SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

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CMJA is not the first inmate to try to make up their own plea deals. Seriously. Some criminals think they can control everything. They can't make up their own bargains, ever.

Also keep in mind, that whomever the 3rd party tweet person is, (why would anyone bother), writes the tweets and can make up anything, including phrasing, as they choose. No one would be the wiser, well, except for the recorded letters and phone call evidence being sent to the Judge, Prosecutor, and Defense. We will be none the wiser is the best way to phrase it.

I say, ignore the tweets. They are not important. MSM really shouldn't bother the hard working Prosecutors with such trivial matters. Kind of stunned at that.
Fair amount of new articles today re: CMJA.

Here's a link to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's press release regarding the arrest of David Lee Simpson:

I don't like how misleading the articles appear with respect to a possible plea deal. A plea deal always has been and will continue to be possible until the penalty phase is over. Is a plea deal probable? Given the concession in the prior attempt at negotiation, it seems highly unlikely. The fact that Montgomery said CMJA is either lying or misinformed speaks volumes to me; seems that the press is just trying to get mileage out of nothing.

Here's a link to a very poorly written blog concerning forensic psychologists, citing the lack of guidelines followed by Samuels and LaViolette.

Timing of the article coincided with me thinking about their roles in this trial. I find it quite amazing that the have completely fallen off the radar; I can't seem to pick up anything about them on social media after the trial. What they both did was reprehensible, showing no professional ethics or personal character.

During the discussions yesterday about CMJA and twitter, I forgot to mention that her Twitter profile has been changed. The updated version now has a picture of her before incarceration with the tag line "An Artist and survivor working towards the cause." She must be lonely if she is tweeting about writing to people FOR FREE.
That's really scary. I'd think they both have body guards, especially Nancy. :seeya:

Something to think about too, is why Sheriff Joe was able to get an arrest warrant for someone in NY and once they were arrested was able to get them extradited to Mesa? What is the link to the prison system, if any? jmo
"Be who you are & say what you feel because those who mind don't matter." Interesting dictum, Jodi Ann Arias, considering the verdict. You ARE a convicted murderer and the jurors & citizenry did mind and we DO matter.

Speaking of murder, Arias was not charged with second degree murder in the alternative. She was charged with premeditated murder one &/or felony murder. All jurors found her guilty of premeditated murder, every one of them. It was the defense that threw another option at the panel via the jury instructions, because their position was no capital murder had been committed. Therefore the theory of each side was consistent within its own perimeter.

We know Arias had the requisite mens rea (criminal purpose) of premeditated murder because she stole the .25 auto gun in furtherance of her deliberate guilty intent & design. She also acted covertly in all of her ensuing moves: the non descript car not her own, the secrecy about the trip telling only Brewer she was going to Mesa, the shell games with gas cans proprietary, bought & borrowed, the shut off phone, the people she was going to meet and didn't, the avoidance of tire tracks in AZ, etc.

Now if at some point she thought, "If he denounces his aspirations toward Mimi" or "If he changes his mind about taking me to Cancun", I won't kill him after all, but then ends up exerting herself in a monstrous over-kill, do we assume she acted out in violent & uncontrollable rage engendered by a blow or other provocation? How very convenient the gun and knife were at hand to serve this spur of the moment reaction! But no, the mind doesn't operate on sums like 6+5+8+3=22 take away the 8 and we now have 14. It is not linear. Once that 8 is there, it registers far and wide. Trying not to think of that 8 is like trying not to think of the pink elephant in the room. That 8 is in the room of the mind. Not that I believe Travis struck a blow or provoked his own death by taunt or any other means, we see his surprised face in the portrait photo. But if he had, her reaction would only have revived her original well equipped criminal intent.

This holds true even if she felt quite loving during a bedroom romp & thought how silly of me to ever contemplate killing this man (the photos belie such feeling, however). No, any anger suddenly aroused in the bathroom, rests on the sustained mens rea of late May. You could say one thing builds on another. It's not like the Survivor T-shirts, where the purple pricier ones replace the original white shirts. Those were losing money.
"Be who you are & say what you feel because those who mind don't matter." Interesting dictum, Jodi Ann Arias, considering the verdict. You ARE a convicted murderer and the jurors & citizenry did mind and we DO matter.

