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LWOP and DP are are self explanatory.

If Jodi gets a life sentence, eventually she will be ELIGIBLE for parole. Is there a max on the sentence where Jodi would be released regardless of any prison record?

I don't think so; and under LWP she wouldn't be eligible for parole until 25 years...but that is way too soon in my book!
That is so funny. As soon as they wheeled my husband up to the car and loaded him in - he asked me to take him to the Chic-fila drive through! He was starving because he hadn't eaten since 10 PM the night before!

My husband had arthroscopic knee surgery and when he came out of the anesthesia, he wanted FOOD. On the way home I suggested a drive through to grab him something but he wanted to go inside and eat! He walked inside without and their food! :facepalm:

Me? I spend the day of my surgery :puke:
I wouldn't get too excited about it. They're not going to tell the defense if they've decided not to re-try the penalty phase before they would absolutely have to. What leverage would they have to negotiate a lwop deal if they did that? jmo

Seems to me that every day KN and JW are preparing for a retrial, the State is paying their fees. If you keep them on the payroll till then, what have they saved? Juan is gonna be paid regardless of the case he's working on, so the only money saved would be the hours the DT would spend in court. To me, the prosecution can't lose. Either the jury finds for the DP or Life, and if it's Life, the judge decides LWP or LWOP. If they can't work out a deal with Jodi, again, the judge decides......right? If this judge would hold court 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, it could probably be finished in a week! I say going back to court is the logical answer. Just stop with the sideshows, the migraines, and the tantrums from the DT. Start fining these idiots, and you might see this move along to a conclusion. I'd warn them up front, and then start handing out the fines for delaying!
I think we are going to see a deal

LWOP & No appeal

She does not want to go to DR

8 people....

So so disagree. First time around with the stakes way higher she went for a plea. Right. The State wanted death and she condescended to take 2 nd degree, low end. In the plea that she wrote herself she said flat out that no penalty greater than 2 nd degree was worth pleading to because the worst the jury would give her was life.

Things change. The worst the jury can give her is death, but death will mean the same thing as LWOP for many years, possibly forever.

Why settle? She likely thinks she has nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Another shot at destroying Travis, tormenting his family, being in the limelight, getting out of her cell. Versus, going straight to Perryville forever, fading into nothingness, everyone else moving on and forgetting her.


ok i need some o/t advice - i just don't know what to do - i guess in must be nesting season cuz when i try to go in my back yard i am being attacked by black birds - the dive bomb my head, hit me withe their wings and try to peck the top of my head, i am assuming they are protecting a nest, even though i told them i would never touch it :wink: and now yesterday coming out of my front door - i was attacked by blue jays the exact same way :( i could never ever harm their nests, but i am starting to feel like suzanne pleshette walking thru the school playground in the bird!! i tried an umbrella, but that scarse my pups when i take them to pee

any suggestions b4 i end up PBSD (post bird traumatic order)


help me :)

A cat or large snake will sometimes achieve results.

Even dark-colored hoses have been known to intimidate due, ostensibly, to their serpentine shapes and coloration.

Sometimes the large owl decoy is effective.
I'm confused?

What's this about her 'learning Spanish'. I thought she already spoke really good Spanish?

Interview transcript from Dr. Drew with a woman who worked with Jodi at Rancho Mirage in Palm Desert in 2006:

VERONICA: She spoke fluent Spanish. She was really good. And I said, Jodi, wow, you speak Spanish. You know, are you part Spanish or South American, whatever? She said, "No, I`m half Mexican."

And that`s where the hair color came in. Because I was like, Jodi, why are you bleaching the hair? I mean, it was so -- it was horrible. And she said because -- she goes, she didn`t want to look ethnic.

PINSKY: Interesting.

VERONICA: That was her response. She was half Mexican, she didn`t want to look it.

Further evidence she could speak good Spanish long before she went into prison, from Abe Abelhardi:

ABDELHADI: I was a witness to that Spanish speaking. One time I had -- at an event I had a couple Spanish guests. My Spanish is intermediate or so. And she sits down and she starts rattling it off like Ricky Ricardo.

PINSKY: See? That to me, I want to stop, that story is interesting.

Wendy, I want to go to you now about this. This is a woman we heard - - we interviewed a guy that spent a week around her. We interviewed him a couple of days ago. And he said he didn`t speak three sentences to her.

Now, we`ve got a woman that`s sitting down at a table with strangers and speaking fluent Spanish. That and Abe`s story, Wendy, what do you make of all this?

WENDY WALSH, PH.D, PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, definitely she has a major personality disorder. And it seems, Dr. Drew, that she is screaming to try to figure out who she is, some identity. And she`s using the idea of morphing into what everyone else thinks she should be as a way to try to find humanity in herself, if you will.


