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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Okay - I was going to type this recipe to MS word:

View attachment 88240

BUT! when I got to the bottom it says "cover and simmer until beans" Until beans are WHAT!! LOL! :lol: Whomever posted this - I think :thinking: it was coffeejunkie, but don't take my word for it - could you tell me what the rest of the recipe says??!!

:tyou: in advance!

Signing off for the night! :seeya:

I'm guessing the next few words would be: (until beans) are tender. :)
Okay - doing an experiment and "see" if I can follow Dmacky's instructions on inserting a picture...

View attachment 88232

This is my Father's cat - "Frenchy"

and let's see if I can continue...

View attachment 88235

My Mother looked good in hats!

Hope this works...

Edited to add: It WORKED!!! :happydance:

Ok Niner ~ Dmacky~ Y/N ~ How is it done? I don't upload many pics anymore because I think it messes with the tread. THANKS :)
I don't know what the recipe says. I found it online and that was all there like Gigi I sure it will say till tender....
Trying put a couple pic up...Thanks Dmacy :hug: Now will see if I can follow instructions :giggle:
babrer shop.jpg
That was a pic of the old barber shop in my town
Blacksmith Shop on S. 3rd St..jpg
This is the old black smith shop. BTW: The old black smith was just one block over from me.

Woohoooo! I did it :) :) Now all I need to know is how you 'add image from Url"??


Condemned murderer Brandon Astor Jones loses another appeal

"An appellate court on Friday rejected another attempt by Brandon Astor Jones to stop his execution scheduled for Tuesday for the 1979 murder of a Cobb County convenience store manager.

Late in the afternoon, a judge in Butts County, which is where Georgia’s execution chamber is located, said the issues raised in Jones’ appeal were decided years ago and cannot be revisited.

Jones’ lawyers argued in the appeal that it’s rare for a murderer to be sentenced to die if the crime that made the case eligible for the death sentence was armed robbery. A death sentence can be given only in certain circumstances, such as when certain felonies were committed at the same time as the murder, if the crime was exceptionally horrendous, or if a law enforcement officer was killed..."

Watch killer die? Victim’s kin won't. Co-defendant’s son might

"The widow and daughter of the man Brandon Astor Jones murdered in 1979 don’t plan to watch his execution, scheduled for Tuesday evening.

They will be together at the Cherokee County home of Katie King, who was 7 when her father was killed.

Brandon Astor Jones is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection for the 1979 murder of Roger Tackett.

“I will be at peace, being with my mom,” said King, referring to Christine Bixon.

Bixon — who was Christine Tackett until she remarried four years after her husband’s murder — said she did not attend the execution of Jones’ co-defendant Van Roosevelt Solomon 30 years ago and she doesn’t plan to attend the one set for Tuesday at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison outside Jackson.

But Zuberi Solomon, who was 2 when his father and Jones murdered convenience store manager Roger Tackett, has asked the Department of Corrections to allow him to be a witness. He has not received an answer.

He said he wanted to “see the face of the person that destroyed two families.”..."

Death-Row Inmate's Case Targets Georgia's Strict Secrecy Law

"Lawyers for an inmate set to die in days are asking a conflicted federal appeals court to weaken Georgia's law that keeps secret the source of the state's lethal injection drug. It's the toughest of a number of secrecy laws passed in recent years by death penalty states eager to stabilize their execution drug supplies.

States say the laws protect companies that fear retaliation for their association with the death penalty. Most were enacted after drug manufacturers, many of them in Europe, stopped selling their products for executions, citing ethical concerns.

"There are certainly secrecy laws in other states, and some of them create extraordinary secrecy, but nothing reaches the level of Georgia," said Megan McCracken, a death penalty expert at the University of California at Berkeley.

Georgia stopped a lethal injection in March because of a problem with the drug, the barbiturate pentobarbital made by a compounding pharmacy. A Department of Corrections video shows solid white chunks falling against the syringe's plunger in a solution that should be clear. Citing this example, some 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judges have expressed concern about Georgia's secrecy law...."

Things to Know: The death penalty and execution drugs

"ATLANTA (AP) — Executions in the United States have been on a fairly steady decline in recent years, dropping to 28 last year — the lowest since 1991. A peak of 98 came in 1999.

Difficulty obtaining lethal injection drugs after many manufacturers stopped selling their products for use in executions has made it tough for some states to execute existing death row inmates. Other reasons for the decline include better legal representation for those facing the death penalty, life-in-prison sentences without parole, and the high cost of death penalty prosecutions...

Here’s a look at some death penalty facts and figures..."
Legally Speaking: Jodi Arias no longer deserves to be in the spotlight

"Jodi Arias just doesn’t know when to quit.

