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Oh IMO the sex tape was very deliberate, maybe she thought if Mimi heard it she wouldn't go to Cancun.

Interesting GS said on a recent Blogtalkradio show, that once arrangements for the trip were made they couldn't be changed. If TA added Mimi's name in May 08 they certainly could be changed/added..He is full of it IMO..

Towards the end of the trial, when Juan was adding rebuttal witnesses, I recall that one of those witnesses was a Cancun PPL trip coordinator. It was discussed in an HLN interview (I believe) that Travis did originally have Jodi listed as his travel partner, but then changed it to Mimi in May. For whatever reason, we never heard from that witness.

I don't subscribe to the idea though that the Cancun trip was JA's primary motive. I think it's just another piece in a large puzzle.
Towards the end of the trial, when Juan was adding rebuttal witnesses, I recall that one of those witnesses was a Cancun PPL trip coordinator. It was discussed in an HLN interview (I believe) that Travis did originally have Jodi listed as his travel partner, but then changed it to Mimi in May. For whatever reason, we never heard from that witness.

I don't subscribe to the idea though that the Cancun trip was JA's primary motive. I think it's just another piece in a large puzzle.

I believe another rebuttal witness that didn't get to testify was a person who in the business of investigating bank fraud. Not much was known about the person.
OT, but I am really bothered. I have been killing and looking for scorpions all day. There were two in my bedroom this morning and I am afraid they are going to get in my bed.

Anyone with any advice or experience with these bad bugs???? ty

Get thy butt down to the local hardware or Home depot store...there are sprays and granuales you can use to prevent them from getting in the house or kill them if they're there. I'm pretty tolerate of spiders and such, but I'd have my handgun out for scorpions... :floorlaugh: It's my zodiac sign, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.
Wendy Murphy on JVM has offered for free to draft a motion for the Alexander family, a motion for speedy trial since AZ has victim rights.

Sadly, the accused and even the convicted will ALWAYS have greater rights than their victims, especially their deceased victims, under the American system of jurisprudence.
I believe another rebuttal witness that didn't get to testify was a person who in the business of investigating bank fraud. Not much was known about the person.

Maybe we'll get some answers once we start seeing the contents of the closed hearings that are being released. One can hope :)
Get thy butt down to the local hardware or Home depot store...there are sprays and granuales you can use to prevent them from getting in the house or kill them if they're there. I'm pretty tolerate of spiders and such, but I'd have my handgun out for scorpions... :floorlaugh: It's my zodiac sign, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.

Alternatively, they can be trapped and tastily recycled:
Towards the end of the trial, when Juan was adding rebuttal witnesses, I recall that one of those witnesses was a Cancun PPL trip coordinator. It was discussed in an HLN interview (I believe) that Travis did originally have Jodi listed as his travel partner, but then changed it to Mimi in May. For whatever reason, we never heard from that witness.

I don't subscribe to the idea though that the Cancun trip was JA's primary motive. I think it's just another piece in a large puzzle.

I remember that witness being added, I wish the jury had gotten the chance to hear from him/her. I also remember the HLN interview. Might not have made a difference, but I think the jury needs all the evidence, let them make up their own minds.

I agree the Cancun trip was not a primary motive. She was losing Travis and it started late 07 early 08, just a matter of time. I believe she would have murdered him prior to the move if she thought she could have gotten away with it. Little did she know she would not get away with it after all.
Get thy butt down to the local hardware or Home depot store...there are sprays and granuales you can use to prevent them from getting in the house or kill them if they're there. I'm pretty tolerate of spiders and such, but I'd have my handgun out for scorpions... :floorlaugh: It's my zodiac sign, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.

You are so funny, but I totally agree. I did go to the feed store and got some granules for outside and spray for inside. But, I am still spooked. Oh and I also have some sticky strips from Terminex. Oooooh. I can't stand it.
Sadly, the accused and even the convicted will ALWAYS have greater rights than their victims, especially their deceased victims, under the American system of jurisprudence.

Guess it's worth a try. 5 yrs is a long time to wait for justice.
Next time you try, look at using hay bales or straw to garden in. Just hollow out a spot in bale, put in some miracle grow soil and plant. You can move them if you have to. You tube has a bunch of ideas. I have my lettuce this year in a old wheel barrow. No slugs and I can move it.

Use straw rather than hay bales. Hay will have too many seeds in it that will sprout.
Cultural ethic defines "justice" Theocratic cultures find their "justice" in ancient text and ancient reparations. We think of ourselves as a secular culture, but our laws are tainted with ancient scriptural remedies for crimes, ie, revenge. We have the capacity to deal with threats to our society by removing criminals from society, but unlike other modern thinking countries, we seek an "eye for an eye" instead of just sequester from participation in our lives, for the safety and reverence of life.
Cultural ethic defines "justice" Theocratic cultures find their "justice" in ancient text and ancient reparations. We think of ourselves as a secular culture, but our laws are tainted with ancient scriptural remedies for crimes, ie, revenge. We have the capacity to deal with threats to our society by removing criminals from society, but unlike other modern thinking countries, we seek an "eye for an eye" instead of just sequester from participation in our lives, for the safety and reverence of life.

Welcome, Cady!

So proud of myself for planting my flowers.

black petunias
yellow petunias
2 stella d'or
1 grass (we have similar weather to AZ- dry and hot summers)

and 1 beautiful orange dahlia I planted for Travis and my Father. I'll take pics when they grow a bit.


I LOVE black petunias!! I think they are just beautiful. I bet they look amazing with the yellow ones.
Excellent post..I agree completely.

I used to be adamantly against the DP because I felt if even one innocent person fell through the cracks and was executed, there shouldn't be a DP. I came to this conclusion after seeing the Errol Morris documentary The Thin Blue Line, where a man WAS wrongly given the DP (fortunately his DP sentence was commuted and then the real killer confessed).

But the Jessica Lundsford case changed my opinion. The image of her buried alive in the garbage sack in that shallow grave (they found her with a finger poked out of the bag as if she were trying to get air) did it for me.

Now I'm okay with it for the worst of the worst of the worst. Like JA, CA, serial killers, child killers, torture murders (this is the category whatsherface falls into IMO).

I really agree that the appeals are really necessary so no innocent person falls through the cracks. I'm okay with lots of appeals.

I'm also ok with LWOP for the worst of the worst, but now am also okay if they get DP.

Jessica Lunsford's case broke my heart. I was so angry with J. Couey trying to act like he had a low IQ by coloring in court - just disgusting.

She is buried in the same cemetery as my grandfather and her grave is right by his. I paid my respects to her when I last visited his grave (I don't live in FL so I don't get to that cemetery often).
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