Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

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Should Cindy, and/or George be charged??

  • Yes they should be

    Votes: 774 62.4%
  • No They shouldn't be

    Votes: 150 12.1%
  • I dunno yet

    Votes: 317 25.5%

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Perhaps, they were just waiting for these depositions? ;)

As the A's were never granted immunity I think the doors have been left wide open to charge them when the time was right.

I have to agree with you; I just hope the state has the resources and the stomach for it. Their crimes are one of the "lesser" that an overburdened system may tend to ignore due to the more pressing murder, rape, armed robbery, etc. felony cases that have stacked up. Honestly, forced to choose between the two, I'd have to choose getting the violent off the street before the liars.

However, it is my sincere opinion, (notice how many times I've posted various versions of this :) ), that the state would do very, very, VERY well to prosecute for these "lesser" crimes in such a high profile case due to the message it would send to the masses. This also relates to my oft repeated concerns regarding the media funding of G & C as well as KC's defense being not only a very sad state of affairs but a very dangerous precedent that will undoubtedly lead to future victims, if it hasn't already. I've written to my legislators asking that our 'Son of Sam' laws be tightened to prevent media money in ongoing cases of child abuse or homicide of a victim under 15 years old. I mean, what's the first clue the child isn't "missing"?? Um, that the family wants to charge for pictures and publicity that would lead to finding said child.

It needs to be stopped and I believe it can be.
Perhaps, they were just waiting for these depositions? ;)

As the A's were never granted immunity I think the doors have been left wide open to charge them when the time was right.

PS -- I hope the state is paying attention to the media and is starting to grasp any possible public backlash is less likely to come from charging than from not charging.

It is a political world we live in, after all, and the prosecutors have to consider keeping their jobs when considering charging a very sympathetic person with a "lesser" crime and the appearance of vindictiveness. Imagine public outcry if Dave Holloway had been charged stateside with some minor violation related to his daughter's case. But... well... G & C seem almost polar opposites of D & B.

ETA: Sorry if anyone is offended by mentioning Dave and Beth, especially in the same post and G & C. Guess Natalee is on my mind this time of year.
Which might be why they didn't charge her in the first place. But after watching her for nearly a year, what was first seen as instinctive, can be seen as a year long attempt to protect her daughter.... She is now also seen to be a lier sort of person.

It all adds up, and it doesn't look good for Cindy.

I'm with the camp that insists that G & C knowingly tampered with a crime scene when they moved that car. They both recognized that smell and named it to others. They both know their responsibilities in that regard, particularly GA but also CA, a mandatory reporter.

The intent in moving the car without contacting LE first was to contact KC so she could "explain" paraphrasing what CA told coworkers, iirc. IMO, the intent was also to clean and obstruct, such as by washing the pants and that began BEFORE contacting KC. Once KC gave them a reasonable excuse, SONDI, all of a sudden CA decides to mention, "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." No mention of the odor in the other calls. She was pushing to either get Caylee back or a good excuse before she let LE know there was an unexplained death in that car.
I usually don't like it when LE uses someone to "set an example" because it seems as though that person is being treated harsher than others for the same offense. But, for the A's, I would love to see it! Although, FL did recently change the law or make a new law concerning family involvement in crimes, so I think this is the perfect time to enforce it! It's one thing to want to help a family member in a criminal case, but it is another thing to help a family member get away with a crime! JMO

As I posted a little bit ago, I think using a high profile case to set an example to others is a great way to hopefully reduce such behavior without overloading the courts by prosecuting every single violator.

Imagine Misty in Satsuma would be so stubborn if CA was in jail?
Most people that I know that have suffered such a terrible loss don't take care of themselves very well. I see that Cindy is always put together very well, make-up on, hair perfect, as far as I'm concerned she has put Caylee out of her mind to fight for Casey. I have never personally seen another woman that I really don't care for as much as I don't care for her. She is covering up something, maybe initially when she made the call, she was grieving, but I have never heard that same tone in her voice since then. She's too busy defending Casey, who really wasn't even nice to her. I think once she realized Caylee was gone for good the cover-up began. Do I have sympathy for her? I don't even know, I have sympathy for Caylee.


