Good morning coffee Loved your posts this morning!
I woke up at 3:30 myself. Well...woke up earlier but got up at 3:30. sigh...I fell asleep really early last night. It's cold this morning, 25 degrees. BURRR
I need to straighten up my counter and desk. I can barely SEE my computer it's so full of papers, unopened mail, 5 pair of readers pens, a calendar (last years) a lot of pens. And that's only what I can see :smile: Who knows what lies underneath?
Chase has gotten a little better. My daughter has been sleeping on the couch since she got him (It reclines) and he has been sleeping there too. I haven't seen the little guy get in his bed once. Even during the day, he sleeps most of the day on the couch.
I attach 3 leashes together and take him out to pee, but so far he has NOT peed in my yard! My daughter has to take him for a walk and he'll pee in the neighbors yard only!!. I asked my neighbor across the street to bring her dog over to pee in my yard, so maybe he'll smell his scent and pee here. I could stand on the porch with Macky, and she'd pee in the yard and BONUS she would go to the door when she had to go. Not this guy. I taught Macky to pee outside with treats in my pocket. She knew they were there, and I would give her one as soon as she peed. She was very easy to train. Chase still has not caught on, and really could care less about treats! :gaah: My daughter works 8am-8pm today so I'm not looking forward to that....
He likes to look outside and we think he was originally an outside dog. My backyard is fenced, but there are a few places he would be able to get out of...and it's a walkout basement and I would have to walk downstairs to let him out, and I'd rather not :giggle: Plus with his leg injury, he has trouble walking up steps. We've had him 8 days, and yesterday was the first time he barked! lol He's got that beagle bark for sure. He also tore up a paper towel, so I think he's coming around to his REAL personality??? I hope he doesn't start chewing things up. He has a lot of chew toys, buy he's not interested. He mostly just sleeps on the couch all day. We'll see.