Sidebar Discussion #11

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Happy birthday to sweet Caylee! What would she be.. 6 now?

In honor of Caylees birthday I am going to buy a copy of Ashtons book. I have the kindle version so would like to have the book version too. Also would like to purchase the kindle version of Grishms The Innocent Man.. so it can rise above jbs book in the law category that he is still able to maintain #1 position.

Anyone with me?

Caylee would be 7 now, Kaki. Hard to believe. I don't have a kindle but I may look at the Nookbooks and see if it's ranked there. Wow.. they still want $14.55 for it on Nook. No way Jose! Sales rank is 4,623 per b&n. Off to buy Jeff's nookbook.

Pre-ordered the updated version. Apparently there's a new "After" section in it? Thank you Jeff Ashton.

Darling Caylee, you live on in our hearts.

Now I need to have a little cry.

(P.S. I'm gonna give myself a three-day timeout; sometimes I get carried away and I sure don't want to get any other posters in trouble. I love you guys. See you in a few.)
(P.S. I'm gonna give myself a three-day timeout; sometimes I get carried away and I sure don't want to get any other posters in trouble. I love you guys. See you in a few.)

Please take whatever time you need. (I needed almost a full year!) This case, and its outcome are heartbreaking. Be good to you, and we'll 'see' you when you feel up to it.

If FCA really is getting 15% on the book she must be really PO'd at JB. Any guesses on how long it takes her to turn on him?
Not sure I can read it yet, but I did notice this: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #6,711 in Books

It's a grand morning when I can come in and say Happy Birthday to Caylee and glance over to see that Baez presumed guilty is sinking to 6711/27/43 with his last buy 8 hours ago.

And now you tell me he's writing reviews with dignity and integrity? I'd better finish my coffee first before I have a peek....
Okay checked out dignity and integrity - that one isn't even worth getting upset about - I laughed out loud!!

In response to dignity and integrity, let me just say that the people have spoken at Barnes and Noble, seniding "the book" to a new low of

Sales Rank # 16,430 Hardcover and Kindle Sales Rank #4623

Now THAT is what I call dignity and integrity!!!
I just have to add one of the comments posted at Hal's article. It says it all.

In her brief lifetime, this angel became the symbol for all unwanted and abused children, who suffer a tragic end at the hands of their mothers. It happens everyday in the world, but because of the access to facts, evidence, and depositions, the access to the trial, to be able to hear with your own ears, and see with your own eyes, how the defense team was allowed to lie, slander and manipulate, all in the name of giving a “fair” trial to a festering psychopath, the public became outraged. Seeing the grandparents, who claimed to have loved this child so much, that the grandfather, suppossedly wanted to kill himself to be with her, cover up for the dirtbag who killed her, simply because “no one beats the Anthonys”. Oh and in the midst of all this, discovered that by continuing the lies, they could generate money for themselves and never have to get “off their lazy asses” and work again. The family are the ONLY people who never searched for Caylee. The family are the only people who lied repeatedly to law enforcement, the family are the only people who bragged about giving the wrong hairbrush to LE, the family are the only ones who thought it would have been funny to give the FBI the dogs toothbrush. The family are the only people who find the humour in any of this. Rest in peace Caylee, you really ARE in a better place. than you were.
I just have to add one of the comments posted at Hal's article. It says it all.

In her brief lifetime, this angel became the symbol for all unwanted and abused children, who suffer a tragic end at the hands of their mothers. It happens everyday in the world, but because of the access to facts, evidence, and depositions, the access to the trial, to be able to hear with your own ears, and see with your own eyes, how the defense team was allowed to lie, slander and manipulate, all in the name of giving a “fair” trial to a festering psychopath, the public became outraged. Seeing the grandparents, who claimed to have loved this child so much, that the grandfather, suppossedly wanted to kill himself to be with her, cover up for the dirtbag who killed her, simply because “no one beats the Anthonys”. Oh and in the midst of all this, discovered that by continuing the lies, they could generate money for themselves and never have to get “off their lazy asses” and work again. The family are the ONLY people who never searched for Caylee. The family are the only people who lied repeatedly to law enforcement, the family are the only people who bragged about giving the wrong hairbrush to LE, the family are the only ones who thought it would have been funny to give the FBI the dogs toothbrush. The family are the only people who find the humour in any of this. Rest in peace Caylee, you really ARE in a better place. than you were.

