SIDEBAR #46 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Glad you are feeling better.

You would be in an awful mess if you lived here in Georgia. Yesterday it was up to 84 degrees.

Severe weather coming in today and tomorrow here with possible tornadoes.

It scares me to death when it gets this warm this soon.:eek:

WOW! Tornado season already? I have most of my breathing problems in the spring and fall. Seems the older I get the worst it gets :(
I agree, would be rough on me in Georgia! Our 3 nephews live in Georgia.
Advising 15-year-old girls to get fake IDs, smiling with Hershey's bars and chatting to her 'fans': Jodi Arias is spending NINE HOURS a day making video calls from her cell

"...With each call lasting up to 20 minutes, it means Arias spent up to nine hours that day Skyping with followers and fans from a laptop...

But, despite calls for her to have the privilege withdrawn, Arias is still able to make and receive video phone calls.
Mr Arpaio says any discipline in the jail has to go through a committee, and that process takes a few days. Only after that is complete could Arias lose the right to make calls.
'It takes a few days to justify why we have taken action on any violation of our policy, I want to make sure we follow the proper procedures, she's not going to like this,' said Arpaio.

The 20 minute phone calls cost £3.30 or $5 each, and anybody can request a conversation but Arias has to accept the calls..."
The video chat is a mobile unit where the "handset" is put through the food slot, or whatever you want to call it, for the con to talk on, so no video chat matter how much CMJA's magical thinking wants to believe.

I'll place $5 on the wrist brace!:laughing:

Thanks for explaining how it worked. I mistakenly thought those pictures of her using the video phone were taken from some sort of room where the video chat system was. It must have been her own cell where she was smiling through the glass.

At least she doesnt get to physically leave the cell.

So glad Sheriff Joe is going to block certain callers. It seems JA should lose all her priviliges to that phone since she participated in the breaking of the rules too.
Glad you are feeling better.

You would be in an awful mess if you lived here in Georgia. Yesterday it was up to 84 degrees.

Severe weather coming in today and tomorrow here with possible tornadoes.

It scares me to death when it gets this warm this soon.:eek:

Twice a year, every year I get sinus stuffy, feel like ick, and eyes watering. I kept telling my doc that I must be allergic to something e.g. pollen and she said nope after all those scratch tests. I finally figured it out by signing up online for DAILY alerts! Google it for your area and you'll see if the timing jives for those of you who get that way too. I was amazed that right NOW we have HIGH POLLEN starting last Friday, so I started taking my OTC medicine prophylactic.

This is an automatic Pollen and Mold Alert from the National Allergy Bureau, a service of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (sign up at

On the My NAB home page (, click on the "Add/Modify Stations and Email Alerts" link to change your stations and set up automatic email alerts of pollen and mold counts.

Station: Marietta (Atlanta), GA
Date of Pollen and Mold Count: 03/10/2015
Pollen & Mold Summary
Trees: High Concentration
Weeds: Absent
Grass: Low Concentration
Mold: Not Counted

Pollen & Mold Detail
(Top three species per category)
1. Juniper family, Cedar
2. Elm
3. Maple, Box elder
Twice a year, every year I get sinus stuffy, feel like ick, and eyes watering. I kept telling my doc that I must be allergic to something e.g. pollen and she said nope after all those scratch tests. I finally figured it out by signing up online for DAILY alerts! Google it for your area and you'll see if the timing jives for those of you who get that way too. I was amazed that right NOW we have HIGH POLLEN starting last Friday.

This is an automatic Pollen and Mold Alert from the National Allergy Bureau, a service of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (sign up at

Station: Marietta (Atlanta), GA
Date of Pollen and Mold Count: 03/10/2015
Pollen & Mold Summary
Trees: High Concentration
Weeds: Absent
Grass: Low Concentration
Mold: Not Counted

Pollen & Mold Detail
(Top three species per category)
1. Juniper family, Cedar
2. Elm
3. Maple, Box elder

I also have trouble with spring pollen. I get itchy eyes and I sneeze a lot. I never hardly sneeze at all the rest of the year so I know its the pollen.

In the spring when you go out to your car, you sometimes will see a thick layer of green pollen from right before the trees start to sprout their new leaf growth. That is the time of year it gets really bad for me. Not sure what kind of trees I have but their pollen makes me miserable.

It gets so thick on the cars that it takes a car wash to get it off, its no wonder lots of people have trouble with pollen.

In the fall, I also have trouble too and for me I think some of what bothers me is when the leaves start turning brown and falling off and the leaves start to crunch up and break apart. The winds start to blow them all around, they create lots of leaf dust. We notice it a lot where I live because we have lots of trees in the yard.

When we leave our windows open in the fall and its a windy day, the leaf dust starts to settle on the furniture in the house more. I also use my mower to mulch up and pick up the leaves and that is probably making it much worse for me. It sure beats raking the leaves but it sure adds to the leaf dust.
I've been catching up on this juror 17 drama. She was a stealth juror alright. I'll admit that it's hard to prove that a juror is refusing to deliberate versus refusing to change her opinion. I'm not sure what else the Judge could have done at that point. It's not Juan's 'fault' but this woman should have never made it past the initial jury selection. It blows my mind that her husband's past and her own Facebook history were not brought to light during jury selection. Big mistake.

Hopefully, LWOP will turn out to be much worse for the murderess.
RUT ROW ~ Juror 17 had listed on her FB that she liked the Daily Share ? It just started airing in January of this year! I knew it was fairly new, because I flipped through a few times and never saw it until recently.

