SIDEBAR #19- Arias/Alexander forum

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Not open for further replies. about Misery? I thought Kathy Bates was amazing in that movie. She won an Oscar for her performance.

I was never able to finish reading the final pages of the Shining. I had a neighbor at the time who was a paranoid schizophrenic. The night I sat down to read the final chapters was a night she had one of her blaring and her yelling through the walls. Between the suspense of the book and her hours long antic, it was too much for me. Tried a couple of times later to finish that last chapter, but couldn't.

Yes, and also "Silver Bullet", with Gary Busey, another of my favorites.
Helloooooooooooooo- anybody here :poke:

I also have eye problems- Ocular Migraines- real fun when it happens :floorlaugh:

And it looks like this:

Visual Migraine Animation - YouTube

A first attempt to try to visualise the effect many people experience when having a visual migraine. These are not usually accompanied by pain, but sometimes are, and you may feel nauseous through the visual stimulation. They seem to be very common. Nothing can be done to avoid them it seems, but they don't appear to do any harm either. I have learned to sit back and enjoy the show! They start in the centre of vision, move outward to the perifery, then fade and disappear.

PLEASE NOTE: Video contains black and white flashing images. If you are susceptible to such effects triggering unpleasant consequences such as a migraine or epilepsy, please DO NOT WATCH IT.
And this is about Floaters:

Floaters and Flashes - YouTube

They may be annoying but do not cause any problems. However if a new floater comes on abruptly or if there is a sudden increase in the number of floaters, then you must be examined immediately to rule out a retinal tear.

Oh Wow! I just had this in the beginning of the year, and I thought it was my retinas tearing, as I had never had this "effect" before - scared the ***** out of me - but the doctor said, as above, they don't know the cause - and I have no pain with this, and it lasts about 20 minutes for me... :banghead:
okay... what is with the new "thing" on the "Thanks" button??

Sometimes it's okay, but other times when I press "Thanks" up pops a little pop-up that says: Message from webp... with a Yield sign with an exclamation point in it.

Anyone know 'what' this is?? or am I the only one this is happening too?? :confused:
Ugghhh....her Twitter account has a new bio:

Jodi Arias
Jodi Arias

Accomplished artist. Avid reader. Animal lover. Imperfect. Friend. Sister. Daughter. Granddaughter. Niece. Aunt. Absentee mother to a cat. Survivor.


*#%*#% Survivor!!! I hate her!
Ugghhh....her Twitter account has a new bio:

Jodi Arias
Jodi Arias

Accomplished artist. Avid reader. Animal lover. Imperfect. Friend. Sister. Daughter. Granddaughter. Niece. Aunt. Absentee mother to a cat. Survivor.


I see that she forgot to list Convicted Murderer!!!!
Yes, and also "Silver Bullet", with Gary Busey, another of my favorites.

Not a horror but Shawshank Redemption was great, and perfect casting I think. It'd be better if AMC didn't play it every other week, you never get a chance to miss it.

Liked the original Carrie, did not like the idea of a remake, and like even less that it's been remade yet again. How many times will Carrie live? Tonight 8:pM EST

Join Beth Karas in an exclusive Wild About Trial Spreecast as she interviews author of "Trial By Fury" and one of the foremost authorities on the Amanda Knox case. :)
I see that she forgot to list Convicted Murderer!!!!

Absentee mother to a cat???? :eek: that :cat: is lucky- it would probably be dead by now :nerves:
Not a horror but Shawshank Redemption was great, and perfect casting I think. It'd be better if AMC didn't play it every other week, you never get a chance to miss it.

Liked the original Carrie, did not like the idea of a remake, and like even less that it's been remade yet again. How many times will Carrie live?

Evening, geevee :seeya:
I really liked the movie Delores Claiborne . Never read the book tho'. I just loved all the SK books except the ending of It- ending was a letdown. And The Stand was a scary movie for me. I have the JFK book for my Winter reading (I did start reading it at the beginning of the Summer, but other books got in the way.) My favorite book was Thinner.- short, but great.
One of my favorite authors- even if he can be long-winded sometimes- but I kinda like that :facepalm:
Evening, geevee :seeya:
I really liked the movie Delores Claiborne . Never read the book tho'. I just loved all the SK books except the ending of It- ending was a letdown. And The Stand was a scary movie for me. I have the JFK book for my Winter reading (I did start reading it at the beginning of the Summer, but other books got in the way.) My favorite book was Thinner.- short, but great.
One of my favorite authors- even if he can be long-winded sometimes- but I kinda like that :facepalm:

Hiya YesorNo :), oh yeah, I liked Delores Claiborne too (had the book but think I loaned it out, not on my shelves anymore lol), I thought Rose Madder wasn't too bad either, better on second read, Tha Stand and The Tasliman are two of my most faves, as well as Insomnia (probably reread that half a dozen times) Didn't care for the follow-up to Talisman - 'Black House' all that much though, the tone was too different and Jack was too.

The Thinner movie was...very visual. lol

You should enjoy 11/22/63, can't wait till it dims in my memory a bit so I can reread it. And that shouldn't be too long the way my memory cells are disintegrating these days. :blushing:
Can't not post this

Hiya YesorNo :), oh yeah, I liked Delores Claiborne too (had the book but think I loaned it out, not on my shelves anymore lol), I thought Rose Madder wasn't too bad either, better on second read, Tha Stand and The Tasliman are two of my most faves, as well as Insomnia (probably reread that half a dozen times) Didn't care for the follow-up to Talisman - 'Black House' all that much though, the tone was too different and Jack was too.

The Thinner movie was...very visual. lol

You should enjoy 11/22/63, can't wait till it dims in my memory a bit so I can reread it. And that shouldn't be too long the way my memory cells are disintegrating these days. :blushing:

The movie Pet Cemetery scared me to to death :scared:, but the book was good.
LOL Yeah, that King. He's probably an acquired taste, or I'm just weird. ;)

Hi geevee :seeya:. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. Not all his stuff is creepy LoL. Some of my favorites are The Green Mile, Stand By Me and The Shawshank Redemption. He has a wonderful imagination. Some of his stuff is weird though. Have you read 11/22/63? The one about the Kennedy assassination? I couldn't put it down.
Did you ever read the book Wolfen by Whitley Strieber?
That book's setting was in NYC and at the time I lived in NYC. Scary book.
When I came home in the dark, I was scared and looked around as I walked home :floorlaugh: (I'm a scaredy cat :floorlaugh:)

The Wolfen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another book by the same author was also good: The Hunger

I think I've read one book by him but not that one - think it was the Gulf Breeze UFO sightings? Same guy?
Hi geevee :seeya:. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. Not all his stuff is creepy LoL. Some of my favorites are The Green Mile, Stand By Me and The Shawshank Redemption. He has a wonderful imagination. Some of his stuff is weird though. Have you read 11/22/63? The one about the Kennedy assassination? I couldn't put it down.

Hi Princess :) - we were talking about that one up thread, it's a really good one, huh? I like to take my time and savor his stories but that one I had to keep reading. And yes, I love Stand By Me, the movie is just so right, I watch that every time I see it scheduled. I'm not sure if it's in the same book of short stories - 'The Bachman Books - one story - The Long Walk, not horror but so very good, you really live with those boys, what a goodie.

I have Joyland but only got into it 30 pages so far, I want to get a reading chair and am holding the rest of the book hostage until I find one. lol
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