Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

  • Total voters
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This blog entry by legal analyst, Bill Sheaffer is right on target. But, it seems to end mid-sentence. Is part of his comments missing?

Just use the arrow on the far right to scroll down..
Happy Saturday, one and all. I try to read all the posts in a particular thread before I post, this one being no exception. Its an attempt not to cover things other posters have but sometimes things do need to be said a couple times. I do think that all their shenanigans are being annotated, but for right now the important thing is the successful prosecution of the only person that the evidence points to. I have this daydream/fantasy that after the jury brings in the inevitable 'guilty' verdict, the DA has a little impromptu conference on the court house steps. Thanking the team, etc. is followed by a big (to some) surprise. "Now that little Caylee has had some sort of justice served, we can go after all those who tried to interfere with justice from taking its due course. Look for indictments from my office later today.' May just be a fantasy but may actually come to light someday, we shall see. Thanks for reading this.
Charged with what?

That's what I thought. They're 2 stoopid parents, in denial. No one can know how they would act should their daughter kill their own grandaughter. They have done everything in their power to blame it on soddi.

Should they be charged for trying to protect their child? I don't think so. There's only 1 killer here, and I think we all know who "she" is.

All the best,

Charge the basta#*s. I am sick of this circus.

Please help - what are they going to be charged with? According to GA's testimony, he was pretty honest, as was CA. Of course their stories changed after KC was arrested, but I think they were pretty honest up front.


I think they MUST be charged in order to uphold integrity in the judicial process. These people have gone so far beyond anything I would have thought possible for people their's just astonishing. Not just the lies, but the venom and vitriol toward anyone who disagrees with them, questions them, or doesn't conduct searches or investigations they way they want. Of course I could go on but we all know what's up with them.

The long and short of it is - they used up any capital they may have had in terms of sympathy or shock, about a month after this bizarre fiasco began. Cindy, George and Lee must spend time in jail, if not prison if there is any justice in the world. They stepped on the line, and have now long since crossed the line.

I'd really like to see some sort of sanction or disbarment against baez and Conway as well. I've never seen such a lack of professionalism and honesty in a case like this.

Furthermore, are we not at the point where we need to start pressing for regulations on out of state attorneys and glory hounds using the tax funded legal system as their personal get rich/famous machine? Honestly...enough is enough.
Please help - what are they going to be charged with? According to GA's testimony, he was pretty honest, as was CA. Of course their stories changed after KC was arrested, but I think they were pretty honest up front.



1) Lying to 911, re: CA called asking to have her daughter arrested for "grand theft". Not quite sure which car CA was referring to, as they were both in CA's while she called, and the other car was being aired out in the A's garage.
(Oh, thats 2 lies to police, right off the bat) and she casually adds that her
granddaughter MIGHT be missing.

2) Lying to the police again. "We found my daughters car today and it smells like there was a dead body in it." That was CA. She later changes her story to claim the smell came from rotting pizza. Ok, CA was a nurse, and GA was a cop. Both reacted with fear and alarm when they smelled the car. They both said it smelled like a dead body. They had to air the car out for hours.
Lee smelled that nasty smell about 6 hours after the car was brought back to the house, and the doors, trunk and windows were wide open.
I believe he might not have known what a decomp smelled like, but I'm sure CA & GA told him thats what it smelled like to them. CA again changes her story slightly saying that someone could have put a deadbody in that car while it was in the tow lot. I don't think she ever stated that someone put rotting pizza in there, which in MHO would have been alot easier to pull off.

3) Which brings up a tampering with evidence charge. CA took it upon herself to wash the clothes in KC's found car. GA drove the car into the garage and
immediately the 2 of them went to work rifling thru it. What they were 'hoping' to find has never been addressed, but CA grabbed all the clothes and washed them. GA had the garbage bag out in the trunk tossed at the tow lot by the tow lot manager. Yet he was sure he smelled the scent of death. Sadly, the smell didn't go away. GA had to drive with his windows down to breath. So tell me, an ex-cop that knows what that smell means decides to remove evidence from a potential crime scene. Neither of them had seen Caylee or KC for quite sometime. The car has obviously been abandoned and towed. They had spoken with KC, but they had no clue what she was up to. None of her prior promises had panned out. CA thought KC was punishing her. As dramatic and manipulative that CA is, surely she suspected harm to KC or Caylee, especially after smelling that car. CAs main concern is to find Casey, so she can find out where Caylee is. She has been told Caylee is with Zanny. She's never met Zanny. She's smelled decomp in KC's abandoned car and she washes KC's clothes and goes back into the car to get AD's phone number to find KC. But she plugs on without the help of the police. GA went off to work even though the car smelled like death. CA would get to the bottom of it. 'Clean out all the stuff, leave everything open and that smell will go away, so we can figure out what our lying, theiving daughter has done.' I'd say this was a perfect example of tampering with evidence. I, also, think they purposely avoided calling the police when they knew there was a big, big problem with that car and that the items inside were potential evidence. Why didn't they call police immediately? Let LE decide if its decomp, let them look thru all the junk in the car. They knew KC was out of control and CA knew KC was mad. CA knew that there was a good possibility that KC would lie more and if what she thinks happened actually did happen she could easily say "Ooops, I want to get that smell out of her clothes. I didn't think she'd really do something like that. Keep in mind that neither CA or GA told anyone that they didn't know what decomp smells like. Which takes us right back to Cindy calmly calling police to have her daughter arrested for grand theft auto, while driving around in her car.

