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Oh, Hopeful, I can't tell you how I identify with what you are going through. Seriously, my son is 28 years old and I still have empty next syndrome. And am in a rather consistent state of semi-depression. It seems ridiculous, I know, but being a mother was my whole life for so long. I was very involved with his life, even educationally, homeschooled him for four years as well.

Oh, sure, I at one time had what I thought was a career, worked as an RN. Then went back to school for yet another degree, thinking I would become a Psychologist /Counselor/ Social Worker. Yet, life intervened, and it didn't happen the way I had envisioned.

Now when I look back, being a mother to my son is all that really mattered. I would give nothing for that experience. Since, I have completely left my career behind and gave up on continuing my education. Why? At some poimt, I decided those things don't matter to me anymore. Am I wrong? I don't know.

But no, you're not being overly dramatic, our children do grow, so, so fast, and the years do go by so, so quickly. And we love our children with all our hearts, souls, and minds. All I can say is immerse yourself in every minute of their lives that you possibly can. Time is fleeting. :heart:

Part of me often wonders if I should put education on hold until mine are older...since they are only small once and who knows if I will get to have another child.

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I have 4 grown children. One still lives with us. I know it is just a matter of time before she leaves to go out on her own, after all she is 24. Fortunately, the rest live near by and I see them and my 6 grand children often. The portion I bolded is very true. It is a joy to watch your children parent their children.
When we are all together it is very noisy..good noise. Even though the kids are close by it is different in our home. Very, Very quiet. There was never a dull moment when all 4 girls lived in the house...but now we have sons. Hubby enjoys the male company.

I think we should go back to the days when families lived in "compounds," or whatever you'd call them. There was enough land so each could have their own house/yards, but they were all within shouting distance of each other! :rockon:

Not sure how the kids would feel about that, lol.
I think we should go back to the days when families lived in "compounds," or whatever you'd call them. There was enough land so each could have their own house/yards, but they were all within shouting distance of each other! :rockon:

Not sure how the kids would feel about that, lol.

I like that idea. I have told hubby in the past that I wish we were rich, so we could have our own street with all the family living on it. My grand parents siblings did that. Most of them lived on the same street, or in connecting neighborhoods..just a stone throw away. They were all so close. IDK how many families are close like that now a day.
I have 4 grown children. One still lives with us. I know it is just a matter of time before she leaves to go out on her own, after all she is 24. Fortunately, the rest live near by and I see them and my 6 grand children often. The portion I bolded is very true. It is a joy to watch your children parent their children.
When we are all together it is very noisy..good noise. Even though the kids are close by it is different in our home. Very, Very quiet. There was never a dull moment when all 4 girls lived in the house...but now we have sons. Hubby enjoys the male company.

That is a perk, isn't it? I adore DIL. We have lots of fun together. I tell her all the time that she's the best mother I included!
Good morning everyone. Looks like you all had lots of fun again.

Look what I found. More confused people:

Fluorescent light sound. It is so annoying - YouTube


Reminds me of Tom Hanks in "Joe Versus the Volcano." He thought the fluorescent lights were making him sick. It doesn't say that in this clip, but you get a real feel for the torture that these lights were inflicting in this hellish space. They don't even seem to be shedding any light, but just giving it kind of a creepy yellow - NOISY - glow:

The Seacat trial looks interesting. That boy is a worse actor than Jodi Ann!


Hard to say what was more annoying ... the fluorescent light noise or the guy arguing he's not arguing! :floorlaugh:

Either way ... "Man, I [could] not work like this!" :floorlaugh:
Oh, HO......*sigh*......the next 4 years will probably be the most trying, exciting, disappointing, wonderful, incredible, frustrating, awesome, questionable, horrible, astounding, unbelievable, will just blow your mind by the time he's graduating High School! You will look at yourself and (hopefully) say, "Dahmn, that awesome young man is my son!"
Save the tears for this next adventure, it might get a bit bumping, but as long as he knows you love him, support him, and still give him boundaries, albeit a bit more lenient than before, everything will be just fine!
Seriously, he's going to have his first prom...:noooo:
He's going to get a learner's permit and then a driver's license :scared:
He may get into sports as a player or spectator :please:
What if he starts his own garage band? :drumroll:
He could envision himself as the next Tony Hawk and go through skateboards like the shoes he's going to grow out of! :facepalm:
What if he becomes a ladies man, girls calling him all the time? :blushing:
You thought the last 14 years were something....... now he's going to start putting to use all those qualities you taught him. He's going to be dipping his toes in that pool of adulthood, and if he goes in too far, too soon, you'll be there to dry him off, get his courage back, and slowly work his way towards what lies beyond the shallows.
It's going to be an awesome ride, just don't clench the steering wheel, roll down those windows, crank up the music, and take it as it comes!!!! Nothing's worse than riding the brakes! :skip:
You're going to love it! If he gets out of hand, just remind him: You brought him into this world, you can certainly take him out! :floorlaugh:

The way things are now, he may be under your roof for the next 10 years, so don't panic.........................yet!:chillout:

I love this post!! You're awesome!!