Speaking of murder, Arias was not charged with second degree murder in the alternative. She was charged with premeditated murder one &/or felony murder. All jurors found her guilty of premeditated murder, every one of them. It was the defense that threw another option at the panel via the jury instructions, because their position was no capital murder had been committed. Therefore the theory of each side was consistent within its own perimeter.

We know Arias had the requisite mens rea (criminal purpose) of premeditated murder because she stole the .25 auto gun in furtherance of her deliberate guilty intent & design. She also acted covertly in all of her ensuing moves: the non descript car not her own, the secrecy about the trip telling only Brewer she was going to Mesa, the shell games with gas cans proprietary, bought & borrowed, the shut off phone, the people she was going to meet and didn't, the avoidance of tire tracks in AZ, etc.

Now if at some point she thought, "If he denounces his aspirations toward Mimi" or "If he changes his mind about taking me to Cancun", I won't kill him after all, but then ends up exerting herself in a monstrous over-kill, do we assume she acted out in violent & uncontrollable rage engendered by a blow or other provocation? How very convenient the gun and knife were at hand to serve this spur of the moment reaction! But no, the mind doesn't operate on sums like 6+5+8+3=22 take away the 8 and we now have 14. It is not linear. Once that 8 is there, it registers far and wide. Trying not to think of that 8 is like trying not to think of the pink elephant in the room. That 8 is in the room of the mind. Not that I believe Travis struck a blow or provoked his own death by taunt or any other means, we see his surprised face in the portrait photo. But if he had, her reaction would only have revived her original well equipped criminal intent.

This holds true even if she felt quite loving during a bedroom romp & thought how silly of me to ever contemplate killing this man (the photos belie such feeling, however). No, any anger suddenly aroused in the bathroom, rests on the sustained mens rea of late May. You could say one thing builds on another. It's not like the Survivor T-shirts, where the purple pricier ones replace the original white shirts. Those were losing money.

This is a very thought provoking post. I think a lot of people thought that TA must have said something that set her off to follow through with her plan. I agree with you. It would not have mattered what he said or did. She was intent on killing him regardless.

I really hope there will be no penalty phase and she can be sentenced to LWOP and just go away. What she did was heinous and cruel. This just needs to be finished sooner than later. I hate the thought of the Alexander family having to listen to one more day of debated testimony. This has gone on long enough. Her lawyers seem to want to be done. Enough is simply enough. JMV
Another TV movie in the making. I don't like the sounds of this one:

"The actress cast to play Jodi “needs to be extremely comfortable being depicted in a very kinky, highly sexual role,” has learned. “She’s going to be having all kinds of sex on screen.

The film also calls for the actors to be comfortable “depicting physically violent scenes

I wonder what they mean by that BBM.
Interesting phrasing by the Prosecutor.

Seems there really are no agreements in the works. The only agreement I can see with this bad a murder is life with nothing else offered. Really, the prosecution has no need to make an offer at all as the evidence speaks for itself.

I think he was simply dancing around the "saving tax payers" stuff. Mooooo

Right now, with the current price tag, it averages less than .50 cents per person in Maricopa County. That being said, if it was $5.00 per person Maricopa county would not have issues sticking the needle in her.........seriously, does any other State want her walking around in 20 years?
And CMJA is the reason this has gone on for 5 years, pulling all her legal advantages to the max. How could anyone expect a public defender to carry this "load" for 5 years? Most murder trials go to court in 18 months, average, after the arrest.
CMJA wants 20 years and time served, with parole.
Not going to get it..........just shows she's trying to control the situation, NOT.
She has 2 options. LWOP or DP. I don't think the Pro will accept anything less.
Too bad they can't give her the DP AND take off 5 years........put her on the fast track.......get her to the table 5 years sooner.
Now sheriff Joe has to keep an eye on that nut job they extradited from New York. Betcha that wacko would like nothing better than to get to CMJA's cell, or send her a "kite".
The only reason she is in isolation is because she is a convicted murderer and any inmate who wants a rep in prison would LOVE to take her out. Look at it as a point system:
Child Molester: 10 points
Wacko Murderer: 9 points
Rival Gang member: 8 points + membership into a gang
Drug Dealer: 5 points
Pothead: 1/2 point
You can probably tack on an extra 5 points because she is a "celebrity" in her own mind. :facepalm:
Will it ever end?! She needs to stand trial for the penalty phase. Do it Juan !!
Something to think about too, is why Sheriff Joe was able to get an arrest warrant for someone in NY and once they were arrested was able to get them extradited to Mesa? What is the link to the prison system, if any? jmo