4) Another lying to police charge, along with purposefully givng LE a hairbrush that included everyones hair, when they asked for a bush that only Caylee would have used. CA was quoted in an interview with one of the papers that said she just gave them any old brush that they all used, she really didn't care what brush she gave them, in fact she hoped the dogs hair was in it as well. To me that was an 'in your face' attitude, and a great example of how uncooperative she really was and how uncooperative she wanted to be.

What the A's did went way beyond protecting their ADULT daughter. The car was direct evidence and they did everything in their power knowing that cleaning her stuff would/could wash away any potential evidence. That in itself deserves obstruction charges and an arrest.

If CA so believes that JG or RK or SODDIT, evidence of that could have been in the items in that car. IMO, she wasn't worried about them then, she was worried about her daughter and her daughter was her first suspect. She knew, her gut told her and she washed those items faster than you can blink and eye.

CA's role went beyond protecting and defending, it became obstruction of justice and sadly, I believe justice is being abused by these latest turn of events. If CA starts calling RK Zanny, my head will explode.

Oh, Yeah - momtective - I'd be happy to help you with that party! We might need to start planning now.
Just use the arrow on the far right to scroll down..

Thanks! I had the text set at a large size for reading some of the documents in this case, and when I went to the blog site, had to scroll all the way to the right to find the arrow.

I think Bill Sheaffer has summed it up beautifully! I note from the comments on the blog that people are very angry with the defense. I think everyone has seen through the defense ploy - when the defense seeks to implicate and destroy an innocent man, it means they have no other defense. They've showed their hand and in the process have angered people.
Q: does anybody know if they let Lee get away with anything? like they obviously did when Casey was growing up. (lying,cheating, stealing etc)?
Thanks! I had the text set at a large size for reading some of the documents in this case, and when I went to the blog site, had to scroll all the way to the right to find the arrow.

I think Bill Sheaffer has summed it up beautifully! I note from the comments on the blog that people are very angry with the defense. I think everyone has seen through the defense ploy - when the defense seeks to implicate and destroy an innocent man, it means they have no other defense. They've showed their hand and in the process have angered people.

Yes. Also from what I am reading online, there is some "Big city lawyer comes down to hick Florida to show us how things are done" resentment, aggravated by this latest maneuver.
I think they MUST be charged in order to uphold integrity in the judicial process. These people have gone so far beyond anything I would have thought possible for people their's just astonishing. Not just the lies, but the venom and vitriol toward anyone who disagrees with them, questions them, or doesn't conduct searches or investigations they way they want. Of course I could go on but we all know what's up with them.

The long and short of it is - they used up any capital they may have had in terms of sympathy or shock, about a month after this bizarre fiasco began. Cindy, George and Lee must spend time in jail, if not prison if there is any justice in the world. They stepped on the line, and have now long since crossed the line.

I'd really like to see some sort of sanction or disbarment against baez and Conway as well. I've never seen such a lack of professionalism and honesty in a case like this.

Furthermore, are we not at the point where we need to start pressing for regulations on out of state attorneys and glory hounds using the tax funded legal system as their personal get rich/famous machine? Honestly...enough is enough.

Thanks just wasn't enough! The door must not be left open for other families to think murder of a child is an acceptable family business project.
BBM - I think that's exactly the prosecutor's plan...take care of one Anthony at a time. Can you imagine the media spin JB and team would make of the poor, suffering grandparents being targeted and harassed by LE. Most people don't follow this case closely enough to realize how despicable CA, GA, and LA's behavior has been.


I think it has more to do with the fact that zeroing in on them now could blur the line between accessory-after-the-fact and simple accessory to Murder One. Trials have been derailed that way. In fact, I think JB would think it is in his client's interests to have her parents implicated, despite their desperate "we believe you" tour (hey, they may have a feeling the KC bus is rolling too and want to look innocent). That would just blur the lines. Best to wait until after a conviction, imo.

