Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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Greetings VCD,

And... BTW, welcome to WS!

... snipped ...
All but the last have been floated, but none float.

Sphew, when I first read your above post, I thought we were going to have to work through the theories -- then I saw your last line, "none float." Assuredly they do not, agreed.
I have a question regarding cc's attorneys and finances. Once he virtually has no resources, and his family is out of money, then does the state of Illinois have to pick up the tab on the high priced attorneys and the specialists they will pay to testify? The state of Illinois is way past broke. I am insured through my DH's job with the state and they are not paying my medical claims because they have no money. I'll be royally pi$$ed if they pay this jerk's defense fees when we never know when the state will be unable to even make payroll. I realize this all comes from different funds, but the understanding I have is that Illinois has borrowed money from every fund including the state retirees fund (which we have to pay into). Getting angry.................

I'm guessing if his funds run out, Margulis would resign and he would have to find another attorney or public defender.
Hello ArtieG,

I was wondering where you had gone. Good to see you. Hope you had some good fun in Vegas -- perhaps it wasn't as hot as it typically is this time of year, weather has been a little wierd where I live not terribly far from there. :blowkiss:

Wow, I hate to be an A$$**** and read the few hundred posts from the past week, I was on Vaca in Vegas, but has there been any breaking news in the case?

Did the dwarf alien ninja turn himself in yet?

Have you been able to update on the information learned at the prelim yet? There were a few things that came up that were semi new, and/or at least a confirmation of some things we knew/suspected (and probably some that you knew very well before you went :) If you need some links, let me know and I'll try to dig for you.

That problematic ninja remains at large while the accused sits languishing (not! he's still eating and breathing). Unfortunately, no one has come up with anything that we can sleuth to get the accused off the hook by way of fact i.e. there are no facts that can help turn the tide of the "guilt" finger pointing directly at the accused.

Evidently, since the prelim, at least one person (maybe more) have stepped forward to express a bit of upset about having been s s s ...durn, I forgot the word, approached will work, approached at the wake and the funeral to contribute to a defense fund for the "later" accused. So...this is evidently going to be explored by the attorney for Sheri's family, i.e. who contributed to that defense fund and how much. In the meanwhile, evidently no one has complained about being approached to contribute to a reward fund to find the ninja "real killer" because -- evidently that didn't happen! Perhaps it is not rational to SOLICIT (that's the word I was looking for) for contributions to two funds at the same time, or perhaps it was already known that the real killer was already known and standing at the wake and the funeral, or perhaps it is more important to protect the one the ninja missed while they sit and jail, rather than to do anything to bring justice for Sheri and the little ones. hmmm...
Greetings Ginny,

Got it... Will post it in the next, updated list if/when we can get some more facts for it (towards guilt or innocence.) Thanks...

Another fact: CC never asked LE how his wife and children died.

Yeah... Why wouldn't a father/husband want to know this? Wouldn't he want to know, at least, that there was a probability that his loved ones went quickly and didn't suffer? On the other hand, if he was really clear how they went -- why ask, eh? Why not just tell.
I'm guessing if his funds run out, Margulis would resign and he would have to find another attorney or public defender.

Thanks -

I wondered because I had watched a discussion on HLN regarding Casey Anthony's attorneys - they said Florida would have to pick up the tab for her attorneys and specialists once they Anthony's are tapped out. I can't figure out why they wouldn't provide a public defender along with wishing her luck in getting her specialists to work for nada. Most people can't afford the high $ attorneys, so I don't see why they should be provided to someone just because they want them.
Hello Bluenotes,

That's a "perty" avatar buddy!

I'm guessing if his funds run out, Margulis would resign and he would have to find another attorney or public defender.

Guess the above kinda depends upon whether the firm is taking this on pro bono (boy, isn't that an oxymoron.) On the other hand, if defense funds were being solicited, you would think that there was a big deposit that first day or imminent. Almost assuredly, if this goes to trial and gets the full blown slamming stuff against the walls and posturing (as opposed to a confession or plea) -- it is going to take a long time, alot of paperwork, clerks, experts, travel time, and many many man hours. Can this firm afford that (probably) -- but do they want to afford that? On the other hand, maybe they have looked at gathering all of the deposits they can before they go pro bono -- why work for free if you don't have to?

My further guess is that before anyone would do something like this pro bono, they would have their accountants working on numbers, shop book contracts, and consider the name it would build and future bucks it would bring in. My guess would be that any well known firm has already looked at this "opinetunity" of a "case in the spotlight" before -- perhaps they already have duckies in a row to help make a choice before it is presented. And...isn't this firm already about as well known as they want/need to be? I suppose that the name can get further recognition (obviously, it has due to national news exposure) -- and maybe they have been looking for a book writing opuhtunity (or lecturing position), they probably have alot to say based upon what they have experienced (and would experience in this case.)