For those who believe society should feel sorry for her because, in their minds, she is an innocent victim of domestic violence who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, don’t her latest shenanigans and comments prove otherwise?..."

Bizarre twist leads to discovery in Hubers' case (with clip)

"NEWPORT - Just when you think the Shayna Hubers’ murder case couldn’t get any more bizarre, it does.

Last week, we told you about how a convicted felon was seated on the jury that convicted Hubers in the 2012 killing of up-and-coming lawyer Ryan Poston, 29, in his Highland Heights apartment. No one, including maybe even the juror, knew he had a prior felony conviction.

That revelation has set the Campbell County Courthouse abuzz and left many shaking their heads, wondering if the mistake could lead to a mistrial, a new trial or with Hubers walking out of the county jail a free woman.

But it is how the discovery was made that gives this case more twists and turns than a Kentucky backroad..."

Creepy similarities between Jodi Arias trial and Shayna Hubers trial emerge

"Trials of women in love gone wild seem to be increasing in popularity these days. Not only are they grasping a keen interest from the public, but they actually are happening more and more often according to recent data from the Justice Bureau. And the FBI. And there seems to be a running theme amongst them all. That of, a stupid twenty-something being blinded by an inferno of rage fueled by the disappointment that their unhealthy obsessive fixation on a fictitious idyllic fantasy came to an end. It’s stupid twenty-something behavior that rises to the level of narcissistic criminal activity. We’ve got two stupid twenty-somethings who both made the news this week, from the prisons they are serving first degree murder sentences in. And they like it. Jodi Arias who is serving a life sentence for killing someone three times, made headlines for eating a chicken fajita. Monica Lindstrom for KTAR reported Jan.29, most people with a rational brain are just tired of it. She eloquently said out loud what all of us that are deleting the Jodi Arias alerts have been thinking,

“I think it is safe to say that the majority of good Americans and Arizonans do not want to hear her self-indulging, inauthentic, feel-sorry-for-me rhetoric. They just want her to go away — quietly — forever.”

Why won’t she? She’s a narcissist. And she wants to count how many people care about her and the god forsaken chicken fajita. Thank you, Monica. Yes, it is very, very safe to say..."

Woman Who Sued Casey Anthony Accused of Credit Card Theft

"The Florida woman who sued Casey Anthony for defamation has been accused of stealing a cancer patient's credit card and using it to spend $850 at stores around Kissimmee and Orlando.

Osceola County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Twis Lizasuain tells news outlets that 45-year-old Zenaida Gonzalez and 26-year-old Jonattan E. Acevedo were each arrested Wednesday on charges of credit card theft and grand theft..."
Woman Dead in Pennsylvania Hotel Likely Killed Mom in NY

"A woman likely killed her 85-year-old mother at their New York home before killing herself inside a hotel room in Pennsylvania, police said Thursday.

Hannah Lilien, 55, was found dead in the Red Roof Inn at about 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. She had self-inflicted wounds that didn't involve a gun, said Sgt. Chuck Mascellino with Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, police.

"We did find some items and evidence that indicated the suspect/victim here in Cranberry may have harmed her mother in Buffalo," Mascellino said.

Buffalo police were asked to check on the woman's mother, Rose Lilien, and found her dead at the residence about an hour later, authorities said.

Authorities believe the deaths are a murder-suicide, Mascellino said..."

Prosecutors: Girl, 17, Killed 13-Year-Old, Hurt 19-Year-Old

"A 17-year-old girl has been arrested in the separate shootings of two teenagers, including a 13-year-old boy who became the first homicide victim of the year in Camden, New Jersey.

Prosecutors on Wednesday charged the girl with murder in the death of Nathaniel Plummer Jr. earlier this month. Nathaniel was found shot on a sidewalk Jan. 7, and he died hours later Jan. 8...."
Second piece of metal debris washed up in Malaysia's east coast is confirmed not to have been a part of missing MH370, officials say

"Aviation officials confirmed the large chunk of metal not from MH370
It was found where villages reported hearing MH370 on night it disappeared
It is the second time in a week that pieces of metal have been found there
Debris found in Thailand was revealed to be from Japanese rocket..."

A 16-Year-Old Teen Suffered Second Degree Burns When an E-Cigarette Exploded in His Face :scared:

"E-cigarettes are all the rage these days, as the grim fates of chain smokers make traditional drags increasingly unpopular. But as researchers continue to look into whether the e-cigarette presents the same risks as its predecessor, it would seem there's another horrifying hazard e-cigs pose that cigarettes never did: explosions.
Such was the fate of 16-year-old Ty Greer, a teen in Alberta, Canada, who suffered second degree burns and broken teeth after his e-cigarette spontaneously exploded just inches from his mouth while he was using it in his car.

