SIDEBAR #19- Arias/Alexander forum

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Did anyone watch Under The Dome tonight? I read the book, and being a reader at King's site I knew the TV version would be different but I can't figure out the ending at all, I thought the finale was supposed to have answers but I'm more confused than ever. lol

I've been watching it on and off. I thought it was supposed to be the finale with the answers, but when I saw it, I figured I must have been wrong. No answers that I could fathom! Just that the pink stars reveal themselves when the egg is dropped in the water, LOL. Although the dome was all cloudy afterward, and I wondered if that meant they weren't "worthy."
Hi Daisy and all, I am a bit better . I would have been here earlier but I fell asleep. Last night was the pits, just up all night. I phoned my Dr. today but no prescription came in, think she forgot to give him the message. I will ask when I go in. In the meantime it will no doubt come tomorrow. I am mad! When divertic kicks up I need an antibiotic. I was weak and tired all day so laid on my bed and watched the Navy Yard. They have to find a way to stop this.... I hope to catch the CA. (?) hearing tomorrow. I wonder if it will be tv'd, if she squirms I want to see it!! If I made mistakes I'm still a bit "floaty", Amy wouldnt even let me take the dog out. I will see all earlier tomorrow.:eek:fftobed:
Hi Daisy and all, I am a bit better . I would have been here earlier but I fell asleep. Last night was the pits, just up all night. I phoned my Dr. today but no prescription came in, think she forgot to give him the message. I will ask when I go in. In the meantime it will no doubt come tomorrow. I am mad! When divertic kicks up I need an antibiotic. I was weak and tired all day so laid on my bed and watched the Navy Yard. They have to find a way to stop this.... I hope to catch the CA. (?) hearing tomorrow. I wonder if it will be tv'd, if she squirms I want to see it!! If I made mistakes I'm still a bit "floaty", Amy wouldnt even let me take the dog out. I will see all earlier tomorrow.:eek:fftobed:

Good to see you tonight .... go to bed early!
Helloooooooooooooo- anybody here :poke:

I also have eye problems- Ocular Migraines- real fun when it happens :floorlaugh:

And it looks like this:

Visual Migraine Animation - YouTube

A first attempt to try to visualise the effect many people experience when having a visual migraine. These are not usually accompanied by pain, but sometimes are, and you may feel nauseous through the visual stimulation. They seem to be very common. Nothing can be done to avoid them it seems, but they don't appear to do any harm either. I have learned to sit back and enjoy the show! They start in the centre of vision, move outward to the perifery, then fade and disappear.

PLEASE NOTE: Video contains black and white flashing images. If you are susceptible to such effects triggering unpleasant consequences such as a migraine or epilepsy, please DO NOT WATCH IT.
And this is about Floaters:

Floaters and Flashes - YouTube

They may be annoying but do not cause any problems. However if a new floater comes on abruptly or if there is a sudden increase in the number of floaters, then you must be examined immediately to rule out a retinal tear.

When I stick to a low carb diet, I don't get them. I think it's from blood sugar bottoming out, in my case.
Ok, I will confess, I was bored last week and ended up looking at CMJA's lil ol website she has now which lead me to a link to a FB her Aunt runs for her which lead me to getting all nosy and looking through the Aunt's stuff to clicking on Donovans FB page thru a comment CMJA's Aunt made to DB, yes I was THAT bored, AND it appears DB goes to Perryville prison these days to visit a new gf. I am pretty darn sure convicted felons aren't allowed to visit people in Prison so my guess is that the probation dept and prisons and jails are just too overwhelmed to keep up on everyone's status amd she is slipping through the crack.

Decided to do a google search and found this for Arizona:

Visitors have to make application and pay a background check fee.

Staff shall verify the accuracy of all information provided on each visitor
application submitted. A complete criminal history background check of all
potential visitors, including infants and minors, using the Arizona Criminal
Information Center/National Crime Information Center (ACIC/NCIC) system, shall
be completed prior to submitting the application to the approving authority for
final approval/disapproval of the visitation.

This floored me:

If the criminal history background investigation reveals a criminal

history, the ACJIS operator shall forward all documentation to the
unit Deputy Warden,for review and final decision to approve or deny
the application.

Well, I also checked CA, and there, no convicted felons can visit, even after probation, so AZ is very unusual, I think.

IMO, Jodi got preferential treatment even if it is legal in AZ. Sheriff Arpaio, with a rep for being tough, let her have interviews until it became a fiasco. Some Deputy Warden allows her to have phone calls to Donovan even when Donovan starts tweeting on her behalf. Meh.

Decided to do a google search and found this for Arizona:

Visitors have to make application and pay a background check fee.

Staff shall verify the accuracy of all information provided on each visitor
application submitted. A complete criminal history background check of all
potential visitors, including infants and minors, using the Arizona Criminal
Information Center/National Crime Information Center (ACIC/NCIC) system, shall
be completed prior to submitting the application to the approving authority for
final approval/disapproval of the visitation.

This floored me:

If the criminal history background investigation reveals a criminal

history, the ACJIS operator shall forward all documentation to the
unit Deputy Warden,for review and final decision to approve or deny
the application.

