SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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One of his best moments. This was with Samuels or ALV? :D

The lovely ALV.. one of my favorite moments!

I have watched many many trials over the years and he is the best of the best. IMO
Just within the past two weeks alone, I have watched four different trials/hearings.
Raven Abaroa
OJ Simpson
Caryn Kelley

I really need to figure out how to get paid for all this trial watching. ;)
True, but he was a charmer just like Jodi.

"Biographer Ann Rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia described him as "a sadistic sociopath who took pleasure from another human's pain and the control he had over his victims, to the point of death, and even after."

Ted Bundy had groupies! That's what I remember. Women lining up to try to visit him and he was getting so much mail from women that it actually made the news here.

That just makes me ... :thud:
JM had a difficult job dragging the truth out of some witness. he had no choice but to go forward as he did. when he is not questioning a witness his voice is soft. in the courtroom his voice was so low when the judge ask if there is anything else. he whispers no.
I would think they all had access to the instructions so why would the foreman be singled out?

we don't know if he is singled out - he said he didn't know it would be a mistrial, idk if the other jurors feel the same, but i heard the judge read the instructions and i understood it
There seems to be one sequence that makes the most logical sense to me. After seeing JA being questioned again the parts seem to fit her stories.
Yes she got TA in the shower and I believe shot him. He came out of the enclosure screaming for help on all fours. JA freaked out and ran to bedroom for knife and returned ti find TA still crying for help at the sink. I believe the reason TA's throat was cut was to silence him, to end the awful noise which JA refers to during her interview.
I can say for sure that I dislike an Australian politician with passion. I do not like the person at all, even though I have never met him. I don't like his professional style. I do not like his policies. I do not like his racism or sexism. I do not like his bathing attire. I do not like who he is.

I dislike him as a person. I can't stand him and that is not logically impossible, imo. I will be devastated beyond belief if he wins the next election.

That is your perfect right!!
Thanks SS

I don't think I'll be watching it

RE The Jodi Arias movie from Lifetime: The actress who will play Little Missy said that she has to go into this kind of part "without a judgemental attitude about the person." To me, that would be impossible. I can't look at what she wrought and not judge it. Period.
I don't think that was genuine at all. Sociopaths don't know the appropriate reaction unless they have planned and practiced it. She had planned and practiced Death and Life, but not Unable to Agree.

Watch her reaction, there's relief she isn't going to die (and you see a slight smile from Wilmott to her), then she looks at the onlookers where Samantha has gasped/sobbed with her mouth open, then Tanisha with her hand on her face, both of them with grief written all over their faces. The Mimic then opens her mouth and puts her hand on her face.

She then covers her mouth because she realizes that something good must have happened for her since the Alexanders are all broken up. And she is pleased but knows she can't let anyone see her smile.

She settles into a copied expression of sadness. With a new jury, she could still get death, the ultimate freedom that she's wanted for five years--until over the weekend when her "perspective" changed.

Damn, you're good.

I read she now claims to wake up screaming. Steven said that exact same thing in his VIS.
And funny we never heard she woke up screaming from ALV or RS.
That Tara juror may be more anti-JA than any sleuther. I'm like this reading her posts. :shocked2:
Wow! Great post and yes, so true.

Murderers come in all sizes, forms, looks. There is no such thing such as "looking like" a murderer, pedo etc... Coming from Canada, here is perfect example. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka; aka: Ken & Barbie


Yes, based on what he has said, Mr. F has no idea what kind of person he was dealing with here. I guess Dr. D's testimony didn't "grab" him. Perhaps he can look up "psychopath" in the near future, and discover that they can even look like normal, everyday people.

One thing I think is obviously in play here is a common psychological belief that "what is beautiful is good." Now, a lot of us here don't think CMJA is a real looker, but I'm sure a lot of guys would find her attractive. Here's WIBIG defined:

"What is Beautiful is Good Stereotype..."