And I think the way her parents have behaved has pretty much shot any public outcry about poor, suffering grandparents. If they had simply stayed home and issued a press release that they supported their daughter but wanted justice for Caylee, they would have had oodles of public support (who wouldn't feel sorry for people putting up with Princess KC?). Instead they are seen beligerently arguing KC's innocence in the press like she was running for office, vilifying LE, John Morgan, TM, witnesses, etc. and overexposing themselves in media outlets - not to mention the faux pas of dining on fois gras at the Ritz on a very specific evening, selling photos of Caylee and asking for donations for the foundation, they might have had a chance at managing public opinion. But every single thing they have said or done has backfired and less and less people are willing to extend them their sympathy, particularly after it has all gone on for almost a year and a half.

Either they have had horrible PR advice, or they haven't listened to any (which is the idea I get after seeing how many people have left the campaign trail).
I think we need a new poll on this since it was done in that we really see what they have done I bet is will change BIG YES..Don't forget the cruise with their $20,000 pay off..ugh, but don't pay your mortgage..
FWIW on another Crime site, a poster who is a reliable person, declares that a 'friend who works in the SA office' states CA has been the subject of an intensive investigation and has charges pending (?once this trial is done) for obstruction of an investigation, tampering with evidence, and a list of other wrongdoings...
This blog entry by legal analyst, Bill Sheaffer is right on target. But, it seems to end mid-sentence. Is part of his comments missing?

You have to scroll down -look for the arrow closest to his post... it's confusing.
I almost wonder if they are trying to polish their tarnished image (maybe with actions that would make a jury question charges against either of them?).

There's a case here locally of a child going missing

GA & CA wasted absolutely NO TIME involving themselves in the case. The story broke Friday evening and by Saturday morning they were on the news talking about how they showed up that night to help out, because they knew what the family was going through and wanted to offer support. Ugh, seems like insult to injury. On a related note, the grandparents of the missing child spent all night searching the woods with a bull horn, calling her name. DO YOU SEE, CA & GA, WHAT TRULY CONCERNED FAMILIES DO WHEN SOMEONE IS MISSING???

Sorry, almost too OT for this thread. The point remains, I think they maybe know they have pushed the boundries too much and want to look as saintly as possible (or maybe they just really like staying in the public eye).

Really totally OT, but CA looks . . . . weird . . . different. Oh well, none of my business.
Maybe they want to wait so that the anthonys wont use information they have to get a lighter sentence. Once Caseys put away that will eliminate any bargaining chips the Elder Anthonys would have. I do think it may come down after Caseys delt with.
I almost wonder if they are trying to polish their tarnished image (maybe with actions that would make a jury question charges against either of them?).

There's a case here locally of a child going missing

GA & CA wasted absolutely NO TIME involving themselves in the case. The story broke Friday evening and by Saturday morning they were on the news talking about how they showed up that night to help out, because they knew what the family was going through and wanted to offer support. Ugh, seems like insult to injury. On a related note, the grandparents of the missing child spent all night searching the woods with a bull horn, calling her name. DO YOU SEE, CA & GA, WHAT TRULY CONCERNED FAMILIES DO WHEN SOMEONE IS MISSING???

Sorry, almost too OT for this thread. The point remains, I think they maybe know they have pushed the boundries too much and want to look as saintly as possible (or maybe they just really like staying in the public eye).

Really totally OT, but CA looks . . . . weird . . . different. Oh well, none of my business.
Yes, interesting how George is quoted as saying :
“We’re just here to offer her family some support — a hug,” George said. “To let them know we understand, we understand what these first few hours, first few minutes can be like,” George said.

IMO, he speaks the truth. That's about how long they believed Caylee could have been missing. After that, they knew she was dead. So I do believe they should be charged. They have been untruthful ever since the moment they concluded she was dead.
Are we following the same case?! LOL I swear I am not just making this stuff up.

You couldn't make this stuff up, SS! :crosseyed:

Reading along and it dawns on me that this poll was posted in August of 2008.

Here we are in April of 2010 and not much has changed except a variety of interesting characters have surfaced, we have learned that CA kicked people out of her house who were trying to help find Caylee because she didn't approve of them and that CA didn't cooperate with LE when asked for personal items belonging to Caylee; why would CA not cooperate and give Caylee's actual toothbrush, her personal hairbrush?

Add to the above the story/timeline changes along the way.
I can hear that LE is questioning people trying to ascertain whose story - GA's or CA's - seems to match the truth. They ask questions like, who does most the talking, CA or GA? LE, I feel, is definitely not taking what the A's have told them at face value.

We'll have to wait and see I guess.
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