Sidebar Discussion #10

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Please, 53 posts calling out misquotes, misinformation and just sloppy research work?

Doing a little research - I could only make it through 26 posts.

Post #1 Describes purpose of thread.
post #2 list's an edit, not a discrepancy
post #4 states "this may or may not be true" - how can a may or may not be a discrepancy?
post #6 states "I don't think" and "assuming" - where is the evidence there is a discrepancy?
post #7 discrepancy is based on OP' opinion, not fact.
post #8 where is the discrepancy?
post #11 where is the discrepancy?
post #13 based on OP's opinion - where is the fact that contradicts it?
post #16 based on OP's opinion - where is the fact that contradicts it?
post #17 states "It makes no sense,” -discrepancy is based on OP' opinion, not fact.
post #19 discussion
post #20 list's an edit, not a discrepancy
post #22 list's an edit, not a discrepancy, and "It was an easy trip to think he was talking about drowning at least to me.. what do you all think" - OP's opinion
post #24 PO asks "tell me if the timeline's even possible" – where’s the fact that contradicts the timeline?
post #25 where's it from? Is it the factual discrepancy, or the fact?
post #26 pure discussion, no facts, contradictory or otherwise

I am not sure if you are looking for someone to argue with or not but DID YOU READ THE BOOK?
. . . and here's another interesting snippet (BBM):

"What do you want people to know about you?

I don’t want people to think I only take big cases. I always say, ‘No case is too big, and no case is too small.’ It’s no longer about a national story or getting recognition: it’s about working hard and seeking justice for our clients."

It's no longer about stories and recognition? Is that an admission then, that Jose is making? Sure sounds like it to me! :floorlaugh:

Also sounds to me like he is desperate for business - ANY kind of business! :floorlaugh:
I wonder how the jury interpreted it?

Ashton did one thing during the whole trial that was a little innappropriate compared to a zillion things that JB and Team did during the trial.

I wouldn't compare Ashton's laugh (which I don't blame him considering what was coming out of JB'S mouth) to JB's lie after lie after lie that affected and hurt a lot of innocent people and still continues too.

Just curious, what do you think happened to Caylee?
I wonder how the jury interpreted it?

Oh this jury definitely had a connection with Jose. No doubt about it. The big bad Jeff Ashton was picking on poor Jose. You're right about that.

I guess they showed Jeff eh?
Ashton did one thing during the whole trial that was a little innappropriate compared to a zillion things that JB and Team did during the trial.

I wouldn't compare Ashton's laugh (which I don't blame him considering what was coming out of JB'S mouth) to JB's lie after lie after lie that affected and hurt a lot of innocent people and still continues too.

Just curious, what do you think happened to Caylee?

Thank you so much for staying on this, BC, I appreciate it. It's an answer that I'd really like to have from an accomplished author. :seeya:

I just checked and did get a response from Diane Fanning.

My question to her: you know the answer to this. Just how do you get on the New York Times Bestseller list? I noticed that Rielle Hunter's book made it once while only selling a grand total of 6,000 copies and now it's bombing. Same with Baez's book. What are the requirements?

Her response:

Betty, The New York Times list is based on sales at their select group of brick-and-mortar stores and, to some degree, on anticipated sales. But it is all based on what happens in one particular week.

So, for example, Book A could sell 6,000 copies in one week and 1000 every week for the rest of the month for a total of 9000 in a month and get on the best seller list.

On the other hand, Book B, could sell 4000 copies a week for four weeks for a total of 12,000 in a month and not make the list. I hope that makes sense.

Excuse my math. LOL. 4000 a week for 4 weeks would be 16,000 a month. Duh!
Asked and answered already a dozen or so times. But for those who can't remember, IMO Caylee died some type of accidental death, Casey discovered it, panicked, didn't bring it to anyone's attention immeadiately, and in her mind, after the initial covering up, felt forced to continue hiding it.

Ashton did one thing during the whole trial that was a little innappropriate compared to a zillion things that JB and Team did during the trial.

