SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Thanks! It was just the right thing to do.

I figured out what I will do IF no one claims the $$ and IF I receive the $$...I will donate to the local animal shelters in the name of "Friends of the Travis Alexander WS Sidebar". That way we can all benefit from it.

That is so sweet, coffejunkie. :loveyou:
Good Morning Sidebar Friends!
Waiting for sunrise so I can get out into the garden to play. Today's plan is to plant dozens of annuals for my next door neighbor who is having some back pain. Then, some yard clean up for me. We are in the thick of windy season here in Southern New Mexico's high desert. Temps are in the 70's to 80's, but afternoon winds can range from 20 to 35 mph and those winds really blow the desert around. You don't want to be standing outside during the blasts. Thankfully mornings are calm and we will be out of this season in a few weeks.

I'm hoping social media will soon stop posting photos of #281129. In my opinion we have seen enough of her. As I've mentioned numerous times, I am particularly interested in reading the report Sheriff Joe has, or will be, sending off to Perryville about 281129.

Hi there coffeejunkie. Just slugged down my two cuppa CFON, the heavenly coffee, "better coffee a millionaire's money can't buy". Anyone remember that theme song? Or am I the only old lady here who lived most of her life in Boston?


We're having that "wind" thing, but it starts early in the morning, bleck! And we've had a cold snap, high 20's to low 60's. Been doubling up on my Ester-C to ward off the nasty histamines being blown up from the pollen and dirt. Still waiting for some April showers.............
Anything's possible. My old friend and neighbor who died 11 years ago was part of the OSS that was turned into the CIA. He was part of one of those "you've been authorized to do this but if you get caught, we don't know you".
This lines up to exactly what he told me years ago, other than not making the other connection to Jimmy Hoffa. He talked about injected overdoses as something that was part of their "tools", and it usually wasn't detected by coroners if they bothered to look for something nefarious.
He gave me the .308 that he claimed he had used in assassinations about a month before he overdosed. It's pretty strange, always kind of wondered if a ballistics test would match it to a bunch of deaths.

Oh Bernina, that's kinda scary! :scared:
Have a question for you know where the Army Base is located in New Mexico? My cousin's son and his family is transferring from the base at Tennessee to New Mexico. And my cuz could not remember the name. Was just wondering...

Like you, I am sick of #281129...wish she would just go POOF. As long as the media is still interested in her, sadly we wil still hear about her and see her pics plaster all over.

Have a great day in the sunshine :)

Manzano, Kirtland or Sandia? They're outside of Albequerque, and one or more have been shut down, I think.....

Oh Bernina, that's kinda scary! :scared:

Kinda scary, but even more interesting is it could be a part of history. If it does have any connection to anything, it would no doubt disappear. I've shot it once, and it's been sitting on a shelf along with a .22 mag Dillinger and a .357 mag Llama he gave me. Aside from his previous profession, he became my best friend. Really miss him. We used to celebrate our birthdays together. There was a 40 year difference in our ages, but he'd walk through the gate between our properties and we'd go for adventures, out on State Land or take a drive for the day. He always brought the first irises that bloomed over in his "compound", and never failed to ask me to be his Valentine. He used to blare symphony music or Pink Floyd from his speakers in the Fort. Seriously, he built a fort, called it "Fort Picket". That's the barn red structure that's in some of my pics.
Lots of stories...........
Manzano, Kirtland or Sandia? They're outside of Albequerque, and one or more have been shut down, I think.....


No idea :) can't ask my cousin right now as he is in the county jail for a DUI. :busted: Might call my Aunt and ask her (if she can remember) she is 89 and has troubles remembering and gets upset and cries when she can't. :(
Good Morning all. I sure did enjoy from breakfast from Panera Bread. Wonder what the inmate had for breakfast.


Crow. I understand it tastes quite bitter. :turkey: ( that's not a crow; but the inmate IS a turkey) :)

Thanks! It was just the right thing to do.

I figured out what I will do IF no one claims the $$ and IF I receive the $$...I will donate to the local animal shelters in the name of "Friends of the Travis Alexander WS Sidebar". That way we can all benefit from it.


Anything's possible. My old friend and neighbor who died 11 years ago was part of the OSS that was turned into the CIA. He was part of one of those "you've been authorized to do this but if you get caught, we don't know you".
This lines up to exactly what he told me years ago, other than not making the other connection to Jimmy Hoffa. He talked about injected overdoses as something that was part of their "tools", and it usually wasn't detected by coroners if they bothered to look for something nefarious.
He gave me the .308 that he claimed he had used in assassinations about a month before he overdosed. It's pretty strange, always kind of wondered if a ballistics test would match it to a bunch of deaths.