Well, I also checked CA, and there, no convicted felons can visit, even after probation, so AZ is very unusual, I think.

IMO, Jodi got preferential treatment even if it is legal in AZ. Sheriff Arpaio, with a rep for being tough, let her have interviews until it became a fiasco. Some Deputy Warden allows her to have phone calls to Donovan even when Donovan starts tweeting on her behalf. Meh.


So AZ is up to the discretion of the warden or Sheriff? Yes, in CA it's pretty strict. There are new pics of DB visiting a new gal at Perryville and we saw her sitting through the trial so....? Can you believe all the press conferences I call them, "it" got? Crazy, maybe they just wanted her to keep digging her grave.
So AZ is up to the discretion of the warden or Sheriff? Yes, in CA it's pretty strict. There are new pics of DB visiting a new gal at Perryville and we saw her sitting through the trial so....? Can you believe all the press conferences I call them, "it" got? Crazy, maybe they just wanted her to keep digging her grave.

Yes, that's how I read it - the Deputy Warden can decide whether to allow someone with a criminal background to visit. I'd never heard anything like that before.

Regarding Sheriff Arpaio, I don't know what the policy is, but I do know that it turned out he was the one who gave her permission to have the press conferences while she was at the jail. He didn't seem to have any particular agenda, but then again, maybe he was hoping she would hang herself. She does it so well, despite the fact she thinks she's so clever.
Looks like she broke her Twitter exile last night:


Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 10h

" Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ... Dr. Seuss

6:39 PM - 16 Sep 13 · Details

This was tweeted back on July 3rd, with Seuss misspelled as Suess, so she is "recycling" from jail. :floorlaugh:

She was quiet for almost three weeks. I knew it was too good to last.
Ugghhh....her Twitter account has a new bio:

Jodi Arias
Jodi Arias

Accomplished artist. Avid reader. Animal lover. Imperfect. Friend. Sister. Daughter. Granddaughter. Niece. Aunt. Absentee mother to a cat. Survivor.

Oh, crud. The "survivor" crap again. :mad: Who does she think she's fooling.
Freelance curmudgeon services at no charge. :-D
haha I had a cousin in Maine that sort of knew him and said he was very strange! Cousin was a judge.

Your cousin judge probably has good senses. lol I think the van accident had a big impact on his writing, but ever since Under The Dome he sounds much more like himself, and the JFK book ("11/22/63") is his true best imo, I encourage anyone who likes to read to try it, it's a really, really good story, and told in King's very best style, I just adore that book. It's not gross or a horror story so those turned off by that shouldn't be concerned, just a really neat story to get lost in.
I've been watching it on and off. I thought it was supposed to be the finale with the answers, but when I saw it, I figured I must have been wrong. No answers that I could fathom! Just that the pink stars reveal themselves when the egg is dropped in the water, LOL. Although the dome was all cloudy afterward, and I wondered if that meant they weren't "worthy."

I was so confused! I thought it was over and done so everything would be told, but we were left with what apparently will become the pink stars, Barbie with the rope around his neck on the platform and the dome clouded (but at least not black anymore). I was so sure one of the crowd would yell 'The pink stars are falling!' but I guess they hadn't started falling yet. lol

I have to say, I wasn't all that crazy about it at the beginning, movies that don't stick to the book drive me crazy, and this one didn't stick to the book in many ways in the first episode, I was sure it'd drive me nuts.

But as it went on the more I anticipated the next episode. Do we have to wait for next summer to see it again? I have no clue but I have a problem with that - I hate summers here in Texas, I don't know how I can make myself actually look forward to another one. :scared:
Ugghhh....her Twitter account has a new bio:

Jodi Arias
Jodi Arias

Accomplished artist. Avid reader. Animal lover. Imperfect. Friend. Sister. Daughter. Granddaughter. Niece. Aunt. Absentee mother to a cat. Survivor.


I looked last night and saw the changed bio but no new tweet was there then, must have just missed it. When I looked there were 60 tweets listed, thought the last time I looked there were 61 - is the tweeter deleting the ones they recycle? Such childish games.
Sorry for so many posts in a row (where is everyone?) but I just came across this article:

"In another sideshow on Monday, a court stenographer who regularly writes down and transcribes on- and off-the-record trial proceedings had to tell the judge that someone was using his picture as an avatar in a chatroom in which trial-watchers comment on the Arias trial. When confronted by The Arizona Republic, he denied that the posts were his and said that he would not jeopardize his job and reputation by making out-of-court comments, which would constitute unethical behavior."

First time reading/hearing this (and it was back in mid-April), are they talking about the Mike avatar someone here was using? LOL and holy cow.
Your cousin judge probably has good senses. lol I think the van accident had a big impact on his writing, but ever since Under The Dome he sounds much more like himself, and the JFK book ("11/22/63") is his true best imo, I encourage anyone who likes to read to try it, it's a really, really good story, and told in King's very best style, I just adore that book. It's not gross or a horror story so those turned off by that shouldn't be concerned, just a really neat story to get lost in.

