SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Those are some great pictures you are getting.

Robin eggs are so neat and colorful.

It is neat how birds sometimes make nests right near our doors.
We once had a bird make a nest right over the door. Every time we would go in and out the door , the momma would fly off but then come right back.

I wonder if they know it is safe near our houses. That could be why they build nests near our doors.

Maybe they think it will protect the babies from predators? I have yet to get a picture of the second nest. And I don't want a picture with the dead baby in it.
Thanks for the advice. Every time I get near this other nest, both parents have a fit! This nest is the second one build on the other side of the house from the first nest.
May try taking the dead bird out tomorrow, if parents aren't around.

I suppose letting nature take its course is also an option and maybe leaving it alone is probably fine too. If the Momma bird gets to where the smell bothers her too much, I am sure she will take matters into her own hands and throw it out of the nest.

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pictures.
So COOL to see them !!!
Sedona had another quake this morning. I had no idea there was fracking going on in Arizona.

We had an earthquake here in DC back in 2011, most likely due to the fracking of the Marsellus Shale in Pennsylvania. The epicenter was somewhere in Virginia, but the quake extended quite far north and south of here.

In addition to the ecological damage (which will last for decades if not longer), can you imagine being on the upper levels of a high-rise building in WDC and feeling the floor move beneath your feet? After going through 9/11, it was really quite frightening. Even though it felt like what you think an earthquake would feel like; not being used to them, all sorts of things go through your mind. Perhaps it was a bomb? Some other act of terrorism? Will there be more to follow? We didn't even know which way to run after evacuating the building, because we didn't know what had happened (no cell reception whatsoever).

I'm not against fracking per se, but I am against anything where a small number of people profit from something that adversely affects the majority of citizens.

Thanks Susza .... it is never too late for cake!

Good morning everyone. Rather dreary looking outside, but the freshness of Spring makes it bright and cheerful anyway. I love this part of Spring Days.

Y/N ..... has your snow completely departed? Is it looking nice now?

Coffeejunkie ..... today's coffee greeting is great! I look forward to these, but can not imagine keeping up with new ones ever day of every year.

Have a a grand day, all!

No more snow :)

The forsythia are finally blooming and the daffodils are out.
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Tonight CNN Presents: "Murder at the Marathon." Can Jahar #Tsarnaev's lawyers save his life? Will the jury have mercy? 9p EST @CNN
Thanks for the advice. Every time I get near this other nest, both parents have a fit! This nest is the second one build on the other side of the house from the first nest.
May try taking the dead bird out tomorrow, if parents aren't around.
Maybe Mom and Dad Robin know best about the dead baby????? There must be some reason they would leave it there? What do I know I don't think like Robins.....
Regarding the poor lil' dead robin, I found the the following:

If you find a dead bird and are aware of a disease outbreak or you are concerned about health issues, contact your local or county health department or the National Wildlife Health Center. With their permission, you may proceed in collecting or disposing of the dead bird as they direct you to.

Do not pick up the bird without permission, because this is illegal. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 protects birds and bird parts (feathers, eggs, and nests) of almost all bird species.


I don't know if this is of any help. :blushing:

ETA: I'm guessing this applies more for possibly diseased birds?
Thanks for all the advice on the dead baby bird. Thinking I might just leave it alone...if parents want it I the nest, who am I to remove it? She has laid the other two eggs beside the little fellow :( These eggs are so much smaller than the other robin's eggs. (pictures I am posting).

This gal is tired...been a long day :seeya: :blowkiss:
Sedona had another quake this morning. I had no idea there was fracking going on in Arizona.

Just looked it up. A 3.2 at around 2:00 am just north of Sedona (9km north, but I'm lost on kilometers, 6 miles I believe)
Just in case some of you don't go over to the Discussion thread - I really have to share this with the Sidebar - and I'm sure KatieCoolady won't mind (I HOPE!! :giggle:)

and Zuri - that was SO very nice of you to throw KCL this wonderful bridal shower!! Love the pictures!!



