SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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May 5, 2015 - We have storms moving across up and across - I forgot the Byron Nelson and Colonial were in town - which means more rain, and rising lake levels.

1527 - German troops begin sacking Rome. Libraries are destroyed, the Pope is captured and thousands are killed.

1877 - Chief Crazy Horse surrenders to U.S. troops in Nebraska.Crazy Horse brought General Custer to his end.

I love this song

1937 - The dirigible Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, New Jersey.

1941 - Bob Hope gives his first USO show at California's March Field.

1955 - Damn Yankees opens for 1022 performances

1959 - Dave "Baby"Cortez makes The Happy Organ a hit

1960 - President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act of 1960. (My dh's family were neighbors with the Eisenhower's when they lived in Denison Texas, where "Ike" was born. Aunt Mary said the family was snotty)

and for

1960 - Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong Jones in a royal wedding at Westminster Abbey many thousands lined the streets of London hoping to catch sight of the royal couple. This is the first time for 400 years that a daughter of a king has married a commoner

1961 - Alan Shepard becomes first American in space

1962 - Soldier Boy becomes a No. 1 Billboard hit for The Shirellles.

1967 - Scott McKenzie's "San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)" enters the charts


1968 - Buffalo Springfield plays their last concert.

1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival releases Bad Moon Rising

1977 - The Boomtown Rats make their first appearance at Studio 51 in London

1982 - Chariots of Fire by Vangelis hits the Billboard charts at #1


You could stick the Heron in the tree where the egrets wants to nest? I notice egrets bail when the blue heron who stakes out my pond shows up.

And then there's always flight netting, but the birds get stuck in it.
Predator lights won't work, plastic owls don't either.

We have no egrets to speak of, not that I notice anyway, thankfully. :) But we do have the herons stalking about our yard, we call them "big bird". Our problem at times is with vultures. Disgusting creatures, they get together in flocks at times and sit on our boat house. They are too many of them and I hate them. My DH shoots at them from time to time with a pellet gun. Lots of good that does, lol.
I totally understand about both, here and the benefits of Facebook (keeping in touch with family and friends).
I'm uncomfortable about my personal info being online for anyone to see or look at - I know, google my own name and see what comes up, or
if someone wants the info they are going to get it anyway. I just don't want to make it any easier. In person, I don't mind if someone overhears my
conversation. I can give speeches, and even had a public position that at times needed to be televised on our local cable station - never bothered me.
But for some reason Facebook creeps me out, too personal. :dunno:
It's also great to promote business and can be a good thing, it's just not for me.

I agree, Ruby. Facebook is just another avenue for stalkers. I was on it for a time, had all kinds of weird strangers trying to "friend" me. Creepy, IMO.
Holy moly Bernina where do you get your energy??? Please Please send me some! I am exhausted. How long do puppies keep doing puppy things? Benji never stops! He's lucky I love him so much!!! I do wish everyone would stop saying what a big dog he's going to be :/ My neighbor told me I needed to hit Benji in the face with a newspaper so he wouldn't nip at my feet. What a creep! I’m so not a violent person but I wanted to hit my neighbor in his face. He told me if Benji ever “bit” him he would smack Benji in the face. Benji doesn’t bite, he just plays, and he doesn’t do it as much as he did when I first brought him home. Benji has learned to sit, he’s learning stay. Benji is a good boy! I’ve never liked that neighbor anyway. Oh well, I need to let it go. Hope you all have a happy peaceful night :)

It's it a shame some neighbors are such jerks? Not telling you your business, but some advice? watch this man around your baby. Don't let your baby go onto his property unattended and unleashed - if it was me I'd never put my baby anywhere near him and his. If any of his family came to my house , after what he said that, I'd put my baby up in their crate or room so he couldn't use anything as an excuse to hit him and claim self defense. Then I'd have to kill the sob.

Hitting your baby with a paper only teaches to be afraid of the paper. Is your puppy nipping at your feet to get or keep you playing? Do you keeping a ball or something to distract him and tire him out. Is he nipping because your running from him? and he thinks you're playing with him? Ms.MonaLou loves to play ball, and brings it back to me and sometimes drops it at my feet, and when I reach down to get the ball she'll lunge at it and try to get it, so I'm always saying drop the ball drop, drop the ball so I can pick it up without her trying to pick it up again to try to give it to me - if I try to take it from her she wants to hang on and shake her head and play - I'd like to say she's getting better but she's and her brother turned ten April seventeenth so I don't really see that happening.

and the puppies stop doing puppies things? Maybe when he's around two or three years old and older.

