Should Casey Receive Counseling in Jail?

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Do you want Casey to receive counseling?

  • Yes, I'd like her to receive counseling.

    Votes: 115 23.8%
  • No, I don't want her to receive counseling.

    Votes: 134 27.7%
  • I don't really care.

    Votes: 234 48.4%

  • Total voters
Not that my opinion would really matter, I think it would be up to the psychiatrists' evaluations but I voted "yes". I haven't seen the evaluations to date and wonder, still, if all the speculation of her diagnosis is meant to label her in order to justify opinions or to truly help.
Not that my opinion would really matter, I think it would be up to the psychiatrists' evaluations but I voted "yes". I haven't seen the evaluations to date and wonder, still, if all the speculation of her diagnosis is meant to label her in order to justify opinions or to truly help.

but if she's a sociopath then they can't help b/c there exists no treatment.
Woah, her family said she had a mental illness? I missed that! :eek:

No non Cajun said
Pretty much. I truly think she suffers from no mental illness, even her family said so in the beginning.(unless they consider being a sociopath a mental illness, I don't).

Bold and underline by me
Respectfully snipped:

I agree with you, "...shooting a bb gun at a freight train". A perfect way to describe the effect counseling would have on KC. I'm having a hard time believing that some think counseling could help KC. She's gone way beyond having issues to pure, out and out evil. A truly evil person doesn't want help. They relish the way they are.
I posted earlier in this thread that KC should have been helped a long, long time before she got to the point of murdering her baby daughter (I'll go ahead and say it) and voted no to the counseling. Save it for someone who can benefit.

I agree with you, but as weird as it may seem, and I hope everyone understands what I mean by this. . . . but I don't think people with this type of personality disorder (which isn't confirmed yet, but seems pretty obvious) aren't necessarily "evil". Meaning, I don't think they just go around trying to be mean, or killing people, etc. It's much quieter than that. THEY JUST SIMPLY DO NOT CARE if someone else is hurt, they are only concerned with themselves. They do not have empathy. Some even enjoy invoking other people's emotions (sadness, hurt, betrayal, frustration, etc.) because they don't have these emotions themselves and they don't understand them and are curious. They are happy, having a good time, or they are angry.

Counseling can't fix this. And I will try and reserve more psych discussions for the psychology thread. Sorry.
No non Cajun said

Bold and underline by me

I seem to recall on NG where KC had gone for a psych evaluation. She was boasting that she was ABsolutely normal.

I remember making a remark of how that reminded me of an episode of Laverne and Shirley when Squiggy went to psychiatrist and his report said "ABsolutely normal, or as the doc abbreviated, ABnormal."
I'd only be curious to see what a psychiatrist would diagnosis her with. That is all.
That's a very good answer and sort of what I was expecting to hear. Sort of why I asked it to begin with. There's such a taboo on both sides of the coin: 1. If someone is unfortunate enough to be afflicted, then it is improper and maybe even immoral to disparage 2. Although far more widely accepted today, mental illness is very much still a volatile subject, especially within the confines of the "family".

Then again, I don't think my question is all that difficult to answer. I actually happen to have a ballpark figure I know to be widely accepted as being within the norm. The reason I asked is when the poster asks about counseling, what in the world does that mean? Counseling isn't going to do any good whatsoever for somebody who is completely out of their head. For KC, I would imagine it would be like shooting a bb gun at a freight train. KC is way beyond the point of help with counseling if in fact she did do what many of us feel she did. She's more or less in "Crazy Land" and nothing that could be provided by the penal system could even hope to try and help.

That is the thing, Casey isn't crazy.

ALL people afflicted by antisocial personality disorder don't kill their children. While emotionally an APD is empty toward others, killing is a conscious, deliberate act. Like stealing.

"Dexter" the stereotypical sociopath has the ability to pick and choose his victims. He is also lies and passes among his peers without notice. Just like Casey did.

You can fix a chemical imbalance or modify behavior. But, how can you make a mother who feels no more connection to her dead daughter than most would have toward an annoying gnat, have remorse?

How do you get someone to have feelings that don't exist?
I voted, “I don’t care”. However, the more I have been thinking of it, I believe that I should have voted “No”. The reason I don’t think she should receive counseling is because; I selfishly hope and pray that she never sees the outside of prison walls in her natural lifetime, and I don’t think counseling will benefit her in adapting to prison life.
I do support counseling in some cases and I believe that it should be available for those who will become eligible for parole, to support them in their transition to civilian life.
Please don't get me wrong, I don't think children should be told they are bad in any way at all, especially that young. My only point was my opinion and experience with someone that does have this personality disorder and his family and that he was treated the exact opposite of "bad" to the extreme.

I believe we probably agree that children need boundaries and to learn that there are consequences to their mistakes and wrongdoing. In my x's case he didn't learn this and therefore never cared if he did something wrong or hurt someone. The only part of your statement that I disagreed with was "Just tell them they will never be right, or they will never lead a good life, or they will never be a productive citizen" and that "Actually that is what makes a person like Casey." (Your statement in blue).

