SIDEBAR #25- Arias/Alexander forum

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Guess she missed that class in High School :floorlaugh:
Do you think she'll be wearing her shackles? That would be interesting to see how she walks up to question a witness.

she didn't the first trial--she had that waist thingy (iirc)
:seeya: Nope !

:thinking: And may I add:

- Has JA opened her :jail: Library ?

- Has JA started teaching Language Classes ?

What else did I miss ?

Oh, wasn't there something about a "recycling program" in :jail: ?

:hilarious: Ya just can't make this stuff up !

She hasn't cut the hair---last court hearing one of the tweeters said her hair was to her waist--and in the pictures looked long! liar :liar:


I'm so glad you posted the above ^^^ ... I was thinking about that last night when I heard the latest news !

And I am LMAO about JA representing herself 'cause it's going to be one hello of a show !

:hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . .
Dad Update:

Going on 14 days since my dad ate or drank, he's still in the hospital with "comfort care".
After my brother and I "Skyped" with him, about 12 days ago, he quit communicating, just shut down. He's no longer conscious.
He was denied Medicaid, they found assets and his boyfriend is refusing to sign them over. End care facilities run about $200 a day, and none of us have that. But it's good he's in the hospital, they're taking care of him and I don't have to worry about neglect.
I'm in a really good place mentally. Didn't think that would ever happen. Kind of amazed at what this journey called "Life" can be with all it's twists and turns.:loveyou:

Seriously think this fat mare is going to wait til September to have her baby. She's been pretty cranky lately, like those extra pounds and random movement in her belly are getting pretty old. My stud and her are glued at the hips now, major separation anxiety. I rode my stud around on the property today and she had a major conniption, "Oh no you don't, you're not leaving without me!" These two are bonded more than any other horses I've ever had.

Hi Bernina,
so sorry about your dad. He may have told his partner not to release any assets so I do hope the hospital will care for him during this time. It is just really good you are in a good place mentally. I hope your brother is too. That poor mare, she is probably so ready to go. That last few weeks or days is so miserable. Be sure to post a picture or two when it comes.

I'm so glad you posted the above ^^^ ... I was thinking about that last night when I heard the latest news !

And I am LMAO about JA representing herself 'cause it's going to be one hello of a show !

:hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . . :hilarious: . . .


Be careful what you wish for CMJA...
If Gitana is still lurking, could you please let us know if the killer can wear street clothes? She must think this is a do over of her conviction. She cannot accept that the jury got it right. She is guilty. She said she killed him. End of her story. Killing someone three times is not PTSD or abuse, nor is it self defense. We all know how it will go...either LWOP or death. There is no way I would ever believe JSS would give this killer life with even a chance of parole!

And whether she claims JM is abusing her or not, I hope he gives her pure he!!. I don't even care if the jury doesn't like his attitude toward the killer. She has already been found guilty so give her all you have JM! At worst, the jury would give her life so go get her.

She is lucky my husband is not on that jury. He saw through her act a few years back. He doesn't feel for her one bit.

Even if this was a woman who had been abused as a child, and used by a jerk, the jerk still wouldn't have deserved what happened to Travis. No. There is no excuse and should be no tolerance for that kind of violence.
Could someone tell me how to navigate to the Erin Corwin thread? Thanks. :please:
Hi Bernina,
so sorry about your dad. He may have told his partner not to release any assets so I do hope the hospital will care for him during this time. It is just really good you are in a good place mentally. I hope your brother is too. That poor mare, she is probably so ready to go. That last few weeks or days is so miserable. Be sure to post a picture or two when it comes.

Will do! Zuri would hunt me down if I didn't post pics of her namesake, LOL!
Joey Jackson, Esq. "Leave it to the professionals, It's not all about you Jodi Arias."

HLN talking about her clothing, it is said, that they probably will let her wear street clothes, as to not prejudice the jury.

Poor girl, it will be the last time she will ever EVER have on anything nice, wonder who will furnish her clothing for her? Same stylist she had during her trial, all that was just lovely wasn't it? LOL

She will play it as far and as long as the Judge will allow.
The logistical issues CMJA faces are monumental, especially when one considers she is in closed custody.

While she does have access to legal services through Estrella Jail, its not like they are going to jump through hoops for her. Just filing a motion is going to be like moving a mountain for her.

Another one of her brilliant ideas.

Does anyone know what grounds Judge Stephens could use to dismiss CMJA as pro se counsel and appoint Nurmi and Willmott back as counsel? Case law has upheld a judge dismissing a disruptive defendant, and I'm wondering how far this may or can go before Stephens can step in if CMJA insists on seeing this through to the end of the trial.

Good afternoon, Professor and one and all :seeya:

The last time missy:jail: tried to represent herself- back in 2011, she eventually told JSS that she was "over her head". That was right after those forged letters were denied as evidence in her case (guess she thought the letters would cement her case that Travis was a pedophiler and then when she didn't have those letters, she needed lawyers again).
It may become just the same story this time- just with some other "baloney"?

Wonder what she has up her sleeve now????