My 85-year-old brother-in-law was in the OSS and said, "I could tell you a lot of things...but then I'd have to kill you." GULP. :eek:
Manzano, Kirtland or Sandia? They're outside of Albequerque, and one or more have been shut down, I think.....


Kirtland is an Air Force base. My dad worked there when I was a kid. It is still up and running.
Good Morning all. I sure did enjoy from breakfast from Panera Bread. Wonder what the inmate had for breakfast.

I had a Toblerone yesterday, and Starbucks for lunch today!
Manzano, Kirtland or Sandia? They're outside of Albequerque, and one or more have been shut down, I think.....


I was at White Sands when I was a kid, around 10. My dad was working there. The sand dunes were as white as pure snow!! I still have my stuffed elephant I got from there sitting on my shelf. It's name: Pinky Whitey Whismer (for White Sands Missile Range).
Had that day Monday. My high point was Jodi getting a life sentence. Everything else about the day sucked. Got woken up by both DH & DD calling me to tell me she forgot her homework and to bring it to school for her, then did that and got hung up when her principal wanted to talk to me (no, she's not in trouble), so I was 10 min. late to my Dr's appointment for which I'd been fasting for 12 hours- then they refused to see me and the receptionist was *****y about it.I had to beg them to draw my blood anyway and reschedule the appt for today to get my Cholesterol results. (I'm so pissed off I've decided to change doctors- and they'd written "no show" in my chart, which was a lie!) Then, when I picked up DD from school on Mon., I had to take her to the doctor for a skin infection she got two weeks ago that wasn't healing. The ointment she prescribed for her gave her an allergic reaction, so back to the doctor we went Tues. And DD gave me attitude about everything on Mon. And had to do laundry, dishes, and cooking, DH was working overtime. Can you say sucked!!! Thank goodness for Jodi's sentencing.

The crap continues...DD is going away for the weekend with a group from our temple. We took her to another meeting last night (should've left her home to do homework) regarding an upcoming trip with her new high school's band next year. She was up 'till 1:00 finishing homework and packing and still didn't study for a test today. I let her go to school 1/2 day, then pulled her out. We have to drive 30 min to meet the bus that will take them to the camp retreat. DH is pissed at me that 1) she didn't get all her work done and studied for 2) she didn't tell her teachers in advance she'd be gone, and 3) I picked her up one class earlier than I was going to because she ran out of time to take a shower. He was a capital jerk last night and this morning. Usually he sides with her and she has him wrapped around her little finger. I did e-mail one of her teachers last night to let him know she wouldn't be there (the class that work was due today) and the real reason, not the one I gave the school for pulling her out early....GRRRR! And because of it all, I didn't sleep well and I'm exhausted. That's the big reason for going to Starbucks, plus a fast lunch. I did get a healthy vegetarian lunch there and it wasn't bad.
Crow. I understand it tastes quite bitter. :turkey: ( that's not a crow; but the inmate IS a turkey) :)


My 85-year-old brother-in-law was in the OSS and said, "I could tell you a lot of things...but then I'd have to kill you." GULP. :eek:

BBM. Yep. My friend was at the point where he wanted someone to know. I used to ask him why he was sharing............"Because someone needs to know the truth."

I picked up a micro cassette for him so we could tape his conversations.............and he took an overdose before we got serious, EMT's took him to the VA Hospital, he was fine......and then somehow his pain medication got doubled and he died.
I had a Toblerone yesterday, and Starbucks for lunch today!

I really need to convince myself to:

1. Go to Starbucks (there's one inside Safeway)
2. Pull an insane amount of money out of my wallet for "coffee"
3. Try one of those strawberry fraps

And now you kids can convince me, or not, if it's worth it!!!!

Afternoon all! :wave: Well, I see you've all been busy little
posting away...
For breakfast I had some nice warmed up bearclaws sprinkled with powdered sugar and some Starbucks, Latte Moche!!

I think she is angry because they did not believe she was a goddess and so they went ahead and made her get naked and then sprayed her from head to toe for lice. After that they made her pull her hair back and gave her an orange jumpsuit when she wanted a goddess gown!

:lol: I read that you have to have your ears showing in the picture and all times. Strange rule!!

Has anyone here ever just had a really bad day, for no really good reason ? I mean, the " in total b**** mode, hate everything " kind of day.
This is what I'm talking about, poor kitty, lol.


Have had some sort of weird brain fog too :facepalm:... Seriously, not like :jail: no, this is real brain fog. Don't ask me why , hormones, a case of misfiring neurotransmitters :dunno: :sheesh: Anyway, just praying it will be better tomorrow. :seeya:

Here will this help - :hug:

Thanks Bernina, I honestly believed after my Sadie Girl died I really did not want another pet. She was so special, another shelter pet, I got her when she was 6 weeks old. She was part Chow and part Lab. But then I started seeing how sad Miss Molly was, (and she gained a few pounds because she had no one to run around with) So I think we're all healing now, it just takes time.