No he wasn't hearing he would never amount to anything, that he would never become a productive adult at 2 years old. That was my point. He was told how perfect he was and that he could do no wrong. The world revolved around him and what he wanted - and he always got it no matter what the cost.

My point is counseling would not help someone without a conscious (sp?), it's not there to fix.

Your ex sounds more like a spoiled brat that had no consequences. More of a learned behavior than a personality disorder.
1) I would like her to meet and be exploited by a bigger sociopath than she.

2) I would like her to be greeted by the catcalls of "baby killer" every morning she wakes up.

3) I would like her to know that her only men "prospects" are the 40+ something guards, most of whom would never consider her advances.

4) I would like her to know she will never party at a night club again.

5) I would like her to know that life outside of prison at this point may actually be more dangerous to her than life inside prison.

1) I would like her to meet and be exploited by a bigger sociopath than she.

2) I would like her to be greeted by the catcalls of "baby killer" every morning she wakes up.

3) I would like her to know that her only men "prospects" are the 40+ something guards, most of whom would never consider her advances.

4) I would like her to know she will never party at a night club again.

5) I would like her to know that life outside of prison at this point may actually be more dangerous to her than life inside prison.


Your ex sounds more like a spoiled brat that had no consequences. More of a learned behavior than a personality disorder.

Unfortunately it's verified with 15 hours of professional testing. There are a lot of words that could describe him, the most fall under the criteria for personality disorders!
1) I would like her to meet and be exploited by a bigger sociopath than she.

2) I would like her to be greeted by the catcalls of "baby killer" every morning she wakes up.

3) I would like her to know that her only men "prospects" are the 40+ something guards, most of whom would never consider her advances.

4) I would like her to know she will never party at a night club again.

5) I would like her to know that life outside of prison at this point may actually be more dangerous to her than life inside prison.


Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and I think definately Yes to number 5.
I don't think KC can be cured but if counseling helps her see the pain she causes others then it can't hurt. I don't really care what happens to KC in jail. I only care that she stays there.
Casey is dead to me. I would be happy with her waking to the morning chants of "baby killer". She can fall asleep to the same chants as far as I care. In between, may she never have a visitor - including family.
I've always heard "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE" but I honestly believe in the case of the Anthonys that "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOUR BUTT IN JAIL!"
She's already wasting ENOUGH of the taxpayer's money with her lies. No, I wouldn't like to see her get counseling. Her future is pretty much sealed. Life in Prison Without Parole or the Death Penalty....either way, no benefit to counseling.
I agree with you, but as weird as it may seem, and I hope everyone understands what I mean by this. . . . but I don't think people with this type of personality disorder (which isn't confirmed yet, but seems pretty obvious) are necessarily "evil". Meaning, I don't think they just go around trying to be mean, or killing people, etc. It's much quieter than that. THEY JUST SIMPLY DO NOT CARE if someone else is hurt, they are only concerned with themselves. They do not have empathy. Some even enjoy invoking other people's emotions (sadness, hurt, betrayal, frustration, etc.) because they don't have these emotions themselves and they don't understand them and are curious. The are happy, having a good time, or they are angry.

Counseling can't fix this. And I will try and reserve more psych discussions for the psychology thread. Sorry.
Bold is mine.
It's not her suspected personality disorder that defines her as evil. It's her actions and the way these actions are perceived in our culture.
An evil person doesn't see himself as evil but his victims do. They don't victimize others because they are evil but do so because, as you say, they simply do not care if someone else is hurt. They have an agenda and it doesn't matter who is hurt in the process. IOW, they don't wake up in the morning and say "I'm evil; who can I be mean to today or kill". They don't go around trying to be mean or killing people. It happens though because they are evil.
Take, for example, Hitler. He wouldn't define himself as evil. He would say he was trying to make the world a better place. He didn't go around trying to be mean or kill people. But he did. He killed millions. He probably had a personality disorder too. I don't know of anyone who wouldn't define Hitler as evil. So was he or wasn't he?
His personality disorder didn't make him evil. He didn't view himself as evil and go around trying to be mean; he was trying to better the world. The thing is he simply didn't care if others were hurt; he was only concerned with himself and his agenda (making the world better). He did not have empathy. All the same, he was evil personified. Ask anyone.
KC didn't go around trying to be mean or killing people but she was mean, she victimized many with no regard for their feelings, and she murdered her daughter. She was only concerned with herself. These are evil acts committed by an evil person, KC. Whether she had a personality disorder or not she was evil. Ask her victims.
Do you want Casey to receive counseling while in jail?

if you want my complete candor then here it is:

i don't want casey to receive oxygen while in jail
I seem to recall on NG where KC had gone for a psych evaluation. She was boasting that she was ABsolutely normal.

I remember making a remark of how that reminded me of an episode of Laverne and Shirley when Squiggy went to psychiatrist and his report said "ABsolutely normal, or as the doc abbreviated, ABnormal."

Thanks for the giggle !!

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