So Jodi supposedly 'learned' Spanish in jail - and yet there are witnesses stating categorically that she could speak fluent Spanish long before that.

hey, Sleuthy.
Why all the popping in and out? Have nothing to say??
You look so cute in your new avatar :blushing:.
What happen to the other one with the handsome fellow with long hair?
I thought your hair might have a little grey in it- :floorlaugh:, you know, like the absent-minded professor :floorlaugh:
Still grading those never-ending papers?
I can't post any You-Tubes anymore or I'll get T/O from my internet carrier- poopers that they are :stormingmad:.
ok i need some o/t advice - i just don't know what to do - i guess in must be nesting season cuz when i try to go in my back yard i am being attacked by black birds - the dive bomb my head, hit me withe their wings and try to peck the top of my head, i am assuming they are protecting a nest, even though i told them i would never touch it :wink: and now yesterday coming out of my front door - i was attacked by blue jays the exact same way :( i could never ever harm their nests, but i am starting to feel like suzanne pleshette walking thru the school playground in the bird!! i tried an umbrella, but that scarse my pups when i take them to pee

any suggestions b4 i end up PBSD (post bird stress disorder)


help me :)

May sound snarky but use an umbrella, the chicks will be out of the nest soon... my dog and the momma robin were chasing off black birds from my yard yesterday. He's such a sweetie!
I know the sequence of events has been hashed over and over but I found the photos laid out in sequence today and they really do tell the story, especially when you consider the lighting of the photos...JA was obviously not standing in the same lighting as Travis when these pics were taken. The orange hue suggests she was standing in a darker room, shooting into the lighted bathroom. It looks like some of the photos were edited within the camera to add contrast, specifically the one of his back, the one of his arms crossed over his chest and the one of his face. I still maintain Travis did not know she was taking the photos...he had told her to leave and thought she was gone before he entered the shower.
Correct. AZL said it goes back to the Judge if the State decides not to re-try. In that case she said Jodi can't make them re-try it. They can always do a deal and take it from the Judge, though.

Just the fact that they said they were willing to look at a plea makes me think they are not overly confident JSS would give her LWOP..I think she disallowed far too much evidence from the jury and feel she would do the same in a retry. I simply do not feel she was in control of her courtroom. She should never have allowed the defense experts to speak back at the prosecutor as she did without stern admonitions to both of them. When ALV's cronies, including ja's mitigation specialist, laughed out loud, when ALV snarkily said to JM if he was in one of her groups she would tell him he needed a time out, JSS should have expelled all of them from the court room immediately. And admonished ALV sternly in open court :moo:
So so disagree. First time around with the stakes way higher she went for a plea. Right. The State wanted death and she condescended to take 2 nd degree, low end. In the plea that she wrote herself she said flat out that no penalty greater than 2 nd degree was worth pleading to because the worst the jury would give her was life.

Things change. The worst the jury can give her is death, but death will mean the same thing as LWOP for many years, possibly forever.

Why settle? She likely thinks she has nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Another shot at destroying Travis, tormenting his family, being in the limelight, getting out of her cell. Versus, going straight to Perryville forever, fading into nothingness, everyone else moving on and forgetting her.


but this all before the trial

she now has been convicted on 1 murder/she lost when she said no jury will ever convict me & she knows this

and she knows 8 people wanted to send her to DR

She is crazy for wanting to go to a new jury

With all the stuff out there about her
a second jury will mostly likely send to DR
My husband had arthroscopic knee surgery and when he came out of the anesthesia, he wanted FOOD. On the way home I suggested a drive through to grab him something but he wanted to go inside and eat! He walked inside without and their food! :facepalm:

Me? I spend the day of my surgery :puke:

Oh, me too! I had shoulder surgery a few years back. I had something called Adhesive Capsulitis - a.k.a. "Frozen Shoulder Syndrome" that required a "manipulation" - meaning they put you to sleep and the surgeon cranks your arm around and around to loosen up the scar tissue. He then cleaned up the joint by removing all the built up scar tissue. Anyway, I had my surgery an hour away from home. While my hubby was driving me back home - I was laying in the back seat feeling like I was going to vomit - and dang it....I STARTED MY PERIOD and had no feminine products with me! Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse...WE GOT A FLAT TIRE!!! I kid you NOT! It's mid summer - hot and humid as all get out in the Florida Panhandle and here I am laying in the back seat wrapped up in bandages, drolling on myself - ready to vomit at any moment, and bleeding from the hooha. Hubs had to call a tow truck! I wonder what the tow truck driver thought! LOL! Lawd....I was so out of it, but I remember how miserable that whole experience was!!!
LWOP and DP are are self explanatory.

If Jodi gets a life sentence, eventually she will be ELIGIBLE for parole. Is there a max on the sentence where Jodi would be released regardless of any prison record?

it depends on the sentence from what i have read about arizona, the judge can give her either LWOP - which is natural life and no parole, or judge can give her LWP - where she could have the possibility of parole in 25 years - imo - and idk i am worried that if it goes to this judge she might get LWP - idk, i have been trying to find JSS conviction record to see what kind of sentences she gives but haven't been able to find it
Just some random adorable


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:seeya:I had only had an endoscopy and was there for over 3hrs.

BTW I will forever sing the praises of whatever anesthetic they used! I had an IV and the nurse said you should start to feel drowsy, I looked at the monitors and was ready to start firing off a 1,000 of questions about what is that, is that the camera, where does that go, how do you keep my mouth open... I didn't get own word out, Lucky them! The next thing I remembered was the original room I was in. I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep it was the best sleep I think I have had in years!

Love, love , love anesthesia.
I keep telling my sons that I wouldn't mind dying on the operating table (I know, I'm morbid). You'd never know you died :floorlaugh:.
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