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Jodi deserves the DP. The fact that she has no prior criminal record is the only thing that holds water for her.

This juror will make the right decision.
BBM~ Good one! DB managing Jodi's art/T-shirts 4 sale. That's why he is giving a character witness statement. He is getting a cut of the $$$. :facepalm:

Really, LL?

Is DB really involved in selling her artwork?

There is really something wrong with him, IMO. To keep associating with her, knowing she is a murderer means he really has a gap in common sense and has an odd moral code as well.

For some reason, in my mind I associate his voice with Dr. Horn's face, and I hope we will get to actually see him now so I can clear that out.
I am not sure why it is so hard to vote for Death in some cases. You said you could do it when you were interviewed. I know I can't speak for them because I've never had that duty in front of me.

But there are times when I see no clouds in front of me, clear sailing, easy decision. This is one of those times..
Jodi deserves the DP. The fact that she has no prior criminal record is the only thing that holds water for her.

This juror will make the right decision.

Which juror, pray tell?

Honestly, Dan Gibbs seemed really confused about it all.

On the one hand, he wanted to get it right for the Alexander family, but on the other hand he said that he actually believed some of what the lying torture-murderess was saying.

Still, props for the bad haircut PTSD stress question! :clap::clap::clap:
I need to step away from the keyboard. I'm keystrokes away from outing a local reporter on twitter who called Travis a "pig" to my face. Ok there I just said it. The things I've heard just make me SICK. And I'm done with that reporter. Reached a threshold of BS and cut the cord. Don't mess w/ victims families in the name of ANYTHING. Period.

I would equate that person on the same level as the one that hangs around waiting to get in to see Jodi and wants to father her children. As my mom would say "they were knitted with the same yarn"
That is correct. I heard it said by the Sheriff, who I am sure was in cahoots with Jane Fonda's son, Troy Hayden , getting that interview. $$$ talks.....

Ooooooo. I didn't know that about his
Guyz, I had a nightmare last night and it featured Websleuths! Somehow, I was on a bullet train bound for some undisclosed location, accompanied by Adam Lambert of American Idol fame (I don't even watch American Idol! How come I even know who this dude is??). Anyway, I'm typing on a laptop (I don't have a laptop, either) and decide to change my Websleuth profile signature to something snarky and all of a sudden one of the Mods (it was you beach, I know it!) types in a warning in bold face: BEHAVE! Then the screen goes WHITE and I've not only lost my Websleuth link but my entire interwebs connection!


It was awful. I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart beating like a hammer! Holy cow.

P.S. I love grits, too. :)

Good Morning Friends. Thought you all would appreciate seeing what Death Row in my home State of Indiana is like. Pretty hard's NOT for the faint of heart. So you have been warned. Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald Episode 2 - YouTube

My opinion, if you do the crime, you do the time.
Now, I am sure Arizona's Female Death Row is different, but I am sure it has a lot of similarities.

This is a very interesting show, indy. Thank you for posting.

IMO, that DR seemed rather cushy, that guy who slit the throat of a 4 year old girl and her mother (after raping her), was living in a cell the size of a studio apartment, with seemingly every convenience, and even a pet cat!!

That is much too good for a double murderer.

And that other guy, the barber, who's all like 'the only thing I ever did was murder', like that was no big deal. And when asked how he killed them, he says 'they were stabbed'. No responsibility still. Not "I stabbed them."

And he did it for $700-800. Supposedly because some dude threatened to kill his family. Sounds like Jodi.

Stupid, moronic murderers. Don't deserve anything, but an empty cell, balony sandwiches, water. Instead, they have 3 squares, books, TV, pets, pictures, radio, exercise equipment.

Why?!? They are living better than homeless people who have done nothing worse sometimes than lose their job.

Which juror, pray tell?

Honestly, Dan Gibbs seemed really confused about it all.

On the one hand, he wanted to get it right for the Alexander family, but on the other hand he said that he actually believed some of what the lying torture-murderess was saying.

Still, props for the bad haircut PTSD stress question! :clap::clap::clap:


IIRC, what he said was "some of her testimony was more believable than others." which i took to mean, some had a level of believability, meaning it could have happened, as opposed to the majority of it being just plain 'ol cray-cray....