Awesome! We should post that under all the 5 star reviews.
Since FCA has had her last PO monthly visit, what happens on 8/23? How does probation end?

Does FCA have to report in to get her walking papers or is that handled by her attorneys?
Does the PO Board present her with a Congratulations certificate for not causing them any trouble?

Another excellent post

thanks hal! no she will never be forgotten for many reasons. we have never seen a family so completely evil and money hungry, and so completely happy about it. instead of helping le they did everything in their power to twart justice. well, IT is free now. IT has done nothing in her entire life worth mentioning. she took pic for kodak of visitors at universal. for this her mother calls her a photo expert . really????? seems they always wanted to portray themselves as something they werent. a cubicle became spindys office. a memorial for caylee became a slobbering mess about IT. they were never grandparents in the true sense of the word. taking pics and buying clothes, mostly halloween costumes does not a grandparent make. spindy kept her paternity a secret so their would be no messy dad and another set of grandparents to contend with. they knew what IT was but were too busy “pretending” to ba a normal family and left an innocent with IT. now they are richer, have caylee tatoos, and wear her as jewelry. no caylee will NEVER be forgotten. as for the rest, they can all go to hell
OK - you all may or may not know that I have a penchant for going back and reading docs from the past with the spin of what we know now vs. back then. It is fascinating to me. I happened upon a site that had all of Dominic Casey’s emails to Luke Phillips and some to Ginny (the psychic). Interesting to say the very least. But this particular email is where I believe JB got his defense. There are also emails that show that Dominic absolutely could not stand Jose.

From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 3:46 PM
RE: Puerto Rico connections
Cannot say that I have kept track of George/Lee's movements but have observed how talkative Lee was in the beginning, now he is very subdued yet snappy at times.
George goes ballistic at the slightest thing . . . Caylee was born 8-9-2005, George filed for divorce 12-29-2005 and the filing was dismissed 11-28-2007.
The period between 11-28-2007 and June 16, 2008 appears to have been extremely dysfunctional within the family.
Bear in mind, George was the last to see both Casey and Caylee on June 16, 2008 when "both" are reported (by George) to have left the house at 1250 pm "as normal"; at 2:50 pm George states he left the house. At 3:03 pm, Casey called George's cell, he did not answer. Casey then made four (4) calls to Cindy: 4:10 pm Work, 4:11 pm Cell, 4:13 pm Cindy's Cell, 4:14 pm Cindy's work ... Luke, from the beginning I have had the horrible feeling that Casey left the house without Caylee. Here is the way it goes, George snaps and he "hides Caylee" at the house while Casey is getting ready, Casey comes from her room and asks were Caylee is, George tells Casey to get the hell out and stay out, she is an unfit mother and he will take care of Caylee. Now how does DNA get into Casey's car and Caylee relocated?
OK - you all may or may not know that I have a penchant for going back and reading docs from the past with the spin of what we know now vs. back then. It is fascinating to me. I happened upon a site that had all of Dominic Casey’s emails to Luke Phillips and some to Ginny (the psychic). Interesting to say the very least. But this particular email is where I believe JB got his defense. There are also emails that show that Dominic absolutely could not stand Jose.

From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 3:46 PM
RE: Puerto Rico connections
Cannot say that I have kept track of George/Lee's movements but have observed how talkative Lee was in the beginning, now he is very subdued yet snappy at times.
George goes ballistic at the slightest thing . . . Caylee was born 8-9-2005, George filed for divorce 12-29-2005 and the filing was dismissed 11-28-2007.
The period between 11-28-2007 and June 16, 2008 appears to have been extremely dysfunctional within the family.
Bear in mind, George was the last to see both Casey and Caylee on June 16, 2008 when "both" are reported (by George) to have left the house at 1250 pm "as normal"; at 2:50 pm George states he left the house. At 3:03 pm, Casey called George's cell, he did not answer. Casey then made four (4) calls to Cindy: 4:10 pm Work, 4:11 pm Cell, 4:13 pm Cindy's Cell, 4:14 pm Cindy's work ... Luke, from the beginning I have had the horrible feeling that Casey left the house without Caylee. Here is the way it goes, George snaps and he "hides Caylee" at the house while Casey is getting ready, Casey comes from her room and asks were Caylee is, George tells Casey to get the hell out and stay out, she is an unfit mother and he will take care of Caylee. Now how does DNA get into Casey's car and Caylee relocated?