Are you crate training? That can give you more chances to tire him out and you can get some rest with out having to worry about him getting into to things. They love their little caves, it's not inhumane or mean, and gives them some space from us. If you haven't ever tried it ,read up about it and see if that will work for you. Now is the perfect age and time to train them.


N.Y. jury, after citing deadlock, retires with no verdict in Etan Patz case

"...At midday on Tuesday on the 15th day of deliberations, the jury sent the note to Judge Maxwell Wiley saying it was deadlocked. The panel sent a similar note last Wednesday.

There is no limit to the number of times the judge could send the jury back to deliberate, but at some point such instructions would be considered coercive by an appeals court, said Alice Fontier, one of the defense attorneys.

The deliberations are believed to be among the longest in state criminal court history, said David Bookstaver, spokesman for New York state's Office of Court Administration, which does not keep records on the length of jury deliberations...."

Trial starts for Macomb mom accused of dismembering son

"...Donna Scrivo is accused of killing her son and then using a power saw to dismember his body. His remains, some of them charred, were found in rural areas of St. Clair County after she reported him missing in January 2014....

Do we have a thread for this trial?
Kensington Palace @KensingtonRoyal · 13h 13 hours ago
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have formally registered the birth of Princess Charlotte


Kensington Palace @KensingtonRoyal · 13h 13 hours ago
The Duke of Cambridge signed the birth register at Kensington Palace, witnessed by a Registrar from Westminster Register Office

HRH Charlotte is officially a princess. :goldcrown:
















I told my sons the same thing. :)

Diana would have loved her daughter-in-law Kate and her 2 grandchildren, may she rest in peace :candle:
I found and picked up my first snake today, although my son has seen 5 in the last 3 days. It was a beautiful 4 foot black and yellow Kingsnake. Put him in the chicken pen so he could hunt mice.
(BTW: Son's moving to Portland to be with a new girlfriend of his on Thursday. I'm sad.:( Hope it goes well for him. I'm going to miss him)

We've had rain on and off the last 2 days, big thunder clouds, breezes, it's been so AWESOME!!!

5 more days til the last freeze date!!!! YiPEE!!! Now, if the rototiller gets back from the fixit guy, I'm going to be ready to tear up some dirt!!!

Since I've been eliminating processed sugar from my diet, which there really wasn't a whole heck of a lot in the first place, a garden seems like the ticket. (I'm dying here, I'm down to 1/2 cup of coffee in the morning since I quit putting sugar in it, what madness is this?!?!?!) I think my mom did me a huge service growing up, keeping anything "processed" out of our diets, organic everything, when "Organic" and Natural" really meant just that.

Not going to go to "Whole Foods", my brother says they call it "Whole Paycheck" up there in the Seattle area. :floorlaugh:
So, I need to put together my garden plan. It's apprx. 25 x 25, and it been unused for 4 years, but has had tons of mulch and manure thrown on it.
WHo knows, maybe I'll get into canning, and dehydrating

BBM :therethere:

Wednesday, May. 6

Gratitude as a discipline involves a conscious choice. I can choose to be grateful even when my emotions and feelings are still steeped in hurt and resentment. It is amazing how many occasions present themselves in which I can choose gratitude instead of a complaint.
~Henri Nouwen


N.Y. jury, after citing deadlock, retires with no verdict in Etan Patz case

"...At midday on Tuesday on the 15th day of deliberations, the jury sent the note to Judge Maxwell Wiley saying it was deadlocked. The panel sent a similar note last Wednesday.

There is no limit to the number of times the judge could send the jury back to deliberate, but at some point such instructions would be considered coercive by an appeals court, said Alice Fontier, one of the defense attorneys.

The deliberations are believed to be among the longest in state criminal court history, said David Bookstaver, spokesman for New York state's Office of Court Administration, which does not keep records on the length of jury deliberations...."

Trial starts for Macomb mom accused of dismembering son

"...Donna Scrivo is accused of killing her son and then using a power saw to dismember his body. His remains, some of them charred, were found in rural areas of St. Clair County after she reported him missing in January 2014....

Do we have a thread for this trial?

How disappointing that the jury for Etan Patz case cannot reach a verdict. Will they do another trial?

BBM: There is a thread for the Scrivo case. Apparently the jury was given instructions that included the penalties, which is a no-no. They may have to declare a mistrial and pick a new jury.

