SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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My last post was accidentally sent by me before I continuing...

Nurmi and Wilmott are putting it on the record so that if Jodi says that, there will be record that they DID ADVISE HER NOT TO DO IT, but she wouldn't listen to them, so they asked to be withdrawn from the case.
I was just thinking about the defense motion to withdraw from case, which was denied...yesterday Mark Eiglarsh or some other attorney was saying they wanted it put on the record for appellate reasons. So first I was thinking they were trying to help her appeal by putting on the record that there were "problems" with the case, but then I realized (what is prob. obvious ot everyone else), that they are just trying to cover their OWN bu**s because, if the tape is used by Juan, JODI WOULD ACCUSE THEM OF NOT GIVING HER ADVICE NOT TO DO THE INTERVIEW.

I agree, that was my thoughts too.
Under the front hood somewhere. LE didn't know about it until after the rental car was returned. It was still there.


CASAREZ: This is July 14th, the day before she`s arrested. Mesa police arrived in Yreka, California. They are able to locate Jodi inside her grandparents` home. Visually, they can stand outside, surveil her and see that she is packing boxes.

They were concerned she was going to flee, so they stayed outside the home. The next day, a rental car was loaded with boxes and at least one suitcase of Jodi Arias. They arrest Jodi. They immediately execute search warrants at the grandparents` home, the parents` home, and that car.

Inside the car, in her boxes were many books, and amongst the books, two knives. In her suitcase, a .9-millimeter box of bullets.

And one more thing, Nancy. When they executed the search warrant in her bedroom of her grandparents` house, they found evidence that she had purchased a .9-millimeter gun.

Was this ever brought up in court???
Wonder who that witness is? Aren't they listed somewhere? Could it be MM?

well I know for me, this case just can't end without hearing from this guy....
I would also think that the jurors need to hear from him also.....
Thank this post if you DO NOT believe that JA and DB waited until he 'demoted' himself as her boss to have sex. TIA
She went to visit DB and have breakfast WITH HIS SON while simultaneously picking up gas cans for her premeditated MURDER trip to kill Travis. Nuff said. She even told DB in May that she was going to visit MESA and THAT IS WHY SHE NEEDED THEM. It was like pulling teeth for JM to get any truthful information from this guy on the witness stand. There is either something very, very wrong with this man or JA has something on him- it's anyones guess.

Hiya Frigga! LTNS .. That's what I was thinking... He's a fool though to think she could say anything that would be believed at this point. I just feel like :facepalm: WHY would he agree to help her? May be something as simple I suppose as he is really strongly against the DP? .. I dunno.
Good to see you!
After JA and whoever testifies on her behalf get done, can't JM then call rebuttal witnesses like Troy and perhaps a friend/s of Travis?
Arias victim's family makes dramatic statement

7 hours ago

PHOENIX (AP) — Steven Alexander stood before the jury, looked up at a family picture and grimaced and cried as he ticked off the list of problems that have befallen him in the five years since his brother was murdered: ulcers, depression, a separation from his wife, nightmares.

The dreams consist of someone coming at him with a knife then going after his wife and daughter. Other times, he has nightmares about his brother, "curled up in a shower, thrown in there, left to rot for days, all alone." He feels like a child, unable to sleep alone in the dark.

"I don't want these nightmares anymore. I don't want to see my brother's murderer anymore," he said.

The gut-wrenching comments came as jurors began considering whether Jodi Arias should get a life sentence or be executed for the 2008 stabbing death of Travis Alexander. Jurors became visibly shaken as Steven Alexander and his sister spoke on deeply emotional levels in arguing for the death penalty. Arias sobbed throughout the hearing, with tears streaming down her face and landing on her black shirt...

I woke up this a.m. and Steven was the first thing in my thoughts. He is in such deep emotional pain that it tore through my soul...I hurt for him, and pray someone, somewhere will help him out before some sort of tragedy occurs.
He's hurting......................I want to take his pain away. I see it, I feel it and I cant do a dam thing.
I am not an attorney and this is a guess..yesterday was the beginning of the mitigation phase, then comes the penalty phase....just a guess, but it might be Troy Hayden testifying about things ja said to him during the interview....IIRC we have only seen 38 minutes and the interview was 45 minutes. As I said this is just a guess.

Good thinking! If JM is going to use that post conviction interview... I would guess Troy Hayden would take the stand right? Didn't even think of that.
I don't think the burglary thing had to do with the burglary at her grandparents. JM made two points about it:

1) If the jury believed the gun was Travis' then she took his gun to kill him. Therefore, she killed him while committing a burglary which makes it felony murder.

2) once she started to stab him, she was unwelcome in the home. being unwelcome in the home was the burglary. Again, she committed a murder while committing burglary which makes it felony murder.

The prosecution presented evidence that Jodi committed that burglary. They are allowed to present their theory of what happened. What would be the reason for the objection?


Looks like a new tack, moving from the fabricated Travis's gun -- which the Prosecution correctly stated that Travis didn't own -- to JA's grandpa's .25 caliber now, which was my original point.

Evidence? What evidence did the Prosecution present that the lying torture-murderess stole that gun or committed the burglary?

They appeared to have no more evidence for JA being the burglar than they did her being the author of the terroristically threatening "whoredom" email which wasn't shown to the jury.
IIRC she testified to buying a gun to take as protection on a camping trip with all guys.

thanks, I must have missed that part. Do you know if the hidden knives were also brought in??
I am afraid I can't. LOL

Gee, and here I thought we were famous! Anyway, I'm in Montgomery County. My house is one mile north of DC. You're not in the City of Baltimore, I take it?
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