The letters:

"...Jodi Arias is also claiming that Alexander admitted in the letters that he was a pedophile. But, according to Cobb, the prosecutor's office was able to show the letters were not all they were alleged to be.

"They did a scientific examination of the letters and concluded they had been forged," Cobb told The Huffington Post.
Drama in the case continued in August, when Arias told Judge Sherry Stephens of Maricopa County Superior Court that she wanted to represent herself.
"Do you have any experience?" Stephens asked. "Do you have a law license? Have you even read the statute you're accused of?"
Arias answered "no" to each question.

Nevertheless, Stephens granted the request but had her public defenders, Victoria Washington and Kirk Nurmi, remain on as advisory council.
Less than a week later, Arias' request to have Alexander's alleged letters admitted into evidence was denied. Afterwards, Arias told Judge Stephens she was "over her head." The judge then reinstated her defense counsel.

While the latest monkey wrench --the turnover in defense counsel -- will delay the case even longer, more drama is likely to come, according to Pat Brown, founder of the Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency...."

More about the letters:

"...GRACE: Out to Alexis Tereszcuk. Now claims Martinez says he can absolutely prove those letters from Travis Alexander were forged by Jodi Arias, letters showing that he was admitting to all sorts of criminal behavior.

TERESZCUK: He says absolutely that he could have done that. He was basically daring the defense to try to bring them into evidence. He said he would bring in a handwriting expert and they would prove that the letters were forged. They were not written by Travis Alexander.

GRACE: Matt Zarrell?

ZARRELL: Nancy, Martinez nearly challenged the defense to say it. Martinez also alleged that the defense wants it both ways, that they want the letters in, but they don`t want anybody making a comment about the validity of the letters. So you can`t have it both ways, is what Martinez argued.

GRACE: He claims he can absolutely show -- he can prove these letters were forged by Arias. They were even peddled to "The National Enquirer," and here is what Mike Walker from "The National Enquirer" has to say.


MIKE WALKER, "NATIONAL ENQUIRER": Jodi Arias has tried to ensnare us, to drag us, "The National Enquirer," into her twisted scheme. What she has done is she has given us letters. And these letters are meant to portray or to trash Alexander`s reputation as a violent, sex-crazed deviant who abused her so horrifically, she was forced to kill him.

Her mother came to us and said that Jodi wanted us to publicize these letters that were allegedly written by Travis Alexander in his own hand. And she had electronic copies of these letters. Her mom approached us. She was quite emotional. She was in tears. And her mom, I don`t think, knows what`s going on. She just said, Jodi wanted me to get these letters out to the public. I`m only doing this because she asked me to...."

From the Enquirer:

"...As blonde bombshell Arias changed her look to that of a demure brunette wearing specs for the televised trial, her mother San*dy Arias met with an ENQUIRER reporter in Phoenix and handed over photocopies of two letters allegedly handwritten by Alexander.

In the first letter, dated Nov. 27, 2006, Al*exander asks Arias to wear “boy’s briefs” that he can “rip off.” He also asks her to wear one of his shirts with his engraved cuff links so he can see his initials while she performs oral sex on him.

The second letter was dated March 2, 2008, just three months before Alexander’s murder. In it, he admits that he once hit Arias “in the face.” He also claims that marrying her would help erase his “deviant” thoughts.

“Jodi wanted me to get these let*ters out to the public. I am only doing this because she asked me to,” her mother tearfully told an ENQUIRER reporter.

“Jodi has several other letters in her possession, but she’s holding off on releasing them.”

According to Mrs. Arias, only electronic copies of the letters exist.

“Jodi told me that the originals were destroyed,” she said.

The ENQUIRER learned that Jodi Arias tried to enter the letters as evidence in 2010, but a judge deemed them “inadmissible” after they were analyzed by a handwriting expert.

“These letters are quite literally the only card Jodi has left to play,” noted the source. “Getting them out to the public is her strategy to be acquitted of murder and escape the death penalty.

“That’s how desperate and evil she is. She’s manipulating her own mother from behind bars.”

I do remember that missy's ex boyfriend, Matt McCartney, was "involved in creating" the letters alleging that Travis Alexander was a pedophile.

Jodi Arias Murder Case: Reply To Defendant's Motion To Preclude Letters:

Since her arrest on July 15, 2008, missy:jail: has had several court appointed attorneys assigned to represent her that have subsequently resigned from her case. Among those seeking to withdraw as her counsel was Kirk Nurmi.

Missy's:jail: defense counsel information through the years:

At her initial arraignment, James Hann was the first appointed public defender.

On 9/19/8, Maria L. Schaffer was selected as Arias's primary public defender.

On 9/19/08, Judis R. Andrews, public defender, requested an extension to challenge the Grand Jury proceedings stating that counsel did not have a Grand Jury transcript.

On 12/18/08, Maria L. Schaffer remained as primary defense counsel and Gregory T. Parzych was appointed as the secondary public defender.

On 5/22/09, missy:jail: requested a change of counsel.

