Sidebar Discussion #10

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Tell us how you really feel. LOL.. Great review.

Thank You!! I have been lurking for years. If I told you how I really feel I would probably be banned for life:jail: Let's just say looking forward to "karma", and it will come. I have never seen anyone so evil be rewarded EVER!! The whole bunch, and that goes for fca, jb, ca, jr, bw, cm and anyone associated with them will get justice some day. :maddening:

I am trying to find other people with amazon accounts but not much luck
Just saying, when you are early twenties and doing one night stands, I do not believe you would remember who you bedded in a drunken state perhaps...just sayin'

LOL this is true. never had one night stands but do recall a few times of not remembering :) I'm am wondering, are you speaking of FCA or the guy who is Caylee's father. Or maybe both :)
I'm pretty sure I know how the majority of us feel who have followed this case through all these threads and I have to say that anyone, anyone who has lied as frequently and consistently as KC has to believe she was responsible for the death of her child. Caylee was found with duct tape plastered on her face. Who puts duct tape on a child that has been dead for hours????? Who puts duct tape on a wet body and expects it to stick? The ME said the tape was placed on Caylee's face before her body started to decompose which would be right before or right after her death. If Caylee was in the pool it would have been an impossibility to place the duct tape on her face after she was found because it would have never stuck to her skin. We don't have to connect the dots we already know where they all lead. Let's not lose sight of who is the victim here. It certainly is not KC as she seems to be able to take care of herself and was ready to move on with her life by 6pm on the night of June 16, 2008 and has not missed a step since. jmo
bbm: "Honestly?" You honestly can't believe that anyone would think FCA had something to do with Caylee's death?

Not even most of FCA's own friends and family, including her grandmother, her uncle, her own father -- the people who know her so well and believe FCA caused Caylee's death? Not even seasoned and honorable OCSO investigators and FBI agents who collected facts, interviews, evidence that indicated she was guilty, guilty, guilty? Not even a grand jury who decided there was enough evidence to indict her? Not even the prosecuting attorneys who believed so strongly that she was guilty, that they not only charged her with murder, but chose to make it a death penalty case? Not even the interested public -- people who have studied and analyzed this case for years, in great detail thanks to the Sunshine Law, and who could come to no other conclusion than the (IMO) obvious one: that Casey killed Caylee?

"Honestly?" :waitasec:

Hmm. Well, *I* honestly cannot believe: that someone would "honestly" not believe that someone would think that Casey Anthony "might have" had something to do with Caylee's death.... JMO, of course.

I would also find it surprising if a person who "honestly" claimed to believe such a baffling thing, turned around and accused another person of LYING for having reviewed a book they have not read -- when clearly the reviewer in question has read large amounts of excerpts and descriptions from said book, and does not need to read the whole thing in order to review it. That is certainly not lying, IMO.

Wow, honesty as a concept can be a relative thing, for sure. JMO
To compare someone who wrote their comments (have no idea if it was an actual "review") on Amazon to someone who knowingly lied to LE when her precious daughter was "missing" is mind-boggling.
Seems a worm is being tossed, dear friend.
This is totally off topic but I had to share with you.wonderful folks. My daughter is now engaged, to an absolutely wonderful man. They have been dating for almost 7 years so we know him and his family very well. Both families are very happy about this.
bbm: Lay, Lady Lay

Boy, do I remember that song. Only, me…or…we…. or someone :dance: would sign it as… Lay, Lady Lay across my big waterbed. Boy, fun days from so long ago. Thanks for the memory. Hahahahaha, I just ask hubby if he remembers that song and he smiled real big and said: “Yeah, I remember and I wish I still had that waterbed.” :rocker:

Lol. I too an a child of that era. I do still have the waterbed, but it is really hard to find sheets now.
Lol. I too an a child of that era. I do still have the waterbed, but it is really hard to find sheets now.

I use the deep pocket sheets on our waterbed. I have in the past sewn deeper corners when I found a comforter I liked and wanted the sheets to match. At our cabin we have a regular bed and it's like sleeping on a board.

Ah the sixties and early seventy's.
Well, gosh - jose said george is a bad speller................ but we know it is not the other bad speller in the house?).......... just a theory, not FOOLproof, ya know! :seeya:

PS - The flower deleted all her posts and took her marbles and went away today! Bye ya KC! (JMHO, etc...)