"It lit my kid's face on fire, busted two teeth out," Perry Greer, Ty's father, told the Canadian Press. "It burned the back of his throat, burned his tongue very badly. If he wasn't wearing glasses, he possibly could have lost his eyes. ... He wanted to die. That is how much pain he was in."...

Yet Ty Greer is not the first to fall victim to such a disaster. In November, a Colorado Springs man suffered a broken neck when an e-cigarette exploded in his face. And earlier this month, an Orange County, California, teen also suffered burns after an e-cigarette exploded in his pocket. In October 2014, the Federal Emergency Management Agency officially acknowledged the phenomenon, publishing a study investigating the matter..."

Walmart Closures Leaving Small Towns 'Broken,' Residents Say

"In the tiny coastal town of Oriental, North Carolina, some residents say they are feeling cheated by Walmart.

Renee Ireland-Smith said her family's grocery store was forced to close in October after 45 years because it could not compete with Walmart's low prices. Two weeks ago, she said she'd learned that Walmart was also now closing.

"This town was fine before," Ireland-Smith said. "Now it's broken."

Her anger seems to be shared across the U.S...

"All these people that live in these small towns, they're going to have to travel way out of the way to go shopping," said Luella McQuesten, a resident in eastern Arkansas where three Walmart stores are closing.

In Fairfield, Alabama, city leaders are now wondering how they will pay the bills. Walmart provided 35 percent of the tax base..."
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a



Love Life: An Inspiring Journey Spurred By Tragedy

"14 years ago, Steve Fugate took it upon himself to walk across America, as therapy after losing his son. Since then, he has achieved his goal 6 times, and is currently on his seventh attempt. Through his extraordinary journey, he hopes to spread just one simple message – ‘Love Life’. He started his latest walk on March 23, last year and is still going strong. He has already passed through 21 states and has 27 more to go. “My feet swell, my knees hurt, my legs hurt. I do not like walking. But I do it specifically for a reason,” he said. It’s estimated 67-year-old Steve has walked over 34,000 kilometers since he first set out on his legendary treks.

Fugate, a native of Florida, had never really been a fan of walking, but he found it to be a great way to spread love after he lost his children. 1999 was a particularly tough year for him. He was going through a failed marriage and his business had taken a hit. To make matters worse, his son Stevie, 26, was convicted of drunk driving. It was all getting a bit too much to handle, so Fugate decided to go trekking on the 2,167 mile Appalachian Trail, leaving his son in charge of the business..."

Blackburn archaeological survey: Bodies of 800 young children found

"The bodies of about 800 children aged under six have been unearthed by archaeologists ahead of the construction of a road in Lancashire.
They were among 1,967 bodies exhumed at St Peter's Burial Ground, which opened in 1821 in Blackburn.
The large number of children found is being put down to a lack of good sanitation and medicines leading to a high mortality rate.
Many of them would have died from infections, the archaeologists believe.
Bodies were exhumed from about 30% of the burial ground, which was in "intense use" up to the 1860s, a spokeswoman for Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council said..."

A tyrannosaur of one’s own (some foul language)

"Dinosaur collecting isn't just for museums any more – film stars and sheikhs do it too. What drives a man to covet big bones?..."

Beauteous beasts

"Humans have been breeding animals for beauty for centuries. But should we draw the line at genetically modified pets?..
This New Study About Creepy Crawlies Living In Your Home May Freak You Out :scared:

"Right now, your home just may be teeming with any of more than 500 different kinds of insects, spiders, mites, centipedes and other creepy crawlies.

That's according to a study published Tuesday in the journal PeerJ. In the study, researchers discovered a high diversity of small invertebrate animals called arthropods in several Raleigh, North Carolina, households -- and they say it's very likely that similar results would be found in houses across the country...

The researchers surveyed 50 homes from May to October in 2012 and collected all of the arthropods that they could find, dead or alive. Each house averaged around 100 species, Scientific American reported, the most common being ants, carpet beetles, cellar spiders and cobweb spiders..."


If your password is on this list, you should change it immediately

"On Tuesday, the password-management company SplashData released its annual list of the most popular passwords of the past year...

Unsurprisingly, "123456" and "password" topped the list, but phrases like "monkey," "dragon," and "princess" also placed in the top 25. The password "starwars" also entered the top 25 in 2015...

Here's SplashData's full list:..."

10 Things You're Definitely Forgetting To Clean

"We feel accomplished when we've successfully changed our sheets, vacuumed the living room and wiped down the bathroom mirror. And we should. Keeping our home clean is no small feat.
But while cleaning the big stuff is important, germs often hide in the little things we forget to disinfect. Scroll through the tips below to see what you should be adding to your list next time you spend an afternoon sanitizing your home sweet home..."

