SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

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Good Morning All! just wondering if anyone else was thinking what I was ...

When I saw Jodi doing the "ugly cry" yesterday ... You know the one where you waaaaaaahhhhh waaaaaaaaahhhhh waaaaaaaaahhhhhh until your eyes are swollen shut and your whole face is pinched up and puffy and red... I turned to my boyfriend and said ..."There is no way she is gonna take the stand today looking like puffy day-old s****that's been heated up in the microwave" ...?

I was figuring she would fake another breakdownmigrainementalmeltdown or whatever ... because yes, I believe she IS that vain.

IMO JA's crying is due to new meds given to her after last weeks drama. It's the meds not remorse.
Im not internalizing what I read, and I am not being sensitive....

I am posting on a board of HUNDREDS of people with opinions. No one knows me personally, and I am by NO MEANS taking what is said PERSONALLY, I never said I did.

Im just saying WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT! :facepalm:

I commented on the "man hands" too since I by chance happen to have a version of them also. I was not hurt or offended really, but I just think that it is shallow and catty to make slams on things like that that people have no control over and cannot change. Save it for the things that matter.

(and yes, I do understand that people are just venting, but there's a limit...)
Oh my god it is! she is drawing elephant s.. she knows about the Elephant and the relationship to Travis!

and then turns around and does a graveyard! You can't make this stuff up!

When KatieCL see this it will drive her .....:thumbdown:

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I don't know how to assuage the anger but did you know that besides humans, elephants are the only animals that mourn and visit their deceased?
Hearing Dr. Horn and JM go over TA's many wounds, it's amazing how unscathed JA was afterward. Only a small cut or two on her long fingers. I wonder if she thought about purposely injuring herself to produce bruises in case police showed up, but her love of self wouldn't allow her to?

That shocks me too. Her cornering him naked, in a wet shower, obviously gave her the power she needed to do what she did. Vile.
IMO JA's crying is due to new meds given to her after last weeks drama. It's the meds not remorse.

Do we actually know that she is on medication? I keep looking for some solid information on that.
Do we actually know that she is on medication? I keep looking for some solid information on that.

no, we dont. Its all assumption.

But she supposedly did take Imatrex (sp??) in court that one day...
I have abnormally large hands myself (I’m 5’7”) My fingers are freakishly long and it took me awhile to not be ashamed of them, even strangers have mentioned how long they are and that I should have taken piano!
But now that I am older, I realized these long fingers make my nails look freaking fabulous!

I love my man hands!

Big hands, long fingers as well, 5'7...and also in dfw area. :seeya:

I wouldn't exactly call them man hands as they are slender..sounds like yours are too.
Personally, I think big hands and long fingers like yours are lovely. I have a friend with hands like that and I get jealous of them because I have small, stubby hands. I think hands like yours are beautiful and feminine and sophisticated looking.

And make GREAT piano players...
I wonder if Arias will have the audacity to bring some of her tracings to show the jury, especially the one that resembles Tanisha.

OMG ... I hope NOT ! That photo does resemble her and I tell ya IF she shows that one, that jury WILL notice !

I know what she did. But that was days ago, before she watched those victim impact statements. Perhaps she has had a change of heart. Still no snarky tweets, and she will be addressing a jury that she knows does not believe her abuse excuse. If she wants life like she has indicated to a "close source", it would be stupid to continue with her lies when she gives her statements. I still have a tiny bit of hope that she will drop the act on Monday, show remorse and ask for forgiveness.

And btw, she never claimed she had pictures of bruises, just that she *might* have and she blamed her lawyers for not doing a more extensive search of her HDD to uncover such examples. Just wanted to clear that up.

She would know for certain if she had pictures with bruises on her! That is something you do not forget! I remember seeing a picture of my mom with bruising on her arm inflicted by my father. She hated to see that picture and knew exactly where it was. She kept it around for years hidden away.
IMO JA's crying is due to new meds given to her after last weeks drama. It's the meds not remorse.

I think yesterday was a big old reality slap. Her lawyers tried to bail again... and she had to sit and listen to what she did to the Alexander family. It wasn't so much remorse making her cry ... it was regret. JMO. My question was does anyone else thing her puffed up face was the reason the court was Unable to proceed?
I looked over at her in court one day and she had one of her bony mitts resting by her face and wrote in my notes" her hands are as big as her damn head". Verbatim ;)

Not sure how to word this.....are her head and hands both proportionately large compared to her body? Others have commented on how tiny she is - her head and hands don't seem that way on tv. (Maybe it's my tv??!)
Do we actually know that she is on medication? I keep looking for some solid information on that.

JC reported that she overheard JW telling a deputy to "make sure [Arias] takes her medication," but that was several weeks ago and no telling what the medication was for.
I haven't had a chance to read posts since trial ended abruptly yesterday, but does anyone know what this is?

5/15/2013 MOT - Motion - Party (001) 5/16/2013
NOTE: Defendants Motion to Preclude States Penalty Phase Witnesses for Failure to Notice


:seeya: Hi Bette. So far as I know, there is not definitive answer to that. Speculation abounds regarding the witness involved (Some say Troy Hayden), but whatever it is, the defense is arguing that they did not receive timely notification. Guess we'll soon see.
Totally understand.

But Jodi is fair game until someone mentions something that could potentially be referring to themselves and that's when they get offended? Seems a little hypocritical to me.

I am not one for making fun of her appearance because I couldn't care less what she looks like and it just seems a little petty and childish. And I do think a little decorum and class is in order since people can get kind of offended. But it seems people only speak up to defend her when they are also indirectly defending themselves.

Yesterday got a little wild in here...

For the most part I do not think anyone is participating here because they are "team jodi". I personally would love to push the button if and when the day comes. Yes, the trial is very unnerving, and upsetting. Thankfully we have this place to come and get information and to let off steam. It becomes personal when opinions get judged and taken out of context. My personal opinion is that the conversations here can be just a ugly and ridiculous as some of the support pages for cmja. Nobody has to read and agree every single post.

But if we are talking about Jodi's hands they are Jodi's man hands... And it's moo that compared to the rest of her delicate features they are pretty huge :seeya:

I wish the was a smiley that was a group of villagers with torches and pitchforks y'all could chase me with... Because that would be funny!
Let her show those pictures. All it's gonna do is demonstrate, yet again, her very high self esteem and high levels of narcissism when she puts them up and they go, "Van Gogh?! I've seen better drawings at the community art exhibition..."

Does anyone know if Juan will be able to show the traced drawings that's she's sold if Jodi chooses to show those ones (since they are definitely her best work...)
Mornin' Viv. How's Fred?

Good Morning my dear Funkmeister!!! Do you think we'll be able to get down this weekend???

Mr. Mertz is just wonderful, thanks for asking -- he's off collecting all the past-due rents with a big cleaver in his hand. Then he'll head over to that apt. where all the bongo playing is coming from. He's having a blast!

One chore for later on - we're going Gordon Ramsay hunting. We discovered he's filming a Kitchen Nightmares episode just down the street from us and I'm a BIG GRrrrrrrrr fan! Wish us luck!
JC reported that she overheard JW telling a deputy to "make sure [Arias] takes her medication," but that was several weeks ago and no telling what the medication was for.

:seeya: Hi Schuby. Yes, I remember that -- probably migraine related. I'm just unaware of any concrete evidence that she is on any kind of serious medication right now (as in mood-altering). I keep asking, because I keep hearing people saying that she is. I was hoping Whisperer would weigh in on it last night.
JC reported that she overheard JW telling a deputy to "make sure [Arias] takes her medication," but that was several weeks ago and no telling what the medication was for.

and thats taking the word of JC.......
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