These plans culminated on January 13, 2015, when HLN underwent a major revamp in its programming and on-air presentation, with a larger focus on major headlines, lifestyle stories, and other user-generated content that is trending online. The network also introduced several new social media-themed programs, including the new afternoon program The Daily Share
Oh please!! WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER?! I think if she knew she would have gotten all this uncalled for attention, she would have murdered long ago

:lol: That was sooo funny cj!

But yep, it's the first time in her whole pathetic life she's ever had any friends < and I use that term very loosely...more like cray crays the first time anyone ever gave a crap about her tracings, or that she's ever even had any money!

She, the goddess that she looks and smells like is in her glory! She doesn't give a damn at all about what she did to Travis or what she continues to do to his family. Even her own family has lost everything they had because of her, from their restaurant/livelihood to their own home to foreclosure.

She is just plain EVIL through and through :dervish:
I hope the killer (FREAK! Demon seed!) is enjoying her little love fest in jail because that's coming to an end, and soon. You just know there are some hard-core cons waiting for her in prison :behindbar, happy to knock her down a peg or ten. Yes, she'll find followers and no guard will be safe from her magical three holes, but y'know what? She's still going to be locked up in a box FOREVER and I am sure happy about that.

Good morning to all and sundry!

(Glad you're feeling better, coffeejunkie....our pollen counts here are through the roof. Bleech.)
I think missy:jail: has become our curse.
What have we done to deserve her, I wonder???
The devil don't want her...that's the problem [emoji35]
RUT ROW ~ Juror 17 had listed on her FB that she liked the Daily Share ? It just started airing in January of this year! I knew it was fairly new, because I flipped through a few times and never saw it until recently.

These plans culminated on January 13, 2015, when HLN underwent a major revamp in its programming and on-air presentation, with a larger focus on major headlines, lifestyle stories, and other user-generated content that is trending online. The network also introduced several new social media-themed programs, including the new afternoon program The Daily Share

I'm sorry. Hez has already posted this info :blushing:
:gaah: Once again, I should read ALL of the posts before I put my two cents in...more like my 2 sense :giggle:
:lol: That was sooo funny cj!

But yep, it's the first time in her whole pathetic life she's ever had any friends < and I use that term very loosely...more like cray crays the first time anyone ever gave a crap about her tracings, or that she's ever even had any money!

She, the goddess that she looks and smells like is in her glory! She doesn't give a damn at all about what she did to Travis or what she continues to do to his family. Even her own family has lost everything they had because of her, from their restaurant/livelihood to their own home to foreclosure.

She is just plain EVIL through and through :dervish:

Can you imagine in 10-15 years down the road what she will look like! Prison is not kind on your looks...I can't wait till the "new girl in town' walks in and this new girl is "SPECIAL" OH MY!! What will Jody do then...stab her with a shank she made out of a plastic spork?

I can honestly say that if this my child...I would RUN!! I would never lose everything I had for them.
For my allergies I take 1 dose of Flonase Spray twice a day. For my Asthma I puff SPIRIVA once a day. Then Dr. added ADVAIR 4 times a day when I was in the hospital. Use VENTOLIN Spray as my emergency back up. When it's really bad, like yesterday, I use my breathing machine and it is a mist that I breath in for 10 mins. Usually it is under control, but like yesterday I needed more meds help with breathing. Did breathing treatments every 4 hrs yesterday. So today I can breath much better. :)

Thanks for all the info about the pollen counts.
My friend that sends me all the funnies, has sent me these tonight: (love that old lady :heartbeat:)

When Northerns get bored:


Link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd...._=1433985089_138d01eb03fa30290b2666b6e344a3ab




Link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd...._=1434543172_06b41ae3ca90aadb92e443f2b754579f









All are so funny and clever!

Reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes!
Good Morning WS Friends!

33 days until sentencing.

There are two video visitation options:

Remote Visit: A video visit conducted over the internet through the use of a visitor&#8217;s home computer and a video terminal located in the inmate housing units.

Absent exigent circumstances, the number of Remote Visits an inmate may receive is unlimited, based upon time-slot availability.

Each Remote visit session is 20 minutes.

It makes me sooooo mad that this is allowed! Unlimited visitation during the day! Even from out-of-state! I was so glad when she was convicted to hear that she would be locked up in her cell 23 hours a day but this negates that!! She is skyping all day like the teenage population she is trying to influence. She is a female Manson!

I get that this is jail, not prison, so the inmates have not had their trials yet..that may excuse the unlimited visitation; but once she was convicted, remote visitation should have been stopped except for immediate family.
I am frustrated and disappointed at the video call privileges that B---H Arias has. However, I think of these last 33 days until Perryville as the last "good" days of her life and I smile knowing that each morning she comes one day closer to a miserable existance in prison. I hope Sheriff Joe will make her last days in Estrella as difficult as he can.
I am frustrated and disappointed at the video call privileges that B---H Arias has. However, I think of these last 33 days until Perryville as the last "good" days of her life and I smile knowing that each morning she comes one day closer to a miserable existance in prison. I hope Sheriff Joe will make her last days in Estrella as difficult as he can.

JMO-ITA! I was thinking about this yesterday when letter from Sheriff Joe came out. When ja leaves Estrella, her life changes. She's pretty accustomed to being at the jail, having it (all things considered) relatively good. I think that will make adjusting to Perryville a little harder. Nice.
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