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MTC: Mr. F is just a little out of touch with reality. He and CKJA have that in common (although her distance is a million times farther away!).:facepalm:

When the foreman said that JA was an otherwise "normal" girl prior to meeting TA, my eyes glazed over like Sunday morning doughnuts. Seriously pal? JA and "normal" are mutually exclusive worlds.

I really wish he would have exercised some sensitivity during his need for proximity to fame. He employed the bull in a china shop type of demeanor that added insult to injury for the Alexander family. You wanted to save a murderer, fine. You did. Use some discretion during your press junket.

I cannot condone threats of violence or anything extreme against this guy, but I feel nothing for the acrimony he's generated. Words sometimes hit as hard as a fist.
Now that would be interesting, will Alyce and Samuel come back?? Hmmm.

i just can't imagine that. the DT has to know both those witnesses went over like the proverbial turd in a punchbowl. but what else can they do? they're stuck with the case they put on, claiming PTSD and DV, aren't they?

or this time, since the BPD seemed to resonate, will they go that route? if so, i hope we see dr. de marte again.
I didn't promise you a "proper" British breakfast, but I'd be happy to tell you about it. DH and I stayed in Bed & Breakfast establishments (private homes) as we traversed England and Scotland. Our hosts served a traditional British breakfast each morning at a time that we specified. With some variation from venue to venue, here's what we enjoyed at the break of day: Eggs cooked to order, bacon and sausage - sometimes homemade, sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes, breakfast potatoes, a basket of breakfast pastries (scones, muffins, breads - always homemade), homemade preserves, coffee and/or tea, and a morning paper or two. Some hosts served the breakfast on a sideboard from which we helped ourselves, while others served us at table.

At the B & Bs where we stayed more than one night, we were treated to "proper" afternoon tea upon our return from sightseeing. Some hosts offered a home-cooked dinner option or made reservations for us at their favorite local pub.

Bon Appetit!
Recycling is haunting me. I just bought clear plastic recycle trash bags. I thought they were the regular trash can size. Well, the darn things are as long as I am tall, that's 5 feet! OMG what am I going to do with these? Maybe send them to CKja? Sheesh
Good Morning Sunshines! ;)

Do we have any link to the rest of Juror 6? The damned local yokels did a 2 minute teaser last night at 10.
I wasn't able to find a more recent copy of Maricopa Capital case jury instructions but there is this
USE NOTE: Regarding hung juries at the penalty phase, the proper procedure is specified in A.R.S. § 13-752(K): “f . . . the jury is unable to reach a verdict, the court shall dismiss the jury and shall impanel a new jury. The new jury shall not retry the issue of the defendant’s guilt or the issue regarding any of the aggravating circumstances that the first jury found by unanimous verdict to be proved or not proved. If the new jury is unable to reach a unanimous verdict, the court shall impose a sentence of life or natural life on the defendant.”

Maybe the confusion that the jury foreman mentioned was that the judge used the word "mistrial" and he was not expecting to hear that word. News reporters don't mention that mistrial applies this penalty phase only, so there may be some confusion there too.

ETA It's just really bothering me that he said they did not know. I'm just trying to get my head around it. Maybe some other jurors will say what happened. I really need to let it go!
Calling total recall memory types. On HLN Mystery Detective yesterday there was a case when a detective was asked about a crime, he said most first time muderers go through a forgetful blank out phase after they kill someone. He coined a phrase to describe this phase and it was three words I can't remember to save my life.

Just as DV victims often blank out on the details of an attack, but not the overall incident. I know that I did, which surprised me, but once I had recalled it, I never forgot it. It is a self-defense mechanism...not sure if this is the phrase that was used or not.

JA has recall of that day, as demonstrated by her interview with Detective Flores and the ninja story.

I wonder when defense attorneys are going to start advising clients that the well worn DV and amnesia ploys just don't work. The statistics bear this out.
You know, when I hear something like that, I wonder who is actually receiving the penalty in this case.

Alyce 2.0
Samuel 2.0
Jodi 6.0

Jodi in various interviews has leaked a bit of new info. She claims she is "remembering" more....but was pretty "vague" when the reporters asked her about it.

Things she will remember: Where the knife was.
What she did with the knife.

