Should Darlie have a new trial?

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Should Darlie Routier be given a new trial?

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Well I am no good at this computer business.Too old I suppose;)
Thank you Jane dear for your help.

First of all I will say that of course Darlie should get a new trial if only for the fact that she was suffering from post-partum depression and was given amphetamines.
A long time ago I was given those diet pills by a doctor who suggested them to me.I was not overweight but thought I was.I took them for 4 days and suddenly began to feel so outside myself that I panicked.
It was like I was no longer in control of what I was doing or thinking.And I know other people react that way too.
I took the remainer of the pills, crushed them with a pastry roller and watered them in well around my roses.They worked a treat!
Best place for them.

The second reason is that the prosecutor asked her if she regularly took her children to church.
How dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If she had been Jewish or Muslim or indeed any thing other than Christian there would have been an outcry.
'Did you regularly take your boys to temple/synogogue?'
Having said that I think she is guilty.
Well I did 5 minutes ago and then I read Jane's post and I equivocated.

I believe that Darlie is a narcissist.All signs point to this.A narcissist believes he/she is the sun in his own universe and all others must revolve around him/her, or made to if they don't.
Darlie had lost control of her spending ability, she was easily depressed after having the baby and with her ballooning weight,her boys were getting to that age where they like to play you up a little, and maybe even she wasn't sure of Darin anymore.Is it just a coincidence that the night he takes her sister home and takes a long time about it is the night of the murder?

She may have looked around to see what she could control.........not the money problem, not Darin,certainly not her weight at present, nor even the boys.
The boys?
Well maybe she could control the boys.

The evidence is there for all to see.....the 911 call where she starts off high pitched and hysterical and winds down as she is exhausted and cannot maintain the hysteria.
Normally a person suffering that sort of loss would just wind up tighter and tighter until whacked under.
But Darlie winds down.
From exhaustion?

The silly string.Oh dear, I defended her right to do this even though I could see the incongruity of it.
And this is the incongruity.
When a loved one has died after suffering a long illness sometimes we celebrate their happy release.
When a state of death may seem preferable to a state of life in pain and disability we will celebrate their freedom from it all.
But when your children have been wrenched from your arms at such tender ages and in such an appalling manner, then it becomes incongruous to celebrate in this way.
If you look at that tape closely you can see Darlie's triumph over her two naughty boys.
'You want to be 7 Devon? You want to be 7? Well you're 7, and how do you like them apples?
Enjoy your birthday party in heaven'

Yes it is awful.I have cried over these boys many times and berated myself for getting this involved in the first place.

I also have a theory about how it happened.And I don't know if anyone will like that.
But from my perspective, from this old broken-down carcass of mine,I have an idea of how it may have transpired.
Couldn't be worse than Darlie just up and stabbing her two young sons to death, could it?
Yes it could.
Are you going to tell us then LOL

I don't agree with you so far but thats - oh except for the drugs - Drugs definitely do horrid things to people - im glad you put them in the Garden !
Hi Jane,
I keep losing my posts when I hit submit.Must be the server.

Did you notice that the non-fatal stab wounds on Damon were totally different from the fatal wounds on both boys almost as if done by different people?
I don't think Darin went to bed that night.I think they argued.
I think Darin left the room and returned to find Darlie attempting to stab Damon in the back.
In the space of about 30 seconds I think both boys woke up.
Darin reached across Darlie's back and grabbed her right wrist and pulled it up and over her head and pulled the knife from her hands.
She was cut on her arm.
She had small cut wounds to her hands.
Darlie screamed to Darin that she could not live with the boys any longer, that they were destroying her life.
She threatened to kill herself and drew the knife across her throat.
He took it from her again and she was cut on her shoulder.
Then he saw the boys and realised that Damon had non-fatal wounds that would be hard to explain.
Darlie maybe threw Damon on the floor and Darin stabbed him in the back.
Devon came at his parents and was stabbed standing up.
I have always thought Devon was stabbed standing up.

When my boys were this age it would have been impossible for me to commit a crime like this the way people say Darlie did it.
Little boys are tough and strong.Damon MUST have woken with those non-fatal cuts.He could not have slept through it.
If one boy woke, the other woke.
The stab wounds in Devon, only two, were straight to the heart and all fatal wounds to the boys were of a totally different type of wound than the non-fatal.