"With the vast amount of information available, the human mind has developed different strategies to operate more efficiently. Among the various shortcuts, or heuristics, used to make interpersonal judgments is the “what is beautiful is good stereotype” and the “halo effect.” These mental shortcuts occur automatically and provide important information, as Asch (1946) stated “we look at a person and immediately a certain impression of his character forms itself in us” (p. 258). The information gathered from initial contact becomes a working foundation for future characteristics and attitudes. (snip)

"What is Beautiful is Good Defined"

"This effect relies on the assumption that physically attractive people are superior to others on many other traits, such as intelligence and overall personality (Eagly et al., 1991; Feingold, 1992; Jackson et al., 1995). [snip]]

Example of research

There is a lot of research on this principle, but here's a representative study:

"Dion, Berscheid & Walster (1972)-What is Beautiful is Good"

"In this study participants were asked to rate photographs of three individuals, ranging from low, medium, to high attractiveness. The physical attractiveness scale was determined by an earlier survey of a hundred students. The participants were to provide ratings for several different categories including personality traits, overall happiness, and career success. The ratings were then averaged. The results show that attractiveness is positively linked to more socially desirable personalities (Dion, Berscheid & Walster, 1972). The findings in Dion, Berscheid & Walster study (1972), also confirmed that “attractive men and women were expected to attain more prestigious occupations” (p. 288). [snip] Overall, the experiment concludes that 'not only are physically attractive persons assumed to possess more socially desirable personalities than those of lesser attractiveness, but it is presumed that their lives will be happier and more successful' (p. 289).

"The results confirm people tend to associate beauty with other positive qualities. [snip] Beauty was the central trait, which influenced other characteristics." [snip]

When you're not aware of this principle, of what basically amounts, in my opinion, to a weakness in humans, then it can be harder to fight or protect against, and you may fall prey - literally! - to the "beautiful" person who is just waiting to take advantage of you. Well, not you personally, but people in general.
I love that!

And....."are you finished?" ..." Now, answer my question"


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You know what one of my downfalls were when I got taken in by a manipulating liar with ridiculous stories?

Being too polite and nice. I needed to develop my outer B!T@H.
Agreed, he does not look like someone who has enjoyed a day of pleasurable sex IMO. His eyes look fearful. She may have been holding a weapon towards him at that time, giving him little choice. That last photo of him captured his fear as he stared death in the face IMO.

From what I've seen of Travis, he was an intense man with an intense gaze. He looked a lot the same way when he was posing in his suit in his office. His body posture is a dead give-away to me, though. He's relaxed. He has his arm resting on his knee in a relaxed posture. I don't think he realized a thing until he had a knife in him.
RE The Jodi Arias movie from Lifetime: The actress who will play Little Missy said that she has to go into this kind of part "without a judgemental attitude about the person." To me, that would be impossible. I can't look at what she wrought and not judge it. Period.
JMO-Not using critical thinking skills is considered '' sophisticated '' to some these days. They don't want to appear '' judgy ''. Where this philosophy came from I don't know. I think it's kind of nutty.
I ask this before. Can someone help me. I am not good with the computer. I do have facebook. Simply put in your nick and the channel name. I assume nick is your name, but what is channel name. Thanks!!
don't want to get slammed for having a minority opinion myself. Although I would like to applaud those that have the courage to post such opinions openly on WS. (Not me I'm chicken, lol)

Don't be afraid to post a dissenting opinion. No slamming or flaming allowed.

I post dissenting opinions a lot. And I have vehemently disagreed with a poster(s) on one page and :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: with the same poster(s) 3 pages later.

It's all in how the disagreement is presented.

It would be boring and completely mindless if everyone agreed in here all of the time.
They can find a jury in Utah. I understand it was not emphasized there at all and certainly didn't get the gavel-to-gavel coverage it got elsewhere.


i live by where TA grew up until he went to mesa and they didn't cover it here at all
just think CMJA is stuck in her cell for 23 hours a day till july when she gets to sit in a police van to take her to court.. as the youtube videos say she might go insane and not remember all her lies ,and might even make up new stories in her mind . freedom is so wonderful even when I was snowed inn,i had my phone and the internet and tv and xbox. plus I can cook anything I want .
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