IMO :)
Really, LL?

Is DB really involved in selling her artwork?

There is really something wrong with him, IMO. To keep associating with her, knowing she is a murderer means he really has a gap in common sense and has an odd moral code as well.

For some reason, in my mind I associate his voice with Dr. Horn's face, and I hope we will get to actually see him now so I can clear that out.

DB seemed whipped to me....her telling him no more sex....moving out of e bedroom...whipped for sure ans still is. Moo
Which juror, pray tell?

Honestly, Dan Gibbs seemed really confused about it all.

On the one hand, he wanted to get it right for the Alexander family, but on the other hand he said that he actually believed some of what the lying torture-murderess was saying.

Still, props for the bad haircut PTSD stress question! :clap::clap::clap:

I listened to Dan Gibbs' entire interview on DD. He did not seem the least bit confused. He said certain things she said seemed plausible, but nothing in regard to the murder. He didn't buy a single thing she claimed about that. He specifically said (1) JA spent too long on the witness stand and he didn't want to see or look at her, (2) He did not find her credible, and (3) He did not find her TA pedophilia claim remotely plausible.

According to DD, Dan Gibbs favors the DP for JA and appears to believe the rest of the panel feels the same way. The subject was supposed to be off the record, however, which is why DD quickly backed off from his question to Gibbs about it.

ETA: Here's the transcript:

"PINSKY: Back with my co-host, Jenny Hutt, to discuss that just, Mark Eiglarsh, Robi Ludwig, and Lauren Lake are standing by while I speak to Dan Gibb. He is himself juror number 8. He is with us now exclusively.

Dan, that is my first question to you. You were there diligently writing notes. You were invested in this thing and all of a sudden, it`s out of your life. How do you do that?

Is that what made you come back to the courtroom?

DAN GIBB, JUROR #8 (via telephone): Yes. Absolutely. You know, I felt like I had to kind of see it through, as much as I could.

PINSKY: I could imagine. I understand you were till gently involved with this. People would love to hear your thoughts.

Let me start with basic questions like, did Jodi spend too much time on the stand? Did you buy her testimony?

GIBB: Yes and no.

PINSKY: Tell me more.

GIBB: She spent too much time on the stand and I -- I understand, you know, probably the defense`s strategy was for us to, you know, get to know Jodi personally and be that much more difficult to find her guilty and potentially put her to death.

But, you know, they did that early, obviously in the trial. I think - - I think it lost some of its effect over time, as we heard other testimony from other witnesses.

So I do think she spent too much time up on the stand and I personally -- you know, I tried my best to keep an open mind as long as I could and I feel that I did that.

PINSKY: Did you, like many of us, have real difficulty believing anything she said?

GIBB: Some of the things were believable, but not many. You know -- you know, as time went on, you know, it became apparent that more and more of what she was saying was just -- was just too far out there, was just too unbelievable.

PINSKY: How about the witnesses? Were there any witnesses -- what was your least favorite witness the defense put on?

GIBB: Well, I wasn`t really impressed with Dr. Samuels. I know the gentleman`s got a lot of years of experience and all that, but it was just -- he was kind of all over the place. He made too many -- too many errors. He --

PINSKY: He spent an awful lot of time on the fog and the PTSD, didn`t he?

GIBB: Yes. You know, the PTSD thing, it seemed like it was -- I don`t know, it seemed like it was to sidetrack us from the real issue.

PINSKY: You know, Dan, I`m going to give Mark Eiglarsh a chance to ask you a question because Mark has been very interested in the fog since this whole thing started.

Why don`t you ask Dan a question?

EIGLARSH: I have so many questions. I`ll have to pick one for now. I know that your position is I didn`t watch any media reports. For me to believe that, I need to know how it is -- because this thing was everywhere. If you went into the doctor`s office, it would have been on the TV. If you went into a restaurant, it might have been on the TV and you went to work on Friday, I read.

How when people were watching media reports, do they not say things to you, how were you not influenced?

GIBBS: Well, people would approach me, for instance, a couple of occasions at work, I would just tell them, hey, I`m not allowed to talk about it. I can`t talk about it.

