 p.m. Joyce Meyer Ministry attorneys say they'll keep fighting for confidentiality until then.

Bolded by me. I hope they can finally find out what they need to know, and/or put their worst fears to rest.
I don't know that he really resented "christian teaching and the lifesyle" as much as he decided to go down a different path. A path that went against everything he was taught and probably believed. When he went down this path, he then felt guilty. Thus the resentment. IMO

What's ironic, if I read the reports correctly, is that CC and TL developed a relationship that started with the pink bikini photo on Sheri's MySpace page-Tara's "friend" photo. If TL had posted her Facebook photo that has been linked instead for MySpace purposes, would CC have been enticed?

Just IMO but knowing the kind of person Sheri was, assuming Tara knew of Sheri's beliefs and character, you gotta wonder why she would use such a blatant picture on her church-going, God-serving friend's page.
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