Should Caylee's Memorial Be Televised (poll included)

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Should Caylee's Memorial Be Televised?

  • Yes, it should be televised, locally.

    Votes: 19 4.4%
  • Yes, it should be televised, nationally.

    Votes: 118 27.1%
  • No. I am concerned about money being made off Caylee.

    Votes: 110 25.3%
  • No broadcast. It's private for those attending. No concern of finances exchanging hands.

    Votes: 168 38.6%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 20 4.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If you ask me, this memorial service isn't for Caylee at all, it is for KC. It will be videotaped, so KC can see it. People will be searched before entering for cameras, etc. No one will be allowed to take photos and I will bet there will be no media cameras allowed. I am sure someone is brokering the rights to the video which will be the property of CA and GA.

But, they will have a grieving family, a crowd of mourners, lots of moving testimony, songs and poems. Everyone will weep. And KC will finally have show of emotion - on tape. It is an attempt to humanize KC because she has become the monster darling of the media.

The thought that anyone would sell memorabilia, collect donations or recruit new associates at the memorial service makes me want to puke. The thought that the media would roll cameras in the church makes me cringe at the complete absence of decorum and dignity.

Is nothing private? I can not respect anything other than a private funeral and interrment. It is the sad end of a beautiful life. Caylee has been memorialized since July 15th. It is time to lay her to rest.

I may be alone in my thinking, but it's JMHO.


I so agree with you, DotsEyes!

ETA: I know I will feel no better until there is a trial and Casey is convicted.
If you ask me, this memorial service isn't for Caylee at all, it is for KC. It will be videotaped, so KC can see it. People will be searched before entering for cameras, etc. No one will be allowed to take photos and I will bet there will be no media cameras allowed. I am sure someone is brokering the rights to the video which will be the property of CA and GA.

But, they will have a grieving family, a crowd of mourners, lots of moving testimony, songs and poems. Everyone will weep. And KC will finally have show of emotion - on tape. It is an attempt to humanize KC because she has become the monster darling of the media.

The thought that anyone would sell memorabilia, collect donations or recruit new associates at the memorial service makes me want to puke. The thought that the media would roll cameras in the church makes me cringe at the complete absence of decorum and dignity.

Is nothing private? I can not respect anything other than a private funeral and interrment. It is the sad end of a beautiful life. Caylee has been memorialized since July 15th. It is time to lay her to rest.

I may be alone in my thinking, but it's JMHO.

Dots Eyes, you are not alone! I feel the very same way you do.
If you ask me, this memorial service isn't for Caylee at all, it is for KC. It will be videotaped, so KC can see it. People will be searched before entering for cameras, etc. No one will be allowed to take photos and I will bet there will be no media cameras allowed. I am sure someone is brokering the rights to the video which will be the property of CA and GA.

But, they will have a grieving family, a crowd of mourners, lots of moving testimony, songs and poems. Everyone will weep. And KC will finally have show of emotion - on tape. It is an attempt to humanize KC because she has become the monster darling of the media.

The thought that anyone would sell memorabilia, collect donations or recruit new associates at the memorial service makes me want to puke. The thought that the media would roll cameras in the church makes me cringe at the complete absence of decorum and dignity.

Is nothing private? I can not respect anything other than a private funeral and interrment. It is the sad end of a beautiful life. Caylee has been memorialized since July 15th. It is time to lay her to rest.

I may be alone in my thinking, but it's JMHO.

Very good post, I totally agree. I am tired of the circus, let the baby be put to rest quietly and respectfully.
I have never cared one way or the other about the money, that's not my business. Caylee is dead. Nothing on earth will change that.

Should a broadcast of the funeral be out there? I don't think so. The public memorial, fine.

In regards to the Anthony's giving this memorial, I thought this memorial was the church's idea to give this for the people that came to love Caylee in the past months? I could be wrong, but that is how I understood it.

Didn't Cindy clearly state that LP is not to attend and she will make sure of it.? Not exactly emitting generosity for people who came to know Caylee. Who cares what he thinks of the parents or they of him? Everyone but the killer should be allowed to attend, JMO.

