SIDEBAR #19- Arias/Alexander forum

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Did you ever read the book Wolfen by Whitley Strieber?
That book's setting was in NYC and at the time I lived in NYC. Scary book.
When I came home in the dark, I was scared and looked around as I walked home :floorlaugh: (I'm a scaredy cat :floorlaugh:)

The Wolfen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another book by the same author was also good: The Hunger

Yes or No, did you ever have a semi auto handgun pointed right at your head? :drumroll: I did. After my son died it happened at work. We were robbed. I simply stood there and figured if it were my time to go I would.:floorlaugh: Poor Shirley had the mop, just started to mop the floor. She was scared chi*less.:scared:

st started mopping the floor.:floorlaugh:
Hey everyone just popping in for a quick hello. Got my hair done today and I have a major headache. I am super tender headed but the hair turned out good. Went short for me.
OF COURSE- after Frasier :floorlaugh:
Checking your diabetes??? (people need to know- nosy people :floorlaugh:)

damn these nosy people :floorlaugh:

yes, sissy - diabetes, cholesterol and a few other interesting things.
:sos: Help- I need some real drugs for my joint pain- OTC drugs are not working too well. Where's Zuri? :nurse: :floorlaugh:
I'll be needing my cane soon just to lower myself on the toilet bowl (never mind get off of it :facepalm:). This cold weather is killing me. The MD said I should've stayed in PA. It was 39 degrees this AM. :coldcase:

I am now here. 3 Aleve= 1 Anaprox, and can be taken every 8 hours. Voltaren and Celebrex are prescription. Hope you feel better soon! :seeya:
Hey everyone just popping in for a quick hello. Got my hair done today and I have a major headache. I am super tender headed but the hair turned out good. Went short for me.

I'm very tender headed as well and my mother brushing my hair was painful!
I am now here. 3 Aleve= 1 Anaprox, and can be taken every 8 hours. Voltaren and Celebrex are prescription. Hope you feel better soon! :seeya:

You sound like me Zuri. I double dosages on pain relievers. Sorry you feel so bad.

Yes or No, did you ever have a semi auto handgun pointed right at your head? :drumroll: I did. After my son died it happened at work. We were robbed. I simply stood there and figured if it were my time to go I would.:floorlaugh: Poor Shirley had the mop, just started to mop the floor. She was scared chi*less.:scared:

st started mopping the floor.:floorlaugh:

Evening Nore :seeya:
feeling any better tonight?
That must have been really scary :scared:
:sos: Help- I need some real drugs for my joint pain- OTC drugs are not working too well. Where's Zuri? :nurse: :floorlaugh:
I'll be needing my cane soon just to lower myself on the toilet bowl (never mind get off of it :facepalm:). This cold weather is killing me. The MD said I should've stayed in PA. It was 39 degrees this AM. :coldcase:

Hi Y or N, I used to get relief from Ibuprophen but it was prescribed by my Dr.. I think there is a difference in strength with OTC..I took it everyday and it helped a lot. Cant take any of that anymore because of bleeding so bad. Now I have a narc, only use if really bad. even that doesnt always work! :banghead: :seeya:
YoN, so sorry about the joint pain. It must be miserable, especially when OTC stuff doesn't touch it. I shattered my shoulder (snapped the ball right off the humerus) when I was younger and for years I had an accurate weather forecaster, so I can sympathize. It is a dull, deep pain unlike any other.

One of my favorite suspense movies is "Wait Until Dark" with Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin. There is that one scene where the theatre just screamed in surprise.

I used to read a lot of Steven King and Dean Koontz when I lived in Antigua...we got the "vacation" books that people left behind. Seemed like crime stories, scary books or romance novels were the books of choice to take on vacation. I'm not even sure if I ever read a romance novel...Harlequin, anyone?

Lamby, loved, , loved your cat survivor comment.

Thanks for the kind words about my mom and the mess with her estate. We have had to be patient and wait for solid, solid proof of breach of trust and it appears that we now have it. We have a conference with our lawyer on Friday and will move towards litigation to get her dismissed as trustee. Unfortunately, with the way that her trustee screwed things up, it looks like it will take a few years to get the mess cleaned up, especially with the IRS. Her estate was a big pie cut into many slices, but almost half will be lost to taxes because of mishandling. We still don't know how much of that we will be able to recover in is too far down the pike.
I am now here. 3 Aleve= 1 Anaprox, and can be taken every 8 hours. Voltaren and Celebrex are prescription. Hope you feel better soon! :seeya:

Thanks Zuri :seeya:
I use to take Aleve, but now I take generic ibuprofen- not as good I think?
I need morphine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :floorlaugh: the only thing that stopped the pain in my joints :scared: completely in the hospital couple of years ago.
I am now here. 3 Aleve= 1 Anaprox, and can be taken every 8 hours. Voltaren and Celebrex are prescription. Hope you feel better soon! :seeya:

Where do you find Anaprox?
You sound like me Zuri. I double dosages on pain relievers. Sorry you feel so bad.

When naproxen sodium(Aleve) was approved for OTC like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) was, the drug companies were required to lower the dose in their directions so it was not prescription strength. 600-800 mg of ibuprofen is prescription strength which is 3-4 tabs. :seeya:

I bet your hair looks beauteous.

Yes or No, did you ever have a semi auto handgun pointed right at your head? :drumroll: I did. After my son died it happened at work. We were robbed. I simply stood there and figured if it were my time to go I would.:floorlaugh: Poor Shirley had the mop, just started to mop the floor. She was scared chi*less.:scared:st started mopping the floor.:floorlaugh:

:eek: :eek:

How awful! I have some horror stories, but I can't top that. I'm so sorry.

I would have been scared ch*less too :scared:

Looking up your number in the white pages now - YesOrNo in NY. Shouldn't be too many. :floorlaugh:

Of course. There's only one- me :floorlaugh:
Can't have the world calling me :floorlaugh: I'm unlisted anyway :facepalm:
need my privacy, you know and I'm a very busy :scared: queen :floorlaugh:
Thanks Zuri :seeya:
I use to take Aleve, but now I take generic ibuprofen- not as good I think?
I need morphine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :floorlaugh: the only thing that stopped the pain in my joints :scared: completely in the hospital couple of years ago.

2 totally different medications that work differently but are both considered anti-inflammatory meds. Try Aleve. Really good for joints.
I'm in quiet mode. Had to fast all night and go for CBC this AM (blood work). Looking forward to a long sleep tonight after Frasier of course. LOL


Did you see them last night? Niles flew the kite again!! :floorlaugh: as silly as it sounds I am so afraid of open spaces and height (balcony scenes) I had to look away! even my toes tingled. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

P.S. I know if he stepped over the railing the floor is there.But!!!
Zuri - what is good for icky stomach? Used to take Titralac but they quit making it. It was the best!
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