That is sooo cool of you Zuri, and the Biltmore, no less, for "high tea". You all must have felt like princesses! It's fantastic seeing KCL so happy!
Just looked it up. A 3.2 at around 2:00 am just north of Sedona (9km north, but I'm lost on kilometers, 6 miles I believe)

Wonder if it was in the canyon...! Oak Creek.
Oh good Lord. I had no idea...

Seriously, I'm laughing! At some point, the "BB" would have to come out behind the mystery, LOL!

You are an incredibly special lady on this thread, on the forum, and for many in our hearts.:hug: I can't think of a more kind, giving and humble person.:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
I found and picked up my first snake today, although my son has seen 5 in the last 3 days. It was a beautiful 4 foot black and yellow Kingsnake. Put him in the chicken pen so he could hunt mice.
(BTW: Son's moving to Portland to be with a new girlfriend of his on Thursday. I'm sad.:( Hope it goes well for him. I'm going to miss him)

We've had rain on and off the last 2 days, big thunder clouds, breezes, it's been so AWESOME!!!

5 more days til the last freeze date!!!! YiPEE!!! Now, if the rototiller gets back from the fixit guy, I'm going to be ready to tear up some dirt!!!

Since I've been eliminating processed sugar from my diet, which there really wasn't a whole heck of a lot in the first place, a garden seems like the ticket. (I'm dying here, I'm down to 1/2 cup of coffee in the morning since I quit putting sugar in it, what madness is this?!?!?!) I think my mom did me a huge service growing up, keeping anything "processed" out of our diets, organic everything, when "Organic" and Natural" really meant just that.

Not going to go to "Whole Foods", my brother says they call it "Whole Paycheck" up there in the Seattle area. :floorlaugh:
So, I need to put together my garden plan. It's apprx. 25 x 25, and it been unused for 4 years, but has had tons of mulch and manure thrown on it.
WHo knows, maybe I'll get into canning, and dehydrating
Goodness, it is after 9:30 already tonight and I am finally getting to pop in here. Had a very busy day. Y/N, I like hearing about flowers instead of snow where you are! Finally, I will say good-bye to winter. Abut I guess it is supposed to warm up a lot here in the next few days ... temps may be 20 degrees above normal for us. From one extreme to the other .... always something we can complain about.

Bernina, you exhaust me! But girl, black coffee is the only way to drink it. It was that or nothing when I was growing up, and putting cream or sugar in it seems sacrilegious. :giggle:

Zuri..... the shower for KCL was the prettiest I have ever had the pleasure to view. You are a real sweetheart of a friend! I am so happy for her and her beau. Won't be but a few more days and she will be a happy Mrs.

See y'all in the morning. Have a wonderful night (or whatever time you may be on)
Holy moly Bernina where do you get your energy??? Please Please send me some! I am exhausted. How long do puppies keep doing puppy things? Benji never stops! He's lucky I love him so much!!! I do wish everyone would stop saying what a big dog he's going to be :/ My neighbor told me I needed to hit Benji in the face with a newspaper so he wouldn't nip at my feet. What a creep! I’m so not a violent person but I wanted to hit my neighbor in his face. He told me if Benji ever “bit” him he would smack Benji in the face. Benji doesn’t bite, he just plays, and he doesn’t do it as much as he did when I first brought him home. Benji has learned to sit, he’s learning stay. Benji is a good boy! I’ve never liked that neighbor anyway. Oh well, I need to let it go. Hope you all have a happy peaceful night :)
Seriously, I'm laughing! At some point, the "BB" would have to come out behind the mystery, LOL!

You are an incredibly special lady on this thread, on the forum, and for many in our hearts.:hug: I can't think of a more kind, giving and humble person.:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Wow. Thank you for saying this. It brought tears to my eyes. The gifts to the Alexander's and Detective Flores and JM were from all of us. It is amazing how one simple act of random kindness brings so many gifts, like you all here. KCL and I spoke often around those gifts and a friendship grew. There was a common bond in that we are both homicide survivors and although we did not talk much about the commonality, there was an understanding. Much like I have here with you all.

I was telling my brother that I have 250 friends that I have never had the pleasure of meeting. But that is just how I feel. Xoxo
Zuri, your humbleness is why makes you such a favorite lady. Thank you for all you have done, and for all you will continue to do. Thank you for being you!
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