SIDEBAR #39 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I also think she threatened to reveal to Mimi at the end of May. She wanted to tell Lisa when TA and Lisa were dating. Why would she stop there?
Do tell.... what is her handwriting like throught this lengthy tale? All neat and tidy, or does she ever get sloppy like I would if I wrote while upset or for a great length of time.

All neat and tidy on lined paper, just like everything else. Her hand was most certainly not shaking...
Just this and I'm done tonight- see you all in the AM- God willing:



RIP Travis :candle:



And God bless the Alexander family:



And God bless JM for his vigilance:


Paul Sanders give THE BEST blow by blow each day as he blogs for his upcoming book on the trial. The man is gifted. One feels the very emotion of the courtroom reading his accounts

"There will be a time this weekend that each of sixteen jurors will begin to reach into their soul and start to understand the importance of the responsibility to both the victim and the family. There will also be a time when they are alone in their thoughts.

The thought of Travis Alexander will settle in their mind when they least expect. One may be getting ready to go to bed. Another might be driving somewhere. Another juror may be in a grocery store standing in the vegetable section. Still another may be sweeping the garage when the feeling ferments and settles in each of their minds…

Each one, at that unexpected time, will be overcome by emotion. The tears will run down the face without control. The sadness will envelope them…

Later, when the tears have dried, they will slowly realize that they may have seen evil and lack of compassion in its most stark and naked vehemence. They will understand the great weight of responsibility to do the right thing and each will wonder what strength they must draw from…

Travis Alexander will not leave their heads…and that is exactly what Juan Martinez wanted to happen." Paul Sanders, II
All neat and tidy on lined paper, just like everything else. Her hand was most certainly not shaking...
Where can I see the handwritten one? I have a subscription to BK's site, but I can't find the letter in there period (although I am looking from my phone), so I read the one from Court Chatter
Thanks for the handwritten link, Y/N!

"Well hang on, because the plot thickens, and by the time you’redone reading this, you most likely won’t consider me worthy of your own spit. "

She sure got that right! I no longer have any remorse for thinking she was an evil person. She is not worthy of any sympathy, empathy, or even my hostile anger. Her day is coming.

I would love to see someone do a handwriting analysis of that letter.
She really have a peculiar way of using language. My guess is she thinjs it makes her look smart, but really it just makes her seem silly and a touch nuts...yes we all know she's more than a touch nuts, I'm just commenting on what her lanuage use alone says to me.
I finally get it. I finally see why Juan keeps pressing that they really weren't dating, not boyfriend and girlfriend.
She saw him. She met him. She wanted him. She stalked him. She killed him. She is a monster.
But she isn't through. She wants his family destroyed.
Maybe so Jodi, but death is coming for you.
"Some people deserve the death penalty and Jodi Arias is one of them. The family is VERY united. They want her to get the death penalty. Absolutely." Chris Hughes
Holy buckets! Ugh. I'm only on page 17 of her disgusting "novel" and I see no end in sight! I've had to walk away from my computer probably 10 times already. I'm absolutely FUMING for the Alexander family.
I managed to get through the letter. (How did she get keys to the car after running out of the house in terror from the ninjas? She forgot to mention keys)

I would love to read a handwriting analysis of this letter, too! If you do a search there apparently are some U-Tube videos of past handwriting analysis on JA, and a few others that can be bought (books, I assume), but nothing I watched or read.

I didn't see any change in the penmanship from beginning to end, other than a few cross-outs or added words above a word. It stayed quite neat and readable all the way through. I could not tell for sure if it was lined paper, but it did not appear to be. I could see a few faint lines in some places, though. If unlined, she sure can keep her sentences straight. All-in-all, it does not look like someone in distress was writing that. And it was all about "me", and how she could inflict more pain on Travis' family. It is backfiring big time now.

I think this has secured her a place on a Death Row.

Oh! I noticed she was arraigned on her birthday! How appropriate. Ya think she may have thought, "You scre*ed up my birthday, now I will scre* up yours!" ???

Just when I think someone cannot get any lower, they manage to prove me wrong.
She really have a peculiar way of using language. My guess is she thinjs it makes her look smart, but really it just makes her seem silly and a touch nuts...yes we all know she's more than a touch nuts, I'm just commenting on what her lanuage use alone says to me.

She writes as someone who reads a lot but is is poorly educated. In her testimony it was obvious. Juan had to hold back a giggle a few times when she would use a word in the wrong way. Everyone's favorite was her made up word de-edify. She mispronounced a lot of words too . Much like everything else in her life, she is trying to present qualities that she thinks the audience will be impressed with. It is Cooley's Looking Glass writings.

Deanna is BELOVED in Travis' family. That is perpetual. The fact that Jodi Arias imagines their view of Deanna, or Travis would waiver, based on HER impression of Deanna/Travis' relationship ......blows my mind.

How they manage to go in the judge's chambers so very often with her, just feet away and sit through her lies and lies and lies and lies in the courtroom for years now is amazing to me. Dave Hall simplifies it for us, "These are the times when we just have to dig deep in our faith".

Dig deep friends. Indeed.

Just when I thought Jodi couldn't get any worse. Wow... speechless, and absolutely heart broken for the Alexander Family. Jodi definitely just sealed the deal for the DP, imo. "No jury will ever convict me" Eat your words Arias, not only did you get convicted but hopefully the DP as well. :jail:
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