So, does anyone here besides me have problems sleeping at night ? And, for those who do, what do you do to help you sleep ? Just asking, because my previous methods I realize aren't the answer. Chamomile tea is a joke for me, it does nothing, as do for the most part the other "natural" remedies. Except for something called Stress J by Natures Sunshine, which made me extremely relaxed, but made me feel like a zombie for two days. OMG... it was horrible, I couldn't even function. And Melatonin, Valerian, nothing. Really, I think I have tried everything.
Oh , and btw what is it with these old movies where everyone drinks milk to help them sleep ? I have read that it's supposed to help with sleep, as do things like chicken, etc., anything with L-Tryptophan, I believe. Well, I don't want to eat chicken at night, and I am lactose intolerant. :facepalm:
Then there is Xanax, I can take it in very low dose as long as I space it out no more than two times / week, I just have to be very careful, or it makes me feel bad and depressed. I have also tried Ambien, which definitely knocks me out, but the next day I feel absolutely horrible .
Anyway, just thought I would see if anyone here has found a new miracle cure for insomnia. TIA :wave: