SIDEBAR #39 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Good morning all! :wave: Just a few comments on your comments.

What's the puzzle piece?

The puzzle piece that Dr. Geff is trying to find, maybe?? :waitasec: :lol:

I am speechless.

Me too, YESorNO!! :silenced: Gob-smacked as someone above said...

I would love to see someone do a handwriting analysis of that letter.

I know someone, but don't know if they still post on another forum - but I'll send them the link to the handwritten letter!

I agree. But that letter may be the best thing she did to sink her own ship. The few supporters she still, has may end up right alongside her one day. The ALEXANDER family have nothing to feel ashamed about. No one with any character believes a word of the lies spewed. I just wish they didn't have to go through the emotional turmoils and pain, and the financial losses. But they make the Alexander name one to be proud of, in honor of their brother.

Elephants for Travis marching forward !

I changed my avatar to an Elephant to - Justice for Travis

ZoeyW :loveyou: love your posts!

my "Thanks" button STILL not working.... :gaah: Whatever "they" did yesterday, sure didn't help me!

Watching Men's Downhill from Kitzbuhel, Austria! :Banane49: Next up - my cousin in the two man bobsled! Go Cuz!!!!! :Banane45:

I guess Monday will be a long day! I truly hope they will be finished with this Dr. Geff... you can't put puzzle pieces together if they are the wrong pieces! Not a "true" picture!!! :cuckoo:

:seeya: :late:
I honestly think she wore that shirt because she knew that letter was coming out. She was hoping to entice some of the men on the jury. She has always used her "sex appeal" to get through her whole disgusting life. It's all she had.

I think by her wearing that tank top, it was her last desperate attempt to sway the (male) jury. She and her lawyers have tried everything else, right.
She's just doing what she always does, uses her sex appeal as you say, Dmacky. She's prob thinking this will do it. One last look at me before the wknd...imo
Hi Peepers,
Travis's dear grandmother died within two years after Jodi killed him. I do not know why. But I am sure she may have lost her will to fight after he was gone.

This ^^^, and after reading that letter. I'm sure she was pretty broken from that...imo
G'mornin', all!
Whew! Amazing what a little shut-eye can do.
I feel better now. Had a fun little dream and woke to a warmish sunny day.

Last night when I sent a prayer to Gram, it was sent to heaven. I knew she had passed, but I sent a message, anyway. < smile>

Wondering what is going through the butchers mind today..
I think her tacky tank-top was calculated.. To me, I saw an attempt to give herself a slightly _off_ aura.
Disheveled, crooked fit, trying to give the impression she is not altogether lucid, in hopes she can fool just one juror.
Her take may be....If I act a little bit crazy, they can't kill me, out of pity.
Guess again, Betty.
oops sarcasm...ahem..

I rescued a Cockatiel yesterday, His human mommy passed away 6 months ago, and he's been depressed,
her children didn't have time to love him, giving him to a pet shop. Poor guy had plucked half his feathers off.
I'd been looking for over a year, after my Lucky passed away.
This morning, he is happy. He has a friend to talk to now. Her name is Ladybird and she's a HAM!
I'll wait a week or so before I blend them in the same cage.
All is well.

Ty for the shout-out, Bernina. :loveyou:
Don't you wish someone could nail Marc McGee for perjury? :jail:



This isn't just a "well, I cheated on my taxes in the amount of $45", this is a "I'm going to lie my azz off for this purdy lil' murderess because I wanna be famous".
This <modsnip> is nothing but a coward, talking all big and bad, "I'm going to be a "key witness", and now it's all "oh, I'm so skeered, my life is gonna be threatened by those big ol' cyber bullies, they might hurt my precious feelings!" And this punk is in New Zealand, FGS............:facepalm:

Yeah, suck it up buttercup. Marc TYPED it, he can OWN it. Hope the Church investigates this moron. If anyone is a pedo, got my money on <modsnip> McGee. <modsnip>? Maybe McGee's the poster boy.

He's as foul as CMJA.

This whatever person...... it is hard to begin to classify (is he a psycho, also?? do they i.e. Jodi and Marc "know" each other as in one psycho to another pyscho in the fullest definition of the diagnosis) (hope this is okay to write otherwise I may get snipped). Marc McGee (hope you are reading) pointedly indicates he will lie for her. What kind of people are these people? Just seems there should be some kind of ramifications. (hopefully whomever knows him in New Zealand). Marc has been very public although hides behind being in another country. (JMO)
2 man Bobsled results:

Latvia #1 sled with Melbardis & Dreiskens - FIRST place

Latvia #3 sled with Zalims and Dambis - with the Swiss team - Second place

:happydance: :happydance:

My Cuz came in 11th... :gaah:

Than you, Y/N. And Good Morning to you, too. I re-read RVMD, and it appears he asked the JUDGE, so nothing official, at least not yet. Do you remember that the judge gave Nurmi "extra time" to do or file something yesterday? Could it be for this? I know that is a very vague question, but I don't remember what that was about, either.

