SIDEBAR #49 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm struggling with pigeons - I really don't like their "songs" neither the dirt they make. It's a big struggle as my neighbour feeds them with packages of rice every day.
Recently I bought a Super Soaker that comes with a small bottle but you can also use normal 1/2 L or 1L PET bottles. It's range is about 10-11 m and it's really effective. But sure you'll have to consequently "shoot" them.
Now, I'll also try the holographic tape (if they ship it to Europe) but I'm wondering if it's not too noisy so that it wakes me up like the pigeons do.
I'll give it a try. Thank you, Bernina!
Hello everyone. Been very busy lately and havent had much of a chance to get on WS. Just wanted to drop in and say hello and hope everyone is doing good.
Hi everyone!


Nice and sunny and warm here in the high desert. Chores done, so will be following the Holmes live stream.
That documentary was produced by a man in Pennsylvania. The Natural gas idiots ended up putting one of their set ups just past his property line.
I am REALLY surprised there aren't eco terrorists blowing those well heads up. Lots of payoffs, hush money, settlements with the stipulation the victims keep their mouths shut. They've destroyed ground water for hundreds of small communities.

That whole watershed for PA and NY will be undrinkable if the government lets them drill.
Dick Cheney should have his testicles handed to him and Haliburton should be fined out of business.
Proprietary "ingredients", that's how their fracking chemicals didn't have to be "known". It's like the secret ingredients in Kentucky Fried Chicken.

You'd have to be a complete idiot or a stock holder in the natural gas industry NOT to connect the cause and effect of fracking and deadly chemicals in wells and waterways, health issues, earthquakes..............Tap water that ignites is normal.:facepalm: In what world?!!?!?!?!

There's some government oversite committees and agencies that have REALLY dropped the ball.
With all the cost that goes into fracking a well, we'd be far better off having that money put into solar and wind energy.

There is recent studies about earthquake frequency rates increasing tremendously around fracking sites. The statistics are so obvious that Fracking is the cause.

The bad thing too is even people not living too close may still have their home owners insurance rates increase. And home building costs could increase as well since new regulations are going to require homes to be built more solid to stand up to earthquakes better.

This is going to have an effect on lots of people in many states.
So the oil companies make more money and yet the home owners end up paying huge money for it.

Where are our government legislators when we really need them. They need to work on important things like this to help homeowners and future home buyers.

Here is a recent article that drives home the direct relationship between fracking and earthquakes increasing. It is so obvious.

"The new map features the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas, with Oklahoma displaying by far the greatest number of man-made earthquakes. All of the areas highlighted on the map "are located near deep fluid injection wells or other industrial activities capable of inducing earthquakes," according to the study.

Oklahoma had 585 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or greater in 2014 alone, and is on track to have more than 800 this year, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey. Before 2009, the state averaged only one to three a year whereas now there is an average of 2.5 such quakes each day.

On Tuesday, scientists at the Oklahoma Geological Survey issued a statement (pdf) saying it is "very likely that the majority of recent earthquakes, particularly those in central and north-central Oklahoma are triggered by the injection of produced water in disposal wells."
Hi All! :wave:

Just checking in... :fence:

I "see" that not much is happenin' on the Sidebar! :razz:

okay - off to other threads!

Have a GREAT day everyone! :summer:

There is recent studies about earthquake frequency rates increasing tremendously around fracking sites. The statistics are so obvious that Fracking is the cause.

The bad thing too is even people not living too close may still have their home owners insurance rates increase. And home building costs could increase as well since new regulations are going to require homes to be built more solid to stand up to earthquakes better.

This is going to have an effect on lots of people in many states.
So the oil companies make more money and yet the home owners end up paying huge money for it.

Where are our government legislators when we really need them. They need to work on important things like this to help homeowners and future home buyers.

Here is a recent article that drives home the direct relationship between fracking and earthquakes increasing. It is so obvious.

"The new map features the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas, with Oklahoma displaying by far the greatest number of man-made earthquakes. All of the areas highlighted on the map "are located near deep fluid injection wells or other industrial activities capable of inducing earthquakes," according to the study.

Oklahoma had 585 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or greater in 2014 alone, and is on track to have more than 800 this year, according to the Oklahoma Geological Survey. Before 2009, the state averaged only one to three a year whereas now there is an average of 2.5 such quakes each day.

On Tuesday, scientists at the Oklahoma Geological Survey issued a statement (pdf) saying it is "very likely that the majority of recent earthquakes, particularly those in central and north-central Oklahoma are triggered by the injection of produced water in disposal wells."