The threats were made to individuals while in Maricopa County, ie., JVM and NG. Thus, Maricopa County's case/jurisdiction.
The threats were made to individuals while in Maricopa County, ie., JVM and NG. Thus, Maricopa County's case/jurisdiction.

I gotta give the cops credit for acting quickly and decisively. It sounds like this man would have harmed anyone who got in his way. Was the FBI involved since it crossed state lines?
"Be who you are & say what you feel because those who mind don't matter." Interesting dictum, Jodi Ann Arias, considering the verdict. You ARE a convicted murderer and the jurors & citizenry did mind and we DO matter.

Speaking of murder, Arias was not charged with second degree murder in the alternative. She was charged with premeditated murder one &/or felony murder. All jurors found her guilty of premeditated murder, every one of them. It was the defense that threw another option at the panel via the jury instructions, because their position was no capital murder had been committed. Therefore the theory of each side was consistent within its own perimeter.

We know Arias had the requisite mens rea (criminal purpose) of premeditated murder because she stole the .25 auto gun in furtherance of her deliberate guilty intent & design. She also acted covertly in all of her ensuing moves: the non descript car not her own, the secrecy about the trip telling only Brewer she was going to Mesa, the shell games with gas cans proprietary, bought & borrowed, the shut off phone, the people she was going to meet and didn't, the avoidance of tire tracks in AZ, etc.

Now if at some point she thought, "If he denounces his aspirations toward Mimi" or "If he changes his mind about taking me to Cancun", I won't kill him after all, but then ends up exerting herself in a monstrous over-kill, do we assume she acted out in violent & uncontrollable rage engendered by a blow or other provocation? How very convenient the gun and knife were at hand to serve this spur of the moment reaction! But no, the mind doesn't operate on sums like 6+5+8+3=22 take away the 8 and we now have 14. It is not linear. Once that 8 is there, it registers far and wide. Trying not to think of that 8 is like trying not to think of the pink elephant in the room. That 8 is in the room of the mind. Not that I believe Travis struck a blow or provoked his own death by taunt or any other means, we see his surprised face in the portrait photo. But if he had, her reaction would only have revived her original well equipped criminal intent.

This holds true even if she felt quite loving during a bedroom romp & thought how silly of me to ever contemplate killing this man (the photos belie such feeling, however). No, any anger suddenly aroused in the bathroom, rests on the sustained mens rea of late May. You could say one thing builds on another. It's not like the Survivor T-shirts, where the purple pricier ones replace the original white shirts. Those were losing money.

Bravo, couldn't agree more, Tuba. I tried to work a mental senario with just that in mind, her thinking "maybe I won't have to kill him..." but having not just one but two weapons on her person throws the theory out the window for me. Also that she's used one of those weapons on Travis' tires in previous months seals in my mind her intention when planning this trip.
Last night I remembered alleged evidence Arias faulted attorneys for failing to obtain. She claimed in her t.v. interview that she had visible black & blue marks on her throat from Travis choking her. She said there were witnesses who saw them and could describe them and probably some photos from the aftermath of that incident. To date, those witnesses (people from her Yreka circle) have not come forward nor have any photos been found.
Agree Tuba. So why then do they bow to her every whim? There is only so much they are required to do for her in order to fulfill their obligation to defend her right to a fair trial. Why drag this whole thing out, when they've already gone over and above for their client? What is their motivation? Is it a need to win? Is it animosity towards the prosecution? I don't understand their strategy at all if all they want is to be shut of her.[/QUOTE]


Why do they keep at it? What is in it for them? Their dedication is a little mind boggling...
Agree Tuba. So why then do they bow to her every whim? There is only so much they are required to do for her in order to fulfill their obligation to defend her right to a fair trial. Why drag this whole thing out, when they've already gone over and above for their client? What is their motivation? Is it a need to win? Is it animosity towards the prosecution? I don't understand their strategy at all if all they want is to be shut of her.[/QUOTE]


Why do they keep at it? What is in it for them? Their dedication is a little mind boggling...