I believe that George and Cindy are putting the memorial together and the Pastor is opening his church for it. George and Cindy attended this church over Christmas and that is when the spoke with the Pastor or he spoke with them...they spoke anyway. When the Pastor named a date for the memorial they thought they would have Caylee's remains by then. Someone said that they plan to have the private service right after the memorial. I don't know because I hadn't heard anything about that.

I don't know if Cindy told Lenny that he is not welcome. Cindy hasn't been in the public eye since Caylee was found so I didn't hear her say that. If Cindy and Lenny had a big falling out then it seems that he should respect her wishes. If my ex had shown up at our daughter's memorial service I would have made sure he left.
Should Caylee's public memorial be broadcast? (**edited to clarify)

<<FOX 35 has learned that behind the scenes, Cindy has been busy making preparations for a public memorial, tentatively scheduled for February 10 at the First Baptist Church of Orlando.

The sanctuary can hold up to five thousand guests and is pre-wired for video>>

Since it appears the location of the public memorial was chosen with it being "pre-wired for video" in mind, I am assuming it is intended to be broadcast.

How do you feel about this?
I think there should only be one memorial, a private one that is not taped or televised. I don't think anyone who is not a family member or family friend should attend, nor should the public have any expectation or entitlement to attend.
If you ask me, this memorial service isn't for Caylee at all, it is for KC. It will be videotaped, so KC can see it. People will be searched before entering for cameras, etc. No one will be allowed to take photos and I will bet there will be no media cameras allowed. I am sure someone is brokering the rights to the video which will be the property of CA and GA.

But, they will have a grieving family, a crowd of mourners, lots of moving testimony, songs and poems. Everyone will weep. And KC will finally have show of emotion - on tape. It is an attempt to humanize KC because she has become the monster darling of the media.

The thought that anyone would sell memorabilia, collect donations or recruit new associates at the memorial service makes me want to puke. The thought that the media would roll cameras in the church makes me cringe at the complete absence of decorum and dignity.

Is nothing private? I can not respect anything other than a private funeral and interrment. It is the sad end of a beautiful life. Caylee has been memorialized since July 15th. It is time to lay her to rest.

I may be alone in my thinking, but it's JMHO.

ITA, and I'll add that I want nothing to do with any public event orchestrated by the A's. Chances are they will scrutinize any tapes of the public attending and start picking people out to point a finger at, just like Baez was trying to do with the TES volunteers. Nothing is sacred with these folks.
No I don’t think Caylee’s memorial should be televised. I also don’t think KC should be awarded any privilege that another prisoner would not; especially at the expense of taxpayers.

Caylee has been memorialized for months every day by thousands of loving and caring people who won’t rest until the loss of her young innocence has been vindicated.

To me, Caylee’s fate brought glaringly into my line of site the vulnerability of children who may be the silent victims of self indulgent and careless parenting even under the guise of smiles and good parenting. It just makes me more vigilant and I’ve signed up at the READ program at the library to just add a little of what I can for children who may benefit. That’s what little Caylee’s memory has done for me. I don’t need to see a circus with the “Center of Attention” holding court.

You said it all! Great post.
IMO.....NO!!! I mean definitely not the private....for the public one, not on TV. This whole case is a tragedy. Caylee was an adorable child and captured the hearts of millions. I don't like to use the word "hate", but I DO hate Casey for what she has made this become...IF only the truth came out from the first day...not 31 days. Although, the media hasn't helped matters.
But, I believe it's time to put things into perspective. Never thought I'd say this, and even though I come here a few times throughout the day to check the's getting out of about tainting the jury pool.
Could have been said...but, maybe individual churches can somehow "live stream" from a media source....if each churches congregation chooses to mourn with the Anthony's at the memorial....there must be some way of broad casting the images just at the specified locations....right??? Maybe not....

ETA : I THINK there is media invited???
I voted no. My concern is CA selling the "exclusive rights" to ET like they did with Anna Nicole. I think it would be disgusting if money is made off the memorial service of this murdered child.
They want to search people circus atmosphere here.
Agreed. I've seen no dignity for Caylee from any of those surrounding her. Caylee has been commoditized. I cannot support that. I cannot think of, nor have I seen, a single good reason for her memorial service to be televised. I can think of, and have seen many good reasons for it not to be.

Caylee was a real person. She never hurt a single soul in her short life. She deserves definitive protection of her dignity and respect. I wish to God somebody in her family would stand up for her.