Spring cleaning is coming in a few months (it nevers ends :sheesh: )
And some aging funnies for today: :HHJP:

At 17, it was "Whatever"
At 67, it's "Depends"

At 17, it was "don't trust anybody over 30"
At 67, it's "I don't KNOW anybody under 30"

At 17, it was "finding a hip new joint"
At 67, it's getting a "new hip joint"

At 17, it was finding a handsome exciting guy
At 67, it's finding a guy who's still breathing

Thoughts Of A 17-Year Versus The Ones A 57-Year-Old Self Has

As a 17-year-old, these are some of the thoughts...

* Am I going to be driving a new Corvette, a new Mercedes or, maybe, a Ferrari?

* Should I buy that luxurious log home in the mountains, or that post-modern house on the ocean front?

* Should I have the help polish my Pulitzer prize, or should I do it so I can reflect on my genius?

* Will I marry a supermodel or a *advertiser censored* star?

As a 57-year-old, these are the thoughts ...

* Where's the damned bus schedule?

* Is that big cardboard box large enough to sleep on?

* How come, as a writer, I still have trouble spelling "occasionally"?

* Maybe the Publisher's Clearning House truck will come today ...

* Will I find a rich old widow to latch onto to?

Things you discover with age

I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.

My wild oats have turned into prunes and all-bran.

I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart.

If all is not lost, where is it?

It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.

Some days, you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.

I wish the buck stopped here; I sure could use a few.

If God wanted me to touch my toes, he'd have put them on my knees.

Its not hard to meet expenses . . . they're everywhere.

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.

Exercise........Hmmph....don't think so

If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.

A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, and is fat.

A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years.
A tortoise doesn't run and does nothing, yet it lives for 450 years.

And a little music:


Isn't it odd that the word "caucasian" has come to mean "white people?" I mean, the last part of the word is "asian." Just saying...

(Maybe it's like Occidental vs Oriental?)

here's an article on the subject:

That's a very interesting article.

My younger sister would be glad to read this from the article (as she always said she had a "hooked nose" and was self-conscious of it :shame:):

"...Blumenbach’s Caucasians weren’t even strictly white or European, as the term is commonly used today. He described this “variety” as “Colour white, cheeks rosy; hair brown or chestnut-colored; head subglobular; face oval, straight, its parts moderately defined, forehead smooth, nose narrow, slightly hooked, mouth small…"

Kinda vain, IMO. :facepalm:

But she had a Bigggg, yappy mouth :blah::blah::blah:....(as I have discussed before) :floorlaugh:
Good Saturday Morning! :wave:


coffeejunkie said:
I don't know what the recipe says. I found it online and that was all there like Gigi I sure it will say till tender....

Yea, but... how long would that be... 10 minutes?... I can't stand for too long, my back starts to hurt...

GigiG said:
Your mother looked like a movie star!

(Frenchy is very attractive, too. :)

Here's a picture of my Mamma when she had parts in the movie "Soap"; she played a homeless lady!

Mamma as baglady.jpg

And here is Frenchy's friends.... Yup - all my Father's Himalayan kitties!


YESorNO said:
This Color Test Will Determine Which Small Country You Should Visit
Pack your bags!

I got: Liechtenstein.

I've been there - Liechtenstein, that is! And I got Grenada:


Love the Funnies YESorNO!! :D

We had 2 1/4 inches of rain yesterday!! :happydance:

Good Saturday Morning! :wave:

View attachment 88265

Yea, but... how long would that be... 10 minutes?... I can't stand for too long, my back starts to hurt...

Here's a picture of my Mamma when she had parts in the movie "Soap"; she played a homeless lady!

View attachment 88266

And here is Frenchy's friends.... Yup - all my Father's Himalayan kitties!

View attachment 88267

I've been there - Liechtenstein, that is! And I got Grenada:

View attachment 88269

Love the Funnies YESorNO!! :D

We had 2 1/4 inches of rain yesterday!! :happydance:


I got Kosovo. Niner, can I trade with you?

(Looked up pics of Kosovo, pretty bleak-looking place.)

There are other, more precise kits available from other companies/labs that are somewhat more expensive. I would love to know if anyone has used those.

That is so cool. We had a course at penn state about race relations and it was one of the most popular courses on campus. The professor had everyone take one of those DNA tests (I think you had to pay out of pocket for it) but I'm not sure which one it was because I didn't end up taking the class but all my friends did. I know it was one of the more sensitive ones that was pretty expensive because it showed that most people had some DNA that could be traced back to Africa. If any penn staters reading this took this course and can correct me on this or know the brand of the test please feel free to correct me (I know there are some of you lurking out there)!
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