Hi Geevee, I've been a Stephen King fan for years and years. Though, when I looked at the JFK book I kinda thought ' wtf ? ', but you're saying it's very good so I'm going to have to take a closer look.

Also I wasn't able to get into Under The Dome the first time I tried to read it, which is unusual for me as I usually just devour his books. Maybe part of it was that being a hardcover and such a huge book, my hands were actually cramping from holding it and I had to put it down, lol. I do prefer reading paperbacks, so that's what I'll try next, (no kindles or whatchamacallits for me ;) ).

I totally missed the Under the Dome TV series and will be looking into that. Don't even know when it started or what network, so any info I can get there, that would be great. And thanks for the encouragement, :wave:
I looked last night and saw the changed bio but no new tweet was there then, must have just missed it. When I looked there were 60 tweets listed, thought the last time I looked there were 61 - is the tweeter deleting the ones they recycle? Such childish games.

I think that she deleted the Kiefer RT:

There are a few more tweets on her page that may disappear before the next court date, IMO.
Hi Geevee, I've been a Stephen King fan for years and years. Though, when I looked at the JFK book I kinda thought ' wtf ? ', but you're saying it's very good so I'm going to have to take a closer look.

Also I wasn't able to get into Under The Dome the first time I tried to read it, which is unusual for me as I usually just devour his books. Maybe part of it was that being a hardcover and such a huge book, my hands were actually cramping from holding it and I had to put it down, lol. I do prefer reading paperbacks, so that's what I'll try next, (no kindles or whatchamacallits for me ;) ).

I totally missed the Under the Dome TV series and will be looking into that. Don't even know when it started or what network, so any info I can get there, that would be great. And thanks for the encouragement, :wave:

Hi Neesaki, Under The Dome is on CBS, from everything I'd read (even on SK's site) I thought it was a one-summer deal but last night I read he's writing the first episode for the next season so at least we'll get more. The heft of the book was my main complaint with it, geez that thing was heavy! Go to CBS' website, you should be able to watch all of the installments there.

Be prepared to be confused as some characters merge, don't die, do die, are on the other side of the dome, you'll get the hang of it but it does play out somewhat differently than the book. Still worth watching though.

Do get the JFK book, you'll be really surprised I think, it's very good. It's not quite as big as the Dome but getting the soft cover will make reading it more enjoyable. lol

ETA: Just looked on CBS, maybe watching them isn't free, something about Amazon being a partner site ('ad free with subscription or purchase'?) Darn, sorry.
Ugghhh....her Twitter account has a new bio:

Jodi Arias
Jodi Arias

Accomplished artist. Avid reader. Animal lover. Imperfect. Friend. Sister. Daughter. Granddaughter. Niece. Aunt. Absentee mother to a cat. Survivor.


Accomplished Artist? I wonder what she means, that a few will buy her tracings because she's such an effing freak makes her an "artist" ? Survivor.... I guess we will see, but "Lifer if I'm Lucky" might be more apt.

As far as I'm concerned, the only thing she's accomplished at is murdering a man who even in death, is better than her.

She Just Makes Me Ill to the point I shake like a chihuahua :stormingmad:
Your cousin judge probably has good senses. lol I think the van accident had a big impact on his writing, but ever since Under The Dome he sounds much more like himself, and the JFK book ("11/22/63") is his true best imo, I encourage anyone who likes to read to try it, it's a really, really good story, and told in King's very best style, I just adore that book. It's not gross or a horror story so those turned off by that shouldn't be concerned, just a really neat story to get lost in.
I love his books and writings but the casting for UTD sux! And they had to take out the mst violent parts of the book; so it changed everything for me; cant watch it; don't buy Hank, he is Hank, Hanks a good guy; no way in my mind will he EVER be Remmy. Jr badly cast as well. So it's all about the casting for me; sometimes I wonder if SK insists on certain actors, like Jeff Fayhey, etc. Love his work, HATE most of the film translations. Except Pet Cemetary and The Shining and The Dead Zone. Those passed imo.

Oh Sorry OT came here to see when is the next hearing in JA saga? It's turning into like the SILO SERIES FPS.
I love his books and writings but the casting for UTD sux! And they had to take out the mst violent parts of the book; so it changed everything for me; cant watch it; don't buy Hank, he is Hank, Hanks a good guy; no way in my mind will he EVER be Remmy. Jr badly cast as well. So it's all about the casting for me; sometimes I wonder if SK insists on certain actors, like Jeff Fayhey, etc. Love his work, HATE most of the film translations. Except Pet Cemetary and The Shining and The Dead Zone. Those passed imo.

Oh Sorry OT came here to see when is the next hearing in JA saga? It's turning into like the SILO SERIES FPS. about Misery? I thought Kathy Bates was amazing in that movie. She won an Oscar for her performance.

I was never able to finish reading the final pages of the Shining. I had a neighbor at the time who was a paranoid schizophrenic. The night I sat down to read the final chapters was a night she had one of her blaring and her yelling through the walls. Between the suspense of the book and her hours long antic, it was too much for me. Tried a couple of times later to finish that last chapter, but couldn't.
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