Guess she did not want to be giving free previews of her future book?
bbm: Lay, Lady Lay

Boy, do I remember that song. Only, me…or…we…. or someone :dance: would sign it as… Lay, Lady Lay across my big waterbed. Boy, fun days from so long ago. Thanks for the memory. Hahahahaha, I just ask hubby if he remembers that song and he smiled real big and said: “Yeah, I remember and I wish I still had that waterbed.” :rocker:

Yes, there are those who smile with a glint in our eye and a bit of a faraway look when we hear that song...:rocker:
Those waterbeds were sure something!!
This is totally off topic but I had to share with you.wonderful folks. My daughter is now engaged, to an absolutely wonderful man. They have been dating for almost 7 years so we know him and his family very well. Both families are very happy about this.[/QUOTE

Congratulations and my very best wishes for a life of love and happiness for your daughter and her partner...hugs!!
Lol. I too an a child of that era. I do still have the waterbed, but it is really hard to find sheets now.

i graduated in 72.... i remember those days
but ditched the water bed years ago lol....
I'm pretty sure I know how the majority of us feel who have followed this case through all these threads and I have to say that anyone, anyone who has lied as frequently and consistently as KC has to believe she was responsible for the death of her child. Caylee was found with duct tape plastered on her face. Who puts duct tape on a child that has been dead for hours????? Who puts duct tape on a wet body and expects it to stick? The ME said the tape was placed on Caylee's face before her body started to decompose which would be right before or right after her death. If Caylee was in the pool it would have been an impossibility to place the duct tape on her face after she was found because it would have never stuck to her skin. We don't have to connect the dots we already know where they all lead. Let's not lose sight of who is the victim here. It certainly is not KC as she seems to be able to take care of herself and was ready to move on with her life by 6pm on the night of June 16, 2008 and has not missed a step since. jmo

I'm hearing a little respect for my many unusual duct tape experiments - am I???:seeya:
bbm: Lay, Lady Lay

Boy, do I remember that song. Only, me…or…we…. or someone :dance: would sign it as… Lay, Lady Lay across my big waterbed. Boy, fun days from so long ago. Thanks for the memory. Hahahahaha, I just ask hubby if he remembers that song and he smiled real big and said: “Yeah, I remember and I wish I still had that waterbed.” :rocker:

I had no idea how many of you would pop up with a goofy grin on your faces - and say y-e-a-hhh - I remember that as I hummed a few bars of an old song...:rocker:
Who ever asked if jose had refered to casey as OSA not that i saw.. in the book lol..
btw what does the O stand for.. i missed that one..

I think it stands for offender but I'm not sure. I'm still wondering what BBM means.
1) ok, may be disputed, but WILL never be changed.
2) please do not add words I didn't use, but as far as a court of law is concerned, not guilty is as good as innocent.
3) big whoop - what does the DCF ruliung get anyone?
4) you are assuming the father is alive, did not have a part in Caylee's death, and assuming the civil court would find Casey guilty - just as the vast majority of the public felt would happen in criminal court. How did that work out? By the way, what would happen if Casey was found responsible in a civil court? She isn't going to do jail time, and has no money.

Really? Really????
1. That is the only thing I will agree with you on. It is unfortunate and a travesty. It can not be changed and a killer walked free. A poor little child paid for that with her life. But hey, although some say she's in a better place, she deserved better than what she was dealt, by her entire family.

2. No idea what words you're referring to. [/B]And NO, they're not the same... there is difference between “factual guilt” and “legal innocence", just because you’re found “not guilty” doesn’t mean that you’re “innocent, both in a court of law, or even of public opinion. [/B]Determinations of factual guilt are unencumbered by the many safeguards the Constitution, They appear in the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments — three of the 10 amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights. See, the Constitution when written and now, would rather set 10 guilty men/women free than execute 1 innocent man/woman. Unfortunately that's what happened here. I'm Canadian and apparently know the U.S. law and Constitution better than you do, but I don't mind enlightening you. It may help some day.