Well, we are thinking of getting a kitty friend for Hans, since he's been acting very strange and I guess lonely for his sister!!!

Yesterday my neighbor's son came home with 4 puppies from his job. The mother had 8 pups and a cop stopped to see the pups, the mother growled and the cop shot the mother. He was going to shoot the pups and the workers pleaded. So, one worker took 4 pups and Josh took 4 pups.

The 4 pups in my neighborhood have all been adopted. They are so adorable, only 7 weeks old. No one knows for sure what they are except the mother was a hound and the dad was part husky. The owner is taking the cop to court.

Here are pics of 3 of them. One was adopted out of my neighborhood. They were all taken in about an hour. All to good homes, too!!

View attachment 73256View attachment 73257View attachment 73258

Geez cop - she was protecting her babies... what an a$$hole!!!! Glad to hear the owner is taking him to court! AND he gets fired!
I follow Batzilla the Bat on Facebook. It is a bat rescue in Australia. I have come to like the little critters. For some reason the link won't post.

My Huz wants to put up a bat house! I say NO!! :sacred: Just watch them at dusk...

Slightly off topic, but I was reading this article about the shayna hubers trial. Today in court her cell mate testified to this...

Miller said she was bothered when Hubers would laugh about the shooting death.

"She said she was going to plead insanity," Miller said. "Then she said she was too smart because she has an IQ of Einstein. And so she was going to plead the wife-battered syndrome."

There are so many similarities between these two cases (JA and SH) that it is eerie. I didn't realize that there could be TWO Jodis out there. Scary thought!

Does WS have a thread for this case?? TIA! :wave:

Have a question for you know where the Army Base is located in New Mexico? My cousin's son and his family is transferring from the base at Tennessee to New Mexico. And my cuz could not remember the name. Was just wondering...

Like you, I am sick of #281129...wish she would just go POOF. As long as the media is still interested in her, sadly we wil still hear about her and see her pics plaster all over.

Have a great day in the sunshine :)

Hopefully the only picture shown will be her Perryville mug shot!!

"It's Friday, Friday
♪♫ Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin' down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend" ♪♫

♪♫ ♪♫ ♪♫

Thanks! It was just the right thing to do.

I figured out what I will do IF no one claims the $$ and IF I receive the $$...I will donate to the local animal shelters in the name of "Friends of the Travis Alexander WS Sidebar". That way we can all benefit from it.

Oh coffeejunkie What a GREAT idea!!

Kinda scary, but even more interesting is it could be a part of history. If it does have any connection to anything, it would no doubt disappear. I've shot it once, and it's been sitting on a shelf along with a .22 mag Dillinger and a .357 mag Llama he gave me. Aside from his previous profession, he became my best friend. Really miss him. We used to celebrate our birthdays together. There was a 40 year difference in our ages, but he'd walk through the gate between our properties and we'd go for adventures, out on State Land or take a drive for the day. He always brought the first irises that bloomed over in his "compound", and never failed to ask me to be his Valentine. He used to blare symphony music or Pink Floyd from his speakers in the Fort. Seriously, he built a fort, called it "Fort Picket". That's the barn red structure that's in some of my pics.
Lots of stories...........

Oh I would LOVE to hear more stories Bernina! I love all that spy stuff. Re playing symphony music or Pink Floyd - my Huz is the same - Pink Floyd and classical music! :loveyou:

and of course awwwww on the little horse!! Speaking of riding a horse - which I can't remember the last time I did! LOL! But when I was about 8 or 9 my friend down the street had horses and we rode ALL over town of Novato!! She showed me how to ride, and I begged my parents for one, but never got it... :cry: Then in L.A. went to a place near Griffith park where you could rent horses!

Oh - I heard on the news last night that there is a dog flu going around Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. Nore - maybe your poor Buffy died of the flu?? Cats also can catch this! So beware out there!!

more to say...


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Got all my grocery shopping done this morning
but I need to go out again, as the Huz will be making my favorite - Hoagies - tonight for dinner. Found a great recipe like the ones you used to get at Woolworths! Yes, I'm that old! LOL!
Also got a 1/2 pound of pastrami, sandwiches later this week!! My Huz is the BEST cook ever! He made my favorite last night - green pepper beef over rice! Yummy!!

Okay - I see that I'm way behind on the Discussion thread, so will wander over there after I get back and will check in here before I sign off tonight! :pcguru:

and WHERE is YESorNO :snowball: hopefully, you don't have snow still!!
low BW??