If something did come on TV, I would turn the channel, walk out of the room. It was difficult because it is all over the place, obviously. You know, it`s hard to pick up a newspaper and not see it, you know, somewhere on the front page.

PINSKY: I got to tell you, Dan -- Lauren, I want you to respond to what I`ve got to say. I`m proud to have someone like Dan can represent -- he has integrity and takes it very seriously. I don`t -- maybe I`ve lost faith in the jury systems but I`m suddenly today getting pride and interest in our system.

LAKE: No, no, no. It is amazing how -- you know, seriously people take this duty. I`m impressed already listening to Dan. I`ve been dying to ask this question because there were so many parts of the trial, Dan, where we felt like it started to become a battle of the egos between prosecution and defense and not necessarily a battle to uncover the evidence.

And I wanted to know, was there any time as a juror where you kind of felt, hey, can you all stop going at it and give us the facts we need to make a decision? Or did you feel like they were both passionate about the cases they needed to present?

GIBB: Well, yes, there was a lot of -- a lot of the testimony was just way too long and drawn out. It was like, you know, please, just get to the point. That`s all I want, is for you to get to the point.

PINSKY: Yes. And, Dan, actually, I think you`re someone that put some of the more snarky questions into the juror questions.


PINSKY: And I love them, I must tell you. They were very telling from our standpoint as viewers about what you guys were all thinking. I want everyone to look at a question that juror number eight had for defense witness, Dr. Richard Samuels. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You said transient global amnesia can be caused by sexual intercourse, immersion in hot or cold water and a number of other things. Is the list you presented all inclusive or could it also be caused by something such as the trauma associated with getting a bad haircut for example?


PINSKY: God bless you, Dan. Again, I`m proud of you.


PINSKY: We all were thinking the same thing. Just you know, you represented the entire country in that question.

VOICE OF DAN GIBB, JUROR #8: I actually -- I had to really think about whether or not I wanted to put that question in the basket, and honestly, after I dropped it in there, I wasn`t sure that I should have. And then, I thought, well, it`s not likely that they`re going to read it, OK? That the judge is going to read it, but then she did. And, I wanted to make a point.

PINSKY: Mark, I got to take a break. I`m sorry. Dan, finish your comment, then, I`ve got take a break. Go ahead.

GIBB: I just wanted to make a point that a lot of the things that he was saying I didn`t believe were credible.

PINSKY: Yes. And listen, like I said, Dan, in a nice glib humorous little twist, you presented an opinion that I think put everyone on notice and reflected what we were all thinking. I think it was well done. Hats off to you for many reasons. But, stay with us. We`ve got more with Dan Gibb, juror #8, this exclusive interview. Please don`t go away. We`ll be right back.

PINSKY: I am back with my panel and co-host, Jenny Hutt, and a very special guest, Dan Gibb. He was juror #8 in the Jodi Arias murder trial. Dan, so, I`m wondering what it`s like now to be off the jury and to see in the media a lot of information that the jurors didn`t get to see, such as the interrogation tapes of Jodi and of her family. What`s that like now?

GIBB: It`s very interesting. You know, I don`t really, of course, know why that information was withheld. I can`t really say whether it would have factors into the decision or not. Obviously, couldn`t get any worse at this point than it is.

PINSKY: Right. Right.

GIBB: But, you know, maybe -- you know, maybe it was too prejudicial or something like that.

PINSKY: Seeing that tape, and again, reflecting on this overall case, do you think she has mental illness? Do you think that`s a big part of her story?

GIBB: You know, maybe to some degree. You know, I don`t know because I didn`t -- now that I see some of that stuff, it makes me kind of wonder, you know, like the handstand and all that kind of stuff.

PINSKY: Crazy stuff.

GIBB: Yes. But then, on the other hand, you know, what I was thinking, when, for instance, when Dr. Samuels was testifying and he had the DSM 4 up there at the stand with him and was thinking, you know, that`s a pretty good-sized manual. I don`t know, maybe I`m wrong, but it seems like it would be kind of hard to find somebody that didn`t have something, some disorder in that manual.