3.Hmmm, NICE! Really nice. If I didn't know better, I'd think that was sarcastic and that you sound angry DCF didn't do more before it was too late. But not surprised with that comment from one of her supporters. A child died for heavens sake and you say "big whoop, what does DCF ruling get anyone". Others have previously enlightened you, so I won't continue.

4. You have got to be kidding!!!! I don't even know where to start with that one!

Just who do you think killed poor Caylee. And if you think it was an accidental drowning, just where was OCA while she was fighting for her life?
1) ok, may be disputed, but WILL never be changed.
2) please do not add words I didn't use, but as far as a court of law is concerned, not guilty is as good as innocent.
3) big whoop - what does the DCF ruliung get anyone?
4) you are assuming the father is alive, did not have a part in Caylee's death, and assuming the civil court would find Casey guilty - just as the vast majority of the public felt would happen in criminal court. How did that work out? By the way, what would happen if Casey was found responsible in a civil court? She isn't going to do jail time, and has no money.

Lastly, may I add this ( in part, rest found at link if you're interested:

The Meaning of a Not Guilty Verdict
By Jeralyn, Section Crime Policy
Posted on Tue Jul 05, 2011 at 10:06:20 PM EST

A handy little primer, followed by some thoughts on the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the presumption of innocence.

A Verdict of Not Guilty Includes:

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury find that the defendant is absolutely 100% innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury, cannot be absolutely sure that the defendant is innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury are confident that the defendant is innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury believe that the defendant is probably innocent. [More...]

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury are not really sure one way or the other if the defendant is guilty or innocent.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury believe it is more likely than not that the defendant is guilty.

Based upon the evidence presented, we the Jury believe that the defendant is probably guilty.

We the Jury believe that the defendant is guilty but the evidence falls a little short and we cannot find that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Criminal trials should not be equated with a search for the truth. They are merely a process for the testing of evidence: Can the state prove the charges against a defendant by proof beyond a reasonable doubt? As former Chief Judge Richard Matsch wrote in an opinion granting separate trials for Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols:

The ones highlighter/bolded are what happened with the 12 idiot jurors, I don't think even a video of OCA taping her poor childs face would have convinced those Pinelles 12, after all, they were in a hurry to get to Disney land.

With the last 2 posts I rest my case. Hope beyond hope you'll read even further into these laws, but I won't hold my breath
Wait did someone say more poems?! No, really, don't get me started.

Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
I'd like to take a minute - just sit tight fella
I'll tell you how I became the lawyer for a girl tatted "bella"

In total obscurity, born and raised
At the strip mall is where I spent most of my days
Chillin out maxin, relaxin' all cool
Til this girl needed to convince 'em her kid drowned in the pool

A couple of guys, they were up to no good
Daddy and her bro, well maybe they didn't but don't you think they COULD??
I got one little verdict and they called me a cheata
I said "I'm moving with the felon, on to 'bella vita'"

Put our story in a book, the fame is coming near
My screen name says "Manta" and I post 5-star cheer
But my book's not selling, how could this be?
Don't they know the meaning of "NOT GUILTY"??


(This is a parody of the "Fresh Prince" theme and in no way insinuates I think anyone to do with the original is as skeezy as the felon and her lawyer!! All JMO!)
BBM I honestly cannot believe that someone would think that Casey Anthony "might have" had something to do with Caylee's death.

It has already been brought up but DCF definately thinks that Casey had something to do with Caylee's death. I'd also say that the Grand Jury thought that there was enough evidence to prove that Casey had something to do with Caylee's death. Then there are the countless media, lawyers, and regular people that read the documents that were released that also believe that Casey had something to do with Caylee's death. I dare say that those numbers greatly out weigh the numbers that believe that Casey had NOTHING to do with Caylee's death. Are we are going to count the imaginary friends of Casey in the number that don't believe it? There must be a reason for so many to believe it.

I'm reading JB's book and in chapter 14 he talks about the searches done on the Anthony computer on June 16th. We all heard recently about the 'foolproof suffocation' search and the 'venturing into the pro-suicide pit' website. But he also says that the person on that computer visited a website that said 'heat can melt disposable breathing circuits' and shortly thereafter a gardening website '10 ways to kill a rhododendron'. If this is true (and of course he doesn't provide any evidence) who was on that computer? And why did that person (Casey?) look at a website about killing rhododendrons?
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