SIDEBAR #7- Arias/Alexander forum

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I think that the text from Travis was considered by some jurors as emotional/verbal abuse. Of course we don't know what precipitated that text and the jurors didn't either. And maybe being hit with "the spoon", etc. by her parents??
I don't feel that one text from Travis is abuse, but maybe the jurors also thought that Travis might have strung her along? I believe JM's "no evidence at all" of abuse.
I would just love to hear from the 4 jurors that voted for life and how they came to that decision, just to get the whole picture. I know that it will never happen. They would be afraid of the backlash. Too, bad. It would be so enlightening. :twocents:

Re: being hit with a spoon: I would think that would have swayed the younger folks more than the older. Folks my age and older (let's just say 50-ish and up) got punished with switches, fly swatters, belts, paddles, you name it. We've seen many a time on these threads where people have commented that they were physically punished and don't resent it and were better for it, or at least didn't become violent criminals because of it! To me, the younger folks who experienced less physical punishment and more "time out" type punishments would be the ones to fall for the "poor me, I got smacked with a wooden spoon" line of bunkola.

Also, I would have thought that the younger folks would have been more likely to vote against death, as the older ones have lived during times when the DP was a lot more accepted than it is now.

Something I do think might have swayed the older jurors is the change in JA's appearance from "bottle-dyed hair" and shirts declaring herself the property of Travis to mousy, stringy hair, frumpy clothes, and icky glasses once Travis is no longer in her life. In other words, mean old Travis turned her into a floozy, complete with making her do those awful sex things, and now she is back to being a sweet, meek girl (I gag to even type this) and deserves a second chance. Well, THIS old broad would not have given her a second chance to hurt another person.
Now, now. Meet Pretty Boy Floyd who I suspect is part Maine Coon. He's a gorgeous gentle giant who thinks he's a guard dog. IMHO he's cuter than any baby raccoon, puppy, or other cat. Can you tell I adore him? :floorlaugh:

Wheels, your little guy is adorable!!! :)
Well, they were only "Official" for 5 months, (2-07 to 6-07), and that was a "Long Distance Relationship",[1] the almost year following that, it was "just friends", with benefits, which I kinda doubt happened as much as CMja seems to want us to believe .[2]

[1] Skye Hughes said Travis got an email from CMja shortly after they broke up that CMja was being stalked there in California by a mysterious person who emailed CMja and said he knew all about her, Travis didn't deserve her, blah, blah blah. That's how CMja injected herself into Travis' life in Mesa AFTER they broke up. She moved to Mesa in June 2007
[2] I'm pretty sure Travis referenced the "mystery man" in the "angry" IM the end of May after she had moved back to Calif in April of 2008. Maybe she had tried to pull the old "stalker in California" act again?

BBM! I always wonder who this "mystery man" is. I think she made a fake email account and emailed Travis about Jodi? IDK.
Yeah, she does...

When they asked her about the "fog," she said it wasn't very thick.

And about the doggie door she said it would have to be bigger or her

She had a good sense of humor, and seemed sincere. I liked her.
Now, now. Meet Pretty Boy Floyd who I suspect is part Maine Coon. He's a gorgeous gentle giant who thinks he's a guard dog. IMHO he's cuter than any baby raccoon, puppy, or other cat. Can you tell I adore him? :floorlaugh:

Very adorable. Love the grey eyes. He also looks mischievous. :D
Hey, is anyone just dying to know which juror asked Dr. DeMarte the Tiger/Bear question and what it meant?
I don't want the DT learning that an apology could affect the outcome next go 'round. She can play it to her advantage after all the practice time she will have. Honestly, I believe if I were a juror, it would not affect my DP decision. How about you all?

I don't think anyone should expect/demand an apology from Jodi Arias. Remember this is the same person who asked several times to see crime scene photos under the obscene pretense of morbid curiousity and who we all observed during the trial peeking thru her hair curtain at the violently gruesome autopsy photos.
Maybe this has been addressed, but I just signed on and I want to know! What's your guess on juror number 6 age? She appears to be late 50's or early 60's to me. I'm 65, but she appears to be younger than me, but she's got good hair, and I don't. Any other guesses, please?

Are you referring to Ms. Schwartz? If so, I guess that she is AT LEAST 68. I'm a pretty good guesser - IMO, you tell the age of a woman by looking at her neck. She's a little ahead of me but looks great for her age. Here's a video:
I typically don't mind at all, they have their own feeders and toys in the front yard... I thought we had an understanding about the back yard and my $$ bird food... He finished off that whole brick in a week... :floorlaugh:
I love them so much. Woke up one morning and saw the mother squirrel decided to give birth on my balcony, she provided them well, I did not want to interfere. I was so worried about what they should eat and went to my vet to ask what I should feed them. He thought I was crazy, so he gave no information.

The worst day was one when all the little ones knew how to jump to the tree and be free, except the little one. She was the only one left.

So I bought boards to put on the tree, she was very scared and did not want to do it, finally I watched her taking very ginger steps off and she did it.

Just to see this wonderful little one take her final steps from me was so
heart rendering.

I will never forget it.

Really off topic, sorry but there was squirrel talk earlier.
I am continually amazed by how many people in my sphere who have never heard the name Jodi Arias. Many!

I know, crazy. People who don't watch TV scare me. Half of my co-workers didn't know who No Doubt was when I went to see them in concert last year. I find that personally offensive :crazy:
:confused: Did I hear one of the jurors say tonight that when they entered the courtroom for the verdict, they did not know what the actual verdict was?

How could that be, since they claim to know who voted for Death, and who voted for Life.

:scared: I'm confused.

:seeya: Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!
I know, crazy. People who don't watch TV scare me. Half of my co-workers didn't know who No Doubt was when I went to see them in concert last year. I find that personally offensive :crazy:

Right. They scare me too. They remind me of the Pinellas 12.

I have a friend who had a pet raccoon named Tasha. She would walk on a leash, sit on her shoulder while going down the isles of the drugstore, stealing anything she could grab, always had to search her for hidden merchandise. When she was at home and allowed to roam she would go into the tub and wait for the water to be turned on. sometimes they couldn't find her andf one day the called her. She had run INTO THE TOILET and PULLED THE LID DOWN after herself. She said she was so so so funny!

That's tooooooo cute!:floorlaugh:
Best part of all this fiasco is the chick's family touring the Grand Canyon while the outcome is being read!


LOL...And they will try to explain that forever.

ETA-I would post the laughing guy icon over and over but I can't get him to show up.
:confused: Did I hear one of the jurors say tonight that when they entered the courtroom for the verdict, they did not know what the actual verdict was?

How could that be, since they claim to know who voted for Death, and who voted for Life.

:scared: I'm confused.

:seeya: Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

That was one of the alternates. Evidently they did not know the verdict.

Happy Birthday! :rockon:
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