Sidebar Discussion #12

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I want to say first I don't like the actions of any of the Anthony's over the last four years - but if we aren't privy to whatever this is he may or may not have done - how do we know it happened.

IMO he was the one person in the family who questioned her from the very beginning and the first to know she was guilty. We have no information to say otherwise. We do have information that says he was never in any danger of being charged with anything except "out there" in the urban legends about this case.

But I would happily read a link or two that may change my mind if you would provide them?

There were many conversations at the time as to what Lee had done that would require immunity before he made a statement. Here is one quote from his own atty that comes to mind. I will look for some more. His atty said at one time he expected he would be charged with obstructing justice for tampering with evidence- I remember that clearly. He obviously needed immunity for SOMETHING, but we will never know those details now.
Been busy following Elizabeth Johnson trial so haven't posted in a bit I guess.

@RR0004 :woohoo: fantastic news on the biopsy, now you can relax and get back to living a full happy life. Thrilled for you.

Of course none of them want to speak. They can't remember all their lies and probably affraid that this time around will be charged with perjury. That's on my wish list.
We are getting serious lightning storm here, my TV has gone off and cable Internet is iffy. I will be back later to finish my thought about LA.
Thanks, LG! I actually had to run to the doctor this afternoon. It seems that I have an infection by the incision. Antibiotics should take care of it, but just had to let you know that when I asked the doctor if I was a good girl, could I go to the JETS game on Sunday, he said "yes", and suggested that I might want to wrap the area with an ace bandage if I was going to be on my feet for awhile. I thought to myself, gee LG is soooooooo smart!!!



The one thing that still REALLY bothers me about this case (other than Caylee's untimely demise at the hands of the one she should have been able to count on to keep her safe, NO MATTER WHAT!) is Lee asking FCA "Is this like the last time?"
Me, too. And KC saying "don't worry, I haven't said anything." I'd love to know what she shut up about.

Me three!! ??!!

There were many conversations at the time as to what Lee had done that would require immunity before he made a statement. Here is one quote from his own atty that comes to mind. I will look for some more. His atty said at one time he expected he would be charged with obstructing justice for tampering with evidence- I remember that clearly. He obviously needed immunity for SOMETHING, but we will never know those details now.

Thanks ZsaZsa for posting this link!
Thanks, LG! I actually had to run to the doctor this afternoon. It seems that I have an infection by the incision. Antibiotics should take care of it, but just had to let you know that when I asked the doctor if I was a good girl, could I go to the JETS game on Sunday, he said "yes", and suggested that I might want to wrap the area with an ace bandage if I was going to be on my feet for awhile. I thought to myself, gee LG is soooooooo smart!!!

That's COOL!!!! Glad you can go!!
There were many conversations at the time as to what Lee had done that would require immunity before he made a statement. Here is one quote from his own atty that comes to mind. I will look for some more. His atty said at one time he expected he would be charged with obstructing justice for tampering with evidence- I remember that clearly. He obviously needed immunity for SOMETHING, but we will never know those details now.

Yes, and while he had quite the hysterical lawyer over kept over reacting in the media, they were talking about the LE questioning him about the computer. That was very early on in the case when everyone was a suspect. But the LE completely cleared him.

I was very suspicious of Lee - partly because of his over-reactions out on the lawn that day, because he always seemed so shifty and closed off and gave odd answers. So I read anything and everything I could find about him, and most of it again recently after being away from it for a year.

I just can't find anything about him except his overly emotional and extremely inappropriate reactions and responses. He's just....odd. IMO
Ok dear, great great news that the borders were clear!

Now, put down those ciggies and I will join you tomorrow in doing so. Get back on that wagon to heal sooner! Know you fell off at the first biopsy, so let us do together, starting NOW!

:blowkiss: and celebrate!

Hey! did YOU fall off the bandwagon? :what: You worked so hard at it I thought you'd be the one who made it!
The one thing that still REALLY bothers me about this case (other than Caylee's untimely demise at the hands of the one she should have been able to count on to keep her safe, NO MATTER WHAT!) is Lee asking FCA "Is this like the last time?"

Yes, me too. That's on my list of -WTH was that about?
Yes, and while he had quite the hysterical lawyer over kept over reacting in the media, they were talking about the LE questioning him about the computer. That was very early on in the case when everyone was a suspect. But the LE completely cleared him.

