Should Casey's Bond Be Revoked?

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Should Casey's Bond Be Revoked?

  • Yes, Send her back to jail

    Votes: 273 89.5%
  • No, Keep her at home under watch

    Votes: 32 10.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Turbothink I have to agree with you on this one. While I realize that she has a right to bond, I think Leonard and Tony were USED and mislead BIG TIME into posting her bail!! That is just WRONG!! As it stand at the moment, it is not Casey, her family, or Baez that is out $50,000, it is Leonard. That is money that he will never get back even if they do revoke her bond. Also think about all the money that TP and LP are spending just to stay there in Florida and protect her while this charade continues to play out. Plane tickets, RV rental, motel rooms, meals for all thoses people working for them can't be cheap. I don't think Baez ever intended to let LP talk to Casey in any way shape or form. His offers of "Casey can talk to him if she wants to as long as it is in his presence" ring just about as hollow as his offers to let LE or FBI talk to her. And we all know how well that worked out don't we!!

Sorry but I think they were led to bail her out under false pretenses and for that they should revoke her bond and send her back to jail. If they and their crew want to stay in Florida to search for Caylee, dead or alive, they don't need Casey out of jail to do it since she is not helping them one bit. They could spend more time looking for Caylee if they did not have to spend time "protecting" Casey. JMO

Not unless they are all after a " booty call " from you know who. Maybe they have a number system they use daily OR today its < cough > turn and tomorrow it's < cough > turn and so forth and so on.

:praying: for Caylee
No. Keep her somewhere safe, get her the psychiatric/psychological help she needs, and keep her mother far away from her.

Uhhh, if it is like most jails it will be one or the other. If out of jail she could be taken to a doctor and treatment begun.... if she agrees to go.

But in jail, they do emergency treatment only, they will administer any meds the person might be on and psch evaluations. But they won't usually pay for ongoing treatment, nor transport to appointments.
I never thought she was going to crack open right away. I figured it would take time for her to talk if at all. the documents coming out yesterday was only a small piece of this. Give it time she may crack later, but I assumed LE would of put her in general population and then she would sing like a canary. I say put her back in and she'll crack there. How dare she wear that T-shirt!!! I am sick just seeing the clips on NG.
sorry just my opinion. I never thought she'd talk out of jail, never.~!~
Didn'y Casey lie yet again to convince Cindy and George that she would TELL THEM where Caylee was? Leonard was so sure he would get it out of her.

Revoke the Bond NOW, TP....she doesn't deserve your kindness and faith!!
Didn'y Casey lie yet again to convince Cindy and George that she would TELL THEM where Caylee was? Leonard was so sure he would get it out of her.

Revoke the Bond NOW, TP....she doesn't deserve your kindness and faith!!

Right On!! But Tony P doesnt have to and its normally not done in many cases. however, this case is very unusual and deserves a turn around!:mad:
I don't think she should have been bailed out in the first place. Legally...yep, she was entitled it. However, I didn't/don't support it at all.
Yes, her bail should be revoked so she learns a lesson, because she is not learning anything by everyone "enabling" her. (Her parents should stop helping her too).
Btw, hello to all, I'm new to the boards and have been following this case for a long time, its nice to meet you all.
I voted yes, now that TES is coming I think they will find her.
I voted yes and I honestly believe that is where she should be and should stay but....

I could changed my vote to no if they stake her out in the front yard with no family support and let reporters fire questions at her 24/7. Actually that might be the most effective way to get anything true out of her.

Can we do that, pretty, pretty please?
Yes, her bail should be revoked so she learns a lesson, because she is not learning anything by everyone "enabling" her. (Her parents should stop helping her too).
Btw, hello to all, I'm new to the boards and have been following this case for a long time, its nice to meet you all.

Welcome Short Stuff!
I voted 'no' because under the law and with what she is currently charged with, she has the right to be out on bail, as long as she maintains the conditions of her bail.

I'm siding with the letter of the law and putting aside my personal feelings. If/When she is charged with something else...something more serious, then her bail should be reconsidered and revoked. She's not a danger to society in her current capacity of wearing an ankle bracelet, monitored 24x7, and mostly housebound.

I totally agree with you and well said.
I'm with DazzlinDebinSD.

The ultimatum should be placed: Every piece of truthful information she has or back to custody.

The Padillas had good intentions with their actions and it's a shame that Casey managed to snow them like she apparently has done everyone else. Now that she's playing the same card, why should they continue to invest their money in to her freedom?
I just found something that jogged my memory. But I need some help to make sure there is a connection . What is Jesse Grunds My Space Web Page??
My vote on this is no. I do believe she is very guilty of many things. However, I believe the punishment she is receiving now is worse than in the jail. She's "free"; but not. It's a tease. Additionally, she (her family) is paying for her and not the taxpayers! My feeling is she'll be back there soon enough!:behindbar

You really make a great point, Stacy O.

And no doubt they are driving each other crazy in that family! The point that the tax payers are not feeding Casey and that she has to pay $5.00 per day for the ankle monitor is great! (should have to pay more, tho!)

And yes, the next time Casey goes into that jail, she won't be coming out on bail.

I'm still reading the doc. Totally, completely amazing. I agree with seriously searching that we've never had anything like this before.

I bet Cindy named Caylee.

I voted YES so Leonard Padilla can go home to his family.
True enough.

IMO, The Padillas should revoke her bond & let her parents assume personal responsibility for getting the money together for her bail.

There's a lot more chance that she won't simply disappear before her trial if her PARENTS' money is on the line.

I wouldn't feel this way IF her family didn't support her nonsensical lies & make ridiculous excuses for her. I just question how willing they will be to see her stand trial.

yes. Leonard should go and help some Mom who WANTS to talk and really HAS had child kidnapped. Casey IMO is lying and even he said she isnt talking to him.
She can talk to her lawyer in the slammer and quit eating good food. And if I were her parents, I wouldnt bother visiting her for putting them through all this.
Cindy and George should realise at least they have Lee. He sounds like a good person. write off Casey. NO good #!@#!!
I wish LE would start scanning those lakes and ponds around area, thats where they might find Caylee:(
Unfortunately for LP and the other RV guys, I vote no ... that house has got to be a pressure cooker, especially since the release of the 400 pages. Someone is bound to slip up or lose it and blurt out some important information.

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