SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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Neesaki .... if you were to ask me, I'd say the confirmation is more important. Once in a lifetime for your son and memories, whereas there will be more dances. :)

I agree! In addition to honoring your son, the confirmation ceremony will be meaningful, and a dance has no way of competing in that category. I hope you gift the dinner/dance tickets to some other couple and go to the ceremony.

Will your son choose a "confirmation name" to add in with his middle name? That was a big deal to me when I was 13 :eek:)
I agree! In addition to honoring your son, the confirmation ceremony will be meaningful, and a dance has no way of competing in that category. I hope you gift the dinner/dance tickets to some other couple and go to the ceremony.

Will your son choose a "confirmation name" to add in with his middle name? That was a big deal to me when I was 13 :eek:)

Thank you Carpe, and I agree. I don't know about the confirmation name, that's the first time I've heard of it. I will ask him though. :seeya:

ETA: Oh, I neglected to mention that he and his girlfriend are going to be confirmed the same night. They chose to do this together, which I think is pretty cool.
I think you're right, daisy. Even though he's almost 30 y/o, it's still a very important milestone in his life. And, that he wants us there is just precious in itself. I'm so thankful.

And thank you for your input. :loveyou:

Just want to chime in and say I agree with voting for confirmation. Like others have said that is a once in a lifetime event and the dance can always be done at some other time in future.

A good partner should understand how important it is to you to attend the confirmation.

Anyways, sorry to butt in but wanted to chime in with my vote that I think its the rigth decision.
OMG I can't believe sentencing is taking so long!!!!! I mean, is this normal? Seriously I wanna know! I know if I ever decide to break the law, I'll choose Arizona to do it in. I wouldn't go to prison for 6 or 7 years. Sickening! Damn even Manson and his band of merry psycho's didn't take this long.

I agree with you and I cant help but to think the judge was too lax in allowing such long delays. This is really ridiculous. The process is not over and it needs to be because of a possible mistrial due to lenght. Like what if the judge or her attorney or PA dies of old age. Would that be a mistrial.

Its just crazy and it has been long enough. Someone in authority needs to force this to end before I die of old age. LOL

So frustrated.
What does that mean, daisy ?

They have great significance to the Jews and Israel.

There was a blood moon in 1493, when Tomas de Torquemada, the first Spanish Inquisitor, began slaughtering Jews.

There was a blood moon on the eve of Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948, and within 24 hours five Arab nations went to war against her, to wipe her off the face of the earth.

And a blood moon coincided with the Six Day War in 1967, when Israel liberated Jerusalem; Jews were able to return to Jerusalem after 2000 years of Exile.

General Edmund Allenby got down off his horse, and entered the Old City on foot through the Jaffa Gate (the Wailing Wall) to show respect for the holy city. He was the first Christian in many centuries to control Jerusalem

“I will set wonders in the heavens and the earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke; the sun will turn to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and awesome Day of God” (Joel 3:3).
Well, at least, on paper: :giggle:

9/8/14 @ 8:30 :judge:
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
04/15/2014 8:00 AM

11:36 a.m.


State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi & Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present :puke:

Court Reporter, Mike Babicky, is present. :loveyou:

A record of the proceeding is also made by audio and/or videotape.

This is the time set for Capital Case Management Conference and argument on motions.

Court and counsel discuss matters.

IT IS ORDERED vacating Oral Argument set this date and resetting same and Capital Case Management Conference on 5/16/14 at 10:00 a.m. in this division.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED affirming prior custody orders.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED affirming Trial on penalty phase on 9/8/14 at 8:30 a.m. in this division.

11:40 a.m. Matter concludes.

---- OK- only 4 minutes :aktion1:

How come we had to wait so long that day?:dunno: How come no talk about being televised? What were they doing in there- having a party or something????? :(
WE had heavy rain all day until late afternoon- where it snowed. We have about 3" and it's still coming down.


Well -the snow plows woke me at 5:30 this morning because of the 4-5" of snow that fell yesterday.:aktion1:

But, it's suppose to get to around 43 degrees today. Hopefully that will melt most of the snow.:crossfingers:

I need to go food shopping today, but right now, I'm going for a nap.
Well -the snow plows woke me at 5:30 this morning because of the 4-5" of snow that fell yesterday.:aktion1:

But, it's suppose to get to around 43 degrees today. Hopefully that will melt most of the snow.:crossfingers:

I need to go food shopping today, but right now, I'm going for a nap.

We managed to get 3" yesterday morning. No snow plow, just me and my shovel. Had to work to get the icy snow mess off the car. grrrump! It melted later in the day, though, and I do 't think we ever made it to 40-degrees.
Oh, NO! :scared:

It's snowing again!!!:tantrum:

I really need to go cover my head with my blankets and go :eek:fftobed:.