Mouse and Jane, thank you so much for the posts. I appreciate everyone chiming in with their advice, stories, etc. etc. I love it and it made me feel SO much better!!

I LOVE the lemon thing!!
Part of me often wonders if I should put education on hold until mine are older...since they are only small once and who knows if I will get to have another child.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

There are so many classes that can be taken online now. That really helps stay-at-home moms keep going on their degrees. Class work can be tailored around home schedules. IMO, online classes are a godsend for parents who stay at home as well as parents who work full-time and want to further their degrees.

My DIL just finished her associates via online classes. Now she can become a student at the local university and probably get at least one more whole semester of online upper-level classes...maybe even two. By then all her kids will be in school, and she can work her class schedule around their school schedule.
So, yesterday it was fluorescent lights (dang that word is hard to type), boogers, slimy food, hummingbirds, that Other Worldly feeling...

Whatever will today bring? :scared:
That is a perk, isn't it? I adore DIL. We have lots of fun together. I tell her all the time that she's the best mother I included!

That is a perk. I had 2 great MIL's. They were like 2nd moms and BF's. Some MIL and DIL don't see eye to eye and you get bickering and the sons are in the middle. Poor guys. I think MIL's have to learn when not to butt in and let the kids handle things. My daughter has a problem with her MIL. MIL is always putting her :twocents: in everything, which gets my daughter really aggravated.
I know what you mean. There's something special about our dogs, some more than others. I think it's because they are so innocent, they are so smart, they love us so unconditionally, and in many ways, they take on our human traits. So they become almost like people to us. Babies. Whatever it is, what you say makes me cry :cry:

The love of my life died last July. I found a cockapoo that looked just like her in NY at a group rescue. After spending the better part of a month with emails (that mostly went unanswered) I heard back from them yesterday. The family has placed him with one of their parents, and they say it's going pretty good. They were giving him up because of a new baby in the family. I was crushed! I don't think the parents will love him like I would have. Saying it was going "pretty good" didn't sound all that great to me. I sent one last email saying to please let me know if things changed. I just wish they had told me all this to begin with. I really had my hopes up! He could have been Maggie's twin!
Yeah!..Lurve Stevie Ray..
so much, I awoke from my coma to post.
Saw him in concert a month before the crash.

Theres a great band out there in the cosmos.
I better practice the cow-bell..
I think that spot may still be empty..

It's official. I'm obsessed with you. :seeya:
Dogs are amazing. I have two. I can't imagine my house without dogs. I think it's good for kids to grow up with animals too.
OMG!! This song has such good memories for me. In the aftermath of Katrina, we lived on the carnival cruise ship in New Orleans as essential city personnel (my fiance was a firefighter captain). It was only weeks after katrina and the city was devastated and we were all little more than refugees in a destroyed city.

Well we had to take the shuttle bus from the ship to our vehicle. One that shuttle bus, late one night, this song came on. My fiance started SINGING it!! Complete with the dance motions of the pips (whoo whoo!). Well i was mortified. We were on a shuttle bus of people, strangers and many were still just numb and exhausted from what had happened. I couldn;t imagine of what they thought of this nutty white man singing this song with all his heart.

Ah, but he made them smile, even laugh some and many joined in. It was a sweet moment, a brief flash of oh so funnyness in the midst of such a crazy , sad time. It is a memory of him I cherish for he died suddenly 2 years later. But I hear this song, see the pips dancing and my heart smiles!!

This could be the best story I've ever read on here. :heart:
Dogs are amazing. I have two. I can't imagine my house without dogs. I think it's good for kids to grow up with animals too.

We had dogs when the kids were younger. Our fur baby past on last year. We have 1 remaining cat. We had 3. All had different personalities. Hubby does not want another dog at this time. I would really like another. They are such good company and snuggle bugs. Daughter has recently got a German Shepherd. I love them, so when I go visit, I bring her pet outside and just play catch with her and the grand kids. She is still a pup but a very big pup. She needs a bit more training as she loves to jump on people and still nips. Gentle nips but they do hurt. I love looking in her big brown eyes. I love when she kisses my face. Hubby thinks it is gross.
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