We've had these random "booms" (earth plates shifting) and earthquakes in the last 15 years, remember the earthquake in Sedona last year that KCL experienced?
Sure, we've gotten little shakes from California quakes for decades, but now the trend is epicenters in Arizona. And what is up North in St. Johns, Arizona? About 15 fracking wells, and from what I've been able to find on the Web, the company has recently asked for more exploratory drilling. They've been operating up there for 15+ years.
In the last few years, new fault lines have emerged. Not only is my place in the old major fault line, a new one appeared in just the last year about 7 miles southeast.
What really sucks is this area is over an excellent aquifer, the depth of it has still not been established with all the fancy gadgets that have been used to find out. With shifting "plates", earthquakes, and possible fracking contaminants entering the aquifer....there goes our water. And this aquifer is a major feeder to the Verde River, which in turn is a source of water to Phoenix down the line.
Over 44% of Arizona gets water from underground sources. About 39% comes from the Colorado River, 14% in state rivers, and a bit over 2% is re-claimed.

We're "up a creek" or a dry creek, if we loose our underground water.
I'm struggling with pigeons - I really don't like their "songs" neither the dirt they make. It's a big struggle as my neighbour feeds them with packages of rice every day.
Recently I bought a Super Soaker that comes with a small bottle but you can also use normal 1/2 L or 1L PET bottles. It's range is about 10-11 m and it's really effective. But sure you'll have to consequently "shoot" them.
Now, I'll also try the holographic tape (if they ship it to Europe) but I'm wondering if it's not too noisy so that it wakes me up like the pigeons do.
I'll give it a try. Thank you, Bernina!

Is there a smell that pigeons don't like?
I know that if you use onion peels and garlic over freshly planted tulips it keeps the squirrels away, or at least they don't dig up as many.
Is there something that could be used for pigeons - cayenne pepper (good for ants), talc powder (another for ants).

I don't know, it's hard since the neighbor feeds them.
If they don't like the pepper, sprinkle the rice and see if it stops them?
I've read that if the birds find a source of food, they will return. But if that source turns bad, they eventually will find another source.
Not sure if this is for all birds, but I know if I don't like food from a restaurant I'm not going back :giggle:
We've had these random "booms" (earth plates shifting) and earthquakes in the last 15 years, remember the earthquake in Sedona last year that KCL experienced?
Sure, we've gotten little shakes from California quakes for decades, but now the trend is epicenters in Arizona. And what is up North in St. Johns, Arizona? About 15 fracking wells, and from what I've been able to find on the Web, the company has recently asked for more exploratory drilling. They've been operating up there for 15+ years.
In the last few years, new fault lines have emerged. Not only is my place in the old major fault line, a new one appeared in just the last year about 7 miles southeast.
What really sucks is this area is over an excellent aquifer, the depth of it has still not been established with all the fancy gadgets that have been used to find out. With shifting "plates", earthquakes, and possible fracking contaminants entering the aquifer....there goes our water. And this aquifer is a major feeder to the Verde River, which in turn is a source of water to Phoenix down the line.
Over 44% of Arizona gets water from underground sources. About 39% comes from the Colorado River, 14% in state rivers, and a bit over 2% is re-claimed.

We're "up a creek" or a dry creek, if we loose our underground water.

Sedona had another quake this morning. I had no idea there was fracking going on in Arizona.
Just in case some of you don't go over to the Discussion thread - I really have to share this with the Sidebar - and I'm sure KatieCoolady won't mind (I HOPE!! :giggle:)

KatieCooLady said:
This peripherally related to the Arias trial but wanted to share it here. I'm sure many of you remember my involvement in the trial (well all of our involvement) and one night sharing a magical story about one of our anonymous posters who was a huge benefactor for the Alexander family (but quietly) who I simply called "BB" for Beautiful Benefactor. She had sent me a large box of gifts to give the Alexanders and I ended up the day after I received it in a situation with one of Travis' sisters over a weekend and was able to hand off this package to her. It was filled with Vera Bradley makeup bags covered with elephants and T's sister shared 3 different accounts of how Travis had "visited" her through the symbol of elephants. It was such a magical day/story that I shared the entire thing here. BB's generosity inspired so many others to give and I walked in to that courtroom nearly every day of the first trial to sit with the family and almost never walked in empty handed. WS posters were sending me gift cards, gifts, money even M and M's I personally gave to Juan Martinez. BB had a huge influence on this giving that continued through the entire trial and beyond.
Well this poster and I have become very very good friends. And, due to the events of my life shifting and healing after being so intensely involved in the trial, I met the love of my life and am getting married this weekend. BB, who i can tell you now is our poster Zuri, flew in from her home on the East Coast last weekend to throw me the most beautiful bridal shower you've ever seen. If not for WS, this connection would likely never have been made.
I wrote a blog with lots of pics this morning and thought I'd share it with you. Oh and I'm taking my elephant makeup bag with me on my wedding/honeymoon trip. In fact it's already packed with special treasures.
Hope you are all doing great! Much love.

and Zuri - that was SO very nice of you to throw KCL this wonderful bridal shower!! Love the pictures!!