Hi I like, thank you so much! I really enjoyed all the songs. I entered my teens in 1945, all the music was "my age music". I know the words to every song. My mom loved music and the new beat being introduced a lot in the 40's. I always associated certain songs with events in my life. That makes it hard to hear them in a way, still enjoyed. There was a song "My Son My Son" by Vera Lynne. The song came out when I expected my son. when he was born Joe bought the recording. I still have it. I do cry when I play it, just beautiful. Vera Lynne had a lovely voice. I will ccp the video and keep it. I'm collecting the Hit Parade CD's..I know all the There was a song about '39 or '40, Celery Stalks at Midnight!! cant find it..I like "The Old Lamplighter" also. I'd sing all of them walking to Grammas house. In '49 we had "Underneath the Arches" cant find it on any of them. So many fantastic musicians aat that time. Ethel Smith on the organ. She was in many Esther Williams moves. Les Paul, steel guitar, Gene Krupa, drums, just so many with good music....Oh Glenn Miller!! :loveyou:
Hi everyone! :wave:
Haven't been reading here lately - been trying to catch up with the Oscar Pistorius' trial - just reading here at WS...

Had my first "real" physical therapy on Monday - can you say OUCH!!! :notgood: :tears: :tears: :silenced: god did that hurt!! Afterwards my leg was SO sore... have to go again tomorrow... :silenced: :noooo: !!! I have been doing the exercises the guy gave me, but they sure hurt! But I guess I have to do this, if I want to walk normal again.

Sorry to hear you all have snow - it's been perfect California weather here! :sunshine:

I too was surprised on Joffery's death! WOW! I think it's his "new" queen!!

Thanks for the jokes YesorNo! Going to share!

Well, that's about it from here! Take care everyone! :seeya:
Hi I like, thank you so much! I really enjoyed all the songs. I entered my teens in 1945, all the music was "my age music". I know the words to every song. My mom loved music and the new beat being introduced a lot in the 40's. I always associated certain songs with events in my life. That makes it hard to hear them in a way, still enjoyed. There was a song "My Son My Son" by Vera Lynne. The song came out when I expected my son. when he was born Joe bought the recording. I still have it. I do cry when I play it, just beautiful. Vera Lynne had a lovely voice. I will ccp the video and keep it. I'm collecting the Hit Parade CD's..I know all the There was a song about '39 or '40, Celery Stalks at Midnight!! cant find it..I like "The Old Lamplighter" also. I'd sing all of them walking to Grammas house. In '49 we had "Underneath the Arches" cant find it on any of them. So many fantastic musicians aat that time. Ethel Smith on the organ. She was in many Esther Williams moves. Les Paul, steel guitar, Gene Krupa, drums, just so many with good music....Oh Glenn Miller!! :loveyou:

Here you go; my mother was born in September 1930.
What amazing songs tonight. I do believe my mother would sing many of these--- especially fond of the Old Lamplighter. Thanks, ladies.
Hi I like, thank you so much! I really enjoyed all the songs. I entered my teens in 1945, all the music was "my age music". I know the words to every song. My mom loved music and the new beat being introduced a lot in the 40's. I always associated certain songs with events in my life. That makes it hard to hear them in a way, still enjoyed. There was a song "My Son My Son" by Vera Lynne. The song came out when I expected my son. when he was born Joe bought the recording. I still have it. I do cry when I play it, just beautiful. Vera Lynne had a lovely voice. I will ccp the video and keep it. I'm collecting the Hit Parade CD's..I know all the There was a song about '39 or '40, Celery Stalks at Midnight!! cant find it..I like "The Old Lamplighter" also. I'd sing all of them walking to Grammas house. In '49 we had "Underneath the Arches" cant find it on any of them. So many fantastic musicians aat that time. Ethel Smith on the organ. She was in many Esther Williams moves. Les Paul, steel guitar, Gene Krupa, drums, just so many with good music....Oh Glenn Miller!! :loveyou:

BBM here you go, gramma (but, please don't cry):


And one more for you, my dear:

Vera Lynn: When I Grow too Old to Dream - YouTube
Hi everyone! :wave:
Haven't been reading here lately - been trying to catch up with the Oscar Pistorius' trial - just reading here at WS...

Had my first "real" physical therapy on Monday - can you say OUCH!!! :notgood: :tears: :tears: :silenced: god did that hurt!! Afterwards my leg was SO sore... have to go again tomorrow... :silenced: :noooo: !!! I have been doing the exercises the guy gave me, but they sure hurt! But I guess I have to do this, if I want to walk normal again.

Sorry to hear you all have snow - it's been perfect California weather here! :sunshine:

I too was surprised on Joffery's death! WOW! I think it's his "new" queen!!

Thanks for the jokes YesorNo! Going to share!

Well, that's about it from here! Take care everyone! :seeya:

BBM Although I can no longer watch GOT, I did read about it and I think it was Joffery's new MIL-She's something and knew what Joffrey was all about- nasty little boy that he is :facepalm:. Better to rid her daughter of her new, bad, bad husband and still retain her new title of Queen. :drumroll:

Take care, Niner. You will be running soon and feel better.
Trailer for Rosemary's Baby starring Zoe Saldana" (who is she?)

'Rosemary's Baby' remake to air in May

"Viewers can tune in to NBC on May 11 and 15 to watch the new take on Ira Levin's classic psychological horror novel, a four-hour miniseries starring Zoe Saldana.

"Rosemary's Baby" will premiere on May 11 (Mother's Day) and conclude four days later, May 15, with a two-hour finale."

I won't be able to watch, so someone will have to let me know if it's as good as the original- please.

That movie always scared the living crap out of me- right along with The Exorcist. :facepalm:
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