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ITA m1279. I have met the best people following this case. Some day maybe we can have a WS "reunion" bash, and all get together in one place to meet face-to-face. I would love that. :grouphug:

That would be so amazing! There are many people here that I'd love to meet face-to-face. Can you imagine? We'd all probably end up arrested by the end of the night. :floorlaugh:

My 15 year class reunion is next month....I'd SO much rather attend a WS "reunion." :heartbeat:
Remember when C.M. told abc15 that her lawyers ignored evidence favorable to her, did not make the effort to procure it although it was out there? Some of it was photographic. All of her criticism was disrespectful and also damaging to Willmott and Nurmi and their efforts in her behalf. In all C.M. has ever uttered either in or out of court, I have never heard or seen R-
E-S-PECT for anyone.

Agree Tuba. So why then do they bow to her every whim? There is only so much they are required to do for her in order to fulfill their obligation to defend her right to a fair trial. Why drag this whole thing out, when they've already gone over and above for their client? What is their motivation? Is it a need to win? Is it animosity towards the prosecution? I don't understand their strategy at all if all they want is to be shut of her.
Remember when C.M. told abc15 that her lawyers ignored evidence favorable to her, did not make the effort to procure it although it was out there? Some of it was photographic. All of her criticism was disrespectful and also damaging to Willmott and Nurmi and their efforts in her behalf. In all C.M. has ever uttered either in or out of court, I have never heard or seen R-
E-S-PECT for anyone.

Everything JA says/does is to benefit HERSELF, in an attempt to paint herself pathetic self in a good light and to draw pity from others. She has no respect for anyone or anything, not even her attorneys. As much as I dislike Nurmi and Wilmott, at times during the trial I have felt a (VERY slight) sense of pity in that they even had to deal with her.
Agree Tuba. So why then do they bow to her every whim? There is only so much they are required to do for her in order to fulfill their obligation to defend her right to a fair trial. Why drag this whole thing out, when they've already gone over and above for their client? What is their motivation? Is it a need to win? Is it animosity towards the prosecution? I don't understand their strategy at all if all they want is to be shut of her.

This is a very good question, and I don't understand either. They've gone above and beyond and then some. I would love to know what their TRUE opinions are of her and what she's done.
This is a very good question, and I don't understand either. They've gone above and beyond and then some. I would love to know what their TRUE opinions are of her and what she's done.

Maybe one of them will do a "Jose Baez" and write a book. ;)

ETA: And hopefully that book wouldn't be "fiction" like Jose's book.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 1h
Another reason: opportunists are passing off fraudulent mail as mine and people are falling for it.
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Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 1h
Here's why u shouldn't buy my mail on Ebay: I will write u.... FOR FREE. Don't get suckered.

The event charts for these hearings have awakened me to the fact that the third party tweets are much worse than mere nuisances to C.M.'s attorneys. We know she has divulged plea bargains she attempted with the State. She also wrote that the lawyers profit from experiences clients have to live through. And that she misplaced her trust and has been betrayed. (She expanded on that during her post trial interview.) C.M.'s communications have undermined the credibility of her representation and revealed her weak position by exposing offers she made to prosecutors, that were declined. No wonder Nurmi asked, once again, to withdraw.

BBM: Well said Tuba. She has undermined her own defense at every turn. Can you imagine how horrified Nurmi was when she got up on the stand under cross examination? She has been a nightmare client from day one, and as much as I dislike her attorney's tactics I can understand their desperation. How on earth do you defend someone like Jodi Arias?

There never was any "suitable" defense for the (more than) obviously guilty killer. I'm willing to bet they more than explored the "insanity" defense. But they couldn't get anyone to testify as an expert that that was so.

If I was Nurmi I would be begging to throw in the towel too.

Quoted these because they all lead to a common theme, and that is the extreme self-centeredness of CMJA. This blinds her to the point that she cannot take the advice of others; she has to run the show, even when it is to her disadvantage. She is not able to see this, just as she is not able to understand how she is perceived by others.

If you watched her interview with Detective Flores, you may recall at one point she asked him about legal counsel and whether this was something she should consider. It was very telling when she made a comment to the effect that she wouldn't necessarily listen to a lawyer's advice; I can't remember her exact words, but I was struck by the essence, which was that she would not rely on anyone else but herself.

Her more recent tweets show how much out of control she is right now. As Tuba pointed out, divulging a rejected plea offer via the social media is anything but a wise idea. Her tweets today about letters being sold on Ebay is yet another manipulation; if you search Ebay for Jodi Arias, you will not find any letters offered. Surprise, surprise, CMJA is lying again!

She may be feeling more desperate now and if tweets continue, they may become more bizarre.

I don't know how Nurmi and Wilmott have dealt with her all this time. It makes me cringe to see CMJA and Wilmott whispering to one another, but this may have been a way for JW to try to keep things under control.
Maybe one of them will do a "Jose Baez" and write a book. ;)

ETA: And hopefully that book wouldn't be "fiction" like Jose's book.

I'm sure JA would permit them to write a book as long as they let her edit it.