Darin was heard on the 911 tape running heavily down the stairs.
He WANTED to be heard running down the stairs.
His voice was heard loudly on the 911 tape.
He WANTED his voice to be heard.
I think the sock in the alley is neither here nor there.When Darin ran down the alley with his shirt or pants he was wearing during the stabbing the sock just sort of hung on.
He probably shoved the clothing down the drain which I believe was not searched as it was locked.A stick would have been used to push it in.The clothing is probably still there.

When you see Darin at the silly string incident he looks more ashamed than anything else.
The Swiss Army knives in the coffins were a dead giveaway.And I don't mean to be facetious here.This is a tragedy.
He refused to let his boys have knives and then he cut them to death.

When the prosecutor asked Darlie if she killed her boys she said no.
Then he asked her if she hurt herself BEFORE she killed the boys trying to trap her.
And he did.
She replied..........
There y'go.
By their words shall you know them.
One reason I think Devon was stabbed standing is because his two stab wounds are from different directions,that is, one is from left to right, and one is from right to left.
Or it could be he was stabbed from both sides lying down and moving around and kicking as per the defense wounds.
One thing I know is that both boys were awake that night and thus knew who killed them.It was Damon's every nightmare come true.No wonder he would never sleep alone.
Damon appears to have been stabbed quickly four times in succession after the initial small thrusts that did not hit vital organs.

By Darlie wounding herself she effectively pulled the focus of attention from Darin to herself.It is a common thing where children are killed to see a parent only barely wounded in the same affray.
I cannot believe that Darlie, small as she was, managed to stab to death two boys whom we know were awake when they died.
For no longer than a minute that night in that God-forsaken house ( I could not call it a home) the biological parents of those two small boys waged death and destruction on their own offspring.
A deed so far against the genes of parents who usually fight to protect their own.
To have one parent a murderer is bad have two is a calamity of the worst kind.

Darin was not much of a father nor a husband in my opinion.He called his wife a fat pig when he thought no one was listening.
He apparently did nothing to help his sons when their mother locked them out of the house and became their enemy.
He had to be aware that the boys were leaving the house at 7am for the day to keep away from their mother.
I doubt if he ever saw the woman behind Darlie's figure and good looks.Not unlike a lot of men.
And Darlie worked it for all it was worth.Their whole relationship had to have been sex-based to have caused Darin to say to a friend that he and his wife could no longer play around naked and have sex all over the place because of the boys.
That's what families are about,they are about living together and respecting each others' rights and dignity.
Darlie took the boys' dignity when she treated them like two stray dogs she was obliged to feed and house, only giving them attention and putting on a show when she wanted to show off what she had produced.
And then both parents took their dignity away forever when they reduced them to corpses lying drowned in their own blood on the floor in their own home.The one place in the world where a child has a right to feel safe, on the floor at his mother's feet.

I have been wondering for the last year and a half why this case has devastated me so much.Not that I don't care about the other children brutally murdered by parents.I do but I admit I haven't got involved in them.
Death by stabbing is such a personal way to die for both participants, the stabber and the stabbed alike.
You must feel the weight of the knife as it melts through the flesh and refers the vibrations down into the handle.
It is much more personal even than drowning where I imagine that in the struggle to hold the victim under the water you would eventually feel the life leave the body.

I wish the police would investigate Darin again.I believe that a normal person would say to his wife's lawyer at a time like this......'Don't worry if they turn on me instead.I would rather be on DR than see my wife there'.
But Darin did the opposite.He expected that if the police focused hard enough on Darlie in regard to him, she would break and tell the truth.

There were four people in that house that night, and all four were involved in that appalling massacre.
Only three of them so far have been implicated in one way or another in the deed itself.
crystalmama have you read this

Did you know that it took the jurors only four hours to return a guilty verdict after having trial transcript with 33,000 errors and omissions, and never seeing the photos of her arm bruises ? and that there WAS a unidentified bloody fingerprint found on the Kitchen counter ?

If this were your sister mother aunt friend whoever and there was this much of a balls up wouldn't you want them to have a fair and just trial ?