I wouldn't compare Ashton's laugh (which I don't blame him considering what was coming out of JB'S mouth) to JB's lie after lie after lie that affected and hurt a lot of innocent people and still continues too.

Just curious, what do you think happened to Caylee?
I just checked and did get a response from Diane Fanning.

My question to her: you know the answer to this. Just how do you get on the New York Times Bestseller list? I noticed that Rielle Hunter's book made it once while only selling a grand total of 6,000 copies and now it's bombing. Same with Baez's book. What are the requirements?

Her response:

Betty, The New York Times list is based on sales at their select group of brick-and-mortar stores and, to some degree, on anticipated sales. But it is all based on what happens in one particular week.

So, for example, Book A could sell 6,000 copies in one week and 1000 every week for the rest of the month for a total of 9000 in a month and get on the best seller list.

On the other hand, Book B, could sell 4000 copies a week for four weeks for a total of 12,000 in a month and not make the list. I hope that makes sense.

Excuse my math. LOL. 4000 a week for 4 weeks would be 16,000 a month. Duh!

Much appreciated, BC.

I'm going to have to re-read this a few times to absorb it, I guess, because as I read it right now, she's basically saying "it's by guess and by golly" which books make it and which do not. :waitasec:

Are you getting any more out of this than I am? Anyone?
Much appreciated, BC.

I'm going to have to re-read this a few times to absorb it, I guess, because as I read it right now, she's basically saying "it's by guess and by golly" which books make it and which do not. :waitasec:

Are you getting any more out of this than I am? Anyone?

Yes, we used to play a game like this when I was young and sometimes hung around in the odd bar drinking cheap beer or wine - it's when you throw a quarter up against a wall and bet either heads or tails. The one with the right guess wins...
Asked and answered already a dozen or so times. But for those who can't remember, IMO Caylee died some type of accidental death, Casey discovered it, panicked, didn't bring it to anyone's attention immeadiately, and in her mind, after the initial covering up, felt forced to continue hiding it.

And in her spare time, (like over a whole month), Casey also decided to concoct the fictitious, evil story of George sexually molesting her for years, right?

Just for giggles n' grins, right?

What type of repulsively horrid daughter does that to her own father?!?

Answer: A daughter that also murders her very own baby girl.
Asked and answered already a dozen or so times. But for those who can't remember, IMO Caylee died some type of accidental death, Casey discovered it, panicked, didn't bring it to anyone's attention immeadiately, and in her mind, after the initial covering up, felt forced to continue hiding it.

you not buying the drowning theory either eh? If it was an accident, it should have been very easy to give an explanation in court that fit the evidence. but according to Jose, we will NEVER know what happend. Now why you suppose that is?
. . . and here's another interesting snippet (BBM):

"What do you want people to know about you?

I don’t want people to think I only take big cases. I always say, ‘No case is too big, and no case is too small.’ It’s no longer about a national story or getting recognition: it’s about working hard and seeking justice for our clients."

It's no longer about stories and recognition? Is that an admission then, that Jose is making? Sure sounds like it to me! :floorlaugh:

That is Baez-speak for... I have no clients, I was expecting some book sales and a job as a talking head - didn't happen - PLEASE CALL!
Asked and answered already a dozen or so times. But for those who can't remember, IMO Caylee died some type of accidental death, Casey discovered it, panicked, didn't bring it to anyone's attention immeadiately, and in her mind, after the initial covering up, felt forced to continue hiding it.

I'm just curious. Accidental as in without her neglect? How does a 2 year old die from an accident that her mother just discovers, doesn't try to help her, knows for sure she is in fact dead already and feels the need to cover and lie about it without her neglect or involvement at all?? With your belief of what happened, how is she inncocent of this crime if her child didn't make it to 3 years old in her care? IMO the prosecution put it best "why make an accident look like a murder if it was in fact an accident"....also, people don't usually try to cover something to this extent without a reason.
That is Baez-speak for... I have no clients, I was expecting some book sales and a job as a talking head - didn't happen - PLEASE CALL!

