SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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Per KPHO, there is a Maricopa Co. Adult Probation current investigation into Donovan's relationship with Jodi.
I haven't called the CM CMA at all, unless there was a typo. I did call her 'the CM' because I like the idea of not even using her initials. I won't call her a convicted killer when she is a murderer. The court had to play the DT's games of not using the word murderer but I won't be.

As for the connection to 'that' other trial, I know some of you are still upset and traumatised about that. I hope this CM's conviction helps you to heal from that. I guess only in WS/ Internet way, it's unfortunate that Caylee and CMA in the JA form have the same initials. As someone who wasn't even on the forum when that trial happened, I hope the constant comments/connections about 'that' trial in ways that have little connection to this trial and probably future ones will dissipate. I don't think you can expect all new posters to understand that CMA automatically refers in your mind to Caylee.

I suggest this only in a kind way but maybe somewhere in the Caylee thread you can ask the Mods to create another thread for you so you can discuss your connections between 'that' trial and others. Perhaps it will help you heal.

True about all new posters, but people here were using CKJA or CMJA after the verdct, iirc.

I didn't even follow 'that' trial, yet when I read 'CMA' tonight, each time, I felt a small shock.

It doesn't seem to be about 'healing,' here, as much as giving CKJA/CMJA her own descriptive ID.

JA has never been 'A.' Now she's ++ JA.

Other than that...I enjoy your posts a lot.
DB is forbidden from having any contact with JA. Per KPHO, I have no link yet, just fb posts.

ETA: fb page is State vs. Jodi Arias
Just got through reading the 4 paged letter that "JACK" wrote to Ryan Burns that was linked pages and pages back in this thread. Such an ODD creature she is! I couldn't believe what I was reading!
Any idea how many pages back? lol and TIA
Wonder if she'll be grinning like a *****-eating cat for her next mugshot...will we get to see it?
Any idea how many pages back? lol and TIA

Here it is in legible form! I could barely read her cat scratch!

" The only “danger” Travis was ever in because of me was “spiritual danger,”
D@mn straight she killed the poor man!

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

"Waterproof mascara! I doubt I'll cry"
"Can you hold this for me? hee hee hee"
I'm not aware of a list of EVERY date they ever had, but I don't think that we can say that he NEVER went to her. Yeah, there was the 1/2 way meet-up, and the time he went to Calif. and introduced her to his grandmother (that was his 'beating on the steering wheel in traffic' event) and their several road trips together.

IMO, that was more than likely a case of Jodi just showing up. Travis had absolutely no intention of being more than booty call friends with Jodi.

I don't doubt Jodi used the 'Mormon discussion' excuse.
Meeting Jodi Arias 48 Hours - YouTube
"Waterproof mascara! I doubt I'll cry"
"Can you hold this for me? hee hee hee"

"The Murderer's New Clothes" a perfect title for a movie ...everyone can see right through her...her social nakedness... however, Jodi believes that it's because we're all stupid, beneath her, not worthy of her uncanny intelligence, and her epicly original artistic abilities!
Internet has been playing up here for the past few days. Engineer is coming out Monday at about the same time court starts. Have WAT set up on my mobile but can bet I'll have to end up helping the engineer doing testing etc. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
It's interesting the producer can admit how beguiling Jodi can be to fool them all at the time, but the 'professional' witnesses refuse to admit they were duped by the psycho.
Who will continue to tweet for JA now that she is a convicted felon and cannot consort with other convicted felons?
"The Murderer's New Clothes" a perfect title for a movie ...everyone can see right through her...her social nakedness... however, Jodi believes that it's because we're all stupid, beneath her, not worthy of her uncanny intelligence, and her epicly original artistic abilities!

I think we all can agree that JA's sense of reality is not normal. You can't get blood out of a turnip. I think we must all try and move on with the understanding some people are not wired like you and I, so we can not expect them to behave the same. I only hope something can be learned from this character for the future.
It's interesting the producer can admit how beguiling Jodi can be to fool them all at the time, but the 'professional' witnesses refuse to admit they were duped by the psycho.

Money can buy a lot. Self respect. Conscience. Integrity.

The problem with that is once the money is accepted, the hired guns can never regain those 3 traits. No refunds allowed.

laviolette and samuels are laughingstocks forever.

ETA: To expand on the laviolette issue, I really believe her prior cases should be reopened by a government authority to investigate whether laviolette ever before lied during any family law dispute. The thought of children being ripped from a parent because of laviolettes LIES or a spouse being ripped from the family because of laviolettes LIES is something that should be looked into ASAP. I cannot imagine the damage laviolette has caused to families over the years. Reprehensible.
Internet has been playing up here for the past few days. Engineer is coming out Monday at about the same time court starts. Have WAT set up on my mobile but can bet I'll have to end up helping the engineer doing testing etc. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

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From May 14th court minutes:

Discussion held regarding Defendant’s Motion for Discovery of Victim Impact Evidence.
IT IS ORDERED denying the Motion.

OMG the DT wanted to investigate first whatever the siblings of TA were going to say during the victim impact evidence?!?

I hate this DT. Yes the judge denied the motion, but the intent of the DT was there. They have no shame. No compassion for the victims of their psychopathic killer client. No self respect. Ugh.
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