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This makes me go :gaah:

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · Aug 9
Art $ does not go into appellate fund because that would be legally foolish. Some people want to take J's $ with their wrongful death suit.

Take her money? The art money is going to her family, according to missy:jail: (because they neeeeeeeeeeed it- Pftttt).
The money should go to Travis' family and to the AZ taxpayers, IMO.

Take her money? Well, that's what a wrongful death lawsuit is partially about. She killed him and any monies she makes selling her crap should go to the Alexander's. Period.
I think the only way the judge would allow a 15-min. delay broadcast would be if there was some one-issue hearing that was separable from the rest of the penalty phase.

I believe it was the defense consistently requesting no cameras. I believe (perhaps cynically) that the reason for the request was to create an appeal issue re: "circus" atmosphere allegedly affecting jurors, prosecution, witnesses, etc.

I don't think it will be aired live or with a 15-min. delay. And I don't think she will get the death penalty. But I will not be sorry if she does.

Good morning AZ....LTNS

Can you enlighten me on how the court will bring the evidence to the new set of jurors for the penalty phase..

How does the State/defense present the conviction of murder with cruelty to a new set of jurors...TIA
Take her money? Well, that's what a wrongful death lawsuit is partially about. She killed him and any monies she makes selling her crap should go to the Alexander's. Period.

But since she is convicted of Travis' murder, she is not allowed to profit...Doesn't Arizona have some form of the Son of Sam Statute? Where no convicted person should profit from their crimes...
Citation: ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 13-4202
History: Enacted in 1978.


A.R.S. § 13-4202 (2012)

§ 13-4202. Void contracts; crime victim accounts; establishment; notice to victims; exceptions; civil liability; definition

A. Every contract whether written or oral, express or implied, with an accused with respect to the reenactment, description or depiction of a crime by movie, book, article, radio or television presentation, internet or on-line presentation or depiction, live entertainment or expression of thoughts, feelings, opinions or emotions is contrary to public policy and void unless the contract provides for payment to the commission of any monies which would be paid to the accused for such information or rights.
I think the only way the judge would allow a 15-min. delay broadcast would be if there was some one-issue hearing that was separable from the rest of the penalty phase.

I believe it was the defense consistently requesting no cameras. I believe (perhaps cynically) that the reason for the request was to create an appeal issue re: "circus" atmosphere allegedly affecting jurors, prosecution, witnesses, etc.

I don't think it will be aired live or with a 15-min. delay. And I don't think she will get the death penalty. But I will not be sorry if she does.

Thanks so much for your honest answers. Wow. I was sure hoping the judge would change her mind regarding the cameras. Watching from home last year, I didn't notice any circus atmosphere and I believe there could be no appellate issues based on that reason for that trial. Any circus I saw was while JA testified because of her arrogance and non compliance, and that was on her. And the only affect it had on jurors was to her benefit during the penalty phase.

May I ask two more questions and it certainly isn't necessary that you answer right away. Just asking your opinion. 1) if no cameras are allowed do you think trial will proceed faster? 2) why do you believe she won't get the DP, possible juror sympathy because she is handling her own defense?

I'm so sad this morning.
The news is full of Robin Williams and his death. It makes me cry that he thought that life was not worth anything for him anymore, so he ended it.
But he also ended the life that his children had before he died.
I feel so sorry for them.

What was he thinking- that he took his life- life that his parents gave him- a gift of life.

I understand that life can be hard, but you leave a legacy for your children through what you do in your life and what they carry away from their parents
is so important. What will his children carry away now?

I'm not heartless here, as I, too, have felt the thought of suicide in my early 20's and the relief it could bring to a life thought so unbearable, that death was
better. Maybe my Boogey-man was not as big as his- I don't know all the demons he was fighting, I only knew mine. I didn't have any addiction to deal with, as
he did. I did have my son- my older son- so young. What would he think of his mother when he knew how she died? That I gave up on life, that I was defeated by the long, hard struggle to stay alive or, maybe that I gave up on him.
No. That would never do. My children and the love I have for them save my life every day. I didn't bring them into the world to cause them heartache.

Of course, depression is a very big demon- displacing/distorting your life from what it is, to something that it is not - always looming on the horizon for some. It makes life unbearable.
I fault no one who has depression and I judge them not. Everyone has their secret sorrows- some are very deep and the light at the end of that tunnel doesn't shine for them. It becomes
impossible for them to see the end to their depression. Depression is the absence of hope and it's not just being sad- it's that numb feeling- like being dead already. Maybe it's a sickness- a
medical disorder and needs drugs- like diabetes or just a symptom of addictions that some may have. I don't know.