The injustice served in the trial for Darlie is being over shadowed by the horrific and Gruesome murders of the two boys.Many can not get those images out of their heads and hearts and indeed the entire focus of your post is about how horrific it all was

(which is was I know)

But when one focuses too much on one thing they can lose sight of the bigger picture.

It is possible that Darlie may have on her HARD days as a mum and especially if she had PND, said things like "I cant handle this anymore" " i cant handle these boys" or any other varying things that MOST Mothers Say at extreme times of stress...
And it is possible that Darin decided to do something about that.
After all he organized a robbery..

Maybe he organized the hit and thought he would have Darlie injured enough so that she wouldn't be suspected and then they could live happily ever after with just ONE Child..

Maybe she made comments to him of having one child would be so much easier ..

Who knows what was said in conversations

But even though she *may* have said anything along those lines she would never have thought he would take her up on fixing that problem

We've all heard stories where besotted people have done things because *they thought* the other person wanted them to lie,steal,cheat, maim, murder and they did it all in the name of Lurve....!!!

Of course I am not saying I definitely think he did it, I don't really know enough about him and all his facts to say that...

But I do believe that Darlie must have a new trial, I do believe that she was either set up for this, or incompetence put her where she is , or she was in fact meant to also die...
Do you know I read somewhere , where a commenter wrote that she was guilty because she had that mid eyebrow lift that killers have they likened it to Susan Smith having the same!!!

Darlie just HAS those type of eyebrows.

Fancy condemning someone because of how her eyebrows lifted !

But then again its no worse than "she had EE implants" so she must be guilty nonsense either ! -
I know after the trial, I saw 2 jurors on tv saying if they had seen pictures of the bruises on Darlie's arms they would have voted not guilty. That says a lot.
I know after the trial, I saw 2 jurors on tv saying if they had seen pictures of the bruises on Darlie's arms they would have voted not guilty. That says a lot.

Wow did they really ? Yes you're right it says a GREAT DEAL.

Also I wanted to bring up the fact of there not being a drop of Damons's blood found on the murder weapon only Devon's and Darlie's

How do the Darlie Did It supporters explain that ?
I know after the trial, I saw 2 jurors on tv saying if they had seen pictures of the bruises on Darlie's arms they would have voted not guilty. That says a lot.

Hi again Colette
I foumd the piece about the Jurors

A juror from her original trial now says that he and his fellow jurors made the wrong decision. The author of one of the true-crime books has also changed her mind, claiming the jury heard perjured testimony and was never shown photos that would have proved Darlie was a victim of a savage attack.

Snipped from here
Hi Jane and others,

The business about the eyebrows is absurd.It is harking back to the days when they measured your skull to see if you were a criminal.
No sensible person would listen to that nonsense.

I am sorry I harped on the negative stuff, but this is a negative story and no getting away from the fact that two lives were taken in dreadful circumstances.

About the jurors not seeing the photos of Darlie's bruises I believe that is not true.
In fact the prosecutor even mentions the bruises as being on her when she was in hospital.I will try to find that bit.

Ann Good is I believe an advocate against the DP.And so am I.I think it is barbarous and antiquated and shows a society that has not caught up with civilised behaviour towards criminals.
What I mean is that everyone is a human being, and no matter their faults or sins, they are still entitled to a life.It is not for one human being to consider killing another.
Our society and religion tell us not to kill, and then that's just what they do when they have the chance.

That Darlie should have a new trial is without doubt.I think she was focused on from the beginning as the murderer, and I think her lawyer is a snake for the way he played it, working for Darin literally against his wife.
As was Darin of course.
It was everyman for himself at that trial.

As for the rest of it, well I guess it is perspective.Yes I know exactly how you feel when you say you think the whole thing is wrong,and that she could not have done the deed.I myself have been to that place.
But once I read the transcripts and also 3 of the books,I changed my mind.
I think in fact that Darlie did not kill her children in the sense that her knife wounds hit the vital organs, but that she began the situation that led to the deaths of her sons.