PINSKY: Well, that`s actually a reasonable way to think about it, particularly, when you know people are being paid come to up and advocate on behalf of somebody else. Jenny, you`ve got a question for Dan.

JENNY HUTT, SIRIUS XM RADIO HOST: I do. Dan, thank you also for being here, my gosh.

GIBB: Sure.

HUTT: You said earlier in the last segment that you did believe some of what Jodi said. So, can you recall specifically what you believe that she said?

GIBB: Well, you know, hmm. Boy, it`s hard to recall. There`s just so much there. You know, some of the things that she said were not just so outrageous that you know that you could see where they`d be believable, nothing with regards to the actual murder. I didn`t believe, you know, anything that she said with regards to that.

PINSKY: Did you wonder, as many of us did, why she had that tape? Why that tape even existed and what she intended to do with that? Was that a question that came up for you?

GIBB: Exactly. Yes. Yes.

PINSKY: Mark, you have a question?


PINSKY: Please, go.

EIGLARSH: Yes, Dan. Clearly, the defense strategy from opening statement was to trash the victim.

GIBB: Right.

EIGLARSH: I`m wondering if you bought any of the things of the defense, specifically that Jodi alleged about him and I want to know specifically your feelings about her claiming that he was a pedophile.

PINSKY: Yes. Awful.

EIGLARSH: What did you think when you heard that?

GIBB: Yes. I feel -- you know, I feel real bad for Travis` family that, you know, the defense just, you know, dragged him through the mud like they did. And as far as the pedophilia, I don`t believe that whatsoever.

PINSKY: Right. Dan is on the same page as pretty much all of us, which is what I love. Robi, I want to give you a chance to ask Dan a question.

ROBI LUDWIG, PSY.D., PSYCHOLOGIST: Yes, Dan, I`m wondering if Jodi during the trial tried to engage or manipulate anybody on the jury, and if so, do you think she was successful?

GIBB: Not that I saw. You know, I think, you know, she may of looked at some of the other jurors more than she did me just because line of sight, you know, wasn`t as good with me. You know, she had probably a better view for some of the jurors. But -- and you know, I`d look over there frequently, but I tried to stay more focused on the witnesses and what they were saying and not Jodi.

You know, it kind of -- it kind of upset me a bit whenever I`d see her sitting over there doing whatever she was doing, taking notes or doodling or drawing pictures, or I don`t know what she was doing, but -- or figuring out what her next move was going to be, I don`t know, but it was a bit irritating to me.

PINSKY: Again, as so many of us seeing, no contrition or remorse or usual emotions we would expect to see in somebody like that. I hate to put you in a position to speculate. I understand that you were very close -- you know, even though you didn`t discuss the case, you felt very supportive and close together. Do you think they`re going to impose the death penalty?

GIBB: Gosh. You know, --

PINSKY: That`s not for you to answer. I beg your pardon. I understand why you wouldn`t want to answer that. But I also understand you do have a message for Travis` family and just know that all of us here have a just sort of a deep, deep -- I don`t have words to describe it. We feel for what`s going on with them and watching them cry today was really -- some of them particularly, you can feel their emotions so vividly. What is your message for them?

GIBB: You know, I just can`t even begin to imagine what they`ve gone through. And you know, this isn`t, by any means, going to be the end of this. I know they`ve got a wrongful death suit that`s probably going to go on for some great length of time and there`s going to be an appeal here, so this is going to continue for them and I feel real bad for them and I feel like -- you know, I kind of let them down.

PINSKY: Sorry, Dan, I don`t see how. I beg your pardon. To me, you seem like the epitome of what they would want on the jury and the outcome turned out OK. I understand if it had gone the other way, you would feel that way.

GIBB: Well, that`s the thing. You know, the outcome could have gone the other way and it didn`t. And that`s good. So, you know, I`m glad for them, certainly. But, you know, I mean, there were 375 on the panel, on the jury, you know, selection panel, you know, and over the course of two weeks last December, they took it down to the 18 of us, so, you know, I felt like, you know, I did something worthy of being on that -- on that jury, so -- you know, I just --

PINSKY: Dan, maybe you`re triggering my co-dependency, but I have to stop you and say, my friend, you did a great service.