Realistically, I don't think either one of them want to hear her name again after this part of the trial is over. jmo
Quoted these because they all lead to a common theme, and that is the extreme self-centeredness of CMJA. This blinds her to the point that she cannot take the advice of others; she has to run the show, even when it is to her disadvantage. She is not able to see this, just as she is not able to understand how she is perceived by others.

If you watched her interview with Detective Flores, you may recall at one point she asked him about legal counsel and whether this was something she should consider. It was very telling when she made a comment to the effect that she wouldn't necessarily listen to a lawyer's advice; I can't remember her exact words, but I was struck by the essence, which was that she would not rely on anyone else but herself.

Her more recent tweets show how much out of control she is right now. As Tuba pointed out, divulging a rejected plea offer via the social media is anything but a wise idea. Her tweets today about letters being sold on Ebay is yet another manipulation; if you search Ebay for Jodi Arias, you will not find any letters offered. Surprise, surprise, CMJA is lying again!

She may be feeling more desperate now and if tweets continue, they may become more bizarre.

I don't know how Nurmi and Wilmott have dealt with her all this time. It makes me cringe to see CMJA and Wilmott whispering to one another, but this may have been a way for JW to try to keep things under control.

Great post. :goodpost:

You made so many good points I don't know where to start lol. She is a case study in narcissism, which has been discussed on here many times. The tweets she puts out there are a desperate call for attention. And I can see her disordered way of thinking escalating the more her call for attention goes unanswered.

I despised her attorneys during trial, but the more distance and perspective I get since her conviction, the more I feel for them. Having that THING whispering in my ear would give me nightmares for life. I actually wonder of Jennie doesn't need some therapy after being subjected to that for months. I would have to bleach my brain so to speak. :gasp: :eek:kay:
Great post. :goodpost:

You made so many good points I don't know where to start lol. She is a case study in narcissism, which has been discussed on here many times. The tweets she puts out there are a desperate call for attention. And I can see her disordered way of thinking escalating the more her call for attention goes unanswered.

I despised her attorneys during trial, but the more distance and perspective I get since her conviction, the more I feel for them. Having that THING whispering in my ear would give me nightmares for life. I actually wonder of Jennie doesn't need some therapy after being subjected to that for months. I would have to bleach my brain so to speak. :gasp: :eek:kay:

BBM...I agree. She's been tweeting throughout the trial, but now the the attention is focused elsewhere (Zimmerman, Sneiderman, etc.) I almost think that's she's tweeting now to bring the attention back to her. I could be wrong, like I said she's been tweeting throughout, but that's just my take on it.
Arias has put her counsel in a really bad position. She undermines their efforts but the grounds for withdrawal are stringent & they haven't been relieved of their responsibility. If they lose heart and reduce their application & output on her behalf, it will be noticed. Their lawyering will look inferior and that will damage their careers. What a squeeze!
This post is pretty o/t but I'm watching HLN tonight (please don't ask me why) and that Sneiderman chick is crazy. JA has met her match. WOW. I'm not following the case, nor am I going to follow the trial (after Travis and after GZ I swore I'd never do it again) but just wow.

I'm having a crappy night and I have a terrible earache so I'm going heading to bed to get lost in a book. Zuri, I hope you had a safe trip home, and Daisy I hope you're feeling better!

Love y'all, have a great night! :seeya:
I didn't ask about 'short' premeditation, I asked about the long form of premed. (Certainly I am aware that she is undoubtedly guilty of the shorter premeditation) And my question did not presuppose that she came prepared to kill him, it's that she came prepared to possibly kill him if things went badly. So you didn't answer my question.

I think that's exactly what happened. She came prepared to kill him, but wouldn't necessarily have done it if things had gone differently. And your point is fair. Imo, if she planned but there was an intervening "heat of the moment" impetus, it could have negated long-term premeditation. Hence the 2nd degree charge to the jury. jmo
I'm here for a bit and starting to recover. How was your drive home, Zuri? There's nothing on my favorite news channels <modsnip> LOL
Hey y'all! How is everybody? Tuba, thanks for the prognostications for CMJA. I can't wait for the day she disappears into Perryville, and I hope we never have to hear or read her name ever again.
Hey y'all! How is everybody? Tuba, thanks for the prognostications for CMJA. I can't wait for the day she disappears into Perryville, and I hope we never have to hear or read her name ever again.

me too, zuri :)
I'm here for a bit and starting to recover. How was your drive home, Zuri? There's nothing on my favorite news channels <modsnip> LOL

Hey, my fun flower. So glad you are starting to feel a bit better. The traffic going north was much less and it is a heavenly 70 degrees here now and no humidity. My dogs were glad to see me. My female shepherd tore one of her toenails off while I was gone. She is limping and there is like a pink pulp where the nail was. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow. What do I do for her in the mean time?
And what is this thing with Anthony Wiener? I just caught bits and pieces. Are these new texts or old texts?
Hey, my fun flower. So glad you are starting to feel a bit better. The traffic going north was much less and it is a heavenly 70 degrees here now and no humidity. My dogs were glad to see me. My female shepherd tore one of her toenails off while I was gone. She is limping and there is like a pink pulp where the nail was. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow. What do I do for her in the mean time?

I'd probably leave her paw alone. Her licking it is soothing to her.
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