We will find out more though, as time goes by because I think that Darlie will not go to her death without implicating Darin.
The latest update I saw was an interview with Darlie where she said she would not go back to him if she was released, so maybe she is on the way to revealing more about this whole terrible thing.
About the things I said Darlie may have said to Darin that night.Well no one knows what really happened and maybe never will.
I was presenting a scenario to allow for the cutting and bruising to Darlie and Darin's involvment.
I DO know that the chances of some stranger(even if the dispicable Darin did plan a robbery) coming into that house that night and murdering two little boys in the particular way they did, and leaving the house with the adult witness alive must be many millions to one.
If Darin planned a robbery for that night he would have found professional people who know how to break in and steal and leave little evidence.
Would he have allowed his wife and children to sleep downstairs?
Did he maybe plan the murder of his sons to give Darlie the break from them that she wanted and this is the result?
All I know is that Darin has been running around free as a bird for all the years Darlie has sat on DR and no one seems to bother investigating him further.
But I still believe that Darlie's hand was one that held a knife in anger that night.
Wow did they really ? Yes you're right it says a GREAT DEAL.

Also I wanted to bring up the fact of there not being a drop of Damons's blood found on the murder weapon only Devon's and Darlie's

How do the Darlie Did It supporters explain that ?

I believe when she was over at the sink running that water - cleaning up the blood, she cleaned the knife also. And it was Devon's blood missing not Damon's. It has been mentioned that Damon was attacked two different times, so therefore, she had already cleaned the knife of the kids blood and was attempting to cut her throat when she saw Damon moving. So now Damon's blood is on the knife again with Darlie's. Makes complete sense to me.
Hi All,

I don't know if I am posting on two threads or what I am doing.But I am congratulating myself on just getting to post so please bear with me.

I just read on an early thread by a lady called JerseyGirl that Darlie took a long time to give her address on the 011 tape.
I am blown away by how perceptive JG is.I did not notice that but she is right.
But here is another reason for her doing that apart from the one JG posted.
Maybe she was making sure Darin was back from depositing his bloody clothes.
I believe when she was over at the sink running that water - cleaning up the blood, she cleaned the knife also. And it was Devon's blood missing not Damon's. It has been mentioned that Damon was attacked two different times, so therefore, she had already cleaned the knife of the kids blood and was attempting to cut her throat when she saw Damon moving. So now Damon's blood is on the knife again with Darlie's. Makes complete sense to me.

DAMN I knew I would get that back to front
One thing annoys me is everyones name starts with

*Cant edit my post now
Isn't there something called 'juror remorse'? I think that is the psych term for it.I'm not saying that's what happened here,but it has been known to happen.
Yes, you are right!
I believe it comes after the trial result when people realise it is because of their actions that a person is found guilty and received the appropriate punishment.
I guess that would be a very good reason to make sure you are up to condemning a person to death as in a case like this.
Wel I just saw some of the jurors including the foreman after the Scott Peterson trial and none of them have jurors remorse
No I believe that the people in this jury of Darlies are feeling that there may have genuinely been a miscarriage of justice here

After all if ALL The facts are not before you how can you make a true decision

Nothing is going to sway me to believe that Darlie had a fair trial..and if she didn't get a fair trial then she deserves a new one that IS Fair
You are saying what you believe these people felt.That is not good enough.
An attractive young woman is a little different from a man who has a girlfriend while his wife is pregnant.
And there is evidence of that.
People don't tolerate that sort of thing.
Wel I just saw some of the jurors including the foreman after the Scott Peterson trial and none of them have jurors remorse
No I believe that the people in this jury of Darlies are feeling that there may have genuinely been a miscarriage of justice here

After all if ALL The facts are not before you how can you make a true decision

Nothing is going to sway me to believe that Darlie had a fair trial..and if she didn't get a fair trial then she deserves a new one that IS Fair

I was shocked to find that discovery is not a right in a Texas Criminal proceeding.It's at the discretion of the judge. And that the prosecutor is in control of all evidence.
I heard the full 911 call and saw the pic of her in the hospital and I think she deserves a new trial.
So many people have changed their minds about Darlie's guilt after seeing the evidence that wasn't allowed in court.
But what do I know ? I thought it was possible that Caylee Anthony was alive and her mom wasn't the murderer I now know her to be.
It doesn't seem fair that Casey's defense attorney is entitled to all discovery and Darlie's isn't.

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