Curious if any of the WS'rs are really knowledgeable about the behind the scenes workings of a law firm taking on a pro bono case for "what it can bring them." Perhaps they can educate us.
IIRC, don't know if it's rumor or fact, that RC gave the Margilis's a $50,000 payment not too long ago? Doesn't sound like it's pro bono at this point. And if they expect to get paid throughout, it will take a "village" to pay for their services. We know JMM isn't going to be coughing over any more money. I doubt TL will be willing to ummmm... "earn good tips"... to help him. I doubt their soliciting for defense fund cash is doing very well...... He needs to do the right thing for once in his life and plead guilty. This trial is going to be tough on SC's family and friends, LE, the jurors and anyone else who has become interested in it.
I couldn't locate a link to this article. If it's already here, apologies for the duplicate.

Attorneys following Chris Coleman's money trail

WATERLOO, Ill. (KMOV)-- Lawyers for Sheri Coleman have filed a civil case trying to figure out if Chris Coleman has money stashed away somewhere they don't know about. Chris Coleman received between $26-28,000 after he refinanced his house last October and thousands of dollars are missing. At the time Sheri Coleman’s name was taken off the deed.

<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>
Thank you, Wrinkles! You post good too!

In re the request for judge change, it would be interesting to list all the ways the defense can stall and divert. Someone with criminal defense background would of course know the most, but if anyone can think of how else B-Mar (William Margulis) will play for time, let's get it all out.

Chris Vaughn's trial was delayed over a protest of the death penalty--one of probably many such motions. There's been a recent filing, but I can't remember what it is.

B-Mar is also keeping the Colemans happy by keeping CC alive and safe for a little bit longer. Every motion to delay the trial means CC is still sucking air and the Coleman famil reputation can keep its chin above water.

Who knows? Maybe JM would rather pay off a defense attorney to keep the trial date pushed further and further away. It helps her keep her distance. She may not be done paying yet. Although that Respondent To Discovery date can't be put off, can it?
Hallo All,

This article answers one of our questions about foreclosure on the Coleman home:

>>The couple's former home in Columbia is headed toward foreclosure, according to civil attorneys representing Sheri Coleman's family. Payments on the home's mortgage weren't made for the months of May and June, they said.<<

Isn't it 3 months that kinda clicks a home to actions towards a foreclosure? It may take far longer to actually foreclose (as, I believe it was Kimster who mentioned), but isn't it 3 missed payments and whammo...the legal actions of a mortgage company start kicking in?

Not hard to imagine that May or June wasn't paid, with CC kinda tied up from the 4th/5th of May on... He had other bills that would need payment; mortuary/funeral costs for 3 people and defense attorney bill as of May 5th. On the other hand, it is possible that CC's dad called in a favor with the local mortuary -- given the service/funerals were handled in Chester. Just how much would the "cost" be for 3 embalmings, 3 caskets, 3 concrete vaults, 3 plots, one graveside service, one return to graveside for 3 interments... In my estimation, even at "cost" this would not be inexpensive -- but would a local funeral home "gift" this (that is a little hard to imagine, but I suppose it depends upon past relationships and perhaps favors that might be available for a pastor, grandfather of the deceased.)

Then...we also have Chris' resignation on, from what I recall, the 13th of May. My guess is that when you resign due to breaching company policy, you don't get a separation package.

And...if CC was living on the edge financially (which is quite possible, based on the "financial class" -- and we may hear quite a bit more about after all financial information is turned in for the civil suit) -- well... And do you suppose any financially responsible funeral home, no matter what "favors they might want to give" would take a credit plan based upon what they knew they were going to receive after autopsy and some of the other clues they probably had before then?

Bottomline, why pay the mortgage on a house you were not planning to live within, i.e. you were shopping for another to live within with your mistress? Aside from that, why pay the mortgage on a house within which you have slim to no equity -- having taken that out many months earlier? On top of that, why pay it when you don't want to touch it because a) your precious family was murdered within it (by a ninja) OR b) you murdered your precious family within it? Why pay for that, when you can apply the payments to a defense attorney -- obviously needed the first day of the murders? And ... why try to sell it quickly, when your neighbor hasn't yet been able to sell their house for a lesser price than you owe -- you aren't going to accomplish much of anything... Basically all minimal equity is gone. This house was destined for foreclosure.
But I'm corrected: Nick Pistor, the reporter who's doing all the PD stories on Coleman, says there are laws in Illinois designed to preclude lawyers from using change-of-judge motions as a stalling tactic. Though how they prove it's just a stalling tactic was not specified. As long as your request isn't outlandish, I suppose, you can slide under the no-stalling tactics. I doubt it would stop defense attorneys from trying it, and I'm sure B-Mar knows how to finesse the no-stalling laws.
Thank you, Wrinkles! You post good too!