Of course he couldn't stand Jose - Dom Casey billed his for 90K for his time and Jose refused to pay him a dime....
Of course he couldn't stand Jose - Dom Casey billed his for 90K for his time and Jose refused to pay him a dime....

Yeah, but this was actually early on, before he racked up that bill....and got no money. Example:

Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 8:26 PM
Subject: RE: Athens Pic's - Grund's - Threats
Way too many Prima Donna's in this circus -eh? I've got to head up to PA tomorrow for a cadaver dog search but should be reachable on my cell phone 540-327-3719 .. I will keep trying to run down anything on the vehicles tonight -will be a long one.
-- "D&A Investigations, Dominic" <> wrote:
Baez is too busy playing with the media . . . I often feel as though we are running the entire case what with the investigation coupled with providing research for pleadings which I do not mind, but he needs to focus more on the issues at hand . . . my 2 cents . . .

From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 8:43 PM
Subject: RE: Athens Pic's - Grund's - Threats
Thank you Luke. Good luck with the cadaver dog search hope things turn out well. One day you maybe could tell me the accuracy rate on cadaver dogs which I understand the handlers experience plays a big role. They had an idiot handler from the Sheriff's department testify at Casey's bond hearing, bearing in mind that when a handler testifies he/she is testifying as an expert witness. This idiot had no training logs etc and Baez failed to challenge with the arguments I provided, Baez has just recently filed a motion now using the arguments, day late dollar short . . .


From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 2:28 PM
Subject: RE: 08129 Gregory ... Update
Still observing subject and all "appears" normal which of course makes me suspicious - we are going to stay on this until my "gut feeling" is answered.
This morning was as you may imagine a circus picking up Casey at the Jail and bringing her home. The media had trap cars at all intersections but I managed to get around them, they were all over us on 1-4 and the East West Expressway, I had a couple of chase vehicles blocking them, as you may imagine, quite a bloody mess but all was well and security is tight at the Anthony's home. I was a very tearful reunion and Casey's body language reinforces to me that she so desperately seeking to get Caylee home.
I am somewhat disillusioned with Baez and had to bite my tongue. He has me at the point of telling him to go fly a kite, all he did on the drive was call media 20/20, Geraldo, Greta and playing them. His conduct towards me is far from acceptable. I have to re-think whether to just go solo on this . .
One more...sorry if this doesn't interest ya'll. I find it fascinating.

From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: 08129 Thinking ...
Attachments: image001.gif
Spending time with Jose Baez today when picking up Casey from Jail, time at Casey's home and back at his office for a little while I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I need to disassociate myself from The Baez Law Firm and continue my investigation solo. Of course this will probably eliminate any contact with Casey and probably the family however we have sufficient to go on with what our investigation has produced this far (and that is without any input from Baez), so I will think about this over the weekend and come to a final decision on Monday ... Dominic!

From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11 :10 AM
RE: Any news?
D&A Statement Nancy Grace Show 9.16.0B.jpg
Sorry, I did not get your message ... no real news other than Casey is out of Jail which I am sure you are aware of and, I believe she is opening up a little at a time. On another note, I have attached a statement which I gave to a producer of the Nancy Grace show and below is Jose Baez email to me regarding his opinion, maybe you could advise me on this .
I appreciate all of the hard work you are doing on this case. I know you have voiced your concerns of feeling under appreciated but that is simply not the case. I have been extremely busy lately and have not had the time to pat everyone on the back. However, the writing of this statement is unacceptable. I have a public relations firm that is handling all of our media and any statements on behalf of the defense. You cannot unilaterally write any media outlet and make any statements on behalf of Casey Anthony or The Baez Law Firm. Not only is this in violation of our confidentiality agreement, it is counter productive to what we are trying to accomplish. I must insist if you wish to have anything to do with this case, you must refrain from having any contact with the media whatsoever.
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