Well said. CA is only "grieving" when it suits her purposes, imo, such as to elicit sympathy; to avoid; or to rebuff.
Put the Hammer in the Slammer!

That is right up there with "imaginanny" and "martyrmom" as one of the best expressions ever coined in this forum!!

I can see it now...

Ditto. I agree that he could have helped them if they had listened to his counsel. And love the borrowed Steely Dan image for true! I used to think she was a wildcard, but now think she's so predictable...argue, lie, roll eyes, huff, play victim, argue, complain "I'm just a grieving grandma," grit teeth, lie some more....lather, rinse, repeat. :wave: back at ya!

Near perfect... There all fixed! (Hope you don't mind the edits, in red.) :)
This is such a complicated case with so many black holes: ZFG, paternity, degraded evidence, perp alternately lying and silent, changing statements by the family...

I think the priority of the SA's office should be to prosecute the murderer. That is number one and that is where the focus should remain.

If prosecuting witnesses for perjury/obstruction/etc is necessary or helpful in the murder trial, only then should those charges be pursued prior to the murder trial.

If not necessary or helpful in the murder trial, perjury/obstruction/etc should be addressed after the murder trial.

Two questions: What is the time limit for filing perjury/obstruction/etc charges?
Does anyone see any possibility of Federal charges based on the family's interviews with FBI?

(emphasis added)

Hope this helps: of justice.htm
Perhaps, they were just waiting for these depositions? ;)

As the A's were never granted immunity I think the doors have been left wide open to charge them when the time was right.

Might as well wait until the trial against KC is over and their testimony is finished. Want to take odds that there may be perjury in the trial? :rolleyes: Might as well gather up the misdemeanors and charge them all at the same time. Might lose some of the earlier ones with a 1 year statute of limitations, but the later ones will be easier to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. In the meantime, what JM is doing in the civil trial by adding defendants could leave a perjuror with something harsher than a few months of jail time -- possibly an "economic death sentence" if the results are huge punitive damages and if they fall within the kind of debt that is not bankruptable. :eek:
IMO they should be charged with obstruction of justice, perjury, and child endangerment as Caylee lived under their roof and they knew KC's parenting skills were questionable and she was irresponsible with her daughter. CA herself was well aware of the danger as she confided in numerous people that she wanted custody of that baby yet she still did nothing about. Even after she had not seen Caylee for a month instead of contacting police she posted online and waited for KC to explain her actions...very disturbing for a grandmother who claimed to love that child as she did. Also, because of the misleading statements, lack of cooperation with law enforcement, and their personal campaign to slander law enforcements inability to find Caylee I think the Ant's should be reponsible for some of the huge debt incurred by the county in searches, not to mention ES's expenses. They came to Florida at CA's request and as soon as they showed doubt in KC's story CA & GA ceased to cooperate. They also bear some responsibilty in the slandering of ZG, I hope they are included in the suit. They need to be accountable for their lies and slanderous behavior.....:furious::furious::furious:

(emphasis added)

Great post all around. That part I bolded I hadn't considered before. Initially I was totally sympathetic to GA and CA and it took a lot before I couldn't excuse or explain them anymore. Had civil arguments/debates with folks close to me who gave up on them almost immediately. Since then, I've done a 180 and have come to believe that CA is all about CA and was defending herself as a parent when defending KC. (As if we can control our teen children, much less adult!) But now, I have to wonder if there's also this element involved in her creative, to say the least, history writing.

PS: In case that wasn't just a typo, it took me a few to figure out that "ES" was TES, Texasequusearch.
I get angry about some of the stuff the Anthony's do and say on TV but lets remember they are a victim of Caseys lies and actions.

They were in denial for a while and now they are scrambling to spare their daughters life.I see no harm no foul on their part.

