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Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)
Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)

Of course we would worry, silly girl, so thanks for letting us know. Get well prayers and wishes to your mom, and you be safe. :seeya:
Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)

Hi Spellbound,
i am sorry about your mom. I will pray for her and for you.
Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)

Saying Prayers and Sending Positive thoughts for your Mother and You.. Safe Travel~
You ever get the idea that everything CMJA will NEVER go away? :facepalm:

Well, BF is going up to Dolan Springs to play in the dirt for 5 days. Got a jump on it and have been throwing more stuff into the burn pile, wood ramps for his motorcycle and quad (I may put his quad on Craiglists, it's so totally unrepairable, and I'm tired of it just "red necking" my property), old chicken pens he drug over here that have been sitting for 10 years, blah, blah, blah.
See, he leaves town because, in the past, I gather all his junk up and organize it because it drives me nuts, and him not being here, he can't say "What are you doing with THAT?"
When he dies, I'm going to have a mess on my hands with all his "stuff". 11 years and counting, this is NOT what I signed up for!

End of vent. :banghead:

Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)

Bernina, how far are you from Phoenix? Are you on the way North from Scottsdale towards the Grand Canyon? I wanna stop by :)

Spellbound, wishing you and your mom well. So sorry she is not doing well. Xo
Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)

So sorry about your Mother. Have safe travels and will be praying for all of your family. ((((hugs))))
Where is Chelly? I need some, ummm, coffee... :)
Spellbound, thinking of you. Keep us informed when you can. Lots of prayers and hugs.
Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)
I hope all goes well with your mom.
You ever get the idea that everything CMJA will NEVER go away? :facepalm:

Well, BF is going up to Dolan Springs to play in the dirt for 5 days. Got a jump on it and have been throwing more stuff into the burn pile, wood ramps for his motorcycle and quad (I may put his quad on Craiglists, it's so totally unrepairable, and I'm tired of it just "red necking" my property), old chicken pens he drug over here that have been sitting for 10 years, blah, blah, blah.
See, he leaves town because, in the past, I gather all his junk up and organize it because it drives me nuts, and him not being here, he can't say "What are you doing with THAT?"
When he dies, I'm going to have a mess on my hands with all his "stuff". 11 years and counting, this is NOT what I signed up for!

End of vent. :banghead:
I would start with the old chicken pens! Tell him to build some of those new-fangled chicken tunnels if he needs something later!
Spellbound, I wish you safe travel and prayers for your mom. Hope things go well for you.
Just let letting you all know I may be MIA for a few days. Mom is not doing well in hospital, her prognosis is a bit uncertain. So I am going to go North to see her for a few days .... or more. Will check in if I can get wifi. If not.... do not worry about me. (You would, right? :giggle:)

((Spellbound))...sending loving thoughts and prayers to you and your dear mother.

It's a Rainy Day and Monday here (which always gets me down...)...but if it brings on spring flowers, I'm happy to have it. :)

:seeya:Good morning all!

That coffee looks mighty good, coffeejunkie!
Spellbound, Keep us posted. We are praying for you, your mother and your family.

I wish Aunt Sue would just disappear. The nerve of her.

Bernina, do you ever get lazy???

Good Morning all!!
Good Day all. Been skimming to get caught up. Call me confused but did I miss anything in regards to Aunt Sue? I thought Jodith had kicked her out of the fold so to speak. Wondering why so vocal when she has been dismissed? Is there is a reason I may have missed? TIA.
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