SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I'd just get a BB gun and shoot at them, if you don't have any power lines close. Their really too big (the egrets) to get hurt, unless you're using a pump BB gun. A Super Soaker? Paint Ball gun? Nerf gun?:thinking:

Illegal in our town....
The Gold Patrol™ ‏@thegoldpatrol 7m7 minutes ago
#theatershooting - both sides have asked that the overflow room rules be relaxed for entry and exit. Judge grants this
Ok, so the big elephant in the room...............
yes, those 2 dead guys in Texas were from Arizona and I don't know what the deal is with these Az connections to so many terrible things. Maybe it's just the heat.

But who in their right mind would have a "Mohammed Cartoon Event"? I get the whole "Freedom of Speech" but what purpose did it serve? Wouldn't that kind of be like "Pedophile Priest Cartoon Event"? Or "Mormon Polygamist Cartoon Event"? It doesn't do anything but alienate and anger some people. Once again, it brought out the home grown terrorist types.

Common courtesy and sense just seems to go right over the top of some people's heads.

And it just gets nuttier:
[FONT=Verdana, Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Former coach: Suspect in Texas shooting played on Yavapai College basketball team[/FONT]
Monday May 4, 2015 is a good day to name a princess. Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge is beautiful name.

1821 - Napoleon Bonaparte dies in exile on the island of St. Helena.

1865 - President Abraham Lincoln is laid to rest in Springfield Illinois

1905 - Belmont Park opened in suburban Long Island. It opened as the largest race track in the world.

1920 - Anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Visetti are arrested for murder.

1942 The United States starts food rationing

1964 - "Another World" premiered on NBC-TV.

1958 - The first Grammy Award was held on May 4, 1959, in the Grand Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

The record and song of the year was Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare) Domenico Modugno, artist. (why do I have Goodfellas playing in my head?)

The Album Of The Year The Music From Peter Gunn Album Henry Mancini

1961 - The Jarmels think A little Bit Of Soap will help.

1963 - The Beach Boys Surfin USA starts to climb the charts

1964 - Denny Laine, Ray Thomas and Mike Pinder form the M&B Five in Birmingham, England. They would later change the name to The Moody Blues

1967 - The Turtles are so Happy Together as it goes gold.

1969 - Al Stewart and his girlfriend Mandi attend a party which inspires the song Night Of The 4th Of May

1970 - Ohio National Guardsmen fire on student protestors killing four.

1979 - Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister.

1982 - Duran Duran first major hit, “Hungry Like The Wolf,” is released in the U.K. It's becomes Dina Downs favorite song. It is the song that was playing in a tape in the car when she shot her three children and slowly drove toward the hospital to "find" them help. She also sang along with it when it was played in courts.

1984 - Bruce Springsteen releases Pink Cadillac

1987 - Live models were used for the first time in Playtex bra ads.

2003 - Idaho Gem was born. He was the first member of the horse family to be cloned.


2010 - Pablo Picasso's "Nude, Green Leaves and Bust" sold for $106.5 million.
Ok, so the big elephant in the room...............
yes, those 2 dead guys in Texas were from Arizona and I don't know what the deal is with these Az connections to so many terrible things. Maybe it's just the heat.

But who in their right mind would have a "Mohammed Cartoon Event"? I get the whole "Freedom of Speech" but what purpose did it serve? Wouldn't that kind of be like "Pedophile Priest Cartoon Event"? Or "Mormon Polygamist Cartoon Event"? It doesn't do anything but alienate and anger some people. Once again, it brought out the home grown terrorist types.

Common courtesy and sense just seems to go right over the top of some people's heads.

And it just gets nuttier:
[FONT=Verdana, Times New Roman, Times, Serif]Former coach: Suspect in Texas shooting played on Yavapai College basketball team[/FONT]
Agree 100% The woman who organized this event was interviewed this morning on CNN. It was clear the organizers were out to incite trouble. This woman was obnoxious, loathsome and argumentative during the interview. Need I say more? :gaah:
I read that a while back, fascinating isn't it. Though I was thinking I had read it on a blog somewhere, but maybe not, maybe it was the excerpts from the book on Amazon. It's just hard to keep up with everything I read, but now considering getting the book. Idk, maybe I'll check out some more reviews first. :)

Apparently the author of this book does have a blog. The blog came first- and then someone approached her about doing a book. I have not been to the blog, but its apparently about sociopathy and people who think they are sociopaths participate there. Google the author's pseudonym "M. E. Thomas" to find it.
Thank you :hug: I've been met with nothing but kind words and wonderful memories since I signed on.
However, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss in your community :( My heart goes out to you all <3

OMG! Sent you a friends request!! We loved your mom so very much!! :grouphug:
I thought I was reading it wrong. Then I just didn't know what to think.
Nope, you are not wrong Dmacky :) They can and do lay unfertilized eggs. Hope this isn't the case here. But, she does have a mate, he is keeping a close eye on things.