I so agree. From past behaviors is this going to be the KC loved Caylee so much, just look at all of the pictures of them together. Is CA using this for the benefit of KC rather than a memorial for Caylee. So many things could go wrong. Is it the new cash cow for the pictures of Caylee to be shown and made money off of. Who will speak on behalf of Caylee. Other than a couple of people including the Grund's who else was part of Caylee's life before her death. She was not in a dance class, she was not part of a play group, and other than KC's former friends and acquaintances who can say anything about precious Caylee. I just can's stand the thought of people from the tattoo parlor for instance saying they remember Caylee saying,"hey Dude" when her mom was getting a tattoo. We have memorialized Caylee in our hearts in the pursuit of justice for her and the person who murdered her be held accountable. CA may be using this for the wedding she will never be able to plan or the sweet 16 party Caylee will never attend but this should be about Caylee and as I said above from prior bad acts I can't trust that Caylee will be put first even if it is her memorial.
NO! This should be a private funeral and not some sort of circus act. We don't have media covering funerals of other kids who were murdered, so why single this one out. I know it has gotten a lot of public attention, but geeeez, lets not add more to it.. I vote NO..
I'm confused. Isnt the whole idea of the memorial a chance for the public to get closure? And to say goodbye to the little girl we wish we could have protected from this?
To see her honored in a beautiful way, after discussing her decomp, and other ugly things?
The public is everyone, so why shouldnt it be televised for people like me to see? Isnt this the reason why they are having two services? One private, and one public?
LP's 'memorial/prayer vigil' was televised. Why was that ok, and this is met with such critisism?
The anthonys are allowing us a chance to say goodbye to their little girl....Because they see how loved she is by all of us.
I think it would be a so special for Caylee to have hundreds of thousands of people praying for her to rest in peace at one moment in time.... saying goodbye to the little princess who holds a special place in our hearts , and who has taught us so much about the value of life, love and our role as parents.
So to the people who dont agree with it being televised, are you saying that you wont watch it?
I bet ya do! :) JMO,0,5042925.story,5042925.story
This was tricky. I voted no because a funeral is sacred. However, and I know this is a reallllllllllllll long shot, if the A's are holding a public viewing to honor all those who searched and prayed for Caylee, that would be different.

In the end I hope any decisions made are one's that respect and honor Caylee ONLY.
If you ask me, this memorial service isn't for Caylee at all, it is for KC. It will be videotaped, so KC can see it. People will be searched before entering for cameras, etc. No one will be allowed to take photos and I will bet there will be no media cameras allowed. I am sure someone is brokering the rights to the video which will be the property of CA and GA.

But, they will have a grieving family, a crowd of mourners, lots of moving testimony, songs and poems. Everyone will weep. And KC will finally have show of emotion - on tape. It is an attempt to humanize KC because she has become the monster darling of the media.

The thought that anyone would sell memorabilia, collect donations or recruit new associates at the memorial service makes me want to puke. The thought that the media would roll cameras in the church makes me cringe at the complete absence of decorum and dignity.

Is nothing private? I can not respect anything other than a private funeral and interrment. It is the sad end of a beautiful life. Caylee has been memorialized since July 15th. It is time to lay her to rest.

I may be alone in my thinking, but it's JMHO.

Believe me, you are not alone. I have seen many posts on this thread saying just how lovely this service 'could' be. I only wish that I believed that is how it is going to turn out. But based on history, I am doubtful. I would be glad to be proved wrong.
They want to search people circus atmosphere here.
Well, now think about it-there are plenty of other crazies out there who don't have the last name Anthony!* Remember the protesters?* Who knows what may happen if they flash huge 10 ft. pictures of Cayleewith KC for all to see?* The memorial should be all about Caylee, but what if they try to push the "mother of the year" story down everyone's throat?* Remember this is probably CA planned and produced.* Will she have any idea that this is not an opportunity to spotlight herself or her family?* This is Caylee's memorial-a chance for all who loved HER to say "goodbye". The Anthony family should have a private funeral where they can focus on themselves and their loss-but a public memorial should be all about Caylee and be sensitive to those who loved her, mourn her, searched for her, cried for her, and even though the public may not have known her in this life we will miss her terribly and the promise of what her future could have been for her and what she could have contributed to this terribly troubled world!!

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