SIDEBAR #26- Arias/Alexander forum

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Evidence will be presented on the circumstances of the offense and on cruelty because the jury will need to weigh that evidence against the mitigation evidence. The jurors will be told of the prior findings, of course, but the evidence will likely be presented to them through witnesses and exhibits. The only other option would be to show them high-quality video of agreed-upon selections of the prior testimony, but that would only happen IMO if both sides agree and if anyone even thinks of the option (the court video would be too crappy; they would have to use the media video).

I don't think the absence of cameras will speed things up much, except of course there won't be repeated motions and hearings asking to kick out the cameras. ;)

I don't think she will get the DP because (1) the new jury will not be as immersed in the evidence about the crime itself as the old jury was, (2) Jodi only needs one juror who pities her because she was (allegedly) abused by Travis...or because she's small and female...or because she was "used" by Travis as many people have said...or because she seems mentally "off"...or so many other things. Just one juror.

Well, I can certainly understand the "mentally off" part. She is insane. But it doesn't invoke sympathy in me. Just makes me glad I didn't know her. Thank you. Yep she will likely get one juror.
Neesaki, we all feel this way but don't you want to see the trial? I do.

Oh yes, Indiana, I'm with you, I definitely want to see the trial, in real time though. I just think the DP is a waste of time and taxpayer's money, and, gives the murderer more leverage that she doesn't deserve. This should be about Justice for Travis, and she's making it all about her. :banghead:
Dog gone it, my post came up twice again. I am sorry. I don't know why. Sometimes I can't post because I get a message that my post is too short, even when it is several lines long. Maybe it is my iPad. Sorry folks.

Interesting that this has happened to several people lately. I am always on my ipad and the few times I double-posted I got a pop-up stating it was already posted (don't remember exact words). Never had the "too short" message, tho.

YesorNo, thank you for your post. You answered some questions my hubby and I were wondering about this morning. "Depression is the absence of hope and it's not just being sad- it's that numb feeling- like being dead already."
I'm very happy for you to have your children!

I would like to thank Y/N, too. That was an excellent post. I also went through a very bad time when my children were rather young and I came upon a saying that really stuck with me whenever times were rough: "Children are the heart strings that hold a mother to life." It was so true then, and still keeps me going through rough times.

Neesaki, we all feel this way but don't you want to see the trial? I do.

I want very much to see the trial, but I believe "she" would put on an even stronger presence if it was live streamed. I will gladly wait for the "replay" --- just hope it shows the whole thing, not just snippets.
Judge Stephens is respectful, polite and also, considerate. Civility is the lubricant that moves matters along in the proceedings. How will a discourteous, even rude in pro per "lawyer" stack up against what this bench requires?
O/T just saw news conference on death of Robin Williams. Preliminary coroner findings. He hung himself with a belt from his closet door. How very sad.
Interesting that this has happened to several people lately. I am always on my ipad and the few times I double-posted I got a pop-up stating it was already posted (don't remember exact words). Never had the "too short" message, tho.

I would like to thank Y/N, too. That was an excellent post. I also went through a very bad time when my children were rather young and I came upon a saying that really stuck with me whenever times were rough: "Children are the heart strings that hold a mother to life." It was so true then, and still keeps me going through rough times.

I want very much to see the trial, but I believe "she" would put on an even stronger presence if it was live streamed. I will gladly wait for the "replay" --- just hope it shows the whole thing, not just snippets.

AZlawyer said we would get replay but not until end of trial. I won't be interested at that time. If it was each evening, I could go for that. But not at the end.
Sorry for the OT, but has anyone ever had one of those days that you feel sad, depressed, angry, anxious, agitated, all in one ? That's the kind of day I'm having, was up late trying to digest the horrible tragedy of Robin Williams death. :cry: Then my dear, very beloved dog decided to wake me up at 3:00 a.m. so I have had hardly any sleep. On top of that I've been subjected to an annoying, neurotic air conditioning man all morning long, :gaah: . Then there's that murderer, CMJA, :banghead: .... And the 4 pounds I've gained over the last three weeks for no good reason. :pullhair: I just seriously feel like screaming or throwing something . :tantrum:

Now I've gone and done it, shamed myself with my whining. :shame: So lest I forget, I must say that I'm very, very thankful that I have nice, cool air conditioning, and for many, many other things as well . Such as all of you here, my Websleuth friends :loveyou: There, I feel a little better already, thank you for letting me vent. :seeya:
I'm trying to reply. :). Tried to post a couple of times, then after i have vented, it says the message is too short. yep, one of those sad days.

FAA just restricted all air travel over Ferguson, Missouri, due to the rioting and looters and threats from the outside because of the death of that teenager by LE. What a day.
I think the only way the judge would allow a 15-min. delay broadcast would be if there was some one-issue hearing that was separable from the rest of the penalty phase.

