Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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I wonder, and maybe legal beagles will know, has there been a precedent case where family members have gone to these lengths in such a blatant and obvious fashion to tamper, withhold, perjure, etc? And if so, were those people eventually held accountable whether that included jail time, trial or whatever? Or was there a case where the family behaved this way and then afterward the cops were just like "yeah, it's ok, we understand your motives but it's all over now, we got the perp so you just go on with your lives now as best you can" ?

Edited: Sorry Leila, just saw your post where you said it could set precedence.
I have nothing profound to say except I sure hope so.
Unfortunately a lot of what the A's did that probably destroyed evidence/obstructed justice was done before they knew Caylee was actually missing (okay, but go along with me if you can) for example, cleaning the car out and washing the clothes was supposedly done before they knew caylee was missing/kidnapped, I can see why charges would be difficult to file against them for those actions; however, EVERYTHING done after learning Caylee was missing definately should be investigated and pursued so that no one thinks they can do this again.
Here is the video clip where Kathi B asks George if hes "worried about possible perjury charges"...doesn't look worried to me, in fact he and Cindy are chuckling at the question. I say charge away Orange County !

Thank you, Search for Truth, for posting that video. I had forgotten about this exchange between Kathi Belich and the Anthonys (w/Conway).
The chuckling and smug arrogance of George and Cindy just blows my mind!! I mean, WTH??!

OT--I had my own giggles when, upon leaving the courthouse building itself, the trio strolled/rolled away to the sounds of a worker hammering. Perfect "background music" for their exit, dontcha think? (especially for Cindy! LOL). Also~at the 1:12 mark in the video, there is a brief zoom shot of the sign for "Champs" (a cafe maybe?). My eyes just saw the word "CHUMPS" though........ :crazy:

I say---charge them, as well!

Unfortunately a lot of what the A's did that probably destroyed evidence/obstructed justice was done before they knew Caylee was actually missing (okay, but go along with me if you can) for example, cleaning the car out and washing the clothes was supposedly done before they knew caylee was missing/kidnapped, I can see why charges would be difficult to file against them for those actions; however, EVERYTHING done after learning Caylee was missing definately should be investigated and pursued so that no one thinks they can do this again.

But, even if they didn't know she was missing, the smell in the car told them that SOMEONE who wasn't alive had been in the car - regardless of who that person was, and they should have reported it immediately to LE. JMHO.
But, even if they didn't know she was missing, the smell in the car told them that SOMEONE who wasn't alive had been in the car - regardless of who that person was, and they should have reported it immediately to LE. JMHO.

The Thanks button wasn't enough for this! I totally agree with you and have been saying it for a while now. They knew that something had happened to someone (didn't matter who it was to them at the time) and they still felt the need to cover up and clean up for Casey. It also shows (IMO) that everything they have done since they have found out that "someone" was Caylee has been intentional and deliberate. They need to be punished for that.
I wonder, and maybe legal beagles will know, has there been a precedent case where family members have gone to these lengths in such a blatant and obvious fashion to tamper, withhold, perjure, etc? And if so, were those people eventually held accountable whether that included jail time, trial or whatever? Or was there a case where the family behaved this way and then afterward the cops were just like "yeah, it's ok, we understand your motives but it's all over now, we got the perp so you just go on with your lives now as best you can" ?

Edited: Sorry Leila, just saw your post where you said it could set precedence.

Scott Peterson's mom went to some lengths, even as far as providing him the cash to get to Mexico, but she was never charged IIRC.
In my heart of hearts I honestly believe that CA and GA loved Caylee and would not knowingly harm her.

So, it is very puzzling that they would try to destroy evidence that would point to her murderer even if it meant that murderer was Casey. There are IMO be several possible reasons to explain their behavour
  1. They feel they somehow played a role in Caylee's demise and are acting out of guilt
  2. They find it difficult to face the ugly truth when it comes to Casey. (Recall the "she's not pregnant!" saga)
  3. Casey is somehow "blackmailing" them and if they don't help her she'll spill the beans.
  4. They believed Casey's lies ("I'm a victim too, somebody else did this and is trying to make me look guilty when I was only trying to protect the family") at first and tried to help her and now they are boxed into a corner.
  5. They sincerely believe that Caylee is still alive and well and living in Puerto Rico. LE ("the forces of evil") has planted false evidence (the skeletal remains [Sorry George] are not Caylee's) and is trying to frame their precious Casey.
I often wonder what the last words Cindy said to Casey were. I wonder if she taunted Casey with "Caylee told me this and Caylee told me that" or "Caylee doesn't have any business being with you, she loves me like a mother" "we'll be going to the courts for custody tomorrow". And did Casey reply?
Had it been one of us regular joe schmoes, we would have been tossed in jail long ago. What gives? I've said it before that if I feel like breaking the law, obstructing justice, lying under oath, lying to police, giving false statements, tampering with evidence, and withholding evidence.... I would do it in Orange County. Apparantly you can get away with it there. But I am a law abiding citizen, so wouldn't really do it.... but you get my drift.

Many people, including the residents of FL are becoming frustrated that the A's get to do whatever they please without consequence. And the A's WILL continue this illegal behaviour until someone holds them accountable. I really doubt they will be... It's a joke.

By the way, KC was charged with lying to a LEO, so why not her parents? The excuse I've heard is that they're "greiving grandparents", but I've never seen one ounce of greiving for poor Caylee... just for themselves and their psychotic daughter.
Why Is State Attorney’s Office Not Charging Anthonys With Perjury?
by: Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer
Thanks for posting that Harmony, I was looking forward to reading it.

I guess we just have to wait and see with this one. I can not believe that Orange County will let them slide after all they have done to derail this investigation. Their deceit has been so public, that if they are not charged, what message will it send to other potential family members wanting to "help out" a relative accused of a serious crime ? I get that the state needs some of their testimony, but enough is enough already !
I just wonder if the prosecutors are not charging them UNTIL after Casey's trial. IT would make sense to wait. If they charged them now they would have to answer in court to things the Prosecutors will want to bring up at Casey's trial and do not want to enable and prepare the defense. Just my thought.
I just wonder if the prosecutors are not charging them UNTIL after Casey's trial. IT would make sense to wait. If they charged them now they would have to answer in court to things the Prosecutors will want to bring up at Casey's trial and do not want to enable and prepare the defense. Just my thought.

I hope you are right because I can't understand for the life of me how CA & GA can so blatantly violate the law and not be held accountable. Why do they get a free pass? Roy Krunks life is being turned upside down and all he did was find little Caylee's remains. He is being lead to the slaughter and CA & GA are taking cruises and acting like they don't have a care in the world. It makes me sick!:banghead:
I can promise you this...I will throw one heck of a party the day CA is arrested.:dance:
I just wonder if the prosecutors are not charging them UNTIL after Casey's trial. IT would make sense to wait. If they charged them now they would have to answer in court to things the Prosecutors will want to bring up at Casey's trial and do not want to enable and prepare the defense. Just my thought.

BBM - I think that's exactly the prosecutor's plan...take care of one Anthony at a time. Can you imagine the media spin JB and team would make of the poor, suffering grandparents being targeted and harassed by LE. Most people don't follow this case closely enough to realize how despicable CA, GA, and LA's behavior has been.

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