I think a motion for mistrial can be verbal. I am not sure it needs to be in writing, so the verbal request Nurmi made of the judge is an official request, I believe. I am not 100 percent positive on that though; things are done quite differently in AZ courts than most other places.
On the resentencing thread, some still think one or more jurors may feel sorry for Jodi. Someone there posted the letter she sent long time ago to the prosecution asking for a charge of only second degree murder, blah, bblah....and she said even if the prosecution wins the most she would get is Life.

Oh I want the jury to prove her wrong!
she deserves DP but I will be surprised if she gets it~~i also believe nurmi that Arizona will not execure ja.
The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial
9 mins ·

Abe Abdelhadi to testify against ex-girlfriend, &#8234;#&#8206;JodiArias&#8236; - and she's not happy about it.

I reached out to Abdelhadi for confirmation. He told me that he "wants to do the right thing", so let's get behind him.
Abe Abdelhadi to testify against ex-girlfriend, #JodiArias - and she's not happy about it. I reached out to Abdelhadi for confirmation. He told me that he "wants to do the right thing", so let's get behind him.
The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial
9 mins ·

Abe Abdelhadi to testify against ex-girlfriend, &#8234;#&#8206;JodiArias&#8236; - and she's not happy about it.

I reached out to Abdelhadi for confirmation. He told me that he "wants to do the right thing", so let's get behind him.
Abe Abdelhadi to testify against ex-girlfriend, #JodiArias - and she's not happy about it. I reached out to Abdelhadi for confirmation. He told me that he "wants to do the right thing", so let's get behind him.

They were never boyfriend and girlfriend. He only saw her once. All he can testify to is putting his hands on her butt To see if she had magic panties on. Or so he said. I just want this thing over with.
she deserves DP but I will be surprised if she gets it~~i also believe nurmi that Arizona will not execure ja.

Zoey, I don't even believe in state sponsored death. However, the DP will ensure she dies alone in a cell and cannot hurt others. I don't believe anything Nurmi says. He is slime. And I don't care if he is right or not. I just want her to hear those words.
G'mornin', all!
Whew! Amazing what a little shut-eye can do.
I feel better now. Had a fun little dream and woke to a warmish sunny day.

Last night when I sent a prayer to Gram, it was sent to heaven. I knew she had passed, but I sent a message, anyway. < smile>

Wondering what is going through the butchers mind today..
I think her tacky tank-top was calculated.. To me, I saw an attempt to give herself a slightly _off_ aura.
Disheveled, crooked fit, trying to give the impression she is not altogether lucid, in hopes she can fool just one juror.
Her take may be....If I act a little bit crazy, they can't kill me, out of pity.
Guess again, Betty.
oops sarcasm...ahem..

I rescued a Cockatiel yesterday, His human mommy passed away 6 months ago, and he's been depressed,
her children didn't have time to love him, giving him to a pet shop. Poor guy had plucked half his feathers off.
I'd been looking for over a year, after my Lucky passed away.
This morning, he is happy. He has a friend to talk to now. Her name is Ladybird and she's a HAM!
I'll wait a week or so before I blend them in the same cage.
All is well.

Ty for the shout-out, Bernina. :loveyou:

please keep us posted on the budding new friend ship! hope all works out for the birdies!
Peelers McPeep, I always like a good love story! May your cockatiels be best buds for a very long time.
This is a quote from the re-trial thread for last Thursday. Don't believe I saw this posted by Bernina -

MaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15 · 22s 23 seconds ago
Geffner finally replies thinks he read in #JodiArias journal she & #TravisAlexander were exclusive.
#JuanMartinez: So that's HER term?

#JuanMartinez: Just bc #JodiArias wrote it doesn't mean she got her wish that they were exclusive -- correct
Geffner: Correct

So... it could be that this "exclusive" dating is JUST Missy's :jail: wish as Juan says!! ?? !!!


Never really thought about that - it was all in her head that they were boyfriend/girlfriend!! WOW! Good catch Juan!!


okay... back to reading over there...
Oh lord............

What the heck is going on with people these days?

I was just reading that article from Christine and I'm shocked- I thought Kelly and she were best buddies????? :shame: :scared::scared:

I haven't read Kelly's yet.

I hope no one here has donated $ to Kelly- I know I didn't and wouldn't.

I'm sure what Christine is saying is correct as she is very thorough when she reports things, IMO.

Intrigue in the "reporting" world. :facepalm:

Gotta go read what Kelly wrote now.
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