I believe it was the defense consistently requesting no cameras. I believe (perhaps cynically) that the reason for the request was to create an appeal issue re: "circus" atmosphere allegedly affecting jurors, prosecution, witnesses, etc.

I don't think it will be aired live or with a 15-min. delay. And I don't think she will get the death penalty. But I will not be sorry if wshe does.

I don't think she will get death penalty either~~the only satisfaction I get is she'll have to figure out her own appeal as it won't be automatic :thinking:
I'm trying to reply. :). Tried to post a couple of times, then after i have vented, it says the message is too short. yep, one of those sad days.

FAA just restricted all air travel over Ferguson, Missouri, due to the rioting and looters and threats from the outside because of the death of that teenager by LE. What a day.

This is the first I've heard of this. It seems there are completely contradictory reports of what happened. None of this is good. :scared:
I'm sorry you're having these annoying bounce backs. Last week I accepted an offer from Oracle to update my Java app. Since then I can barely navigate. I've done a system restore and I uninstalled my mail server and reinstalled it. Helped not at all. Java is connected to many illegitimate resources and I had not realised that, thinking Oracle was reputable. You have my total sympathy.
How can they show delayed trial clips, either during or after the trial, if there are no cameras in the courtroom to film them?
I don't think she will get death penalty either~~the only satisfaction I get is she'll have to figure out her own appeal as it won't be automatic :thinking:

She'll still get representation for an appeal.

How can they show delayed trial clips, either during or after the trial, if there are no cameras in the courtroom to film them?

There will be cameras.
How can they show delayed trial clips, either during or after the trial, if there are no cameras in the courtroom to film them?

Kaddy, there will be a camera in the courtroom, but we won't get to watch it live. It will be recorded and can be shown after the jury reaches its sentencing verdict.

The judge has ruled that some of the trial can be shown with a delay of at least 15 minutes with her permission. At the time of her ruling (was it last June?), the speculation in the media was she might allow the showing of opening and closing arguments. But of course this is strictly speculation.

Another poster expressed surprise that some media outlets, particularly HLN, weren't fighting this order tooth and nail and I'm surprised, too. The only thing I can think of is that the media has fought this type of order in other courts and lost.
I'm puzzled about why anyone thinks she would accept a deal for LWOP, even if it were offered? The best outcome she could get is life with possibility of parole after 25 years and to hope AZ brings back parole - the 2012 statute that eliminated it doesn't apply to her, as I understand it. I would be surprised to see that sentence, especially since Judge Stevens knows the statute now reads only DP and natural life, but it is still on the table and JA is delusional. Remember, this is the woman who thought as late as 2011 that the jury could find for manslaughter, bargained for 2nd degree several times, and sees Travis' murder as a result only of his abuse - she's a victim, remember? This is from Nurmi's 2011 motion re: a deal and her thinking of DP possibility:

In going back to the question presented Ms. Arias does not see the possibility of a death verdict being very likely. This feeling is in large part based on the fact that Ms. Arias has no prior criminal history and even if the jury were to find her guilty of first degree murder the fact that said murder would be a product of a chaotic relationship would seem to diminish the chances that a death penalty would be imposed. Ms. Arias' thinking the most severe sanction that is likely to be imposed upon her should she lose at trial is a life sentence. Thus, should the State make and offer that would impose a life sentence upon her, such an offer provides Ms. Arias with no incentive to accept such a resolution. Instead, Ms. Arias is of the mindset that she has no incentive to plead guilty to anything more than second degree murder. Ms. Arias takes this position knowing that she could in fact receive a more favorable verdict at trial while at the same time cognizant of the pain Mr. Alexander's family feels....
She still thinks of herself in that way, thinks the DP is unlikely, if not impossible - she now has her family collecting $ for appeals, and playing up her innocent act to her followers because she thinks the current conviction was wrong. She's arrogant enough to blame that on her defense team and wants to represent herself now, probably with hopes of introducing something she can use on future appeals. She thinks somehow, some way, she's going to be free - but not if she can't appeal. And she can't appeal if she accepts a plea. Nope, she's going to court, and will probably enjoy playing victim/lawyer, believing the jury will not only like her, but sympathize with her 'plight'. Right up to the minute they turn the lock on her prison cell door, and hopefully one that is on death row so her ability to communicate with anyone is severely restricted.
Kaddy, there will be a camera in the courtroom, but we won't get to watch it live. It will be recorded and can be shown after the jury reaches its sentencing verdict.

The judge has ruled that some of the trial can be shown with a delay of at least 15 minutes with her permission. At the time of her ruling (was it last June?), the speculation in the media was she might allow the showing of opening and closing arguments. But of course this is strictly speculation.

Another poster expressed surprise that some media outlets, particularly HLN, weren't fighting this order tooth and nail and I'm surprised, too. The only thing I can think of is that the media has fought this type of order in other courts and lost.

I don't think the judge has ruled that any of the proceedings will be shown with a 15-minute delay. I think she's ruled that none of it can be shown until after the verdict, but if she changes her mind about any part of the proceedings, there must be a 15-minute delay.