I think I may try to follow this one.
Good Morning All,

Sun is not out yet but we are expecting it later and through the weekends we with warm temperatures. Not going to want to be at work.
I saw Berninas post. Sure wish I could muster up some of her energy for when I get out of work.
Not enough hours in the day.
Hope you all have a great one.
How disappointing that the jury for Etan Patz case cannot reach a verdict. Will they do another trial?

BBM: There is a thread for the Scrivo case. Apparently the jury was given instructions that included the penalties, which is a no-no. They may have to declare a mistrial and pick a new jury.

I think I may try to follow this one.

Is this a new judge that gave the penalty info?
I found and picked up my first snake today, although my son has seen 5 in the last 3 days. It was a beautiful 4 foot black and yellow Kingsnake. Put him in the chicken pen so he could hunt mice.
(BTW: Son's moving to Portland to be with a new girlfriend of his on Thursday. I'm sad.:( Hope it goes well for him. I'm going to miss him)

We've had rain on and off the last 2 days, big thunder clouds, breezes, it's been so AWESOME!!!

5 more days til the last freeze date!!!! YiPEE!!! Now, if the rototiller gets back from the fixit guy, I'm going to be ready to tear up some dirt!!!

Since I've been eliminating processed sugar from my diet, which there really wasn't a whole heck of a lot in the first place, a garden seems like the ticket. (I'm dying here, I'm down to 1/2 cup of coffee in the morning since I quit putting sugar in it, what madness is this?!?!?!) I think my mom did me a huge service growing up, keeping anything "processed" out of our diets, organic everything, when "Organic" and Natural" really meant just that.

Not going to go to "Whole Foods", my brother says they call it "Whole Paycheck" up there in the Seattle area. :floorlaugh:

So, I need to put together my garden plan. It's apprx. 25 x 25, and it been unused for 4 years, but has had tons of mulch and manure thrown on it.
WHo knows, maybe I'll get into canning, and dehydrating

25 X 25 is a perfect size for a nice garden. Mine is about 20 X 15 and I wish it was a little larger so I built another one about the same size so I have 2 of them. I have cucumbers in one of them and in my other one, I have tomatoes and 3 varieties of peppers.

I love canning. I mainly can just the tomatoes and I kind of use a method I learned from trial and error to save time.

What I do is just wash the tomatoes good and then cut them into large chunks and throw them in a large pot. Then I just boil them down into a stew and in other pots with clean water, I just boil the lids and jars. I boil the tomatoes at least 30-45 minutes to make sure they boil into a thin suace and sterilze all the tomatoes juices.

Once the tomatoes boil into a juice, I just take out the jars, fill them and put the lids on and turn them upside down for about 3-4 minutes, then turn them rightside up and let them cool. I leave about 1/4 inch or so of air at top.
Oh... And make sure you wipe the jar edge real clean before placing that small round lid on it. You dont want any small pieces of tomatoe to interrupt the seal.

It is so easy and they always seal and pop closed that way as they cool.

I dont mind the seeds and skins but even if you dont like those, you can just strain them out when you are ready to use the tomatoe juice/sauce. I found it much easier to strain them when I am ready to use the sauce rather than when the juice is hot. Plus it makes canning quicker not to have to strain.

I use it in spaghettie sauce, make home-made salsa with it, nachos, taco sauce, and basically any time I want to add the tomatoe juice to something to give a dish a home-made kick-up.

They last 2-3 years or more in the jars so long as I store them in a cool place where no sun gets to them. When I open the jars, I just take a good whiff and look at it closely and you can usually tell it is still fine because the sauce smells so good like the day you canned it.

Good luck with your garden plans. My tomatoes are already 12 inches high, my cukes are about 6 inches, and my pepper plants about 8 inches and with all the rain, things are growing good here in midwest already. I think certain areas of the country are later growing season than here in midwest. Like the East is probably just now getting real good to plant.
Is this a new judge that gave the penalty info?

Re. Scrivo trial, I don't know who the judge is, Miss J. Trial should last about two weeks. I hope to follow this one.
Respectfully snipped--Quote from Curious in Indiana

When and how did we lose our right to free speech in OUR country? Why must we be politically correct! Pamela Gellar had EVERY right to rent that building for any purpose whatsoever...Pamela Gellar's life is now threatened by ISIS. ISIS put out a statement this morning that they are situated in 15 States for terror attacks. And what do we do? Do we run and hold up a white flag and say, sure, take over OUR nation? Do we say it is ok for politicians to change OUR US CONSTITUTION?