So cool, your birds and their nesting experience, coffeejunkie. We have a bird that built a nest on top of our out door stereo speaker last year. We were a little afraid of it causing problems, electrically , but it hasn't. We didn't have the heart to interfere, and they've returned again this year. Bless their hearts. I just love to see them there. The baby birds sticking their heads up and looking for their mommy to bring them food, iwhat joy. The mommy and I suppose the daddy too, I'm not sure which is which, lol, come back and forth, leave and go and perch in the nearby trees for a time, then they come back. They are learning not to be afraid of us. That makes me happy. :)
Oh, those old shows, yes Lawrence Welk was one of the few programs we were granted access to, lol. I do remember the bubbles, was quite intrigued by them in the day. :) Remember the Lennon Sisters? Then there was Jack LaLane, Father Knows Best, and the Three Stooges. Oh, and can't forget Looney Tunes, LOL!!!

Facebook is great, and that's how I keep up with what my family and extended friends are up to. But I use my real identity there, so I don't post every thought or negativity in my life there. I can do that here because noone knows me.

I totally understand about both, here and the benefits of Facebook (keeping in touch with family and friends).
I'm uncomfortable about my personal info being online for anyone to see or look at - I know, google my own name and see what comes up, or
if someone wants the info they are going to get it anyway. I just don't want to make it any easier. In person, I don't mind if someone overhears my
conversation. I can give speeches, and even had a public position that at times needed to be televised on our local cable station - never bothered me.
But for some reason Facebook creeps me out, too personal. :dunno:
It's also great to promote business and can be a good thing, it's just not for me.


Rainy morning here in upstate NY.

Nothing to report this AM, so just this:

Want to be happy? Be grateful :)


Going shopping and The Queen is finally going to the royal groomer. :dramaqueen:

Have a good day

I know I'm a bit late but still: I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Spellbound and I wish you a very happy new year with lot's of sunshine and happy moments.

Thanks Susza .... it is never too late for cake!

Good morning everyone. Rather dreary looking outside, but the freshness of Spring makes it bright and cheerful anyway. I love this part of Spring Days.

Y/N ..... has your snow completely departed? Is it looking nice now?

Coffeejunkie ..... today's coffee greeting is great! I look forward to these, but can not imagine keeping up with new ones ever day of every year.

Have a a grand day, all!
It was really cool! Really, REALLY COOL!

Don't razz me, but honestly, white folks can't dance, lol! I wouldn't dance unless I had some liquid courage in me, and that's so, so long ago. Remember ol' Lawrence Welk? Those dancers were!When I stayed with my grandparents, I always got stuck watching it with them on Sunday afternoons. "And a one, and a two...." my grandpa use to say when Lawrence got his band ready. Gramps was a clarinet player in a Big Band before he got married. Not too much I like that ol' gramps liked, except horses.

Dahmn, that Alice could cut a rug, couldn't she? What a treasure she is!

I totally agree, Bernina.
A very long time ago, I had (for the first and last time... till now) white powder courage in me and I've been dancing from 11 pm to 5 am and I LOVED IT but fortunately I couldn't see myself, haha
When I left the night club in the early morning hours and walked along the shores of the Rhône river, not one of my hair was dry any more - how happy I was!!!

And yes, this video of Alice touched me to tears.
Been reading the concerns about the FB issues. I have FB and I hardly ever post there. My Friends list is very small compared too some peoples. Like others here, I use FB keep up with my family. My friends have no clue that I have an account on WS. Sure some would be shocked that I follow murderers, and so on. ;) Seems like FB is all drama :) I take WS over FB any day!! So happy I joined and love Sidebar!!

Coffeejunkie ..... today's coffee greeting is great! I look forward to these, but can not imagine keeping up with new ones ever day of every year.

Not that hard keeping up. I have a system that works for me :)

Glad you like them and look forward to seeing them :)
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