HUTT: You did a great job.

PINSKY: You did it very seriously. Speaking to you has been a pleasure. You restored my faith a little bit in the jury system. Please, I guarantee you, I predict if that family is who I believe them to be, they will reach out to you and say the same thing, but let`s see how it goes. So, please, hold your head up high. OK?

GIBB: OK. Will do "

NOTE: While Gibb favoring the DP for JA is not in the above transcript, Dr. Drew subquently said on the air several times that Gibb favors the DP for her.

So he's the one who asked the "bad haircut" question. Good for him! :)
He's an <unusual person>. I can't stand him, never have, since the very beginning. My gut instinct was spot on. His "reporting" of this case has been so pro-defense, anti-Juan, it makes me sick! He shouldn't be a reporter! Period. :furious:

Are you talking about JaLi? Hatim
This is a very interesting show, indy. Thank you for posting.

IMO, that DR seemed rather cushy, that guy who slit the throat of a 4 year old girl and her mother (after raping her), was living in a cell the size of a studio apartment, with seemingly every convenience, and even a pet cat!!

That is much too good for a double murderer.

And that other guy, the barber, who's all like 'the only thing I ever did was murder', like that was no big deal. And when asked how he killed them, he says 'they were stabbed'. No responsibility still. Not "I stabbed them."

And he did it for $700-800. Supposedly because some dude threatened to kill his family. Sounds like Jodi.

Stupid, moronic murderers. Don't deserve anything, but an empty cell, balony sandwiches, water. Instead, they have 3 squares, books, TV, pets, pictures, radio, exercise equipment.

Why?!? They are living better than homeless people who have done nothing worse sometimes than loose there job.


Exactly.....committing a crime against humanity.....murder......taking someone's life. I believe by doing so they give up their " human rights". Moo
BBM~ For someone who is a doing a public service, he gets a DUI? :facepalm:

I don't have alot of respect for that dude.

Which juror, pray tell?

Honestly, Dan Gibbs seemed really confused about it all.

On the one hand, he wanted to get it right for the Alexander family, but on the other hand he said that he actually believed some of what the lying torture-murderess was saying.

Still, props for the bad haircut PTSD stress question! :clap::clap::clap:
Kiefer is just ticked because after kissing the defense teams arses for months and months, Troy scooped him and got the interview. JMO
He's an <unusual person>. I can't stand him, never have, since the very beginning. My gut instinct was spot on. His "reporting" of this case has been so pro-defense, anti-Juan, it makes me sick! He shouldn't be a reporter! Period. :furious:

Epic fail both as a reporter and a decent human being. I shudder to think of what goes on in his mind. Yuck and Yikes.
Ooooooo. I didn't know that about his

There is no way that the interview could have been pre-planned with alternate locates unless it was approved through corrections. And with no offense, but ,hey, Troy Hayden was not exactly a ball of fire (although good-looking) so this interview will propel his career, which has not been much

"Troy is the only local reporter ever to be embedded with the Maricopa County Sheriff's SWAT team on an actual mission."

I predict he will be CNN soon (Jane's connection Ted Turner) , remember you read it here first :)
She cannot get up and fight for her life (if thats what she intends to do) without admitting she lied about all the bad things she said about him.

This was not self defense he never jumped out naked and wet FROM a sitting position and body slammed her over a stupid camera.

If she does not say she just killed him...and maybe even she doesn't know why! I don't care why she did it.

I care about her dumb story of his being violent and trying to kill her. She must take that back.

I doubt she will. This is signed sealed delivered right to the lethal injection room in my opinion...
What is sad to me is at this point the only slight chance she may have to save her life would be to confess the whole truth, admit all her lies and vindicate Travis completely, even admit that she doesn't even know why she did such a horrendous thing and beg for her life. If she expressed sincere remorse and regret for her actions she might have a snowballs chance in he!! Of getting life without parole. I'm talking about a sincere admission of guilt and remorse, something she may not be capable of. If she had gone in that direction from the beginning and not drag Travis's name through the mud, and expressed a willingness to accept any punishment the court deemed fit, she may have even gotten a chance at parole someday. Instead she has lied her way straight to death row and to he!!.
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