I'd like Juan to find out: More about her time at the beauty salon. What was on Jodi's computer. Travis' banking records. More about Jodi's paychecks and banking records in May. Where is Matt. Where is Bobby. And what about that remote at Darryl's house.
The female juror on the far left in that interview is the one who looks like JA's mom and she voted for the DP, as did spiky haired woman and the bearded guy! So much for making assumptions, as people are wont to do.

The real meat of this case was getting a M1 conviction and this jury did that, as well as come back with a unanimous vote for the aggravating factor. As long as she was convicted of M1 I knew society would be safe, her life would be forever contained in a box, and that was justice. Regardless of getting LWOP or the DP she will get one or the other, guaranteed.

She's not going to go free...not ever. No judge is ever going to allow her to have the opportunity at parole. Whether she sits in a box on death row or sits in a box in another wing, she'll be sitting in a box the majority of her days/nights. She will not have this homecoming queen existence that some fantasize. She will be warehoused like all 1st degree murderers who are locked away the rest of their lives.

I realize that's not "good enough" for some, but either way and with either sentence that will be her reality for the next 2 decades at least. There's a difference between justice and vengeance. There has been justice for Travis--she is being punished forever. The DP is never a guarantee. Even receiving that sentence is still not a guarantee of the sentence ever being carried out. 3 women are on DR now. One has been there for over 2 decades and she's still alive.

the thing that concerns me, even though i think she should get the DP, is that she'd have much better legal representation. that's all these lawyers do is file DP appeals. they're very good at it.

i don't want her to have that. i don't want her to have a better shot at a new trial. so LWOP works for me, even though i think she should be put down.

JA is a defective product. she's a human 'seconds'. she's got a piece missing that may not be apparent when you LOOK at her, but it's a big piece and it makes her dangerous. i see her as a threat----outside or inside prison. that's why i think she should be removed permanently.
I don't think either one of them made good decisions in this particular instance. Someone made a great comment yesterday that teenaged boys would do well to take note of this very, very cautionary tale.

And I do agree with your comment that sex is sacred, i. e., should be saved for a committed, romantic relationship. That way, everyone is happy, and no one gets a nasty disease.

Unless you want to buy stock in a cold sore cream company.


You know, people thought the movie Fatal Attraction would forever change how people viewed one night stands.

I'm thinking people are just telling themselves, "Yeahhh, I'd recognize a psycho like CMja ..."

I didn't promise you a "proper" British breakfast, but I'd be happy to tell you about it. DH and I stayed in Bed & Breakfast establishments (private homes) as we traversed the England and Scotland. Our hosts served a traditional British breakfast each morning at a time that we specified. With some variation from venue to venue, here's what we enjoyed at the break of day: Eggs cooked to order, bacon and sausage - sometimes homemade, sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes, breakfast potatoes, a basket of breakfast pastries (scones, muffins, breads - always homemade), homemade preserves, coffee and/or tea, and a morning paper or two. Some hosts served the breakfast on a sideboard from which we helped ourselves, while others served us at table.

At the B & Bs where we stayed more than one night, we were treated to "proper" afternoon tea upon our return from sightseeing. Some hosts offered a home-cooked dinner option or made reservations for us at their favorite local pub.

Bon Appetit!

LOL. I was introduced to the Proper English Breakfast in Madrid, while on a research trip. I actually have a picture of it somewhere. I figure Guantlet will whip up a particularly spectacular one, but I'll take what you're serving! Hey, where's the baked beans? Fried slice? :floorlaugh:
Mikee says even cat tur$ is more useful than JA. If you put that in the ground flowers will bloom, faster, more colourful etc. If you put recycled JA into the ground everything will wilt and rot away...
LOL. I was introduced to the Proper English Breakfast in Madrid, while on a research trip. I actually have a picture of it somewhere. I figure Guantlet will whip up a particularly spectacular one, but I'll take what you're serving! Hey, where's the baked beans? Fried slice? :floorlaugh:

I don't recall beans with any of the breakfasts, but if they had been offered, I doubt that either DH or I would have eaten beans for breakfast. Please don't ask me to tell you why ;) :lol:
Here's a new great interview with 3 jurors that voted for the death penalty

Thank you, Laora Jack. I don't get why the reporter said that the defense's position was "Jodi was abused until she snapped, and killed Travis." Wasn't their schtick that he lunged at Little Missy after she dropped his camera, and she thought he was going to kill her? Or did they abandon that after the jury said, "Yeah, no, MURDER ONE"?
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