I know at least one big media company fought the order and lost. CNN maybe?
Robin Williams passed away today at age 63. We'll miss you, Robin. RIP

Apparently suicide.

That was sad to hear about Robin Williams... My Huz was in a movie with him - Flubber ?? I think it was called. Huz was an extra, and the scene was on the basketball court, where Robin bounces up really high, and he lands in my Huz' lap!! :laughing: Huz said he was very hairy and sweaty!! LOL!

Dog gone it, my post came up twice again. I am sorry. I don't know why. Sometimes I can't post because I get a message that my post is too short, even when it is several lines long. Maybe it is my iPad. Sorry folks.

If I use the "Post Quick Reply", I ALWAYS get a message that asks if I want to "leave this Page" or "stay on this page" - ??? - so When it comes to the Reply page, I click on "advanced"; seems to work for me then. Oh - and my "Thanks" button isn't working so great today either... :(

I am curious...Anyone here this morning think that if they go through the penalty phase again, that JA will just get LWOP? Does anyone think the jury will feel sorry for her? Does anyone here think she will really get death? Does anyone think it will go faster without cameras in the courtroom? Is anyone as upset as I am that we won't have transparency this time and can't see the trial for ourselves when we are vested in the outcome?

Yeah - I would definitely like to "see" the trial as it happens - with a 15 minute delay is fine - but like someone said - if we watch it after it's all over - like reading the end of a good book.... :gaah:

You are not alone as I too want cameras and hope the judge ends up giving at least a short delay for cameras instead of not at all.

But even if no cameras, I think there will be news reporters summing up each day of the case and so maybe we can still discuss based on daily writeups by news people or others who may be attending the trial.

I dont want to give Jodi a platform for her narcism but my desire to see this outweighs that by a long shot. I want to see her fall on her face and be laughed out of the courtroom each day.

re bold - me too Hatfield!! :great:

I'm trying to reply. :). Tried to post a couple of times, then after i have vented, it says the message is too short. yep, one of those sad days.

FAA just restricted all air travel over Ferguson, Missouri, due to the rioting and looters and threats from the outside because of the death of that teenager by LE. What a day.

?? :waitasec: What? they have air-to-air missles?? Why restrict "air space"??

I'm sorry you're having these annoying bounce backs. Last week I accepted an offer from Oracle to update my Java app. Since then I can barely navigate. I've done a system restore and I uninstalled my mail server and reinstalled it. Helped not at all. Java is connected to many illegitimate resources and I had not realised that, thinking Oracle was reputable. You have my total sympathy.

Tuba = my Huz disconnected my Java - for the reasons you stated!! I used to work for Oracle... was 1 year contract and they were going to have me back - but alas, they changed their minds... :banghead: So, I retired... :skip:

See you all later - must go read other threads - had a late start today - had to take my car in for repairs (recall!!) and said it would take only 2 to 3 hours - had my book ready to read, then they tell me their Fiat Specialist was busy on a 6-hour job - excused me??!! :confused: I had a 9 am appointment... anyway, gave ma a rental - so they better be ready later today! :silenced:

I'm puzzled about why anyone thinks she would accept a deal for LWOP, even if it were offered? The best outcome she could get is life with possibility of parole after 25 years and to hope AZ brings back parole - the 2012 statute that eliminated it doesn't apply to her, as I understand it. I would be surprised to see that sentence, especially since Judge Stevens knows the statute now reads only DP and natural life, but it is still on the table and JA is delusional. Remember, this is the woman who thought as late as 2011 that the jury could find for manslaughter, bargained for 2nd degree several times, and sees Travis' murder as a result only of his abuse - she's a victim, remember? This is from Nurmi's 2011 motion re: a deal and her thinking of DP possibility:

She still thinks of herself in that way, thinks the DP is unlikely, if not impossible - she now has her family collecting $ for appeals, and playing up her innocent act to her followers because she thinks the current conviction was wrong. She's arrogant enough to blame that on her defense team and wants to represent herself now, probably with hopes of introducing something she can use on future appeals. She thinks somehow, some way, she's going to be free - but not if she can't appeal. And she can't appeal if she accepts a plea. Nope, she's going to court, and will probably enjoy playing victim/lawyer, believing the jury will not only like her, but sympathize with her 'plight'. Right up to the minute they turn the lock on her prison cell door, and hopefully one that is on death row so her ability to communicate with anyone is severely restricted.

I don't think the idea would be to offer her a deal, but rather just to take the DP off the table.
I'm sorry you're having these annoying bounce backs. Last week I accepted an offer from Oracle to update my Java app. Since then I can barely navigate. I've done a system restore and I uninstalled my mail server and reinstalled it. Helped not at all. Java is connected to many illegitimate resources and I had not realised that, thinking Oracle was reputable. You have my total sympathy.

Tuba, have you tried restoring to a day before you updated Java?
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