Just in case some of you don't go over to the Discussion thread - I really have to share this with the Sidebar - and I'm sure KatieCoolady won't mind (I HOPE!! :giggle:)

and Zuri - that was SO very nice of you to throw KCL this wonderful bridal shower!! Love the pictures!!



Thanks so much for sharing this.

That is just the kind of warmth and welcome I feel each time when I come here to visit our Sidebar thread. We have such wonderful people here on this thread and it is so amazing to come here to share our stories.
I totally understand about both, here and the benefits of Facebook (keeping in touch with family and friends).
I'm uncomfortable about my personal info being online for anyone to see or look at - I know, google my own name and see what comes up, or
if someone wants the info they are going to get it anyway. I just don't want to make it any easier. In person, I don't mind if someone overhears my
conversation. I can give speeches, and even had a public position that at times needed to be televised on our local cable station - never bothered me.
But for some reason Facebook creeps me out, too personal. :dunno:
It's also great to promote business and can be a good thing, it's just not for me.

It's as personal as you want to make it, you can totally control what you put up, and the privacy level of the posts. I'm very selective about the kinds of information I want to share and with whom. For years I refused to have a picture of my daughter on the internet. Now that she's a teenager, I'm not as paranoid as I was when she was little. Her school band has an FB page, and if I wasn't on it, I'd be missing out on alot of info.
Been reading the concerns about the FB issues. I have FB and I hardly ever post there. My Friends list is very small compared too some peoples. Like others here, I use FB keep up with my family. My friends have no clue that I have an account on WS. Sure some would be shocked that I follow murderers, and so on. ;) Seems like FB is all drama :) I take WS over FB any day!! So happy I joined and love Sidebar!!

Sometimes FB depresses me, when I see all the great places people get to travel to and fun things that I can't do...
But I do love it when I have something to brag about and lots of people see it.
Just in case some of you don't go over to the Discussion thread - I really have to share this with the Sidebar - and I'm sure KatieCoolady won't mind (I HOPE!! :giggle:)

and Zuri - that was SO very nice of you to throw KCL this wonderful bridal shower!! Love the pictures!!



Zuri, nice to see what you look like!


the other bird nest still has the dead baby in it and 2 very small eggs. Momma sits on her nest.

Momma Robin doesn't leave her nest very much now. She is getting use to us and doesn't fly away when we step out on the deck. We don't get too close to her.

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the other bird nest still has the dead baby in it and 2 very small eggs. Momma sits on her nest.

That is so sad the baby died but good that they had 2 more eggs.

I always thought the mother would throw out dead eggs and dead baby birds like that. Kinda strange she is letting it stay there.

I would be tempted to get it out of there when the parents leave because of bugs and the smell. I am pretty sure the parents wont mind you removing it if you put on some rubber gloves and snatch it when they leave. Just do it quickly and watch out for them dive bombing you.

I dont think they will abandon their whole nest if they catch you taking the dead baby out. I think the smell and insects would get pretty bad if it is not removed.
Thanks so much for sharing this.

That is just the kind of warmth and welcome I feel each time when I come here to visit our Sidebar thread. We have such wonderful people here on this thread and it is so amazing to come here to share our stories.

what a beautiful shower with beautiful people :)
View attachment 74316

Momma Robin doesn't leave her nest very much now. She is getting use to us and doesn't fly away when we step out on the deck. We don't get too close to her.

Those are some great pictures you are getting.

Robin eggs are so neat and colorful.

It is neat how birds sometimes make nests right near our doors.
We once had a bird make a nest right over the door. Every time we would go in and out the door , the momma would fly off but then come right back.

I wonder if they know it is safe near our houses. That could be why they build nests near our doors.
That is so sad the baby died but good that they had 2 more eggs.

I always thought the mother would throw out dead eggs and dead baby birds like that. Kinda strange she is letting it stay there.

I would be tempted to get it out of there when the parents leave because of bugs and the smell. I am pretty sure the parents wont mind you removing it if you put on some rubber gloves and snatch it when they leave. Just do it quickly and watch out for them dive bombing you.

I dont think they will abandon their whole nest if they catch you taking the dead baby out. I think the smell and insects would get pretty bad if it is not removed.

Thanks for the advice. Every time I get near this other nest, both parents have a fit! This nest is the second one build on the other side of the house from the first nest.
May try taking the dead bird out tomorrow, if parents aren't around.
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