Bravo Curious, I salute you.

Given the time we live in, NOTHING is more important than preserving our Constitution and the rights afforded therein. Never has the Constitution been under such attack, and what is so disturbing is that part of this onslaught is coming from some whose sole responsibility is to uphold the US Constitution. I do not find this problem to be even remotely political, although some want desperately to make it so, instead it is an American problem--Freedom of Speech is a fundamental right in this country and the potential loss of that right should have every American up in arms because the loss of Freedom of Speech will inevitably lead to the death of Democracy, and dictatorship and tyranny will surely follow.
Good Morning Sidebar Friends!
I'll be watching the James Holmes trial live stream today and checking in on the Doinna Scrivo trial. Seems there was a little problem there yesterday. A "little too much info"mistakenly got put into the hard copies of jury instructions. Some concern of mistrial as a result. That may all be worked out now; haven't checked yet. So many at trials, so little time.....

It's it a shame some neighbors are such jerks? Not telling you your business, but some advice? watch this man around your baby. Don't let your baby go onto his property unattended and unleashed - if it was me I'd never put my baby anywhere near him and his. If any of his family came to my house , after what he said that, I'd put my baby up in their crate or room so he couldn't use anything as an excuse to hit him and claim self defense. Then I'd have to kill the sob.

Hitting your baby with a paper only teaches to be afraid of the paper. Is your puppy nipping at your feet to get or keep you playing? Do you keeping a ball or something to distract him and tire him out. Is he nipping because your running from him? and he thinks you're playing with him? Ms.MonaLou loves to play ball, and brings it back to me and sometimes drops it at my feet, and when I reach down to get the ball she'll lunge at it and try to get it, so I'm always saying drop the ball drop, drop the ball so I can pick it up without her trying to pick it up again to try to give it to me - if I try to take it from her she wants to hang on and shake her head and play - I'd like to say she's getting better but she's and her brother turned ten April seventeenth so I don't really see that happening.

and the puppies stop doing puppies things? Maybe when he's around two or three years old and older.

Are you crate training? That can give you more chances to tire him out and you can get some rest with out having to worry about him getting into to things. They love their little caves, it's not inhumane or mean, and gives them some space from us. If you haven't ever tried it ,read up about it and see if that will work for you. Now is the perfect age and time to train them.

Poquita LOVES to nip at my feet, and she just turned 4. I've always looked at it as a "wolf thing" because that's one of the things they do in the wild. Just kinda awkward, she's probably about 80 lbs. now, she's filled out more from the 65 lbs. she's been the last 2 years. Chalk it up to maturing, and it's a solid muscle gain. I just don't want to trip on her, which has happened, and then I have 2 fuzzy faces looking down out me like "Are you going to get up, or do we eat you?"
It's kind of like when your dog goes after the vacuum cleaner, the "imaginary monster" or just random dog psychosis. :floorlaugh:
Frustrating when you get older, you don't bounce when you hit the dirt, you "thud".
Respectfully snipped--Quote from Curious in Indiana

Bravo Curious, I salute you.

Given the time we live in, NOTHING is more important than preserving our Constitution and the rights afforded therein. Never has the Constitution been under such attack, and what is so disturbing is that part of this onslaught is coming from some whose sole responsibility is to uphold the US Constitution. I do not find this problem to be even remotely political, although some want desperately to make it so, instead it is an American problem--Freedom of Speech is a fundamental right in this country and the potential loss of that right should have every American up in arms because the loss of Freedom of Speech will inevitably lead to the death of Democracy, and dictatorship and tyranny will surely follow.

You are correct. And since WS is a "victim friendly" site, I want to add that Pamela Gellar is the VICTIM in this case, as are the rest of us. No one has the right to give away our sovereignty in the name of "peace" with terrorists. No one has the right to guarantee that these terrorists who are here illegally can become full and complete US citizens, as one female presidential candidate has called for. We were raised to uphold that Constitution, to obey our laws, to work and pay taxes, and now we are asked to be tolerant? US citizens have used free speech to attack and mock and ridicule the very Lord Jesus Christ I stand for and they had that free speech right, though I abhor it. And now, because some group from OTHER countries want to attack us because we don't believe their false Gods, we have to back down? No sir. Let them go home and complain about us from afar. But if they are HERE as they say, they do not deserve to breathe our air.
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