I was very suspicious of Lee - partly because of his over-reactions out on the lawn that day, because he always seemed so shifty and closed off and gave odd answers. So I read anything and everything I could find about him, and most of it again recently after being away from it for a year.

I just can't find anything about him except his overly emotional and extremely inappropriate reactions and responses. He's just....odd. IMO

Not so sure he was officially 'cleared ' of any wrongdoing- do you recall a statement to that effect?
LE probably put it on the back burner until all their other investigation was complete. LE obviously knew what he had done and LA realized he'd been caught red-handed. LA hired an atty as soon as he knew charges were being considered. I wouldn't call that over reaction from him or his atty...
I think he's best described as a weirdo.
Not so sure he was officially 'cleared ' of any wrongdoing- do you recall a statement to that effect?
LE probably put it on the back burner until all their other investigation was complete. LE obviously knew what he had done and LA realized he'd been caught red-handed. LA hired an atty as soon as he knew charges were being considered. I wouldn't call that over reaction from him or his atty...
I think he's best described as a weirdo.[/QUOTE]

:floorlaugh: I was ...ermmm....cough...thinking of our tos...And his father was a cop. He hired an attorney as soon as he found out the LE wanted to talk to him. Nothing unusual about that in a case like this. For all we know, Brad what's his name or whoever was GA and CA's lawyer at the time suggested it.

It was Jeff Ashton who said he had been cleared of any charges.I wasn't expecting that so I particularly took note.
How are things like this possible?

Rapist seeking visitation with child he fathered after attack on teen victim

Published September 25, 2012

This is just so wrong. At time I really think this world has gone insane.
There were many conversations at the time as to what Lee had done that would require immunity before he made a statement. Here is one quote from his own atty that comes to mind. I will look for some more. His atty said at one time he expected he would be charged with obstructing justice for tampering with evidence- I remember that clearly. He obviously needed immunity for SOMETHING, but we will never know those details now.
I knew I saw something. Thanks, Zsa Zsa.
Yes, you have a memory. I did indded get the stop smoking for Caylee thread going down below, and I fell off the wagon long ago :blush:

Everyone, effort to RR not me now!

She needs us and healing and prayers for RR, and loving her great news on her biopsy!

We are getting serious lightning storm here, my TV has gone off and cable Internet is iffy. I will be back later to finish my thought about LA.

Hey! did YOU fall off the bandwagon? :what: You worked so hard at it I thought you'd be the one who made it!
Yes, and while he had quite the hysterical lawyer over kept over reacting in the media, they were talking about the LE questioning him about the computer. That was very early on in the case when everyone was a suspect. But the LE completely cleared him.

I was very suspicious of Lee - partly because of his over-reactions out on the lawn that day, because he always seemed so shifty and closed off and gave odd answers. So I read anything and everything I could find about him, and most of it again recently after being away from it for a year.

I just can't find anything about him except his overly emotional and extremely inappropriate reactions and responses. He's just....odd. IMO

"odd answers"
"extremely inappropriate reactions and responses"

That's kinda the entire A family, isn't it? I think it might even be on their family crest: Shiftus Inappropriatus, or something.

Making a joke but it really ain't funny. Nothing funny about this clan. I know I should be over it by now, but when I think of how they have profited from sweet Caylee's murder, I just want to....well. You know.
Both the Anhony's acted like maroons in their M&M depositions. I would think they want a do-over so that what is shown in court WON'T be those original depositions. Since then, S. Zimmerman has been charged with perjury in her husband's case. They must be very afraid that this could happen to them. They need to fess up to the truth.

They both helped to save their daughter from the death penalty big time. Now, they need to do the right thing or they will do more time than CA ever did. JMHO!
Both the Anhony's acted like maroons in their M&M depositions. I would think they want a do-over so that what is shown in court WON'T be those original depositions. Since then, S. Zimmerman has been charged with perjury in her husband's case. They must be very afraid that this could happen to them. They need to fess up to the truth.

They both helped to save their daughter from the death penalty big time. Now, they need to do the right thing or they will do more time than CA ever did. JMHO!

This time more is at stake! MONEY. :maddening:
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