My children love me, and that they are worth living for, even if I sometimes don't believe that, is something that I need in my life to live. I know my
prayers also help. Maybe I am foolish to believe what I believe, but it's what I hold on to everyday.

Listen to the people who love you and if there is no one there for you, for whatever reason, love yourself enough to get some help.

RIP, Robin Williams. May God welcome you with open arms.

Sorry. I know I'm rambling.

Just my thoughts this morning.

Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.
~ Ralph Marston
Remember Travis left Deanna his dog Napoleon and his library. Jodi was basically a nothing in Travis' life whereas Deanna was Travis' love and close friend even after they broke up. Travis leaving his precious library and beloved dog to Deanna was an exquisite expression of love for his dear friend. So, of course, Deanna is number one on Jodi's list of people to humiliate and harass.

But I still don't think jealousy was the main factor in his death. I think it had more to do with the last few exchanges and something Travis threatened to reveal because he was fed up.

Excellent post. But regarding your last statement, if there was more communication between them that suggested he was going to expose her why didn't JM use it in court? We know there were texts from both sides that JSS wouldn't permit. But why would JSS not permit such damning evidence such as that?

I still believe, and hope JM fights for it...that defense should not be allowed to bring Deanna backin to court for JA to try to humiliate her. And if JSS permits it, I hope Deanna will have strong backing from her husband to give it right back to Jodi!
Remember Travis left Deanna his dog Napoleon and his library. Jodi was basically a nothing in Travis' life whereas Deanna was Travis' love and close friend even after they broke up. Travis leaving his precious library and beloved dog to Deanna was an exquisite expression of love for his dear friend. So, of course, Deanna is number one on Jodi's list of people to humiliate and harass.

But I still don't think jealousy was the main factor in his death. I think it had more to do with the last few exchanges and something Travis threatened to reveal because he was fed up.

Excellent post. But regarding your last statement, if there was more communication between them that suggested he was going to expose her why didn't JM use it in court? We know there were texts from both sides that JSS wouldn't permit. But why would JSS not permit such damning evidence such as that?

I still believe, and hope JM fights for it...that defense should not be allowed to bring Deanna back to court for JA to try to humiliate her. And if JSS permits it, I hope Deanna will have strong backing from her husband to give it right back to Jodi!
Dog gone it, my post came up twice again. I am sorry. I don't know why. Sometimes I can't post because I get a message that my post is too short, even when it is several lines long. Maybe it is my iPad. Sorry folks.
But since she is convicted of Travis' murder, she is not allowed to profit...Doesn't Arizona have some form of the Son of Sam Statute? Where no convicted person should profit from their crimes...
But she is profiting. I mean it is going to family or charity or some bs thing she has made up. It should be either/or. Either she can't sell one thing. Or it all goes to the court to be placed on hold for the Alexander's wrongful death settlement. The laws are far from perfect. I just don't understand.
Citation: ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 13-4202
History: Enacted in 1978.


A.R.S. § 13-4202 (2012)

§ 13-4202. Void contracts; crime victim accounts; establishment; notice to victims; exceptions; civil liability; definition

A. Every contract whether written or oral, express or implied, with an accused with respect to the reenactment, description or depiction of a crime by movie, book, article, radio or television presentation, internet or on-line presentation or depiction, live entertainment or expression of thoughts, feelings, opinions or emotions is contrary to public policy and void unless the contract provides for payment to the commission of any monies which would be paid to the accused for such information or rights.

Thank you. So how is it that she can give these items to family/friends and they are selling them?
But she is profiting. I mean it is going to family or charity or some bs thing she has made up. It should be either/or. Either she can't sell one thing. Or it all goes to the court to be placed on hold for the Alexander's wrongful death settlement. The laws are far from perfect. I just don't understand.

I've forgotten, JA has others selling her wares, which is why it's not coming back to her...Her mother, that Donovan person...I think someone should try and bring this up to the courts...she is a sneaky manipulator...

I'm so sad this morning.
The news is full of Robin Williams and his death. It makes me cry that he thought that life was not worth anything for him anymore, so he ended it.
But he also ended the life that his children had before he died.
I feel so sorry for them.

What was he thinking- that he took his life- life that his parents gave him- a gift of life.

I understand that life can be hard, but you leave a legacy for your children through what you do in your life and what they carry away from their parents
is so important. What will his children carry away now?