I find it downright creepy. Her and Wilmott give me the heeby jeebies with all their "besties" behavior. :scared:
Agree Tuba. So why then do they bow to her every whim? There is only so much they are required to do for her in order to fulfill their obligation to defend her right to a fair trial. Why drag this whole thing out, when they've already gone over and above for their client? What is their motivation? Is it a need to win? Is it animosity towards the prosecution? I don't understand their strategy at all if all they want is to be shut of her.[/QUOTE]


Why do they keep at it? What is in it for them? Their dedication is a little mind boggling...

We can now clearly see why Travis had such a hard time getting rid of her. jmo
When Nurmi and Wilmott walked out of court the day of CMJA's allocution, I had no idea what was happening. In hindsight, I believe that they had reached their limit and almost did walk off the case before being able to collect themselves and fulfill their duties as public defenders.

The reason they stick with it? While Nurmi has asked the court to dismiss him, as long as they are on the case it seems to me that they are doing everything they can to the best of their abilities. In other words, they are trying their best to be professionals. When the trial is complete, I would not be surprised to hear from one or both of them.
When Nurmi and Wilmott walked out of court the day of CMJA's allocution, I had no idea what was happening. In hindsight, I believe that they had reached their limit and almost did walk off the case before being able to collect themselves and fulfill their duties as public defenders.

The reason they stick with it? While Nurmi has asked the court to dismiss him, as long as they are on the case it seems to me that they are doing everything they can to the best of their abilities. In other words, they are trying their best to be professionals. When the trial is complete, I would not be surprised to hear from one or both of them.

I seldom disagree with you gcharlie, but I disagree with what is BBM in your quote. When did either one of those attorney's act professionally? The eye rolling, the snarky objections every thirty seconds, the foot stomping when their objections were overruled (objecting to the overruling of the objection), and their generally juvenile behavior in the courtroom turned me off. I don't think either one of them should be proud of how they acted.

I think neither one of them can stand to lose, MOO. Their dislike for Juan Martinez was obvious, and the only reason for that is because he was leagues above them in legal prowess and they had an unwinable case. JMHO (go Juan :rockon:).
I seldom disagree with you gcharlie, but I disagree with what is BBM in your quote. When did either one of those attorney's act professionally? The eye rolling, the snarky objections every thirty seconds, the foot stomping when their objections were overruled (objecting to the overruling of the objection), and their generally juvenile behavior in the courtroom turned me off. I don't think either one of them should be proud of how they acted.

I think neither one of them can stand to lose, MOO. Their dislike for Juan Martinez was obvious, and the only reason for that is because he was leagues above them in legal prowess and they had an unwinable case. JMHO (go Juan :rockon:).

PrincessSezMe, I agree with you. The operative word is "trying". Just because they are trying to be professional doesn't mean they have succeeded.

And their best will never, ever come anywhere near close to Juan Martinez. Though I must say that he did save some snarky remarks for sidebars, out of hearing range, so that we had to wait to read transcripts.

Thanks for the laugh! :wink:
Beth Karas
about an hour ago
David Lee Simpson, 48, from Bath, NY will be booked into a Phoenix jail tonight indicted on stalking and computer tampering charges related to threats to kill Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell via Twitter during the Arias trial. When police arrested Simpson in Bath, NY, on July 20 they found handguns, shotgun ammo, handcuffs, zip ties, binoculars, a knife and a police radio in his car. He also had newspaper clippings about the Newtown school shooting, and the shootings of four firefighters in Webster, NY. Simpson had quit his job and was driving out of Bath, NY when arrested.
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