It's another beautiful
day here!! Will get up to about 78 the next few days, and then - crossing fingers - rain on Wednesday and Thursday, or so say the weather peeps!

so off I go...
Life in April has not gone well so far this year. Will be going to the third funeral this month for a close family member. Lord, please let this be the last for a while.

Sure am glad to see lots of good things around here. I am enjoying the new "babies" posts and anxiously awaiting the final outcome of coffee junkie's found money.

Niner, I know YoNo had low bandwidth the day of the Hernandez verdict, so I suppose that lasts all month for her?
Sharing from a post (Caylee Advocate from the Discussion thread:

Perryville inmate's letter of complaint to a prisoner advocate on the outside dated mid-September 2012:

"In the winter months, the heat is turned on by date rather than temperature. The heat runs full blast and the rooms get to be unbearably hot. The officers do not have the authority to turn the heat off, even if it is an unseasonably warm day. On a "warm" winter day, the room temperatures can reach the 90+ degree mark. The window cranks in most of the rooms are broken and do not open so there is no way to get any relief. This is absolutely cruel and unusual punishment.

In the summer months, the evaporative coolers or air conditioners are turned on by date rather than temperature. Some rooms have coolers, others have AC. In the early spring, the rooms are very cold. In the heat of the summer, when the humidity rises, the coolers do not work well. Once again the temperatures inside the rooms can reach the 90+ degree mark, with no way to get any relief. When the AC works, the rooms that have it are comfortable in the summer. The challenge is that they are often broken. As of this writing, the temperature outside is 113. The AC In my room and the 7 other attached rooms is not functioning at all. It has been out of service for the past 2 weeks. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I do not perspire very much. Extreme heat causes my muscles to cramp. I get very light headed and dizzy and ultimately vomit. I do not know if there is a medication of any kind of solution since I cannot seem to get to medical. Often we live in exceedingly hot, or exceedingly cold rooms with windows that do not open. Just another example of cruel and unusual punishment.

The Arizona sun can be punishing,. especially for those of us that have little or no tolerance for heat exposure. Lines for medical appointments, property pick up, state issue, and the store are often long. In the medical waiting area, shade and water are provided. Not much can be done to reduce the heat since the waiting area is outside. The wait can be several hours. The lines for property, state issue, and store are not in shaded areas. The wait is usually a couple of hours at best.

The mattresses in most of the cells are worn out. They are leaking black material of some kind. The coverings are cracked. The mattresses are thin and do not provide any kind of support or much protection from the metal bunks.

Many of the cells have cracks in the walls that leak rain water. In my cell, water seeps in only one corner so I am lucky that mine is not one of those that floods. However, in that corner mold is growing. In one of the rooms next to a shower, the mold is so bad that it is growing down the outside walls as well as the inside.

The showers leak gallons of water daily. Some of them have been leaking for years. The erosion of both the concrete and the metal support beams is clearly visible. I am not a building inspector, but I can clearly see that the iron railings and support beams are rusted clear through.

Hot water for showers is not always available. Sometimes we have no hot water for days at a time. When this happens, there is no hot water for washing the trays or kitchen utensils either. This has been an on-going challenge since I have been here (1997). Budgets were not restricted for the majority of those years so I find it difficult to understand the situation. The trays, sporks, and cups in the kitchen are frequently dirty. Dirt is actually embedded in the trays and sporks where the plastic coating has been worn away.

On 16 yard, dinner "sacks" are passed out at 5pm Monday-Friday. Breakfast starts being served at 8 or 8:30 on Saturday mornings. 15+ hours between meals. ON weekends, we are provided with breakfast and hot dinner, just two meals. The ladies from 14 yard walk to our kitchen and eat breakfast around 7am. The kitchen on 14 yard has been closed and the building has been condemned. At 5pm the ladies from 14 yard come to our kitchen once again for dinner. Our yard has dinner after all of them have left the yard. That is usually around 6:30 or so. For those that do not have money to purchase food from the store, it is a very long time between breakfast and dinner.

Adequate clothing is no longer provided. I waited over 6 months to have 2 pairs of panties that were lost in the laundry replaced. per policy, we are allowed to exchange clothing or linens once every 90 days. The challenge is that most of the time, state issue does not have the size or the items that are needed. On this unit we have been out of medium panties, small pants and medium t-shirts for months. When I tried to exchange clothing I was told sizes 3x were the only one available. I weigh 120 pounds! Incoming inmates are not provided with the policy-stated issue.

Each inmate is provided with 1 roll of toilet paper for the week and 12 sanitary napkins for the month. Further discussion of this is probably unnecessary."


Good! Hope nothing has changed since 2012! :happydance:

Today's and rest of the week temperature for Inmate 281129 :jail:

81 today, 91 Saturday, 93 Sunday, 92 Monday... Enjoy!
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