In re the request for judge change, it would be interesting to list all the ways the defense can stall and divert. Someone with criminal defense background would of course know the most, but if anyone can think of how else B-Mar (William Margulis) will play for time, let's get it all out.

Chris Vaughn's trial was delayed over a protest of the death penalty--one of probably many such motions. There's been a recent filing, but I can't remember what it is.

B-Mar is also keeping the Colemans happy by keeping CC alive and safe for a little bit longer. Every motion to delay the trial means CC is still sucking air and the Coleman famil reputation can keep its chin above water.

Who knows? Maybe JM would rather pay off a defense attorney to keep the trial date pushed further and further away. It helps her keep her distance. She may not be done paying yet. Although that Respondent To Discovery date can't be put off, can it?

BBM - I'm anxious to see that info!
Hallo All,

This article answers one of our questions about foreclosure on the Coleman home:

>>The couple's former home in Columbia is headed toward foreclosure, according to civil attorneys representing Sheri Coleman's family. Payments on the home's mortgage weren't made for the months of May and June, they said.<<

Isn't it 3 months that kinda clicks a home to actions towards a foreclosure? It may take far longer to actually foreclose (as, I believe it was Kimster who mentioned), but isn't it 3 missed payments and whammo...the legal actions of a mortgage company start kicking in?

Hello Wrinkles!
It used to be 2 payments missed with one payment due. At that point, the process was started and the loan frozen so a customer could not make a small payment just to show activity. The foreclosure process takes a few months. It may have changed by now - especially in this market of loan-to-value ratios.
This article states something just a bit different. Margulis is asking to disqualify two judges. I have heard both the defense and the prosecution have 3 opportunities (spelling correct) to request a judge change. Does this mean the defense has used up two?
"If prosecutors seek death, Coleman could get access to the Illinois Capital Litigation Fund to pay for his defense -- if he convinces a judge he's indigent"

Let's hope they find the money trail soon, it just adds injury to insult for the taxpayers to foot the bill for CC's defense.
Hello Knox,

"If prosecutors seek death, Coleman could get access to the Illinois Capital Litigation Fund to pay for his defense -- if he convinces a judge he's indigent"

Let's hope they find the money trail soon, it just adds injury to insult for the taxpayers to foot the bill for CC's defense.

Absolutely about the insult to injury, and that doesn't even account for feeding and housing the murderer for the rest of their natural life IF they don't get death and executed quickly thereafter.
Yuppers, either way CC is going to be costing all of us a considerable amount of $$ for a long, long time. I vote they just feed him bologna and bread for the remainder of his days. And maybe throw in a little devils food cake............... :cool:
But I'm corrected: Nick Pistor, the reporter who's doing all the PD stories on Coleman, says there are laws in Illinois designed to preclude lawyers from using change-of-judge motions as a stalling tactic. Though how they prove it's just a stalling tactic was not specified. As long as your request isn't outlandish, I suppose, you can slide under the no-stalling tactics. I doubt it would stop defense attorneys from trying it, and I'm sure B-Mar knows how to finesse the no-stalling laws.

In Illinois, the defense is allowed to request a change of judge twice during any pending criminal matter, if they choose to do so. The prosecution is permitted to make a change of judge request only once, if they choose to do so. The chief judge in the jurisdiction then assigns a new judge to hear the case.

Once those three change requests have been made, both sides are stuck with whomever has been assigned.
In Illinois, the defense is allowed to request a change of judge twice during any pending criminal matter, if they choose to do so. The prosecution is permitted to make a change of judge request only once, if they choose to do so. The chief judge in the jurisdiction then assigns a new judge to hear the case.

Once those three change requests have been made, both sides are stuck with whomever has been assigned.

So, since the defense said there were TWO judges they did not want, are their 2 requests now used up?:confused:
Hey, fmrchesterguy! The latest results:

View Poll Results: Did Chris Coleman kill his wife and two young sons?
Yes, he is guilty 138 97.87%
No, he is simply innocent 1 0.71%
He was framed and is innocent 0 0%
Unsure 2 1.42%
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