On 8/10/09, both public defenders, Schaffer and Parzych, filed a motion to withdraw from missy's:jail: case. The court found sufficient cause to allow them to resign as counsel for her. The trial date was set for 2/2/2010.

On 8/18/09, Victoria E. Washington and Kirk Nurmi appeared along with Maria Schaffer and Gregory Parzych at an evidentiary hearing. During this hearing, Washington and Nurmi were appointed as missy's:jail: legal counsel.

On 2/25/2011, Kirk Nurmi announced that he was leaving the Public Defender's Office. However, the court would not allow him to withdraw from missy's:jail: case and ordered that he would remain and be compensated at the normal rate for public defenders.

On 3/19/2011, Nurmi filed a formal motion to withdraw as missy's:jail: attorney. The hearing was set for 3/21/2011.

On 3/21/2011, Nurmi's motion to withdraw as counsel was denied.

On 3/22/2011, during a hearing, Nurmi once again requested to withdraw from missy's:jail: case. The Public Defender's Office would no longer provide a mitigation specialist and paralegal for Nurmi to supervise since he was no longer associated with them. The court ordered Nurmi to remain and the Public Defender's office to reassign a mitigation specialist and paralegal for the case.

On 4/4/2011, during a status hearing, Kirk Nurmi stated that his objection to remain was because he left the Public Defender's Office to go into private practice, (which is more lucrative.) The court ruled that Nurmi had an ethical obligation to remain yet increased his wages to 225.00 an hour to "avoid any financial interests that would place Mr. Nurmi in conflict with his client."
During a 8/8/2011 hearing, Missy:jail: presents an oral motion to represent herself. The motion was granted on the condition that Victoria Washington and Kirk Nurmi remain as advisory counsel to missy. She then proceeded to represent herself and an evidentiary hearing began regarding the letters allegedly written by Travis Alexander stating that he was a pedophile. (Perhaps Washington and Nurmi were unwilling to attest to the authenticity of the letters.)

On 8/9/2011, a normal status conference is held and missy:jail: is asked if she wishes to continue to represent herself as primary counsel and she replied in the affirmative.

On 8/15/2011, the evidentiary hearing was completed and the letters were deemed as inadmissible. (The "written confessions" were forgeries.) She then proceeded to request permission to withdraw as her own counsel and requested that Washington and Nurmi be reinstated. The request was granted.

Undoubtedly, there was no evidence that Travis Alexander was a pedophile- missy:jail: simply wanted to demonize Alexander and was willing to represent herself in order to attempt to have the forgeries admitted as evidence.

On 12/22/2011, the Public Defender's Office filed a motion to withdraw from the case due to a conflict of interest involving Victoria Washington. The request was granted.

On 1/3/2012, the Public Defender's Office replace Washington with Jennifer Willmott to be secondary counsel for missy:jail:. The trial date was postponed once again to 10/17/2012.

Jury selection was scheduled to begin on 12/10/2012. The selected jurors were sworn in on 12/20/12 and the trial began on 1/2/2013 with Nurmi and Willmott as the defense counsel for missy:jail:.

Nurmi resigning 2011:

Jodi Arias files motions to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi 2013:

What a circus this has become (or always was, I guess- just more drama and time wasted, IMO).

Wonder what she has up her sleeve (and there's certainly something, IMO).
You have to wonder if being her own attorney has it's privileges?

Like: makeup, hair products, where she can get her shoes and clothes?
And who pays for it?:thinking:
:hilarious: Remember this "performance" ?


:hilarious: OMG ... it's going to be one hello of a performance come September 8 !
OMG? y or N, I started it and stopped it immediately. The violence is overwhelming.

Sorry about that.

I just thought about how the witnesses are going to feel about having a murderer question them and this YTube showed the distress that this may

cause them (started at the 33:00 mark on that YTube).
:thinking: Jodi will NOT have time to "sketch" or "draw" since she will be playing attorney !

Oh well ... tuff ...

You have to wonder if being her own attorney has it's privileges?

Like: makeup, hair products, where she can get her shoes and clothes?
And who pays for it?:thinking:
Heck ya,she wants too look good for the men jurors..pfft
Dad Update:

Going on 14 days since my dad ate or drank, he's still in the hospital with "comfort care".
After my brother and I "Skyped" with him, about 12 days ago, he quit communicating, just shut down. He's no longer conscious.
He was denied Medicaid, they found assets and his boyfriend is refusing to sign them over. End care facilities run about $200 a day, and none of us have that. But it's good he's in the hospital, they're taking care of him and I don't have to worry about neglect.
I'm in a really good place mentally. Didn't think that would ever happen. Kind of amazed at what this journey called "Life" can be with all it's twists and turns.:loveyou:

Seriously think this fat mare is going to wait til September to have her baby. She's been pretty cranky lately, like those extra pounds and random movement in her belly are getting pretty old. My stud and her are glued at the hips now, major separation anxiety. I rode my stud around on the property today and she had a major conniption, "Oh no you don't, you're not leaving without me!" These two are bonded more than any other horses I've ever had.

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