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Many poster have long thought the DT reads here for ideas, concerns etc. Anyone remember the discussion we had about organ donation (no let's not got back there) but moving on - maybe this is where the "Locks of Love" hair donation came from.

It would thrill me no end if JA came to court with short short hair because she is so vain about her hair.

It'd thrill me if she'd donate her tongue to science.
I wasn't able to find a more recent copy of Maricopa Capital case jury instructions but there is this

Maybe the confusion that the jury foreman mentioned was that the judge used the word "mistrial" and he was not expecting to hear that word. News reporters don't mention that mistrial applies this penalty phase only, so there may be some confusion there too.

ETA It's just really bothering me that he said they did not know. I'm just trying to get my head around it. Maybe some other jurors will say what happened. I really need to let it go!

It's an important question, imo, and I'm glad you mentioned it. I thought the first jury question was asked in order to clear that up...did he not comprende the answer?
What we do with those is take recycleable plastic containers to our local Walmart (after washing and spraying with vinegar, to keep nasties at bay).

Our bags fill up pretty quickly, even though we save them for anything that isn't a "1" or a "2" type of recycleable - those go to a different center. Hope that helps! :seeya:

Oh, I always recycle but I use regular size clear bags. We have weekly recycle pick up. These bags are gigantic and I didn't read the size on the box when I bought it. I could easily put 3 weeks recycling in them. So I guess I'll just put it out every three weeks instead until I finish his box. I was just so shocked at the size of them, I never saw bags this big before, lol.
Alyce 2.0
Samuel 2.0
Jodi 6.0

Jodi in various interviews has leaked a bit of new info. She claims she is "remembering" more....but was pretty "vague" when the reporters asked her about it.

Things she will remember: Where the knife was.
What she did with the knife.

I'd like Juan to find out: More about her time at the beauty salon. What was on Jodi's computer. Travis' banking records. More about Jodi's paychecks and banking records in May. Where is Matt. Where is Bobby. And what about that remote at Darryl's house.

I seems unfair that JA would be "allowed new epiphanies" at the retrial.
This will end up an whole new trial, it's kinda BS, just sentence her! :floorlaugh:
Mistrial during Penalty Phase is not explained as it can emotionally sway the jury. (a.k.a. prejudicial.)
Does Chase finance cars? I wonder if Travis still had a loan with them and Jodi was suppose to pick up payments. Plus give Travis $100 a month for the rest. If she quit paying it would hurt Travis' credit...a stretch I know. LOL.

IIRC the Chase women was going to testify to something. What?
Does Chase finance cars? I wonder if Travis still had a loan with them and Jodi was suppose to pick up payments. Plus give Travis $100 a month for the rest. If she quit paying it would hear Travis' credit...a stretch I know. LOL.

IIRC the Chase women was going to testify to something. What?

I thought she was there re: gas can purchases? Yes, Chase does car loans.
Sounds great...can you do this on a grill?

I've never tried it...just have to get the gravy hot enough to cook the I guess so..
First place I had Louisiana style BBQ shrimp was at Pascal's Manale in NOLA
Does anyone want to take a stab at guessing the 4 jurors who voted for life (is this allowed), I have some thoughts but didn't want to get a time out.
I've never tried it...just have to get the gravy hot enough to cook the I guess so..
First place I had Louisiana style BBQ shrimp was at Pascal's Manale in NOLA

I love New Orleans, would move there if it didn't get so hot. (I was raised thinking crawfish, or as we called them crayfish, were pets not food. 'til I went to New Orleans.:floorlaugh:)

I do find putting shrimp on the grill comes off tough, only put it on for a max of 1 minute per side.
It's an important question, imo, and I'm glad you mentioned it. I thought the first jury question was asked in order to clear that up...did he not comprende the answer?

Glad you think it's important, too. I just feel so disappointed that they submitted "no verdict" and (IMO) didn't deliberate very long. I have real life stuff to do today, but if anyone sees Twittering reporters asking the public for questions for jurors, somebody please ask a juror!

I hope that it was simple as courtroom terminology. I fear that somebody who incorrectly thought he knew more than the other jurors convinced the rest of them that they didn't really have to deliberate any further since the judge would rule anyway.
I love New Orleans, would move there if it didn't get so hot. I was raised thinking crawfish, or as we called them crayfish, were pets not food. :floorlaugh:

I do find putting shrimp on the grill comes off tough, only put it on for a max of 1 minute per side.

True that. If I grill shrimp I usually wrap some bacon around them
Alyce 2.0
Samuel 2.0
Jodi 6.0

Jodi in various interviews has leaked a bit of new info. She claims she is "remembering" more....but was pretty "vague" when the reporters asked her about it.

Things she will remember: Where the knife was.
What she did with the knife.

I'd like Juan to find out: More about her time at the beauty salon. What was on Jodi's computer. Travis' banking records. More about Jodi's paychecks and banking records in May. Where is Matt. Where is Bobby. And what about that remote at Darryl's house.

I don't understand why we haven't heard what's on Jodi's computer already. I mean, Juanamania got MURDER 1 and EXTREME CRUELTY without it, but I betcha they're going to find things like "How to kill someone by stabbing them through the heart," and "How to clean up after a particularly bloody murder"!
And at some point it will become obvious to Sleuth, I know he is joking. Don't tell him though, okay?

I do believe we will be receiving a great big Thank You from Mrs. Sleuth. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
IMO, Juan wanted to delve into her tax returns to show that there might not have been a need for the killer to have two bank accts. I don't think she made any money from ppl, I think she even admitted that on the stand.
Maybe the second acct was new just for her killing?
I don't understand why we haven't heard what's on Jodi's computer already. I mean, Juanamania got MURDER 1 and EXTREME CRUELTY without it, but I betcha they're going to find things like "How to kill someone by stabbing them through the heart," and "How to clean up after a particularly bloody murder"!

I thought the hard drive on her computer was mysteriously damaged and they couldn't get anything off it?
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