This is laughing in court by Mr. Ashton I was refering to :

Although thank you for pointing out another time he made light of Caylee's death.

Everyone laughed at Baez. He was cringe-worthy in his incompetence. Still is.
All the Attys on here laughed, all the attys on TV shows laughed, sometimes a nervous laugh since he so embarrassed them in public. No one wanted people to think that Baez represented their profession.
He was laughable..
Please, 53 posts calling out misquotes, misinformation and just sloppy research work?

Doing a little research - I could only make it through 26 posts.

Post #1 Describes purpose of thread.
post #2 list's an edit, not a discrepancy
post #4 states "this may or may not be true" - how can a may or may not be a discrepancy?
post #6 states "I don't think" and "assuming" - where is the evidence there is a discrepancy?
post #7 discrepancy is based on OP' opinion, not fact.
post #8 where is the discrepancy?
post #11 where is the discrepancy?
post #13 based on OP's opinion - where is the fact that contradicts it?
post #16 based on OP's opinion - where is the fact that contradicts it?
post #17 states "It makes no sense,” -discrepancy is based on OP' opinion, not fact.
post #19 discussion
post #20 list's an edit, not a discrepancy
post #22 list's an edit, not a discrepancy, and "It was an easy trip to think he was talking about drowning at least to me.. what do you all think" - OP's opinion
post #24 PO asks "tell me if the timeline's even possible" – where’s the fact that contradicts the timeline?
post #25 where's it from? Is it the factual discrepancy, or the fact?
post #26 pure discussion, no facts, contradictory or otherwise

The point is one or two mistakes are acceptable but the whole book is full of information that is not factual. JB was there, everyday. If you are going to write a book about facts that are documented and you still get it wrong where is there any credibility regarding the book as a whole. There is none.

The fact is there are 53 posts regarding inconsistencies in his book. I have seen 0 for JA's book. JB's book sale's ranking shows that most people really do not want to listen to his lies. If they do they will probably show up to his book signing and be willing to swallow whatever he is dishing out for their enjoyment. I would prefer to hear the truth and as we all know the truth and ANYTHING that has to do with the Anthony's are strangers. jmo
I'm just curious. Accidental as in without her neglect? How does a 2 year old die from an accident that her mother just discovers, doesn't try to help her, knows for sure she is in fact dead already and feels the need to cover and lie about it without her neglect or involvement at all?? With your belief of what happened, how is she inncocent of this crime if her child didn't make it to 3 years old in her care? IMO the prosecution put it best "why make an accident look like a murder if it was in fact an accident"

Great questions and if I may add to this....

So Caylee dies unexpectedly, er, "accidentally", and then Casey shows her vast love and dedication to her baby girl by shoving her in plastic garbage bags and tossing her in the woods to rot?

Bottom line, one can't expect the public to swallow "Casey's undying love" for Caylee when she proceeded to discard her like a bag of trash!

Common sense rules here, is it more logical to believe that Caylee died by accident when Casey showed such disregard and hate for Caylee after death? - OR - is it more logical, (coupled of course with the mounds of evidence), that Casey's disregard and hate for Caylee was FIRST shown by murdering her!?!

Any mother who loves their child will grieve for that child, attempting to treat that child even in death, as if the child were alive. Does anyone remember the Dr.'s example given on the witness stand of the mother whose son was found murdered, and she went to cover his body in the rain?

THAT, is love!

Casey Anthony detested Caylee, or more likely as Shirley Plesea stated, "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee."

(Sorry oldsoul, didn't mean to cop your post.)
Much appreciated, BC.

I'm going to have to re-read this a few times to absorb it, I guess, because as I read it right now, she's basically saying "it's by guess and by golly" which books make it and which do not. :waitasec:

Are you getting any more out of this than I am? Anyone?

Almost like the luck of the draw which week your book comes out? I'm not clear either D4V. lol
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