Thanks for sharing your opinion, although I disagree, you make a good point. While I understand they are victims of KC's lies and actions, I only fault them for their own. Their actions and words were at least questionable prior to the dp being sought by the state.
Yes. I keep wondering, after viewing the depos of CA and GA and the way they acted, what will happen if they try to pull a stunt like that in court during the trial? I have never witnessed such disrespectful actions in my life! When JM is asking GA something and he says "the remains", GA just snaps at him! "How dare you speak to me like that!" and he threatens to walk out. Who do these people think they are? This is a legal proceeding, and they acted like they were in a schoolyard argument. I hope these depos are shown in court at the trial.

There will be a judge in the courtroom, unlike the depositions, so they won't get away with it for long. And even GA and CA are not too blinded to see what they accomplished in their depos, so I doubt they'll try it. Likely they will try the 'tired, haven't eaten, grieving' game that has worked so much better in the past. (oops, forgot the sarcasm alert.)
I agree with you 100%! I would really like to know why almost 10months down the road Cindy and George are still not working? How many people that have a missing child or death in the family go without working for so long? Especially the way our economy is. I didn't see them actively searching for Caylee while she was missing and I don't see them actively searching for her killer now that we all know she is dead. "IMO" it's because they have known all along what happen on the night of June 15th, but decided to create their own versions of events to throw LE off of the investigation to what really happen to Caylee. I just don't understand why they have not been charge yet. I don't mean to sound racist here, but if it was someone that was in the poverty level of society or minority they would of charged them in the blink of an eye. Even now that LE knows Caylee is no longer alive they still allow the Anthony's to go on these ridiculous media tours to taint the jury pool. I would be so enraged if I was LE working on a missing child/homicide case and the people that have some answers lied to me and led me on a wild goose chase were still out running their mouths telling mis-truths. JMO :truce:

Excellent post --- just 'thanks' wasn't enough.
Might as well wait until the trial against KC is over and their testimony is finished. Want to take odds that there may be perjury in the trial? :rolleyes: Might as well gather up the misdemeanors and charge them all at the same time. Might lose some of the earlier ones with a 1 year statute of limitations, but the later ones will be easier to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. In the meantime, what JM is doing in the civil trial by adding defendants could leave a perjuror with something harsher than a few months of jail time -- possibly an "economic death sentence" if the results are huge punitive damages and if they fall within the kind of debt that is not bankruptable. :eek:

Thank you, dear Themis, for saving me from an uninterrupted (and embarrassing) 12 posts in a row. I was so busy reading and typing, I didn't hear the echo... echo... echo... of being all alone in this thread!

I'm with the camp that insists that G & C knowingly tampered with a crime scene when they moved that car. They both recognized that smell and named it to others. They both know their responsibilities in that regard, particularly GA but also CA, a mandatory reporter.
The intent in moving the car without contacting LE first was to contact KC so she could "explain" paraphrasing what CA told coworkers, iirc. IMO, the intent was also to clean and obstruct, such as by washing the pants and that began BEFORE contacting KC. Once KC gave them a reasonable excuse, SONDI, all of a sudden CA decides to mention, "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." No mention of the odor in the other calls. She was pushing to either get Caylee back or a good excuse before she let LE know there was an unexplained death in that car.

BBM, Hellllooooooooo!!! She is a mandatory reporter, one of those little brilliant points I always seem to forget about....Thanks for the reminder!

I think CA hoped KC would appear with Caylee in tow, but she should have let the cops handle it from the moment she smelled the car-She ended up involving them in the end anyway!
I think Casey's behavior was a learned one.Blame her Ma and Pa.Poor Caylee was in the mix with these self-centered adults.She didn't have a chance.Shame on them.
I was busy and praying to come back here and you would say YES they are charged.
I am disappointed. :waitasec:
Yes, please charge them..just so they know they are not"in charge" "CEO of the situation" and that lying and being deceptive to LE and their antics at their depostions are not always the best thing to do....

in other them that they are NOT above the law.
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