I'm not heartless here, as I, too, have felt the thought of suicide in my early 20's and the relief it could bring to a life thought so unbearable, that death was
better. Maybe my Boogey-man was not as big as his- I don't know all the demons he was fighting, I only knew mine. I didn't have any addiction to deal with, as
he did. I did have my son- my older son- so young. What would he think of his mother when he knew how she died? That I gave up on life, that I was defeated by the long, hard struggle to stay alive or, maybe that I gave up on him.
No. That would never do. My children and the love I have for them save my life every day. I didn't bring them into the world to cause them heartache.

Of course, depression is a very big demon- displacing/distorting your life from what it is, to something that it is not - always looming on the horizon for some. It makes life unbearable.
I fault no one who has depression and I judge them not. Everyone has their secret sorrows- some are very deep and the light at the end of that tunnel doesn't shine for them. It becomes
impossible for them to see the end to their depression. Depression is the absence of hope and it's not just being sad- it's that numb feeling- like being dead already. Maybe it's a sickness- a
medical disorder and needs drugs- like diabetes or just a symptom of addictions that some may have. I don't know.

My children love me, and that they are worth living for, even if I sometimes don't believe that, is something that I need in my life to live. I know my
prayers also help. Maybe I am foolish to believe what I believe, but it's what I hold on to everyday.

Listen to the people who love you and if there is no one there for you, for whatever reason, love yourself enough to get some help.

RIP, Robin Williams. May God welcome you with open arms.

Sorry. I know I'm rambling.

Just my thoughts this morning.

Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.
~ Ralph Marston

Yes or No,
Great post. I think the answer is in your post. Suicide is a strong demon and he wasn't strong enough to fight it. I think a lot of us have said at least once that we should just end it because we are temporarily depressed or feel unloved. My answer is the strength found in Jesus Christ. Maybe he didn't have a strong foundation. It is said that his maid raised him and not his parents. I read this morning that he was in a slump because of his career. The article then said he had four films coming out soon. He has received every award possible and probably has made a lot of money. I suspect the demons of drugs and alcohol were talking to him. So he had every thing he wanted but maybe no foundation in his soul. His passing made me very sad. And though his family likely loves him very very much, he was very selfish to take his own life. But again, I am so sorry and it is very sad.
I've forgotten, JA has others selling her wares, which is why it's not coming back to her...Her mother, that Donovan person...I think someone should try and bring this up to the courts...she is a sneaky manipulator...

If we know about it, the courts know about it. I think her Aunt is also involved. I just don't get it. How can this sick monster be supported by ANYONE? I mean love from her family might be there but they should not support what she is doing. I don't think I could.
I am curious...Anyone here this morning think that if they go through the penalty phase again, that JA will just get LWOP? Does anyone think the jury will feel sorry for her? Does anyone here think she will really get death? Does anyone think it will go faster without cameras in the courtroom? Is anyone as upset as I am that we won't have transparency this time and can't see the trial for ourselves when we are vested in the outcome?
I am curious...Anyone here this morning think that if they go through the penalty phase again, that JA will just get LWOP? Does anyone think the jury will feel sorry for her? Does anyone here think she will really get death? Does anyone think it will go faster without cameras in the courtroom? Is anyone as upset as I am that we won't have transparency this time and can't see the trial for ourselves when we are vested in the outcome?

All of the above...

Glad for one thing tho', JA won't be playing for the cameras...her only audience will be the jurors and the gallery...
All of the above...

Glad for one thing tho', JA won't be playing for the cameras...her only audience will be the jurors and the gallery...

So you think she will only get Life? I don't understand why she doesn't want cameras.

You said she won't be playing for the cameras now. But doesn't she want to? So why did she ask that cameras be removed?
I guess I am fighting a lonely battle here, wishing for cameras in the courtroom. Guess we won't have much to discuss here if we can't see what is going on. If the trial is long, by the time it is over, our interest will wane and once I know the end of the trial, I won't much care to go back and watch. Bummer. Like reading the ending of a book first. No thanks.
YesorNo, thank you for your post. You answered some questions my hubby and I were wondering about this morning. "Depression is the absence of hope and it's not just being sad- it's that numb feeling- like being dead already."
I'm very happy for you to have your children!
O/ 6 pm Arizona time today, please remember Katiecoollady's brother, John, and pray for his audition. She has written a lot about him and loves him dearly. And I am praying for great news from her tonight. :)

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